Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant brilliant man yeah that does not excuse to do abuse of power over his slaves you can romanticize it all you want is just wrong to treat somebody as property. He knew this and having sex with said person with no power it's just as wrong

Jefferson was a horn dog...but that did not seem to hamper his abilities. This is why political "sex scandals" are so ridiculous.
If she consented (to of course what never occurred as I have proven already), it cannot be rape. Period. End of story.

A slave did not have the luxury of consent. There was no such thing. Sally Hemmings was a slave and had no right to consent or not.

For all we know, she and the lascivious Mr. Jefferson could very well have had an actual "relationship" but that was seldom the case. More often than not, it was the slave owner taking advantage of his property.

For once you are correct on all accounts Seawytch. They could have and that was seldom the case.

The fact is, DNA exonerated Jefferson and Joe is lying through is teeth calling him a "rapist" when he was never even charged with that crime, much less convicted of it.

Joe has to try to demonize the founders because they created the Constitution which Joe hates.

according to the left Jefferson also embraced Islam

Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant brilliant man yeah that does not excuse to do abuse of power over his slaves you can romanticize it all you want is just wrong to treat somebody as property. He knew this and having sex with said person with no power it's just as wrong

Except he didn't have sex with her and DNA proved that.

DNA proved someone with Jefferson's Y chromosone had sex with her. The Y Chromosone doesn't mutate from generation to generation along the male line.

So while it is possible someone else in the house with that chromosone might have did the deed, she was-

1) His property.
2) In his company for all of the period discussed.
3) Contemporary accounts talk of his relationship.
4) Oral tradition in the Hemmings family name him as the father.
5) She looked like his dead wife!
You seem awfully interested in my dick. Are you sure you're not straight sweetie? :)

So to be clear, you're admitting that Obama - a graduate of an Ivy League school and holding a position of representing the people - acted like a high school boy at a party who was desperate for attention and intentionally voted wrong? Wow. You just proved that the Republicans really are the only adults in the room.

Just showing concern for a fellow American puppy. Just wanted you to know there is medicine for your little problem.

The Democrats had a strictly symbolic vote. They KNEW it wasn't going to go anywhere, much like the GOP and their repeated votes on repealing the ACA. Are you calling them high school children desperate for attention?

No - the GOP really does want to repeal the AHCA. You're claiming the Dumbocrats never wanted to prevent the debt ceiling from being raised (which is true of course because you ignorant socialists live for government spending) - so you're admitting they took their critical job of voting for the constituents across the nation and used it like a frat house prank.

Once again proving that Republicans are the only adults in the room.

Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.
A slave did not have the luxury of consent. There was no such thing. Sally Hemmings was a slave and had no right to consent or not.

For all we know, she and the lascivious Mr. Jefferson could very well have had an actual "relationship" but that was seldom the case. More often than not, it was the slave owner taking advantage of his property.

For once you are correct on all accounts Seawytch. They could have and that was seldom the case.

The fact is, DNA exonerated Jefferson and Joe is lying through is teeth calling him a "rapist" when he was never even charged with that crime, much less convicted of it.

Joe has to try to demonize the founders because they created the Constitution which Joe hates.

Dog?? Are you talking about "the" Thomas Jefferson? The one that lived during slave times? That one?

And you think? that white men were charged with rape for raping a slave? Maybe even convicted?

Your stupidity knows no bounds dog. None. MAtter of fact, your stupidity is astounding.
That's the only reason I read your drivel. To see if you out do yourself. You did this time.

Slave holders charged with rape?? Amazing. No wonder the Teabaggers have risen to the lofty heights they have. THey have people like you supporting them.

Do you always use question marks in the middle of your sentences? :lmao:

No wonder there is an idiot marxist Dumbocrat sitting in the White House with uneducated illiterate parasites like you supporting them.

The fact is, DNA exonerated Thomas Jefferson and you can't stand that because it makes you're case for living off of the American tax payer that more difficult.
Problem: The credit cards are maxed out, and we can't afford the payments.

Republican Analysis: Obviously, we should stop charging.

Democrat Analysis: Obviously, our credit limit is too low.

"Obviously, we're not generating enough revenue" said no-one ever due to fear of electoral blowback.
A slave did not have the luxury of consent. There was no such thing. Sally Hemmings was a slave and had no right to consent or not.

For all we know, she and the lascivious Mr. Jefferson could very well have had an actual "relationship" but that was seldom the case. More often than not, it was the slave owner taking advantage of his property.

For once you are correct on all accounts Seawytch. They could have and that was seldom the case.

The fact is, DNA exonerated Jefferson and Joe is lying through is teeth calling him a "rapist" when he was never even charged with that crime, much less convicted of it.

Joe has to try to demonize the founders because they created the Constitution which Joe hates.

according to the left Jefferson also embraced Islam


Our Founding Fathers included Islam
Just showing concern for a fellow American puppy. Just wanted you to know there is medicine for your little problem.

The Democrats had a strictly symbolic vote. They KNEW it wasn't going to go anywhere, much like the GOP and their repeated votes on repealing the ACA. Are you calling them high school children desperate for attention?

