PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

We have large gun shows in my area, 99% of the vendors are gun dealers so you have to undergo a background check to buy anything. Its not some swap meet full of private party sellers like they make them out to be. Of the very view tables that are not dealers they sell old Uncle Bob hunting rifles and antique guns. Then there's the OP mentioning craigslist, you can't sell guns on craigslist.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

Of course.

It costs THOUSANDS of dollars to rent a booth at the popular ones. Grampa selling his shotgun to buy food because the Obamaconemy had caused the costs of eating to triple can't afford to rent a booth. Only the big sellers, who are ALL FLFD's can absorb the overhead.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

"Loophole" (n): A remaining bit of freedom the government hasn't taken away yet.

What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .

Here's the gun companies and gun retailers dirty little secret. Straw purchases are usually regular customers and their money is green and their credit cards always swipe.

Every gun that was used to murder a child or commit mass murder made a profit for a gun manufacturer/wholesaler and a gun retailer.

People made money off the weapon used to murder children at school.
If parking lot gun trades without a name check are already illegal what does the radical left suggest? Dump the Constitution and break into homes of suspected gun owners? It should be noted that Barry Hussein could have closed the no fly list loophole but he didn't want to anger his criminal jihad base.

How about just compelling gun owners wishing to sell gun to another person to have some integrity and know who they are selling to? Universal background checks no exceptions.

How about compelling states to update the NICs list in a timely manner?

And since AR-15 are the gun of choice for mass murderers how about we keep a federal or state registry of those -- a registry that periodically sees if that person has gotten in trouble and needs to part with said weapon.

AND BY THE WAY -- it's not the "left" it's the majority of gun owners who want better gun safety laws.
But is anything recorded ? Criminals girlfriend wh the clear record can buy a gun and give it to felon boyfriend. No paper trail?

Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.

How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .
watch the gun show loophole in action at an actual loophole.

the seller thinks its funny when a buyer says he couldn't pass a b.g. check....

19 out of 30 sellers broke the law...

And these "occasional" sellers selling weapons without background check put pressure on legitimate gun dealers to sometimes break the law.

my bad -- None

please tell us exactly what the fact checkers got wrong.

What did the hack liars get wrong? Depends on what you mean by "wrong." Virtually everything is false and deceitful, but that is by design.

The main issue is there is no issue. Why does America care if Aunt Selma sells departed Uncle Earnies old .22?

They state "gun show Loophole" is not a myth

So they lie. Hey, they are DNC operatives, lying to end civil rights is part of what they do,

but it's also a misleading term as the loophole in the federal is bigger that just gun shows.

AGAIN, how many of these guns are used in crimes?

Can you come up with even one?
I did, and that's what he said. Every gun he bought at a road show was from a licensed dealer. You read the thread

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.


Yet you can't show me the quote ...

Open the quote box dope.

So it says gun stores (licensed shops) are required to do background checks and straw purchases are illegal.

Nowhere did he say private sales require background checks, only when they are straw purchases are they illegal.

How does that support your point?

Read the parts in bold dope.

My god why do you fools like to play dumb so much? Do you think it's funny or trolly?
It only makes you look like a dope.

There is no universal check for PRIVATE gun sales, what part of that don't you understand?

Randal correctly said that, you keep arguing there are universal checks for LICENSED dealers. You aren't contradicting him
The govt doesn't need to know how many and what I have.

Just as much as you "need" an endless supply of guns.

"Need" is not the issue, but desire.

Pursuit of happiness and all that stuff.

It is certainly no business of yours or anyone else to decide what I "need".

Of course it's my business. I live in this country.

I was born in this country, and I differ with you in this regard.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

Ahh, I get to ask this question again. What did "well-regulated" mean at the end of the 18th Century?
I'm talking about sensible gun laws that allow responsible owners to keep their weapons and restrict guns from those who aren't responsible.

You could start by killing the bad guys. It's guaranteed they won't buy any more guns after that.
Here's the gun companies and gun retailers dirty little secret. Straw purchases are usually regular customers and their money is green and their credit cards always swipe.

Every gun that was used to murder a child or commit mass murder made a profit for a gun manufacturer/wholesaler and a gun retailer.

People made money off the weapon used to murder children at school.

And car manufacturers make money off kidnapping vans...

Get out of here with this horsecrap line of thinking.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Spoken like someone who isn't a responsible gun owner.

Just defending the Constitution....
I know you liberals have a problem with that.

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