Politifact: Claim that Biden's Keystone pipeline order drove gas prices up is rated "FALSE""

The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.

Facebook posts
stated on March 7, 2021 in a Facebook post:
Says Joe Biden executive orders caused price increases of 50 cents in gas and 10% in food.

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)
President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

Tom Kertscher
By Tom KertscherMarch 10, 2021
No, the price of gas isn’t up 50 cents, price of food isn’t up 10% under Biden
  • The average price of gas is about 34 cents per gallon higher since Biden took office.
  • Experts say Biden’s orders on the Keystone pipeline and oil and gas leasing might affect future gas prices, but have no effect on current prices.
  • Grocery store prices are 3.5% higher than they were one year ago and have risen less than 1% in 2021.
See the sources for this fact-check

Are President Joe Biden’s executive orders so powerful that, in the less than two months he’s held office, they have spiked the price of gasoline by 50 cents and the price of food by 10%?
That’s the claim of a post widely shared by musician Ted Nugent and others on Facebook.
It says: "When executive orders cause gas to go up 50 cents a gallon and food costs to increase 10%, you just taxed the middle class."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Biden began issuing executive orders on Jan. 20, the day of his inauguration. The claim we’re checking was posted March 7. Let’s see what’s happened in between.
Gas up 34 cents; orders not a factor
Since bottoming out at $1.87 a gallon in late April 2020, gas prices have mostly been going up. The bulk of the increase came under President Donald Trump, with prices continuing to rise under Biden.
Nationally, the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.46 on Jan. 18, the final weekly tally before Biden took office. It rose to $2.80 on March 1, the latest weekly tally before the Facebook post, according to the U.S. Energy Administration. That’s an increase of 34 cents under Biden.
The prices were similar at GasBuddy.com: $2.41 on Jan. 19 and $2.77 on March 7 — an increase of 36 cents.

Viral image
stated on February 10, 2021 in a Facebook post
Says Gorilla Glue tweeted, “Do not use our products on your f------ hair.”

By Ciara O'Rourke • February 10, 2021
Some critics have said that Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline with one executive order would quickly result in higher gasoline prices. But we previously found that, for several reasons, that’s not the case. For starters, the pipeline wasn’t operating yet, so canceling it didn’t change the balance of supply and demand.
In the same executive order, Biden placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. But Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, said that action has not affected current gas prices either, because current oil supplies are not affected. The order could, however, have an impact on gas prices in a few years, he said.
In general, a president has limited control over the weekly and monthly shifts in gasoline prices. Gas prices depend mostly on global supply and demand.
The OPEC oil cartel and Russia have made voluntary production cuts, which has the effect of raising prices. A greater impact has been made on prices by demand, as a result of the slow but steady economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
The site is notoriously biased towards leftists / Dems and has been caught lying more than once....

China and Canada benefit from the Keystone XL.. The US consumer does not. Quit being a knuckle dragger.
Yeah, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work - after already destroying more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses and putting their employees out of work, taking millions away from small towns that used their oil / pipeline-generated revenue - money used to pay for schools / day cares, etc..., in the middle of a pandemic in which Democrats used COVID-19 to torpedo the economy and wipe out the successes of Americans who had escaped the Democrat plantsation and policies of economic slavery.....Yup, put tens of thousand oil industry workers out of a job, lie to them and promise them they can have non-existent 'Green' jobs to save their families and ability to make a living, and put all of the other fossil fuel industries - and their employees - on notice that you're coming after them and their jobs, too...stop the leasing of land for oil fracking and drilling, and attempt to tout the successes of 'Green Energy' after the Texas debacle...tell Americans you are going to outlaw the use of all fossil fuel and the internal combustion engine (say good -bye to your cars - the govt going to buy you a new one?) and rely on alternate green energy sources that currently provide only 30% of our nation's energy needs and plan to rely on TECHNOLOGY THAT HAS NOT BEEN INVENTED YET (like those Green Energy jobs Biden promised the tens of thousands of Oil industry workers he fired in his 1st 10 days in office)....

Gee, yeah...sure, I can see how none of that could possibly have an impact on gas prices, our energy independence, and making our enemies stronger.

