PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

If parking lot gun trades without a name check are already illegal what does the radical left suggest? Dump the Constitution and break into homes of suspected gun owners? It should be noted that Barry Hussein could have closed the no fly list loophole but he didn't want to anger his criminal jihad base.

They aren't illegal under federal law. That's the point. Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.
I could go to a gun show, buy as many guns as I please, without question, then proceed to sell them on in the parking lot or advertise them online without question.
Move to a state that has the rule, so you can stop living in fear.

It would be useful to list the states with and without and compare crime statistics to see it it makes a difference, or is just more "feel good" useless legislation.
Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

That is one of the dumbest ideas yet. So I shoot a friend's gun I should go to prison for 25 years? You are an idiot.
Read the thread dope.

I did, and that's what he said. Every gun he bought at a road show was from a licensed dealer. You read the thread
We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.


Yet you can't show me the quote ...

Open the quote box dope.

So it says gun stores (licensed shops) are required to do background checks and straw purchases are illegal.

Nowhere did he say private sales require background checks, only when they are straw purchases are they illegal.

How does that support your point?

Read the parts in bold dope.

My god why do you fools like to play dumb so much? Do you think it's funny or trolly?
It only makes you look like a dope.
If parking lot gun trades without a name check are already illegal what does the radical left suggest? Dump the Constitution and break into homes of suspected gun owners? It should be noted that Barry Hussein could have closed the no fly list loophole but he didn't want to anger his criminal jihad base.

They aren't illegal under federal law. That's the point. Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.
I could go to a gun show, buy as many guns as I please, without question, then proceed to sell them on in the parking lot or advertise them online without question.
Move to a state that has the rule, so you can stop living in fear.

It would be useful to list the states with and without and compare crime statistics to see it it makes a difference, or is just more "feel good" useless legislation.

I'm not in fear. I'm pointing out a glaring hole in our current system. You all play dumb and offended because you most likely make a nice buck buying and selling guns off the books.
Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

That is one of the dumbest ideas yet. So I shoot a friend's gun I should go to prison for 25 years? You are an idiot.

He is anti-american, hates freedom, loves authoritarianism and he's proud of it.
There is no "gun show loophole". That is a leftist media invention.

Over the years I've attended many gun shows in several states.

And all of the vender's followed the law and required a background check before a weapon purchase could be made.

No exceptions. ....... :cool:

But is anything recorded ? Criminals girlfriend wh the clear record can buy a gun and give it to felon boyfriend. No paper trail?

Like I told you, 18 states and DC require background checks for all sales. Perhaps your state is among them but all of them aren't.

Most states don't require checks for private sales. Hence the need for a federal law closing that gap.

When a car dealer sells a used car, they are required to do a "title search." this shows that the car is not stolen and has no leans on it.

Now get this, if a private individual sell his car to another private individual, NO TITLE SEARCH IS REQUIRED.

Shocking isn't it, that individuals are not treated as if they are corporations who's primary business is selling cars.

This would be "freedom loophole," and no doubt you leftist are working hard to close it.

You sign over the sale on the back of the title to the buyer , who then takes it to the rmv to have a new title issued wh him as owner.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

We have large gun shows in my area, 99% of the vendors are gun dealers so you have to undergo a background check to buy anything. Its not some swap meet full of private party sellers like they make them out to be. Of the very view tables that are not dealers they sell old Uncle Bob hunting rifles and antique guns. Then there's the OP mentioning craigslist, you can't sell guns on craigslist.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!
And, regardless of the state, a background check MUST be completed by the FBI. You sell a gun without a background check (Chicago for example) and BOTH the seller and the buyer are federal felons.


Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Read it and weep....

Yes that's the system they use but federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct background checks.

I have purchased several guns at "Gun Shows" and every seller there has been a Licensed Dealer. Every time I have EVER purchased at a gun show, I have undergone a background check. I have NEVER seen a "private sale" out of the trunk of a car at a gun show. Please, stop with your bullshit propaganda.

Like I told you, 18 states and DC require background checks for all sales. Perhaps your state is among them but all of them aren't.

Most states don't require checks for private sales. Hence the need for a federal law closing that gap.
The feds have no authority when it comes to the commerce of a state.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.
But is anything recorded ? Criminals girlfriend wh the clear record can buy a gun and give it to felon boyfriend. No paper trail?

Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.
No lists
No confiscation (the true goal of the leftists)
No worries
I'm not in fear. I'm pointing out a glaring hole in our current system. You all play dumb and offended because you most likely make a nice buck buying and selling guns off the books.

If it is a giant glaring hole, then you must have a lot of stats showing the "millions" (I LOLed at Politihack claiming millions, not that they had any credibility to start with.) of crimes committed with these horrible guns?

I mean, you would HAVE to - unless... but no, a leftist dedicated to ending civil liberty wouldn't lie about this stuff....
You sign over the sale on the back of the title to the buyer , who then takes it to the rmv to have a new title issued wh him as owner.

Unless the new owner doesn't - or unless he gets to the DMV and finds you took a payday loan in the car and there is a lean.

The point is, RATIONAL people recognize that elements in the commercial code do not accrue to individuals.

This is all a red herring anyway, these guns are rarely to the point of never used in crime. This is just leftist bullshit in your war to end civil rights.

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