Poll: Biden Approval Drops to Lowest Level After Taliban Takeover

The problem was not uping the number but the administrative process which was taking years per person... Read what Tyroe says, they embedded people and gummed up the works... They spent months and months making it as hard as possible...

Your basic defence is that Biden couldn't fix Trump's stuff quick enough... Think what you are saying... Trump was the one that let Miller run loose, Biden had weeks with skeleton staff, Trump had months and set the timeline and resources..

Lets have the investigation, a lot is making sense now..
Biden had "weeks"? He's been President since last January, Ted...that's MONTHS not weeks and a lot of them! Not to mention he knew he was taking office last November and if he was ready to change immigration policy on day one then why wasn't he ready to change policy in Afghanistan?
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This wasn't just a "Trump policy." It was a deal between the U.S. and the Taliban. It's one thing to reverse a Trump policy, like raising taxes after Trump lowered them. It's entirely a different ball of wax to reverse a deal made with a foreign body. Doing that tells the world, don't make deals with the U.S., they won't honor them.
Oh, so let me get this straight...Joe Biden reversed deals that Trump made with countries involving immigration and our southern border in a few days...yet you think he was unable to reverse a "deal" made with the Taliban...a group of terrorists that aren't even a country? That might be one of the dumber things posted here today, Faun! Congrats...
That is actually a testament to how divided we are as a country in that one of the worst blunders by a President in modern history... and it only affected his ratings this little.

It's apparent that 19.9% of Americas would approve of "anything but Trump" even while forced to their knees for summary execution.

It's apparent that 19.9% of Americas would approve of "anything but Trump" even while forced to their knees for summary execution.

View attachment 529010
Oh yeah... at this point that bottom 20% would approve of him on the streets of Kabul giving blow jobs in exchange for Americans.
No seriously. They would.
They are called never-Trumpers for a reason.

Dumbfuck, aside from you being too stupid to even think up your own insults, you can only mindlessly parrot back the ones you read, it matters not what compells a VP to invoke the 25th. The VP is still required to invoke it in order to remove a sitting president. You're dumber than shit to keep arguing otherwise after being shown that in the Constitution...

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Dumbfuck, the Biden Crime Family administration frequently ignores the Constitution. That has no bearing on the fact that the DNC controls both Biden and Harris. Harris does not have to initiate the use of the 25th Amendment. She does have to obey the DNC or commit political suicide. If the DNC determines that Biden must go early, it may use the 25th to get rid of him simply by drawing up the declaration and telling Harris to sign it.

The fact that you keep stupidly depending on a quote from the rules regarding use of the 25th confirms your idiocy regarding the reality of how today's DNC functions.

The insult Dumbfuck is just a proportional response to the insult you hurled at me. I could definitely have raised the ante and used stronger terms. Don't feel special, I often do that with other stupid users on this site.
Agreed - after a f*-up this huge, this epic, this historical - no matter who the president is, the drop should have been far more than just 7 Points. The snowflakes are holding on for dear life, doing everything they can to keep Biden afloat.

/——-/ Dementia Joe gonna fix this without mean tweets?
Taliban fighters set an Afghan woman on fire for 'bad cooking,' report says
  • Taliban fighters set an Afghan woman on fire for cooking an unsatisfactory meal, The Telegraph reported.
  • According to Najla Ayoubi, a former judge in Afghanistan, this is one example of the recent violence against women.
  • Ayoubi alleges that women are also being forced to marry Taliban fighters, she told Sky News.
Biden had "weeks"? He's been President since last January, Ted...that's MONTHS not weeks and a lot of them! Not to mention he knew he was taking office last November and if he was ready to change immigration policy on day one then why wasn't he ready to change policy in Afghanistan?

Biden has had an economic collapse, a pandemic, a continuing coup attempt by his predecessor, the National Emergency Trump declared on the Southern Border in 2019, and did nothing to fix, multiple Russian ransomware attacks, to deal with, as well as getting his staffing appointments approved by the Senate and House, while Donald Trump was being impeached.

What did Donald Trump do in his first 6 months in office?
Joe Biden did NOT carry out Trump's plan to withdraw from Afghanistan.
You've only missed the whole fuckin' point, moron.