Wait, are you telling me the oil market is a global commodity that is highly interconnected and that the President of 1 country doesn't pull a daily lever to set the oil prices after he puts his slippers on in the morning?

Yeah, okay dude, hahahaha. Next you'll be saying Biden won the fraudulent election. XD Sad!
The coincidences when Progs have power are there for all to see. The oil industry is sensitive to access and they are in it to have profits. Biden has removed access or has caused the price of the access to go up. The cost is passed on to consumers.
The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.

Facebook posts
stated on March 7, 2021 in a Facebook post:
Says Joe Biden executive orders caused price increases of 50 cents in gas and 10% in food.

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)
President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

Tom Kertscher
By Tom KertscherMarch 10, 2021
No, the price of gas isn’t up 50 cents, price of food isn’t up 10% under Biden
  • The average price of gas is about 34 cents per gallon higher since Biden took office.
  • Experts say Biden’s orders on the Keystone pipeline and oil and gas leasing might affect future gas prices, but have no effect on current prices.
  • Grocery store prices are 3.5% higher than they were one year ago and have risen less than 1% in 2021.
See the sources for this fact-check

Are President Joe Biden’s executive orders so powerful that, in the less than two months he’s held office, they have spiked the price of gasoline by 50 cents and the price of food by 10%?
That’s the claim of a post widely shared by musician Ted Nugent and others on Facebook.
It says: "When executive orders cause gas to go up 50 cents a gallon and food costs to increase 10%, you just taxed the middle class."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Biden began issuing executive orders on Jan. 20, the day of his inauguration. The claim we’re checking was posted March 7. Let’s see what’s happened in between.
Gas up 34 cents; orders not a factor
Since bottoming out at $1.87 a gallon in late April 2020, gas prices have mostly been going up. The bulk of the increase came under President Donald Trump, with prices continuing to rise under Biden.
Nationally, the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.46 on Jan. 18, the final weekly tally before Biden took office. It rose to $2.80 on March 1, the latest weekly tally before the Facebook post, according to the U.S. Energy Administration. That’s an increase of 34 cents under Biden.
The prices were similar at GasBuddy.com: $2.41 on Jan. 19 and $2.77 on March 7 — an increase of 36 cents.

Viral image
stated on February 10, 2021 in a Facebook post
Says Gorilla Glue tweeted, “Do not use our products on your f------ hair.”

By Ciara O'Rourke • February 10, 2021
Some critics have said that Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline with one executive order would quickly result in higher gasoline prices. But we previously found that, for several reasons, that’s not the case. For starters, the pipeline wasn’t operating yet, so canceling it didn’t change the balance of supply and demand.
In the same executive order, Biden placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. But Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, said that action has not affected current gas prices either, because current oil supplies are not affected. The order could, however, have an impact on gas prices in a few years, he said.
In general, a president has limited control over the weekly and monthly shifts in gasoline prices. Gas prices depend mostly on global supply and demand.
The OPEC oil cartel and Russia have made voluntary production cuts, which has the effect of raising prices. A greater impact has been made on prices by demand, as a result of the slow but steady economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

i hope that for whatever reason, gas goes up above 10 dollars per gallon, the higher filthy fossil fuel price goes, the faster the transition to green energy will be...

Joe Biden and the Dims declare war on fossil fuels and win office.

How are they not then the focal point of what happens to the price of something that is now targeted? The DNC has declared war on fossil fuels.

It's like the war on Dr. Sueuss. Outlaw a book and they sell for $500 a pop.

Not that hard to understand really

Can't wait till we all freeze to death on wind power.
Nah because fuck corporations lmao. Whatever crack Smoking OP is on, I don't want any. Corporations ain't doing jack shit about climate change, and to sit here and post that the government doesn't need to help because corporations are "leading the way" is like...my head just exploded from the bullshit I read.

