Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection

The thread title isn't accurate but most of the math in this thread is faulty too.

An accurate thread title would be...

People fear that Obama will be re-elected by a ratio of 2:1 to those who fear he won't be re-eleected.

Or people picked Obama being re-elected twice as their number one fear twice as often as they picked him not being re-elected.

Those are accurate statements but saying that people didn't fear him being re-elected by 66% is just as dishonest. The other 66% simply had other things they feared more but either of these could have ranked second for all we know.

well said.
I'm not making any excuses, asshat. I am asking why you whine about this one and not the libtard ones. Because you're a dishonest fuck who cares more about his party and his Obamessiah than about honesty.

Umm, no.

And conversely, why were you defending this one when you know that it's purposely inaccurate, without the ceveat: "Of those whose top fear involves Obama" ?

Are you the hack who puts party 1st that you just proclaimed me to be, in such a mean spirited manor?

Did you not call people morons for pointing out that this thread/article title is bunk, although you knew that yourself?

you're morons for whining about the thread at all.

You don't like the title... big fucking deal.
you think it's dishonest, and you don't like dishonesty... big fucking deal.

See to the plank in your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from someone elses.

As has been explained repeatedly, the ratio in the thread title of 2-1 is technically correct.

You don't like the implication, so your whining.


The ratio in the thread title isn't polled, in the poll. Dumbass.
The thread title isn't accurate but most of the math in this thread is faulty too.

An accurate thread title would be...

People fear that Obama will be re-elected by a ratio of 2:1 to those who fear he won't be re-eleected.

Or people picked Obama being re-elected twice as their number one fear twice as often as they picked him not being re-elected.

Those are accurate statements but saying that people didn't fear him being re-elected by 66% is just as dishonest. The other 66% simply had other things they feared more but either of these could have ranked second for all we know.

But you left out "chose as their biggest fear of 2012,"

Because people can fear Obama being re-elected by a margin of 10:1, 100:1, or 1:100 - but this poll is about the people with that as their BIGGEST FEAR OF 2012.

now you're all butthurt because someone did not specify the year involved?

OMG...get a fucking life.
Umm, no.

And conversely, why were you defending this one when you know that it's purposely inaccurate, without the ceveat: "Of those whose top fear involves Obama" ?

Are you the hack who puts party 1st that you just proclaimed me to be, in such a mean spirited manor?

Did you not call people morons for pointing out that this thread/article title is bunk, although you knew that yourself?

you're morons for whining about the thread at all.

You don't like the title... big fucking deal.
you think it's dishonest, and you don't like dishonesty... big fucking deal.

See to the plank in your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from someone elses.

As has been explained repeatedly, the ratio in the thread title of 2-1 is technically correct.

You don't like the implication, so your whining.


The ratio in the thread title isn't polled, in the poll. Dumbass.

that was quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen you post on this board.
My biggest fear of 2012 is a tie between snakes and spiders, the same as last year
you're morons for whining about the thread at all.

You don't like the title... big fucking deal.
you think it's dishonest, and you don't like dishonesty... big fucking deal.

See to the plank in your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from someone elses.

As has been explained repeatedly, the ratio in the thread title of 2-1 is technically correct.

You don't like the implication, so your whining.


The ratio in the thread title isn't polled, in the poll. Dumbass.

that was quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen you post on this board.

It's accurate.

Americans weren't polled "do you or do you not fear Obama winning re-election."

So, the ratio in the thread title: "Americans, 2-1 Fear Obama's reelection" cannot even be extrapolated from the poll, jesus christ how dumb are you seriously?

All that can be extrapolated from the poll, is that "of people asked their BIGGEST fear of 2012, and of people who cited Obama's re-election in their answer, 2-1 fear his reelection."

There's no picking nits, or whining - it's just the fact of the matter that saying it the way the thread title says it or you guys have been saying it is dishonest, and you're being called on it, getting upset, and calling everyone else morons when it's you who isn't accurate with the reality.
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection

That poor blogger would never get the Monty Hall problem.

The logical fallacy demonstrated in that blog is what is known as fallacy of composition.

33 percent of those polled are afraid Obama will be re-elected.

16 percent of those polled are afraid he won't be.

What this tells us is that one out of every three people polled definitely does not want Obama re-elected, and that one out of every six definitely do.

This tells us nothing about what the other three out of six people want when it comes to Obama. 50 percent of those polled expressed no opinion either way about Obama.

So if you have six people, and three of them are silent on a particular thing, it is mathematically impossible to say 2/3 of them don't want that particular thing.

Fallacy of composition.
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In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.

The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?

Well, for starters, 33 + 16 doesn't equal the 100% polled, so the 2-1 number is bunk.

So say 100 people were polled 33 would have said "fear a 2nd term" 16 would have said "fear no 2nd term"

Just how is that not a 2:1 ratio?
In other words the poll is comparing apples to oranges.

In order to compare apples to apples you need to cite the ratio of people who fear his reelection to people who do not fear his reelection. That comparison doesn't do that.

The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?

No more elaboration needed, homey.

I know i made my point very clearly and now we know its not apples and oranges :cool:
The poll asked "what do you fear most in 2012"

33% said an obama 2nd term
16% said obama not getting a second term

maybe elaborate a little more how those 2 aren't both apples?

Well, for starters, 33 + 16 doesn't equal the 100% polled, so the 2-1 number is bunk.

So say 100 people were polled 33 would have said "fear a 2nd term" 16 would have said "fear no 2nd term"

Just how is that not a 2:1 ratio?