Only dead brained Joe would ignore all the advice he got from experts and simply shut down our
air force base there (Bagrum) in the middle of the night signaling to the Taliban we would
not be around to oppose them anymore.
in the Doha agreement was a commitment to close 5 military bases, and bagram was one of them, which means its closed for keeping to the terms of doha agreement.
Biden has had an economic collapse, a pandemic, a continuing coup attempt by his predecessor, the National Emergency Trump declared on the Southern Border in 2019, and did nothing to fix, multiple Russian ransomware attacks, to deal with, as well as getting his staffing appointments approved by the Senate and House, while Donald Trump was being impeached.

What did Donald Trump do in his first 6 months in office?
The economy was growing when Trump left office. Trump's fast tracking vaccines gave Biden the tools to attack the pandemic. The "coup" was a one day demonstration and nothing more. Trump had the border under control.

Joe Biden should have been set up for success. Only he's Joe Biden...the dumbest man in Washington.
I've answered that already...we liberated France in WWII...they didn't do diddly fighting against the Germans. Should we have ignored their plight because we didn't think they put up enough resistance? Under the "Faun Doctrine" it would seem to be the case!

So are you going to ever give me a viable reason someone would close down an airport when it's obvious that you're going to need to extract thousands of people?
No, you didn't answer.

6th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?

You posted...

The American people have fought for others incapable of defending themselves for a long, long time, Faun!

I can only hope you know the difference between "capable" and "incapable". Is that too much to ask?
Oh, so let me get this straight...Joe Biden reversed deals that Trump made with countries involving immigration and our southern border in a few days...yet you think he was unable to reverse a "deal" made with the Taliban...a group of terrorists that aren't even a country? That might be one of the dumber things posted here today, Faun! Congrats...
What deal with Mexico did Biden change?
Dumbfuck, the Biden Crime Family administration frequently ignores the Constitution. That has no bearing on the fact that the DNC controls both Biden and Harris. Harris does not have to initiate the use of the 25th Amendment. She does have to obey the DNC or commit political suicide. If the DNC determines that Biden must go early, it may use the 25th to get rid of him simply by drawing up the declaration and telling Harris to sign it.

The fact that you keep stupidly depending on a quote from the rules regarding use of the 25th confirms your idiocy regarding the reality of how today's DNC functions.

The insult Dumbfuck is just a proportional response to the insult you hurled at me. I could definitely have raised the ante and used stronger terms. Don't feel special, I often do that with other stupid users on this site.

Nah, you lack the ability to think for yourself. That's obvious.

That aside, the 25th Amendment can't be invoked without the VP. Your idiotic claim that Harris doesn't need to invoke exposed your ignorance on the matter; since clearly, the Constitution states she would have to invoke it, along with others, in order to unseat Biden.

And no, dumbfuck, I didn't quote "from the rules." I quoted the Constitution.
No, you didn't answer.

6th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?

You posted...

The American people have fought for others incapable of defending themselves for a long, long time, Faun!

I can only hope you know the difference between "capable" and "incapable". Is that too much to ask?
How many times do I have to give examples of times when the US has fought for those unable to fight for themselves? Should we have looked the other way when Iraq invaded Kuwait and steam rolled that tiny nation? We didn't. We defended Kuwait because they were incapable of defending themselves!

You're not going to answer my question...are you, Faun? You don't HAVE a good answer to why Joe Biden would shut down our Air Force base in Afghanistan when there were still tens of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies that we still needed to extract...do you?
How many times do I have to give examples of times when the US has fought for those unable to fight for themselves? Should we have looked the other way when Iraq invaded Kuwait and steam rolled that tiny nation? We didn't. We defended Kuwait because they were incapable of defending themselves!

You're not going to answer my question...are you, Faun? You don't HAVE a good answer to why Joe Biden would shut down our Air Force base in Afghanistan when there were still tens of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies that we still needed to extract...do you?
I dunno, how many times need I point out I didn't ask you who we've fought for who couldn't fight for themselves. I've been asking you who we fought for who could fight themselves.