ONE of the leaders of green energy, MOST energy companies are switching to natural gas, building wind farms and building solar panel fields.
City, county and states are switching to natural gas or electric to power their vehicles and buses.
New buildings are designed, as well as retrofits, to save as much energy as possible with LED lighting, energy efficient AC units and landscaping designed to use less water than is necessary.
The state, county and city governments ARE helping with retrofits to more energy efficient products with tax breaks for the items and installations, they have been doing that for decades.
So, I still don't under stand why you need FEDERAL LAWS to enforce what city, county and state governments are already doing.
You don't need FEDERA LAWS to force engineers and architects are doing everyday.
Consumer are already demanding these changes, if the company doesn't give what the customer wants, guess what happens to that company?

Right, corporate America has taken up the Left wing causes by mandating climate change initiatives, and by forcing the country to follow politically correct speech as those that don't are censored on social media.

So really all the government has to do now is just throw up their hands when people complain about it saying, "They are all private citizens, and as such, can do whatever the hell they want"

Unless it is discriminating against a black or gay person, then all of a sudden it's not Ok.

In return for taking up Left wing causes and supporting the DNC and cementing their power, corporations can do whatever the hell they want and the government won't make a peep about it.

Sounds like a pretty good deal if you ask me.

"Right, corporate America has taken up the Left wing causes by mandating climate change initiatives".

Yes, they have.
Not only stupid "mandates", they are implementing these policies.
I can imagine the joy that comes over people, when they have to spend MORE $$$, on their buildings, homes and power.
"So really all the government has to do now is just throw up their hands when people complain about it saying, "They are all private citizens, and as such, can do whatever the hell they want".

Hell yeah, why can't you still use whale blubber to light your home?
Why can't you use a coal powered tractor to plow your fields of wheat?

So, aren't RWNJ's against the big "gubmint" telling people what they can and cannot do?

Demand for gasoline has been way down worldwide for a year. Do Trump's hard core followers not know that???

Why would they?
UNTIL...........................A democrat is in office.
They notice EVERTHING now.
It's all Biden's fault.

People all over the world are looking into saving energy, diversifying sources, innovating for higher efficiency.. They want it cheaper and cleaner. That includes governments, companies and private individuals. Americans are able to do lots of good things when they put their will and smarts behind it.

Some incentives from local state and municipal governments as well as power companies help the middle class participate. . I had to replace my HVAC a few years ago and was told I could get a $500 credit if I replaced my hot water heater with a more efficient one. The HWH was 20 years old so why not? Trump's groupies want to drag their heels and spout conspiracy theories or yap about "communism"... That's not conservatism.. that's just stupidity.

"Conservatism" is only a campaign slogan or when a democrat is office.
"Conservatives" haven't once balanced a budget, let alone reduced the deficit in 4 decades.
So wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. These motherfuckers on this forum post GatewayPundit and ImARetardConservative.com articles left and right and you're cool. But when a well-respected poster puts up a Politifact article you have to *checks notes*

Take 20 minutes to look up every donor to the website and show it to all of us.
Shut your piehole, fatso.
New buildings are designed, as well as retrofits, to save as much energy as possible with LED lighting, energy efficient AC units and landscaping designed to use less water than is necessary.

...because the government gives tax credits to corporations for doing so.

You don't need FEDERA LAWS to force engineers and architects are doing everyday.
Yes. You do.

The state, county and city governments ARE helping with retrofits to more energy efficient products with tax breaks for the items and installations, they have been doing that for decades.

Then what the flying **** are you arguing and yelling in all caps at me about? You ****ing make an entire goddamn rant about "OhHHH big corporations do it themselves, nobody is helping them" then in the same goddamn post say "Yeah all governments across every state, county, city, municipality, and backyard give them money to do so but listen --!"

"OhHHH big corporations do it themselves, nobody is helping them"

Never said that.

I stated they are ONE of many, leading the way, because they are reacting to what the their customers demand, number one, saving $$$.
Nah because fuck corporations lmao. Whatever crack Smoking OP is on, I don't want any. Corporations ain't doing jack shit about climate change, and to sit here and post that the government doesn't need to help because corporations are "leading the way" is like...my head just exploded from the bullshit I read.

Sorry to burst your bubble of indoctrination, frenchy once again fossil fuels spent billions of dollars on green energy, they found out no money in it.
Wait, are you telling me the oil market is a global commodity that is highly interconnected and that the President of 1 country doesn't pull a daily lever to set the oil prices after he puts his slippers on in the morning?