Because you left out 50 of those people. Therefore, you cannot say 2-to-1 of all Americans. The best you can say is 2-to-1 of half who answered don't want him re-elected.
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If 33% fear Obama getting reelected the most. Then 67% don't.

So 2-1 people don't fear Obama getting reelected.

Twisting around silly polls to confirm biases is fun!

if 16% fear him not being re-elected 84 does that mean 84% fear him being re-elected? No it doesn't.

You are just wrong this time article........33 out of 100 fear him getting re-elected while 16 out of 100 fear him not getting re-elected...that is a 2:1 ratio as far as 2012 fears that relate to obama in this poll.
Ha! We're not the ones who think that 33% is two-thirds of 100% when actually it's one-third.

I really don't think you should be talking about math competence, frankly.

But you are the ones who do not understand that the OP was talking about a 2-1 margin...for every 1 person that was NOT afraid of an Obama re-election, there were 2 that were afraid.

Total percentage is immaterial.

False. For every person asked if they were afraid of an Obama re-election - 33% said yes.
For every person asked if they were afraid he WONT be re-elected - 16% said yes.

That ^

Does not equal ( / = )

"Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection"

Wrong again. The poll actually asked what people feared most in 2012....33% responded obama's 2nd term 16% responded no obama 2nd term, the other 51% picked other things.

This is fun :D
most Americans not only fear the modern day Castro, its also having to see his boring meaningless speeches on a weekly basis,,,1/2 of them blaming someone else or an earthquake for his most recent screw-ups.
But you are the ones who do not understand that the OP was talking about a 2-1 margin...for every 1 person that was NOT afraid of an Obama re-election, there were 2 that were afraid.

Total percentage is immaterial.

No, actually it's the margin the OP meant that's immaterial, i.e. it's meaningless and unworthy of serious notice. The margin that matters IS the total percentage, i.e. what percentage of Americans "fear" Obama being reelected, because it's a reasonable conclusion that anyone who is so afraid will probably not vote for him. If that really were 2/3 of the people, Obama would be in serious trouble.

Since it's only 1/3 of the people, and even the most wildly optimistic predictions would hold that at least 33% will vote against him, the poll means absolutely nothing.

That's setting aside the fact that it's an Internet poll and those are inherently worthless.

And as I said, the thread title and article title are misleading. "By 2-1 Americans fear Obama's reelection" implies that twice as many people fear Obama's being reelected as DO NOT fear Obama's being reelected. It does NOT imply that twice as many people fear Obama's reelection as fear his NOT being reelected. Can you see the difference? Do you understand the distinction between "not fearing X" and "fearing not-X"?
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You people aren't getting it.

If the poll was balanced, then you can assume that it contained roughly an even split of those for and against Obama being re-elected.

A. The people AGAINST Obama would fear his being re-elected.

B. The people FOR Obama would fear his NOT being re-elected.

Therefore if there are twice as many of A than of B, it means that more people believe he will be elected than won't.

The poll is indication of Obama having good odds of being re-elected.

Well we can talk about the sample selected to ask and all that stuff if you want....but this poll does show that, those who were polled in it, when asked "what do you fear most in 2012" that 33% say a 2nd term and 16% say not getting a 2nd term which is 2:1 no matter how you slice it.

The question wasn't "do you fear an obama 2nd term" the question was "what do you fear most in 2012" Unless I'm using a bad link Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

As we enter the presidential election year of 2012, what potential news event do you fear the most?

President Obama wins reelection 33%

Taxes will increase 31%

Iran will get a nuclear weapon 16%

Obama will lose reelection 16%

North Korea will attack South Korea 4%
Well, for starters, 33 + 16 doesn't equal the 100% polled, so the 2-1 number is bunk.

So say 100 people were polled 33 would have said "fear a 2nd term" 16 would have said "fear no 2nd term"

Just how is that not a 2:1 ratio?

Because you left out 50 of those people. Therefore, you cannot say 2-to-1 of all Americans. The best you can say is 2-to-1 of half who answered don't want him re-elected.

Again how many people said they fear an obama re-election out of 100?
How many people said they fear obama not getting re-elected out of 100?

Please answer both of those questions and then tell me the ratio of those who picked fearing re-election over fearing no re-election.

Another example: Its a 1:1 ratio of those who fear iran getting a nuke to those fearing obama not getting re-elected when asked what you fear most in 2012.
You people aren't getting it.

If the poll was balanced, then you can assume that it contained roughly an even split of those for and against Obama being re-elected.

You're the one who doesn't 'get' it.

That is about the dumbest thing you've ever said here. You expect polls to be evenly split between the two sides of a question, or they are not fair? Ridiculous! You'd ALWAYS then have a 50/50 split... on every issue...ever.

Stupidity at it's finest.
My last word on this silliness is that the utterly unscientific nature of an internet poll compounded by this "columnist" and his attempt at an attention grabbing headline is a good indication of why there is not a bit of true current events on the internet or media that is easily accessible. You have to dig and dig and still have a healthy dose of skepticism.
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection

January 9, 2012

When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.

In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.

Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Rush Limbaugh is correct. Even though you will NOT hear this from the obama mania, reelection team commonly referred to as the main stream media, who will lie to the bitter end trying to make you believe otherwise, but as of now, obama is going to lose the presidential election in a land slide of epic proportions. He's fucked the country up good, moved it way to far towards a third world, failed, socialism policy, and his administration is filed with tax cheats, communists, socialists, racists and liars, and people 2 to 1 do NOT want this FILTH back in the White House. They want him GONE, and they won't be bamboozled again by his bull shit.

Ah yes, a man of wisdom and knowledge. Who gets his opinions spoon fed from an obese junkie. :badgrin:

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