POLL: Does the size and role of government exist on a continuum?

Does the Size, Cost, Depth and Authority of governments exist on a continuum?

  • 2. No, we are either the USA or we are Venezuela

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
The True intentions of the Constitution have been perverted.............The Founders gave the Federal Gov't enumerated power for a reason. They knew from History that giving it too much power would lead to a corrupt gov't enriching itself over the will of the people. Voting in laws for their own benefit over the people they were supposed to be representing.

Now we have them passing laws and regs to benefit their buddies and own pocket..........Corrupt to the core..........History repeating itself..........yet again...........imagine that.

I voted to bitch about the poll..............because the Op is a fraud................playing his little stuck up game of nuetrality and so called adult in the room bs................just a normal day for him.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're playing semantics, equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
You don't have the balls to read the constitution that you have help pervert................Your biased side always wants more gov't............more ................more .................more.............and have pissed on the Constitution a long time ago..............

You are the problem..............not us...........and our country is screwed because of it......................

Riddle me this................If your side ............and you are on their side............is SO RIGHTEOUS.............Then why the hell is everyone running from Dem controlled states like California............Why are they running...............If your side is so right........................Face it ...............your side sucks.
Still no answer.

Yeah it was an answer, one you don't like, not weird.
What was the answer, yes or no?
I thought you didn't like black or white, yes or no, answers. Now you do?

I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
Your question has been answered.............Now go suit up and join the team jersey you claim to be nuetral from.......

Limited gov't is the answer ..........and you don't like it.

I really don't give a damn if you don't like it..............liberals like you want your answers or it's OMFG............who the hell cares.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
You don't have the balls to read the constitution that you have help pervert................Your biased side always wants more gov't............more ................more .................more.............and have pissed on the Constitution a long time ago..............

You are the problem..............not us...........and our country is screwed because of it......................

Riddle me this................If your side ............and you are on their side............is SO RIGHTEOUS.............Then why the hell is everyone running from Dem controlled states like California............Why are they running...............If your side is so right........................Face it ...............your side sucks.
Still no answer.

Yeah it was an answer, one you don't like, not weird.
What was the answer, yes or no?
I thought you didn't like black or white, yes or no, answers. Now you do?

Okay, thanks.

Full disclosure, I wasn't holding my breath there.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
Your question has been answered.............Now go suit up and join the team jersey you claim to be nuetral from.......

Limited gov't is the answer ..........and you don't like it.

I really don't give a damn if you don't like it..............liberals like you want your answers or it's OMFG............who the hell cares.
It has? Was it "yes" or "no"?
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.
Okay, thanks so much!

Of course it can exist on a continuum. It currently does.

I would argue that government, especially a government of the size and power of ours, is naturally corrupt and unjust. We see it every day. It is far past the time the people got rid of this government, by peaceful means.

Government today is nothing but lies, but it’s power is immense.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
Your question has been answered.............Now go suit up and join the team jersey you claim to be nuetral from.......

Limited gov't is the answer ..........and you don't like it.

I really don't give a damn if you don't like it..............liberals like you want your answers or it's OMFG............who the hell cares.
It has? Was it "yes" or "no"?
Next time you do a poll add the following answer.............Fuck off Mac check box.............would save me time............

If I could go back in time...............the General Welfare clause to grant unlimited power to the gov't would have not occurred.................Wilson the beginning...............and FDR Wilson on Steroids...................and now we have IDIOTS like BERNIE.............GOING MORE MORE MORE..................

The path of the end of our country.................and idiots like you will vote for him................or the fake indian...........

Limited Gov't..........via the constitution was always the answer..........and you don't like it.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.
Okay, thanks so much!

Sure thing. Hope you're able to suck in more dupes to play your silly little game.

Good luck.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.

Everything lies on a continuum... except yes and no. Then it's actually binary, with no in-between allowed, black and white, cut and dry.
Of course it can exist on a continuum. It currently does.

I would argue that government, especially a government of the size and power of ours, is naturally corrupt and unjust. We see it every day. It is far past the time the people got rid of this government, by peaceful means.

Government today is nothing but lies, but it’s power is immense.
Well, it's run by humans, and we can be pretty ugly. It seems to me that the only thing the populace can do is restrict the rules under which these people operate, i.e., term limits, balanced budget amendment, campaign finance, etc.