Yeah, okay dude, hahahaha. Next you'll be saying Biden won the fraudulent election. XD Sad!
Wait you telling us a anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, pro green president goal is not to make gas prices high?
"Wait are you telling us that if everyone were pro green and driving Teslas gas would be cheaper!? Durrhurr I'm a dumbass!"
? You drinking

He sneaked some peach schnapps out of moms liquor cabinet.
I was wondering why he only starts postings 11:30 pm texas time
So, it's a classic Democrat message, 'believe what we tell you, not what you see with your own eyes'

Your dear leader said the same thing.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."
At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday.
www.inquirer.com › philly › news

Classic Trump and his gullible cult believes him.
The only thing I "see" is that corporations have buried future energy for the past 70 years under a sludge of bribes, lobbying, and buying politicians. The only reason any of them lift a finger about it is because the government gives them money to do so. They don't care otherwise.

The entire Republican party is a corporate mouthpiece for big corporations and denies that climate change even exists. Like, are you kidding me right now? Corporations are the enemy.

People want energy that is efficient and cleaner.

Sure, a person does. You and me. And some other folks out there. But people? People want what is cheap and lazy and convenient. People won't give a shit until someone either forces them to give a shit, or mother nature literally kills all of us.

Cooperations is the enemy?
So, it's a classic Democrat message, 'believe what we tell you, not what you see with your own eyes'

Your dear leader said the same thing.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."
At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday.
www.inquirer.com › philly › news

Classic Trump and his gullible cult believes him.
Trump said gas prices would drop under his policies and that’s exactly what happened!
So, it's a classic Democrat message, 'believe what we tell you, not what you see with your own eyes'

Your dear leader said the same thing.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."
At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday.
www.inquirer.com › philly › news

Classic Trump and his gullible cult believes him.
Trump said gas prices would drop under his policies and that’s exactly what happened!

What policies?
Dotard's "fuel reduction" policy?
So, it's a classic Democrat message, 'believe what we tell you, not what you see with your own eyes'

Your dear leader said the same thing.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."
At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday.
www.inquirer.com › philly › news

Classic Trump and his gullible cult believes him.
Trump said gas prices would drop under his policies and that’s exactly what happened!

What policies?
Dotard's "fuel reduction" policy?
Opening fracking, building pipeline for example instead of promoting stupid green energy shit.
So wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. These motherfuckers on this forum post GatewayPundit and ImARetardConservative.com articles left and right and you're cool. But when a well-respected poster puts up a Politifact article you have to *checks notes*

Take 20 minutes to look up every donor to the website and show it to all of us.
That's because total tools around here tell us we should trust garbage like Politifact because they say so. GatewayPundit is just as likely as or more accurate than any of the liberal trash sites were are expected to believe.
The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.

Facebook posts
stated on March 7, 2021 in a Facebook post:
Says Joe Biden executive orders caused price increases of 50 cents in gas and 10% in food.

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)
President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

Tom Kertscher
By Tom KertscherMarch 10, 2021
No, the price of gas isn’t up 50 cents, price of food isn’t up 10% under Biden
  • The average price of gas is about 34 cents per gallon higher since Biden took office.
  • Experts say Biden’s orders on the Keystone pipeline and oil and gas leasing might affect future gas prices, but have no effect on current prices.
  • Grocery store prices are 3.5% higher than they were one year ago and have risen less than 1% in 2021.
See the sources for this fact-check

Are President Joe Biden’s executive orders so powerful that, in the less than two months he’s held office, they have spiked the price of gasoline by 50 cents and the price of food by 10%?
That’s the claim of a post widely shared by musician Ted Nugent and others on Facebook.
It says: "When executive orders cause gas to go up 50 cents a gallon and food costs to increase 10%, you just taxed the middle class."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Biden began issuing executive orders on Jan. 20, the day of his inauguration. The claim we’re checking was posted March 7. Let’s see what’s happened in between.
Gas up 34 cents; orders not a factor
Since bottoming out at $1.87 a gallon in late April 2020, gas prices have mostly been going up. The bulk of the increase came under President Donald Trump, with prices continuing to rise under Biden.
Nationally, the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.46 on Jan. 18, the final weekly tally before Biden took office. It rose to $2.80 on March 1, the latest weekly tally before the Facebook post, according to the U.S. Energy Administration. That’s an increase of 34 cents under Biden.
The prices were similar at GasBuddy.com: $2.41 on Jan. 19 and $2.77 on March 7 — an increase of 36 cents.

