Poll: Are republicans responsible for killing manufacturing jobs in america?


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yes but the real answer is both parties are responsible. I mean this current President actually had GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as his "Jobs Czar" for God's sake. GE has outsourced Thousands of American jobs for many years. So how could he be a "Jobs Czar?" Was he a "Jobs Czar" for China or something? Both parties are responsible in the end.
Let me think back to 1995,,oh yes,,I can recall seeing "Made In China" tags on a few things I bought from Wal-Mart, so, I guess it's all Bill Clintons fault.
This is so stupid. This will be a straight partisan vote so what's the fucking point?

Dumb, thread is dumb.
NO. They aren't.
It's you idiots that consider Walmart a place of worship.
Divided you fall.
Let me toss in Home Depot as a second.
Greed kills.........Read my signature. You voted for it.
Our corporate tax structure is responsible for sending jobs overseas. Congress sets our corporate tax structure. Congress is responsible for sending jobs overseas. Congress has two parties, both of which are replete with coin operated members.
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It rains, it is the Republicans, the temperature is too high, it is the republicans. You miss the traffic light, it is the republicans. The donut shop sold out its last apple fritter for the day, some Republican got it. You left the stove on all day, it is the republicans.

Manufacturing jobs come and go depending on taste, style, reputation of the firm, wage costs, benefit costs, rent, property taxes, location of resources, and normal progress. The republicans are not responsible for the fact that no one uses button hooks, celluloid collars, buggy whips or horse collars any more. All important manufacturing tasks that at one time employed thousands.

You need to move beyond "Something sucks. There fore it is the republicans that made it so."

It is better to say about manufacturing jobs, what exactly is going on in the US economy that manufacturing is less important than it was, or is happening less.

Sometimes US regulations are good. Sometimes they are counter productive. They all make up the price structure. You say "We need to have goofy union laws" that goes into the manufacturing cost structure. Companies that have to deal with US unions tend to move either to the US south, or to places like China, where the army takes care of the Union issue.

We are loosing steel plants in the US. Well, there are environmental laws here that prevent steel plants from running coke plants here. In China, that is not a problem. So Steel manufacture goes there. I personally prefer to breath oxygen than coal fumes. So we trade manufacturing jobs for air. It is a deal we made. The guys working the coke plant or the rolling mill might be pissed, but our air is more important than their job.

If you want more manufacturing jobs, then you have to give up on strong unions and fresh air or a host of other important things. We make trade offs.

Just because you don't like the result of your choices does not mean that someone else is responsible for them.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu-P_lK-NeU]Steve Wynn - "Obama greatest wet-blanket on jobs and business in my lifetime" - YouTube[/ame]
AND good pay, and cracking infrastructure, affordable guaranteed health care, and the stupidest wars EVER, and the 2nd Pub Great Depression, and the worst science ever,the most expensive college and college loans ever, the disfunction of congress and the country, and the stupidest voters ever. Everyone knows it but dittohead Pub dupes. The world is aghast.
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AND good pay, and cracking infrastructure, affordable guaranteed health care, and the stupidest wars EVER, and the 2nd Pub Great Depression, and the worst science ever, the disfunction of congress and the country, and the stupidest voters ever. Everyone knows it but dittohead Pub dupes. The world is aghast.

The sad thing is that you cancel the vote of some sane person
AND good pay, and cracking infrastructure, affordable guaranteed health care, and the stupidest wars EVER, and the 2nd Pub Great Depression, and the worst science ever, the disfunction of congress and the country, and the stupidest voters ever. Everyone knows it but dittohead Pub dupes. The world is aghast.

The sad thing is that you cancel the vote of some sane person

Unlikely. He pairs with either Tank or USArmyRetired.
Both parties are responsible, no question there. NAFTA was Republican George HW's baby, Congress passed it (House- 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted for NAFTA, Senate- 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats voted for NAFTA) and Democrat Bill Clinton signed off on it.
Technology also has something to do with the demise of the manufacturing jobs with robotics and America nor the American based companies did nothing to expand trade education towards the technology end of things, but investment for developing/training was offered in off-shore countries. Who dropped the ball?
The pandering by Washington to those who continue to kill jobs by off-shoring is equally sickening.
Our corporate tax structure is responsible for sending jobs overseas. Congress sets out corporate tax structure. Congress is responsible for sending jobs overseas. Congress has two parties, both of which are replete with coin operated members.

nope.... taxes only play a minor part in such a decision.......

payroll expense is the biggest reason.......

i have worked with many companies that have shipped jobs outside america... mexico and china being the main places...... and the cost saving analysist has always rested on labor expense comparisons......

during my last 2 year assignment that ended 4 months ago, we shipped jobs that were costing 18.50/hr (with benefits and taxes) to mexico where the rate was 6.45/hr (with benefits and taxes)........

now when you have close to 900 people working 3 shifts running 6 days aweek, that 12/hr per person saving comes out to roughly 26 million a year saving in labor costs.......

that more than doubled the net income for that plant just by moving to mexico......

with china, the labor costs are even less than that......

so unless american workers are willing to work for 4/hr with no insurance, no vacation, no 401k, no amount of tax reform is going to stop companies to form moving to places wiht extreme low costs of labor.........

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