Politifact destroys Mike "cigarettes" Pence

Made up monkey sh**.

The check is in the mail. The mere fact that they're trying to quantify claims, when that in itself is a subjective number.....
Facts are not subjective.

LMAO If Pence said 'Good day,' the media would fact check that as false.
That would be the closest he's come to not telling a lie in years
Truth is you support a treasonous bitch. Why do you hate America so much?

You know their lying, hell he never got out a complete sentence without being interrupted by fishface or the mod. 72 times by fishface and at least 40 by the mod in 85 minutes. He should have sat back, folded his arms across his chest and said, when you two are done with the filibusterer let me know and I'll demand equal time.
Excuses excuses

If it had been me I'd most likely been led out in handcuffs and the hildabitch would be looking for a new pick for VP. fishface proved himself to be nothing but a punk, the hildabitch seems to attract many of them.

You wouldn't have done shit and we all know it. So sit back down internet tough guy.

You know their lying, hell he never got out a complete sentence without being interrupted by fishface or the mod. 72 times by fishface and at least 40 by the mod in 85 minutes. He should have sat back, folded his arms across his chest and said, when you two are done with the filibusterer let me know and I'll demand equal time.
Excuses excuses

If it had been me I'd most likely been led out in handcuffs and the hildabitch would be looking for a new pick for VP. fishface proved himself to be nothing but a punk, the hildabitch seems to attract many of them.

You wouldn't have done shit and we all know it. So sit back down internet tough guy.

Whatever sissy-man.

You know their lying, hell he never got out a complete sentence without being interrupted by fishface or the mod. 72 times by fishface and at least 40 by the mod in 85 minutes. He should have sat back, folded his arms across his chest and said, when you two are done with the filibusterer let me know and I'll demand equal time.
Excuses excuses
He is correct, you are not.

You know their lying, hell he never got out a complete sentence without being interrupted by fishface or the mod. 72 times by fishface and at least 40 by the mod in 85 minutes. He should have sat back, folded his arms across his chest and said, when you two are done with the filibusterer let me know and I'll demand equal time.
Excuses excuses

If it had been me I'd most likely been led out in handcuffs and the hildabitch would be looking for a new pick for VP. fishface proved himself to be nothing but a punk, the hildabitch seems to attract many of them.

You wouldn't have done shit and we all know it. So sit back down internet tough guy.
Tougher than your pussy ass.

You know their lying, hell he never got out a complete sentence without being interrupted by fishface or the mod. 72 times by fishface and at least 40 by the mod in 85 minutes. He should have sat back, folded his arms across his chest and said, when you two are done with the filibusterer let me know and I'll demand equal time.
Excuses excuses

If it had been me I'd most likely been led out in handcuffs and the hildabitch would be looking for a new pick for VP. fishface proved himself to be nothing but a punk, the hildabitch seems to attract many of them.

You wouldn't have done shit and we all know it. So sit back down internet tough guy.
Tougher than your pussy ass.

Good one!
Two off the top of my head that aren't on there
Kaine said trump was raising taxes on the middle class
Kaine said the FBI were wrong about not being able to vet refugees.
Two off the top of my head that aren't on there
Kaine said trump was raising taxes on the middle class
Kaine said the FBI were wrong about not being able to vet refugees.
I would say kaine had nothing that was basically factual. Nothing. I liked the one about stopping Iran from a nuclear weapon one. you know eliminated them. funny shit. news to the president I'm sure.

Oh and it was Kerry that did the deal not clinton. wow, not even close.
Kane. Is this the same guy who took all the illegal bribes as governor? Is this the same guy who traded the DNC chair for the VP slot, so the Clintons could rig the system against Bernie Sanders? Yea, no thanks to that sh**. Also, he's a closet homosexual like Hillary.
This is why Hillary choose him. . .

The whole system is corrupt.
Kane. Is this the same guy who took all the illegal bribes as governor? Is this the same guy who traded the DNC chair for the VP slot, so the Clintons could rig the system against Bernie Sanders? Yea, no thanks to that sh**. Also, he's a closet homosexual like Hillary.
This is why Hillary choose him. . .

The whole system is corrupt.

Agree. I had connected these dots on here some months back. And Tim Kaine is a total f'ing fruit ball. Dude gives me the creeps.
Kane. Is this the same guy who took all the illegal bribes as governor? Is this the same guy who traded the DNC chair for the VP slot, so the Clintons could rig the system against Bernie Sanders? Yea, no thanks to that sh**. Also, he's a closet homosexual like Hillary.
This is why Hillary choose him. . .

The whole system is corrupt.

Agree. I had connected these dots on here some months back. And Tim Kaine is a total f'ing fruit ball. Dude gives me the creeps.

When Trump makes those late night stupid tweets, or a video comes out, that well, who know how long the press is sitting on it, and, as some posters have rightly pointed out, he knew he was being taped, it makes you wonder if folks have completely forgotten about information that was known months earlier in the campaign.

I think folks should go back and watch, or re-watch the movies, "The Hustler," and "The Color of Money," to understand how con games are played. It's like they don't know what a sheep-dog and and ringer are.

“Saving America?” No, Donald Trump Is a Clinton Operative

When Will Donald Trump Really Go After Hillary Clinton?

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report

When was Trump's last wedding? When was that damaging video made? How long have the media been sitting on that video? Who gave the video to the media?

Do Americans have a critical thought in their head?

The first clue should have been in who Trump chose to be his running mate.

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