Viral image
stated on February 10, 2021 in a Facebook post
Says Gorilla Glue tweeted, “Do not use our products on your f------ hair.”

By Ciara O'Rourke • February 10, 2021
Some critics have said that Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline with one executive order would quickly result in higher gasoline prices. But we previously found that, for several reasons, that’s not the case. For starters, the pipeline wasn’t operating yet, so canceling it didn’t change the balance of supply and demand.
In the same executive order, Biden placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. But Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, said that action has not affected current gas prices either, because current oil supplies are not affected. The order could, however, have an impact on gas prices in a few years, he said.
In general, a president has limited control over the weekly and monthly shifts in gasoline prices. Gas prices depend mostly on global supply and demand.
The OPEC oil cartel and Russia have made voluntary production cuts, which has the effect of raising prices. A greater impact has been made on prices by demand, as a result of the slow but steady economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
Do you ever listen to the idiotic babble you spew?
The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.

Facebook posts
stated on March 7, 2021 in a Facebook post:
Says Joe Biden executive orders caused price increases of 50 cents in gas and 10% in food.

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)
President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

President Joe Biden signs his first executive order in the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

Tom Kertscher
By Tom KertscherMarch 10, 2021
No, the price of gas isn’t up 50 cents, price of food isn’t up 10% under Biden
  • The average price of gas is about 34 cents per gallon higher since Biden took office.
  • Experts say Biden’s orders on the Keystone pipeline and oil and gas leasing might affect future gas prices, but have no effect on current prices.
  • Grocery store prices are 3.5% higher than they were one year ago and have risen less than 1% in 2021.
See the sources for this fact-check

Are President Joe Biden’s executive orders so powerful that, in the less than two months he’s held office, they have spiked the price of gasoline by 50 cents and the price of food by 10%?
That’s the claim of a post widely shared by musician Ted Nugent and others on Facebook.
It says: "When executive orders cause gas to go up 50 cents a gallon and food costs to increase 10%, you just taxed the middle class."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Biden began issuing executive orders on Jan. 20, the day of his inauguration. The claim we’re checking was posted March 7. Let’s see what’s happened in between.
Gas up 34 cents; orders not a factor
Since bottoming out at $1.87 a gallon in late April 2020, gas prices have mostly been going up. The bulk of the increase came under President Donald Trump, with prices continuing to rise under Biden.
Nationally, the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.46 on Jan. 18, the final weekly tally before Biden took office. It rose to $2.80 on March 1, the latest weekly tally before the Facebook post, according to the U.S. Energy Administration. That’s an increase of 34 cents under Biden.
The prices were similar at GasBuddy.com: $2.41 on Jan. 19 and $2.77 on March 7 — an increase of 36 cents.

Viral image
stated on February 10, 2021 in a Facebook post
Says Gorilla Glue tweeted, “Do not use our products on your f------ hair.”

By Ciara O'Rourke • February 10, 2021
Some critics have said that Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline with one executive order would quickly result in higher gasoline prices. But we previously found that, for several reasons, that’s not the case. For starters, the pipeline wasn’t operating yet, so canceling it didn’t change the balance of supply and demand.
In the same executive order, Biden placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. But Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, said that action has not affected current gas prices either, because current oil supplies are not affected. The order could, however, have an impact on gas prices in a few years, he said.
In general, a president has limited control over the weekly and monthly shifts in gasoline prices. Gas prices depend mostly on global supply and demand.
The OPEC oil cartel and Russia have made voluntary production cuts, which has the effect of raising prices. A greater impact has been made on prices by demand, as a result of the slow but steady economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

You might want to add the end of fracking and drilling for oil and natural gas to your bull shit. LOL
The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.
Sorry, the Pulitzer is meaningless and so is PolitiFact.

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