PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

About 15 years ago I went to a gun show and met a man in the parking lot and bought a 30 30 rifle and never even went into the display area. That's how it works.

How many people did you kill with that 30-30?

Frankly I've seldom even fired it. I have a Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun and a .38 Chief's Special revolver if I come up on any heavy work.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Calling it 'gun show' is imprecise because the gaping loophole in the federal law is much bigger than gun show...

Call it the gun-show-flea-market-parking-lot-craigs-list-garage-sale-internet-trailer-park loophole.

Professors at Northeastern and Harvard universities conducted a gun survey in 2015 that isn’t yet published. The national survey of 4,000 non-institutionalized adults found that 22 percent of the people who purchased guns -- at gun shows, stores or elsewhere -- underwent no background check, said Matthew Miller, professor of Health Sciences and Epidemiology at Northeastern University and co-director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center.

When researchers excluded purchases between family and friends, that number dropped to 15 percent, which equates to approximately 5 million gun owners whose most recent purchase did not involve a background check.

5 Million gun purchases/trades/sales - with no background check.

How many where domestic abusers, dishonorable discharges, mentally ill, no fly lists?

Hell, how many are just suicidal. That ugly secret of gun deaths, the majority are suicides. And the pro-life party is okay with suicidal people owning guns.

Not in Illinois thankfully. You don't even need to adjudicated at mentally ill. If you are admitted to hospital program voluntarily, you lose your state gun permit for 5 years.

That's what I call sensible

Piss Poor logic but I don't care about that. Anybody who thinks an American citizen needs a weapon capable of firing 160RPM with magazines capable of supplying that has their head up their military ass.

Americans need the same weapons as the police and military....otherwise you set up a power differential that never helps the people...just ask the Mexicans who are murdered by their own police and military......who have aligned themselves with the drug cartels...they sure do need AR-15s.....a lot of them...and they can't get them...and they are dying in the 10s of thousands every year....

I was in the U S military for seven years and was familiarized with all weapon types.....a normal civilian does not have any reasonable use for a rapid fire assault weapon. Just because some Numbnuts gets his rocks off with a rifle doesn't mean ordinary people should have to tolerate it. Over half of our population agrees that prospective buyers should be subjected to background checks and just because a person wants a gun doesn't mean they're entitled to one.

The Constitution says otherwise.

So go fuck yourself while you take some time to learn a thing or two about what the purpose of the 2nd amendment really is.
If I could reach your useless ass I 'd cripple u up so bad you'd have trouble getting out of a hospital bed.
Frankly I've seldom even fired it. I have a Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun and a .38 Chief's Special revolver if I come up on any heavy work.
Okay, so you never killed anyone with the .30-30 you bought in a parking lot. How many have you killed with your 12 gauge and .38?

None of my "scary looking" guns have ever killed anyone, but I have a Mosin Nagant and a Yugo M48 that might have been used in warfare. Just not by me.
Frankly I've seldom even fired it. I have a Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun and a .38 Chief's Special revolver if I come up on any heavy work.
Okay, so you never killed anyone with the .30-30 you bought in a parking lot. How many have you killed with your 12 gauge and .38?

Yeah.,....but did those guns sneak out on their own and murder people.....?

Frankly I've seldom even fired it. I have a Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun and a .38 Chief's Special revolver if I come up on any heavy work.

So then, what is your point?

No one buying a gun from a private seller has been involved in mass shootings, or even crimes of note.

This whole pile of crap is just bullshit spewed by the liberty hating democrats to obfuscate the issue.
If I could reach your useless ass I 'd cripple u up so bad you'd have trouble getting out of a hospital bed.

Look out now, we have an INTERNET TOUGH GUY :thup:

I said online, not Craigslist dope.
You're a liar.

Well yeah, DEMOCRAT.

Squirrels eat acorns, democrats lie
Water is wet, democrats lie
Fire is hot, democrats lie

The are the demagogue - sociopath party, zero integrity, zero ethics. Hillary is their leader, and perfect for the job, exemplifying EVERYTHING the party stands for; corruption, deceit, and dishonesty.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Calling it 'gun show' is imprecise because the gaping loophole in the federal law is much bigger than gun show...

Call it the gun-show-flea-market-parking-lot-craigs-list-garage-sale-internet-trailer-park loophole.

5 Million gun purchases/trades/sales - with no background check.

How many where domestic abusers, dishonorable discharges, mentally ill, no fly lists?

Hell, how many are just suicidal. That ugly secret of gun deaths, the majority are suicides. And the pro-life party is okay with suicidal people owning guns.

Not in Illinois thankfully. You don't even need to adjudicated at mentally ill. If you are admitted to hospital program voluntarily, you lose your state gun permit for 5 years.

That's what I call sensible

Piss Poor logic but I don't care about that. Anybody who thinks an American citizen needs a weapon capable of firing 160RPM with magazines capable of supplying that has their head up their military ass.

Americans need the same weapons as the police and military....otherwise you set up a power differential that never helps the people...just ask the Mexicans who are murdered by their own police and military......who have aligned themselves with the drug cartels...they sure do need AR-15s.....a lot of them...and they can't get them...and they are dying in the 10s of thousands every year....

I was in the U S military for seven years and was familiarized with all weapon types.....a normal civilian does not have any reasonable use for a rapid fire assault weapon. Just because some Numbnuts gets his rocks off with a rifle doesn't mean ordinary people should have to tolerate it. Over half of our population agrees that prospective buyers should be subjected to background checks and just because a person wants a gun doesn't mean they're entitled to one.

The Constitution says otherwise.

So go fuck yourself while you take some time to learn a thing or two about what the purpose of the 2nd amendment really is.
If I could reach your useless ass I 'd cripple u up so bad you'd have trouble getting out of a hospital bed.

You better hope that your gun grabbing bans pass first. . And then you better hope those bans are working.

Frankly I've seldom even fired it. I have a Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun and a .38 Chief's Special revolver if I come up on any heavy work.

So then, what is your point?

No one buying a gun from a private seller has been involved in mass shootings, or even crimes of note.

This whole pile of crap is just bullshit spewed by the liberty hating democrats to obfuscate the issue.

Yes....mass shooters go to licensed gun dealers because they can pass the anti gunner background checks...the ones that we are told will stop mass shooters and criminals......and to date, almost all mass shooters got their guns after passing one or more background checks....and the ones who didn't...got their gun illegally, Columbine, or got them by stealing them....Sandy Hook......

  • PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

    "Loophole" (n): A remaining bit of freedom the government hasn't taken away yet.


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