PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'


Like I told you, 18 states and DC require background checks for all sales. Perhaps your state is among them but all of them aren't.

Most states don't require checks for private sales. Hence the need for a federal law closing that gap.

When a car dealer sells a used car, they are required to do a "title search." this shows that the car is not stolen and has no leans on it.

Now get this, if a private individual sell his car to another private individual, NO TITLE SEARCH IS REQUIRED.

Shocking isn't it, that individuals are not treated as if they are corporations who's primary business is selling cars.

This would be "freedom loophole," and no doubt you leftist are working hard to close it.

Excellent example.......I will now use it...I hope you don't mind...
If parking lot gun trades without a name check are already illegal what does the radical left suggest? Dump the Constitution and break into homes of suspected gun owners? It should be noted that Barry Hussein could have closed the no fly list loophole but he didn't want to anger his criminal jihad base.

They aren't illegal under federal law. That's the point. Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.
I could go to a gun show, buy as many guns as I please, without question, then proceed to sell them on in the parking lot or advertise them online without question.
Move to a state that has the rule, so you can stop living in fear.

It would be useful to list the states with and without and compare crime statistics to see it it makes a difference, or is just more "feel good" useless legislation.

I'm not in fear. I'm pointing out a glaring hole in our current system. You all play dumb and offended because you most likely make a nice buck buying and selling guns off the books.

It isn't a hole......you have a right to sell your private property. Guns, no matter how much you hate them, are private property.
You sign over the sale on the back of the title to the buyer , who then takes it to the rmv to have a new title issued wh him as owner.

Unless the new owner doesn't - or unless he gets to the DMV and finds you took a payday loan in the car and there is a lean.

The point is, RATIONAL people recognize that elements in the commercial code do not accrue to individuals.

This is all a red herring anyway, these guns are rarely to the point of never used in crime. This is just leftist bullshit in your war to end civil rights.

Kevin D. Williams in National review pointed out that the average street age of a crime gun in chicago is 11 years......so they are not just buying them and using them....they get traded around the criminal networks....and you can bet they aren't doing background checks when they sell their illegal guns for illegal drugs....
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .

Here's the gun companies and gun retailers dirty little secret. Straw purchases are usually regular customers and their money is green and their credit cards always swipe.

Every gun that was used to murder a child or commit mass murder made a profit for a gun manufacturer/wholesaler and a gun retailer.

People made money off the weapon used to murder children at school.

and every car used to get to the crime scene....that took the killer to the school to murder those kids made a profit for a car manufacturer, wholesaler........so they too should be sued......right?
But is anything recorded ? Criminals girlfriend wh the clear record can buy a gun and give it to felon boyfriend. No paper trail?

Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.

How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?
But is anything recorded ? Criminals girlfriend wh the clear record can buy a gun and give it to felon boyfriend. No paper trail?

Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.

How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?

Not as much as comparable cities in gun nut states . What's Boston's gun murder rate vs Phoenix ? Dallas ? Miami ? You'll find it's much lower.
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.

which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility

Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.

which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility

Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.

which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility

Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.
Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.


Hunting HUMANS set to become big business for the rich within next 100 years
Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.
The ar15 platform was made for shooting varmints(Prairie dogs And such)… much fun.
Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.

How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?

Not as much as comparable cities in gun nut states . What's Boston's gun murder rate vs Phoenix ? Dallas ? Miami ? You'll find it's much lower.

Wrong again.....cities with strict gun control have higher murder and gun murder rates..........like Chicago, Baltimore and D.C.
We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.

which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility

Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .

The 2nd is the amendment that deals with not getting gunned down by nuts with all types of guns.......you guys keep violating it and getting people killed in your gun free zones........

No..we actually care about the rest...but the left can't understand even the ones written in English...and they see ones that don't even exist......
How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?

Not as much as comparable cities in gun nut states . What's Boston's gun murder rate vs Phoenix ? Dallas ? Miami ? You'll find it's much lower.

Wrong again.....cities with strict gun control have higher murder and gun murder rates..........like Chicago, Baltimore and D.C.

Really? What's the rates in Boston , San Fran, New York? Vs red state counterparts ?

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.

which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility

Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .

The 2nd is the amendment that deals with not getting gunned down by nuts with all types of guns.......you guys keep violating it and getting people killed in your gun free zones........

No..we actually care about the rest...but the left can't understand even the ones written in English...and they see ones that don't even exist......

Except most shooting happen in NON GUN FREE ZONES!
Start purchases are illegal unless you are Michael Bloomberg.

How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?

Not as much as comparable cities in gun nut states . What's Boston's gun murder rate vs Phoenix ? Dallas ? Miami ? You'll find it's much lower.

Do you understand that as Americans bought, and actually carried guns...our gun crime rate went down? Do you understand that fact?

It is a fact, and not a made up statistic, unlike anti-gun stats you guys always post....
Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.
The ar15 platform was made for shooting varmints(Prairie dogs And such)… much fun.

Wow. All those AR owners are hunting prairie dogs huh? Is that how they market the rifles??
Allows. Not requires.

There is no federal law requiring checks for private sales.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

"Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checksfor firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks."

You really should know what you're talking about before calling bullshit.

Jesus, I give up. You're a blithering idiot.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .

The 2nd is the amendment that deals with not getting gunned down by nuts with all types of guns.......you guys keep violating it and getting people killed in your gun free zones........

No..we actually care about the rest...but the left can't understand even the ones written in English...and they see ones that don't even exist......

Except most shooting happen in NON GUN FREE ZONES!

Wrong.......most shootings happen in cities with strict gun control laws.....all but 3 mass shootings happened in gun free zones.
How do you prove it without a paper trail ?
Have you ever purchased a gun?

No . That's why I am askin . I know a little about MASS. Law because I took the safety course . Private sales have to go thru a database . I'm sure most states don't work that way .

And Boston has no gun murder problem.....right?

Not as much as comparable cities in gun nut states . What's Boston's gun murder rate vs Phoenix ? Dallas ? Miami ? You'll find it's much lower.

Do you understand that as Americans bought, and actually carried guns...our gun crime rate went down? Do you understand that fact?

It is a fact, and not a made up statistic, unlike anti-gun stats you guys always post....

All crime has gone down .

Gun nut sates have more gun deaths and gun crime .

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