And I'd be happy to answer your question but not until you start answering.

7th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
I dunno, how many times need I point out I didn't ask you who we've fought for who couldn't fight for themselves. I've been asking you who we fought for who could fight themselves.

And I'd be happy to answer your question but not until you start answering.

7th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
So you basically can't answer my question...so you're going to keep repeating a question that I've already answered twice and use THAT as your excuse why you can't answer?

Hate to tell you, Faun...but you're flailing badly in this one! Tough to defend the idiot sitting in the Oval Office right now...isn't it?

Nah, you lack the ability to think for yourself. That's obvious.

That aside, the 25th Amendment can't be invoked without the VP. Your idiotic claim that Harris doesn't need to invoke exposed your ignorance on the matter; since clearly, the Constitution states she would have to invoke it, along with others, in order to unseat Biden.

And no, dumbfuck, I didn't quote "from the rules." I quoted the Constitution.
Dumbfuck, you quoted the rules for using the 25th Amendment...from the Constitution. You assume (stupidly) that Harris has to initiate the using of it. I say she can be ordered by the DNC to agree with using it after the DNC decides it should be done.

All that is required by the Constitution is that the VP (and others) have to send a written declaration to the Senate. It does not say that the VP has to be the first to recommend it.

The bitch is controlled by the DNC. You're too stupid to realize that.

Here are the relevant parts of the 25th Amendment concerning the VP assuming the position of acting President:

Section 3​

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4​

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

Here is an explanatory interpretation of the 25th Amendment:

This quote refers to Section 4 only. The bold text is crucial for you to understand regarding this discussion.
Section 4 addresses the dramatic case of a President who may be unable to fulfill his constitutional role but who cannot or will not step aside. It provides both a decision-maker and a procedure. The initial deciding group is the Vice President and a majority of either the Cabinet or some other body that Congress may designate (though Congress has never done so). If this group declares a President “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” the Vice President immediately becomes Acting President. If and when the President pronounces himself able, the deciding group has four days to disagree. If it does not, the President retakes his powers. But if it does, the Vice President keeps control while Congress quickly meets and makes a decision. The voting rule in these contested cases favors the President; the Vice President continues acting as President only if two-thirds majorities of both chambers agree that the President is unable to serve.

I repeat: There is no requirement that the VP has to be the first to decide to use the 25th Amendment!
So you basically can't answer my question...so you're going to keep repeating a question that I've already answered twice and use THAT as your excuse why you can't answer?

Hate to tell you, Faun...but you're flailing badly in this one! Tough to defend the idiot sitting in the Oval Office right now...isn't it?
Of course I can -- just as soon as you answer mine. Why do you think I should answer your questions when you won't answer mine?

8th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
Miserable creature! Biden and all the Rats who are helping him destroy America and the world.:mad-61:

Of course I can -- just as soon as you answer mine. Why do you think I should answer your questions when you won't answer mine?

8th time...

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
I've answered your question...twice. You're still running from mine!
Dumbfuck, you quoted the rules for using the 25th Amendment...from the Constitution. You assume (stupidly) that Harris has to initiate the using of it. I say she can be ordered by the DNC to agree with using it after the DNC decides it should be done.

All that is required by the Constitution is that the VP (and others) have to send a written declaration to the Senate. It does not say that the VP has to be the first to recommend it.

The bitch is controlled by the DNC. You're too stupid to realize that.

Here are the relevant parts of the 25th Amendment concerning the VP assuming the position of acting President:

Here is an explanatory interpretation of the 25th Amendment:

This quote refers to Section 4 only. The bold text is crucial for you to understand regarding this discussion.

I repeat: There is no requirement that the VP has to be the first to decide to use the 25th Amendment!

Dumbfuck, I never said the VP has to be "first." I said the VP, along with others, has to invoke the 25th Amendment. Whereas you moronically claimed the VP didn't even need to invoke it. :cuckoo:

Now you post a link which also proves you're an idiot

And moron, the Constitution isn't "rules," it's the supreme law of the land. If you weren't such an imbecile, you would have known I was quoting the Constitution, not "rules."

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