Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
One of the reasons we can't get anything done in this Country is because the leftists can't speak in anything other than College Sophomore cliches and Bumper Sticker Slogans.

'Basic Human Right'....... How incredibly juvenile.

The point is this..... We're not going to let people die on the Hospital Steps in this Country.

So how do we pay for Health Care??

We can keep going the way we are and we can watch our economy implode.

We can implement socialism and watch our economy, our culture and our society self-destruct. (socialized medicine IS socialism)

Or we can MANDATE that everyone have Health Insurance.

This discussion, nationally, isn't about Health Care. Only the stupid (which is dimocraps) believe that.

It is about Health INSURANCE and how we pay for it.

I told you people over a hundred times, now. The Swiss system works.

obamacare sucks ass.

The Swiss System is not Means Tested, it is not filled with senseless, useless, stupid mandatory coverages. And it has no coverage gaps like the senseless, useless and STUPID obamacare.

dimocrap scum are WAY too stupid to understand anything not explained to them by their Kindergarten Teachers in the LSM.

So it is incumbent on us to explain it to them.

The question is -- Will they listen?

I doubt it. Not unless and until their Masters, their 'Handlers' talk to them in the motherly voices they're used to from the condescending asswipes in the media.

It's up to you. We either fail or we progress based on what we do with Health Insurance in this Country.

The problem will lie with dimocrap scum and their relentless quest for socialism
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
The "right" of helathcare is the govt not oppressing you from seeking it.
Unless you are ready to turn people away from an emergency room if they don't have insurance (I'm not) we all need to have insurance
I am. Its bullshit. 3/4 of fed govt regulation is unconstitutional bullshit.
If big brother never got involved we wouldnt be going through this shit. It amazes me how people support giving more power to the very ones that fucked everything up.
One of the reasons we can't get anything done in this Country is because the leftists can't speak in anything other than College Sophomore cliches and Bumper Sticker Slogans.

'Basic Human Right'....... How incredibly juvenile.

The point is this..... We're not going to let people die on the Hospital Steps in this Country.

So how do we pay for Health Care??

We can keep going the way we are and we can watch our economy implode.

We can implement socialism and watch our economy, our culture and our society self-destruct. (socialized medicine IS socialism)

Or we can MANDATE that everyone have Health Insurance.

This discussion, nationally, isn't about Health Care. Only the stupid (which is dimocraps) believe that.

It is about Health INSURANCE and how we pay for it.

I told you people over a hundred times, now. The Swiss system works.

obamacare sucks ass.

The Swiss System is not Means Tested, it is not filled with senseless, useless, stupid mandatory coverages. And it has no coverage gaps like the senseless, useless and STUPID obamacare.

dimocrap scum are WAY too stupid to understand anything not explained to them by their Kindergarten Teachers in the LSM.

So it is incumbent on us to explain it to them.

The question is -- Will they listen?

I doubt it. Not unless and until their Masters, their 'Handlers' talk to them in the motherly voices they're used to from the condescending asswipes in the media.

It's up to you. We either fail or we progress based on what we do with Health Insurance in this Country.

The problem will lie with dimocrap scum and their relentless quest for socialism
Do you ever offer anything at all?
Well besides your self hating racist bullshit?
I am for two-tired healthcare.

Full government healthcare for those who cannot it otherwise AND private healthcare (with zero/minimal government meddling) for everyone else.
That model has worked out soooo well for the welfare state.....NOT!
When I receive a messed up billing from a doctor I want the government to run healthcare as their punishment.

I feel the same way

After my wife was hospitalized for a week I got a stack of bills demanding payment before my insurance had even settled. I ended up negotiating between the doctors and my insurance over payment. Out of network doctors would show up and treat my wife and then my insurance refused to pay them

I met a guy from UK once who told me he had open heart surgery. He said he just showed his ID card when he checked in and never received a bill
Ignorant, close minded Americans do not understand the reality of universal healthcare. I think that Medicare for all is the best solution. We already have it running and can just expand it to all. Countries with universal healthcare have better healthcare and spend less money on it than we do. We spend more money per person on health care than EU countries and have a lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate. We waste money on health care catering to millionaire doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and over-priced medical equipment, as well as for-profit insurance companies. Close minded Americans are afraid of anything that is new (to them) and resist change, even though it is for the better.
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws work and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?
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Most nations have already determined it is a basic human right

One of the reasons we can't get anything done in this Country is because the leftists can't speak in anything other than College Sophomore cliches and Bumper Sticker Slogans.

'Basic Human Right'....... How incredibly juvenile.

The point is this..... We're not going to let people die on the Hospital Steps in this Country.

So how do we pay for Health Care??

We can keep going the way we are and we can watch our economy implode.

We can implement socialism and watch our economy, our culture and our society self-destruct. (socialized medicine IS socialism)

Or we can MANDATE that everyone have Health Insurance.