No - the GOP really does want to repeal the AHCA. You're claiming the Dumbocrats never wanted to prevent the debt ceiling from being raised (which is true of course because you ignorant socialists live for government spending) - so you're admitting they took their critical job of voting for the constituents across the nation and used it like a frat house prank.

Once again proving that Republicans are the only adults in the room.

Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

The Democrats ALL voted against raising the debt ceiling when we were $7 trillion less in debt. Now that Obama has put us $7 trillion more in debt, they are inexplicably demanding that we raise it. :cuckoo:

It's called hypocrisy. It's called partisan hack. It's called immaturity. Dumbocrats don't know how to do the right thing. Which is why their leadership always ends with collapse like Detroit.
Problem: The credit cards are maxed out, and we can't afford the payments.

Republican Analysis: Obviously, we should stop charging.

Democrat Analysis: Obviously, our credit limit is too low.

"Obviously, we're not generating enough revenue" said no-one ever due to fear of electoral blowback.

the people would like their taxes raised so the folks at the IRS can spend nilly willy

on line dancing youtubes

they certainly will like that in addition to the rise in and forcing of buying

expensive and worthless health care policies
Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

And that's the problem. You really don't know (and you really don't care). You refuse to learn the facts and understand them. You just know you were indoctrinated to support Dumocrats and so you do. And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.
Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

And that's the problem. You really don't know (and you really don't care). You refuse to learn the facts and understand them. You just know you were indoctrinated to support Dumocrats and so you do. And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

maybe the prezbos policy of

inflict as much pain on the people as possible to pass new agendas

runs much deeper then the current CR

maybe that has been his plan all along

that would certainly explain it
Problem: The credit cards are maxed out, and we can't afford the payments.

Republican Analysis: Obviously, we should stop charging.

Democrat Analysis: Obviously, our credit limit is too low.

"Obviously, we're not generating enough revenue" said no-one ever due to fear of electoral blowback.

the people would like their taxes raised so the folks at the IRS can spend nilly willy

on line dancing youtubes

they certainly will like that in addition to the rise in and forcing of buying

expensive and worthless health care policies

And other worthless programs.

Let's Move!




"Obviously, we're not generating enough revenue" said no-one ever due to fear of electoral blowback.

the people would like their taxes raised so the folks at the IRS can spend nilly willy

on line dancing youtubes

they certainly will like that in addition to the rise in and forcing of buying

expensive and worthless health care policies

And other worthless programs.

Let's Move!





we could easily shave off 15 percent

of the federal government

the shutdown shows us that
Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

Sweetie, they are not "acting like a petulant child". They are doing their job. They were sent to Washington to stop Obama from collapsing this nation with his Cloward & Piven strategy.

The only one acting like a petulant child is you. You can't accept the fact the we the people have spoken. We sent the Tea Party to Washington to stop the collapse and they are doing their job right now.
Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

And that's the problem. You really don't know (and you really don't care). You refuse to learn the facts and understand them. You just know you were indoctrinated to support Dumocrats and so you do. And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

maybe the prezbos policy of

inflict as much pain on the people as possible to pass new agendas

runs much deeper then the current CR

maybe that has been his plan all along

that would certainly explain it

Maybe? It definitely has been the plan all along. Cloward & Piven. Use government to collapse America. Blame capitalism. Implement communism as the "solution".
And that's the problem. You really don't know (and you really don't care). You refuse to learn the facts and understand them. You just know you were indoctrinated to support Dumocrats and so you do. And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

maybe the prezbos policy of

inflict as much pain on the people as possible to pass new agendas

runs much deeper then the current CR

maybe that has been his plan all along

that would certainly explain it

Maybe? It definitely has been the plan all along. Cloward & Piven. Use government to collapse America. Blame capitalism. Implement communism as the "solution".

every day that gets clearer and clearer to be the case
Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant brilliant man yeah that does not excuse to do abuse of power over his slaves you can romanticize it all you want is just wrong to treat somebody as property. He knew this and having sex with said person with no power it's just as wrong

Jefferson was a horn dog...but that did not seem to hamper his abilities. This is why political "sex scandals" are so ridiculous.
unless crimes are committe like perjury
Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant brilliant man yeah that does not excuse to do abuse of power over his slaves you can romanticize it all you want is just wrong to treat somebody as property. He knew this and having sex with said person with no power it's just as wrong

Jefferson was a horn dog...but that did not seem to hamper his abilities. This is why political "sex scandals" are so ridiculous.
unless crimes are committe like perjury

Guess again...

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch
Maybe they did. I don't know or care. What I do know and care about is that they never acted the petulant child over not getting their way. The Republicans are doing that now. The Democrats never threatened to default the nation or shut down the government when they couldn't get what they wanted done legislatively but that is what the GOP is doing...like a child who wants candy at the store.

Well, any parent knows that if you give into the petulant child, you'll never have a quiet trip to the store ever again.

And that's the problem. You really don't know (and you really don't care). You refuse to learn the facts and understand them. You just know you were indoctrinated to support Dumocrats and so you do. And that is why this nation is $17 trillion in debt and Obama has kept the real unemployment at 14% for 5 years now.

I don't care why they did it because there were no consequences to their actions. Had the Dems been petulant children like the GOP and held the country hostage, I would have cared a great deal. They didn't.

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