Poll:Americans want new war in Iraq

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
A new poll says Americans want a third war in Iraq. Be skeptical. - Vox

Rasmussen Reports released a poll today that says a plurality of Americans want to intervene in Iraq's civil war. You should be skeptical.

According to Rasmussen, 46 percent of American "likely voters" favored American "military airstrikes in Iraq to help its government" fight insurgents. Thirty-two percent opposed the idea, while 22 percent weren't sure.

This seems like a pretty clear finding: by a hefty 14-point margin, Americans with an opinion want President Obama to order airstrikes on Iraq.
'lest we forget, Razzy polls are fox TV's "go-to" polls. You know they pepper their questions w/ Hyper-patriotic buzz words to get people's emotional, rather than logical response. Ironic since most all rw, talking heads are lifelong-civilians.
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Well for starters, I don't want it.
I'll never support another war, other than our homeland being invaded. Americans just can't be trusted to support it til the end, nor do they show the backbone to really REALLY wage war. We end up playing pretend war, and being too afraid to raise pure havoc on the field of battle. So I'm done with them.

Now, outside of that, Obama fucked up an pulled our troops out before real stability was at hand, so this is now what we've got. Go ahead, do some airstrikes, that's all I will support. Let the Iraqi's fix their own shit at this point, and let the whole Mideast fry for all I care. We have enough oil here if we would just go and get it and save it for ourselves. Let the rest of the world take care of this shit for a change.
A new poll says Americans want a third war in Iraq. Be skeptical. - Vox

Rasmussen Reports released a poll today that says a plurality of Americans want to intervene in Iraq's civil war. You should be skeptical.

According to Rasmussen, 46 percent of American "likely voters" favored American "military airstrikes in Iraq to help its government" fight insurgents. Thirty-two percent opposed the idea, while 22 percent weren't sure.

This seems like a pretty clear finding: by a hefty 14-point margin, Americans with an opinion want President Obama to order airstrikes on Iraq.

This is shocking.
Liberals want more Americans to die in Iraq? That's surprising. Send over an army of gays and illegals. Use this as an excuse to clean house.
If the polls are breaking for military action then Obama will order it. If the polls indicated a majority of people wanted us to surrender unconditionally to Russia Obama would do that too.
Liberals want more Americans to die in Iraq? That's surprising. Send over an army of gays and illegals. Use this as an excuse to clean house.

Liberals want more Americans to die in Iraq? So..... now you were against the Iraq war all along and it was Liberal Bush and Nazi Obama and all of their leftist peacenik shills who want Americans to die in Iraq?

Do you even listen to yourself?
A new poll says Americans want a third war in Iraq. Be skeptical. - Vox

Rasmussen Reports released a poll today that says a plurality of Americans want to intervene in Iraq's civil war. You should be skeptical.

According to Rasmussen, 46 percent of American "likely voters" favored American "military airstrikes in Iraq to help its government" fight insurgents. Thirty-two percent opposed the idea, while 22 percent weren't sure.

This seems like a pretty clear finding: by a hefty 14-point margin, Americans with an opinion want President Obama to order airstrikes on Iraq.

Then they can sign up for it.
Well for starters, I don't want it.
I'll never support another war, other than our homeland being invaded. Americans just can't be trusted to support it til the end, nor do they show the backbone to really REALLY wage war. We end up playing pretend war, and being too afraid to raise pure havoc on the field of battle. So I'm done with them.

Now, outside of that, Obama fucked up an pulled our troops out before real stability was at hand, so this is now what we've got. Go ahead, do some airstrikes, that's all I will support. Let the Iraqi's fix their own shit at this point, and let the whole Mideast fry for all I care. We have enough oil here if we would just go and get it and save it for ourselves. Let the rest of the world take care of this shit for a change.

"at hand"? Is that another way of saying "around the corner" like Bush II & Wolfowitz kept saying?
Liberals want more Americans to die in Iraq? That's surprising. Send over an army of gays and illegals. Use this as an excuse to clean house.

take your partisan hackery/hyperbole & shove it where the sun don't shine shitstain :fu: Do you ever stop w/ your rw butt hurtedness? EVER?!!!

As to the OP, polls don't hold much weight w/ thinking people. Its easy to elicit a desired response by wording and leading questions.
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First of all, the poll says "46 percent of American 'likely voters' favored American 'military airstrikes in Iraq to help its government'"

This is hardly boots on the ground. I think most who favor this favor "Shock and Awe" among anything else.

But to point out, the appetite isn't for war, the appetite is for redemption. Redemption of a failed foreign policy that has made America look weak in the eyes of our international counterparts. It seems as if we no longer are in control (if we ever were).

Nonetheless, we shouldn't do anything. This is what we want...terrorists killing each other in their pursuit of power and Allah. Let them fight each other...lets rebuild our nation, heal our wounds and come together as a nation once again. Lets take the time to mentally and physically prepare for an inevitable war. We don't have to rush...let them exhaust their resources and grow weary of death and war (if that is possible for a Muslim).

Let Iran and Saudi Arabia duke it out...let them spend billions of dollars on death and despair. We only need to mop up after a victor emerges.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were genius...this is the plan. This is what the CIA wants, this is what America and the world needs to happen in the Middle East.
A new poll says Americans want a third war in Iraq. Be skeptical. - Vox

Rasmussen Reports released a poll today that says a plurality of Americans want to intervene in Iraq's civil war. You should be skeptical.

According to Rasmussen, 46 percent of American "likely voters" favored American "military airstrikes in Iraq to help its government" fight insurgents. Thirty-two percent opposed the idea, while 22 percent weren't sure.

This seems like a pretty clear finding: by a hefty 14-point margin, Americans with an opinion want President Obama to order airstrikes on Iraq.

This is shocking.


It just means that Americans have not learned though (big surprise there) and are more than willing to get into a war and then whine and bitch when it actually turns out you have to stay and fight.
A poll isn't worth much in my opinion. If we want war in Iraq, we are just going to our own destruction.
If the polls are breaking for military action then Obama will order it. If the polls indicated a majority of people wanted us to surrender unconditionally to Russia Obama would do that too.

Thing is? Obama's Foreign Policy IS surrender.

I didnt know Obama even HAD a foreign policy.

And that's the point...and it helps our enemies, and rejects/isolates those that used to be our friends.
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