But from what I can tell, we're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging than controlling the thugs in DC.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
Your question has been answered.............Now go suit up and join the team jersey you claim to be nuetral from.......

Limited gov't is the answer ..........and you don't like it.

I really don't give a damn if you don't like it..............liberals like you want your answers or it's OMFG............who the hell cares.
It has? Was it "yes" or "no"?
Next time you do a poll add the following answer.............Fuck off Mac check box.............would save me time............

If I could go back in time...............the General Welfare clause to grant unlimited power to the gov't would have not occurred.................Wilson the beginning...............and FDR Wilson on Steroids...................and now we have IDIOTS like BERNIE.............GOING MORE MORE MORE..................

The path of the end of our country.................and idiots like you will vote for him................or the fake indian...........

Limited Gov't..........via the constitution was always the answer..........and you don't like it.
Okay, I'm no longer expecting a straight answer from on this, so you can calm down.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.

Everything lies on a continuum... except yes and no. Then it's actually binary, with no in-between allowed, black and white, cut and dry.
Exactly. Mac is asking for a yes or no answer to a question that can't be answered with a yes or no.

He's playing a foolish little game trying to get someone, anyone, to say that America is a socialist nation... if you're dumb enough to play his stupid little obvious game.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.

Everything lies on a continuum... except yes and no. Then it's actually binary, with no in-between allowed, black and white, cut and dry.
Exactly. Mac is asking for a yes or no answer to a question that can't be answered with a yes or no.

He's playing a foolish little game trying to get someone, anyone, to say that America is a socialist nation... if you're dumb enough to play his stupid little obvious game.

It can be answered with a yes or no, and it is obviously true. Bu it is certainly not a question asked in good faith.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
You don't like yes or no answers, remember?

And you've been given many good answers in this thread but you've blown them all off because you didn't like the answer.

You're playing a game here with your question that obviously has more than an a yes or no answer.

Everything lies on a continuum... except yes and no. Then it's actually binary, with no in-between allowed, black and white, cut and dry.
Exactly. Mac is asking for a yes or no answer to a question that can't be answered with a yes or no.

He's playing a foolish little game trying to get someone, anyone, to say that America is a socialist nation... if you're dumb enough to play his stupid little obvious game.

It can be answered with a yes or no, and it is obviously true. Bu it is certainly not a question asked in good faith.
Well, I disagree with that, because America is a capitalist nation with socialist components, so the answer is neither yes or no.
Let's get this clear then Moron..................If it were up to me the Federal Gov't would have ONLY THE ENUMERATED POWERS under the Constitution.....................and NOTHING ELSE.........

Then the corrupt ass politicians wouldn't be able to profit off the tax payers money anymore............And the States would decide how to live for themselves and not some career politician who have sold us out long ago.

You purposely mislead questions for a psychology game and you know it.

You are a FRAUD.............and belong on the far left's team..............you are just too big of a coward to put the jersey on.
Okay, well let me know when you have the balls to actually answer my question, thanks.
Your question has been answered.............Now go suit up and join the team jersey you claim to be nuetral from.......

Limited gov't is the answer ..........and you don't like it.

I really don't give a damn if you don't like it..............liberals like you want your answers or it's OMFG............who the hell cares.
It has? Was it "yes" or "no"?
Next time you do a poll add the following answer.............Fuck off Mac check box.............would save me time............

If I could go back in time...............the General Welfare clause to grant unlimited power to the gov't would have not occurred.................Wilson the beginning...............and FDR Wilson on Steroids...................and now we have IDIOTS like BERNIE.............GOING MORE MORE MORE..................

The path of the end of our country.................and idiots like you will vote for him................or the fake indian...........

Limited Gov't..........via the constitution was always the answer..........and you don't like it.
Okay, I'm no longer expecting a straight answer from on this, so you can calm down.
I am calm when I call you out for being a fraud................You play these little word games all the time...........Then use the lawyers yes or no BS.....................To try and play psychology with the thread.........You always do that...............

Why would I expect anything different from you............it is your style of BS.

Your question has been answered.........our opinions are crystal clear where we stand...........and you don't like it.......

Too dang bad.

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