POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

Do you agree with this plan?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

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Sorry, Mac, you long ago lost credibility with both sides.

Since the Dept of Ed is a Federal Agency, I'm not sure what impact that would have on local schools offering gender confirming care.

Or why the GOP thinks this is a winning issue, exactly. The only people upset about this are the ones who were going to vote Republican anyway.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

See your point... If they had to actually do find a 'Marxist' in education, I would love to see how they would search...

Then when they find one, we accuse one... The trial would be very interesting...
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

I'll do one better.

Abolish the entire Dept of Ed at the federal level.

Return education to the states and the localities as it should be.

Done. The end.
I'll do one better.

Abolish the entire Dept of Ed at the federal level.

Return education to the states and the localities as it should be.

Done. The end.

Fuck, let's go one better. Let's get rid of public education, and then return the tax dollars to the people. And the people who have kids can pay to have their kids educated or home school them.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?
Why don't you distinguish between a discussion and debating idea proposal , and a later wrinkle- free detail proposition ?

Agreement of Strategy and Aims always comes before plan Execution details .

Principles first .And the ones at stake here are those at the heart of national demise not only now , but the foreseeable future .
Authoritarians make their own rules, judge & jury.

And these people claim to be pro-Constitution. Funny.

Funny stuff for sure. Biden overturned many Trump policies on Day 1, to our country's detriment. He hired people that support his idiotic and corrupt ideas and based most hiring on meeting some quota.

Yeah. if Trump took office again, he should purge what he feels is detrimental to our country, just like Biden did. If I might add, the FBI colluded with Twitter DURING Trump's first tenure to help Biden in the election. People doing things like that, which are occuring up and down every organization under this administration, should be summarily purged.
Fuck, let's go one better. Let's get rid of public education, and then return the tax dollars to the people. And the people who have kids can pay to have their kids educated or home school them.
Sounds like a plan. Glad you are coming around but just getting shed of the DoEd would be a fine start for now.

My kids never saw the inside of a public school. Working on the grandkids now.

Of course it takes sacrifice and most folks don't have the balls for that, too selfish.
Fuck, let's go one better. Let's get rid of public education, and then return the tax dollars to the people. And the people who have kids can pay to have their kids educated or home school them.

Not many are pushing for this, but having the feds running our educational system is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, people like you from Illinois have a slightly different idea of just how our children should be educated than many states in the South. Each state should be able to manage their own curriculum.
Not many are pushing for this, but having the feds running our educational system is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, people like you from Illinois have a slightly different idea of just how our children should be educated than many states in the South. Each state should be able to manage their own curriculum.

You have a point there. We don't teach kids about talking snakes and our kids have a good understanding on how evolution works. So there's that.

Of course, part of the problem is that because Texas is the largest market for textbooks, the textbook publishers tend to dumb down the textbooks to play in Texas, which is why we NEED federal standards.

But, man, you can't argue with results, can you? Check out these maps!



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