Poll: Any undecided USMB members still?

Are you still undecided between Obama and Romney?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 33 91.7%

  • Total voters
Another demonstration of the two party straight jacket the American people have so unfairly become locked in.

No mention of another choice?
As adamant as most of us are, I was wondering if ANY on this board couls still be swayed one way or the other in the coming debates?

that is if anyone bothers to watch them - undecided on that, and leaning for anything else.
Last poll I saw indicated 347,000 undecided voters left in florida

Barack Obama 53%
Mitt Romney 44%
Don't know 3%
Someone else 1%
-- Florida Presidential Polls - 2012 Election - POLITICO.com

Let's say that there were 8.3 million votes cast for President in FL in 2008.

And let's say they expect a few extra voters in 2012. That would come to roughly 250,000 votes. So there must be more than 3% undecided. but let's not quibble over that fraction.

The incumbent WON FL in 2008 by -- yep -- about 3% margin.

And that was over McCain.

This time, the Obama supporters are likely to be staying away in throngs because, let's face it, enthusiastic support of his record of FAIL is not likely.

But it is believed (general rule) that those who decide very late in the election cycle tend to break AGAINST the incumbent.

NOW add into that the question of whether the pollsters have OVER-sampled Dims.

In the most recent NY Slimes / Quinnipiac poll, for FL, the Dims got OVER SAMPLED 43 to 36 over the GOP. http://images.politico.com/global/2012/09/120926_quinnipiac_poll_oh_pa_fl.pdf (see page 15).

Your ability to detect a stench is seriously suspect.
Hmmm... I'm NOT deciding between them. But I wouldn't say I'm undecided.
I won't be voting obama

But I'm not sure I will bother to vote for Mitt.

In recent American history, at least one crucial election came down to a relative handful of votes in just one State. (FL! :eusa_whistle: )

Under such circumstances, a decision NOT to cast a vote for Romney COULD end up helping to make the difference in the re-election of The ONE.

If you imagine that another four years of FAIL from The ONE poses no meaningful difference from the prospective first four years of Mitt, then it is what it is.

But, personally, i cannot imagine that at his worst Mitt could EVER be as much of a clusterfuck as The ONE. And there will be many other consequences -- like vacancies in the Federal Bench.

It may not matter much who I cast my vote for in the Empire State. The idiot in chief will get the electoral college votes here.

But it might matter where you live. Vote for Mitt.
I'm decided....that neither will get my vote. I'll sit this one out.

However, should either candidate come out, and encourage his party to strongly reaffirm their support for cops and firemen, and encourage states and cities to make budget, pay and benefits cuts for cops and firemen a last resort.....maybe I'd reconsider.

But as it is...neither would ever do that, nor would their party. The voters will flock to "Support the Troops" bumber stickers and flag waving....and rightfully so. But generally dont give a fuck, or sometimes openly despise...the "other" men and women who "protect us".

You are going to make your decision based on police and firemen? The decision is yours of course, but it doesnt make sense to base a decision for candidates for federal office based on issues that solely belong to the state and local levels. Personally, I dont want Obama or Romney involved in issues with police and firemen because the President isnt authorized by the Constitution to be involved in those issues.

The troops naturally are involved in national elections because they are national issues. Seems only logical to be concerned with a candidates position there. But local issues? Like I said it's your choice. But if you arent voting for either, maybe you should change your avatar.
The only thing I am undecided about is wondering if an empty chair...would actually be better than Obama.
Instead of meeting with world leaders today - he went on the View.

You mean Whoopie doesnt influence world politics?:)
My guess is there are lurkers who arent decided yet. There are always people who dont participate in these polls watching what we say. not sure they are religious about it though:)
I'm decided....that neither will get my vote. I'll sit this one out.

However, should either candidate come out, and encourage his party to strongly reaffirm their support for cops and firemen, and encourage states and cities to make budget, pay and benefits cuts for cops and firemen a last resort.....maybe I'd reconsider.

But as it is...neither would ever do that, nor would their party. The voters will flock to "Support the Troops" bumber stickers and flag waving....and rightfully so. But generally dont give a fuck, or sometimes openly despise...the "other" men and women who "protect us".

I don't want to see you talking about it then.


I'm not voting for any of the two major party candidates either because both suck.

I have as much right to bitch about the the winner over the next four years as the rest of you do. I didn't nominate either one of them. I think which ever one wins they will continue to spend our tax dollars like there is no tomorrow and cut taxes on the rich, so why shouldn't I bitch about the SOB you guys decide to put in office?


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