This discussion, nationally, isn't about Health Care. Only the stupid (which is dimocraps) believe that.

It is about Health INSURANCE and how we pay for it.

I told you people over a hundred times, now. The Swiss system works.

obamacare sucks ass.

The Swiss System is not Means Tested, it is not filled with senseless, useless, stupid mandatory coverages. And it has no coverage gaps like the senseless, useless and STUPID obamacare.

dimocrap scum are WAY too stupid to understand anything not explained to them by their Kindergarten Teachers in the LSM.

So it is incumbent on us to explain it to them.

The question is -- Will they listen?

I doubt it. Not unless and until their Masters, their 'Handlers' talk to them in the motherly voices they're used to from the condescending asswipes in the media.

It's up to you. We either fail or we progress based on what we do with Health Insurance in this Country.

The problem will lie with dimocrap scum and their relentless quest for socialism
Yes, a basic human right

Most nations with nowhere near our wealth have decided that decades ago. We are the wealthiest nation on earth and still use a punative healthcare system. You get sick, you will suffer not just physically but economically. .......your health is not my problem

If you have ever been really sick, you would realize how important healthcare is as a citizen

If we can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to our wealthiest citizens, we can afford to provide essential healthcare
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Ignorant, close minded Americans do not understand the the reality of universal healthcare. I think that Medicare for all is the best solution. We already have it running and can just expand it to all. Countries with universal healthcare have better healthcare and spend less money on it than we do. We spend more money per person on health care than EU countries and have a lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate. We waste money on health care catering to millionaire doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and over-priced medical equipment, as well as for profit insurance companies. Close minded Americans are afraid of anything that is new (to them) and resist change, even though it is for the better.
We understand it just fine...The State will decide who gets medical services and how much they get...IOW, rationing.

Move your ass to Canada.
The Brits & Canucks have a two tiered healthcare system, basic care is provided free to all, but if you can pay you can upgrade/go elsewhere. Sounds like a good model to me. Ask them if they would prefer our current system to theirs.
Bandwagon and "the grass is greener" fallacies....Not an argument.
You argue your ideology and I'll look for a model that works.
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws works and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
I am for two-tired healthcare.

Full government healthcare for those who cannot it otherwise AND private healthcare (with zero/minimal government meddling) for everyone else.
That model has worked out soooo well for the welfare state.....NOT!

It's a step in the right direction, believe it or not.

We'd have to have some kind of Co-Pay to keep those people from abusing the medical care system. Otherwise, they'll use it as a social exercise. They'll park their big butts in the Doctor's Office all day every day.

I'd say, $25 cash copay per adult visit to the Doctor and $10 per child under 18. You could have a Stop-Loss of $200 per year for Adults and $50 for children.

It really is a step in the right direction. Not the answer, but a starting point
The Brits & Canucks have a two tiered healthcare system, basic care is provided free to all, but if you can pay you can upgrade/go elsewhere. Sounds like a good model to me. Ask them if they would prefer our current system to theirs.
Bandwagon and "the grass is greener" fallacies....Not an argument.
You argue your ideology and I'll look for a model that works.
Anyone who uses Medicare now knows that you can add supplements. It's the same thing as is described for Canada and would be the same if we had a 'Medicare for all' program.
Yes, a basic human right
"Right" as defined how?....Be specific.

Most nations with nowhere near our wealth have decided that decades ago. We are the wealthiest nation on earth and still use a putative healthcare system. You get sick, you will suffer not just physically but economically. .......your health is not my problem

Bandwagon and "grass is greener" fallacies....Not an argument.

If you have ever been really sick, you would realize how important healthcare is as a citizen
Appeal to emotion....Not an argument.

If we can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to our wealthiest citizens, we can afford to provide essential healthcare
Red herring....Not an argument.

Beside that, allowing someone to keep what they earned isn't "giving" them anything.
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws works and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
For example, in the UK, national healthcare is not required of all as far as using it; everyone pays for it in their taxes, but people who can afford it may go to private physicians as much as they want. We cannot pick and choose what programs our taxes go for. If we followed one of Warren's plans, we would be getting far more back in corporate taxes than we'd need to pay for Medicare for all. Too many Americans prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits. One percent of the population owns 80% of the money. And Republicans want to keep it that way.
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I am for two-tired healthcare.

Full government healthcare for those who cannot it otherwise AND private healthcare (with zero/minimal government meddling) for everyone else.
That model has worked out soooo well for the welfare state.....NOT!

It's a step in the right direction, believe it or not.

We'd have to have some kind of Co-Pay to keep those people from abusing the medical care system. Otherwise, they'll use it as a social exercise. They'll park their big butts in the Doctor's Office all day every day.

I'd say, $25 cash copay per adult visit to the Doctor and $10 per child under 18. You could have a Stop-Loss of $200 per year for Adults and $50 for children.

It really is a step in the right direction. Not the answer, but a starting point
but that direction leads to socialized healthcare,,,so not a good direction

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