POLL: Does the size and role of government exist on a continuum?

Does the Size, Cost, Depth and Authority of governments exist on a continuum?

  • 2. No, we are either the USA or we are Venezuela

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You would be an American if you are genetic heritage of the original American settlers.
Wow, that's quite a standard there.

Your own little personal definition. Cool.

That's who the country was founded for, and no one else.

It's not difficult to tell that you aren't one, because an American who boasts views that are antithetical to his own interest is a rare thing. This is also in essence why immigration will not ever work and it was foolish to think it would work.
Well, you're certainly free to operate under whatever definition of "American" suits your fancy.

It has no actual value, of course, but no fantasy does.

Maybe this is one of those things you guys are taught in the alternate universe, who knows. I only have so much exposure to that.

Are you denying that the country was founded for the Americans and their offspring?

This goes right to the root what pisses so many Americans off. These immigrants like Mac coming into the country, declaring themselves American, and right after declaring how Americans should live with a huge government, antithetical to the American values. And of course, antithetical to the self interest of Americans.
Um, I'm not an immigrant, nor were my parents.

Seriously, how does stuff like this make it into your head?

You are from an immigrant family, who is also very close to other immigrants from what I am hearing.

This also puts an end to the fantasy that even after generations people integrate.
Wow, that's quite a standard there.

Your own little personal definition. Cool.

That's who the country was founded for, and no one else.

It's not difficult to tell that you aren't one, because an American who boasts views that are antithetical to his own interest is a rare thing. This is also in essence why immigration will not ever work and it was foolish to think it would work.
Well, you're certainly free to operate under whatever definition of "American" suits your fancy.

It has no actual value, of course, but no fantasy does.

Maybe this is one of those things you guys are taught in the alternate universe, who knows. I only have so much exposure to that.

Are you denying that the country was founded for the Americans and their offspring?

This goes right to the root what pisses so many Americans off. These immigrants like Mac coming into the country, declaring themselves American, and right after declaring how Americans should live with a huge government, antithetical to the American values. And of course, antithetical to the self interest of Americans.
Um, I'm not an immigrant, nor were my parents.

Seriously, how does stuff like this make it into your head?

You are from an immigrant family.

This also puts an end to the fantasy that even after generations people integrate.
You have quite the fertile imagination. You just make it up as you go, and fit it into your little worldview.

Do you do this a lot?
Trump is just giving Dims a helping of what they've been dishing out since the Johnson administration. The main difference is that what Trump says about Dims is true.
Hey there’s progress... at least you’re admitting that Trump is acting like the dems and using similar despicable tactics to play the political games. Baby steps.
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
No Trumpsters do, that's for sure.

It may be that you just don't want to admit that behaves like a child.

OR, it may be that you guys behave that way too, so you really don't see it. Maybe Trump is the first President with whom you can literally relate on a behavioral level, and that's why this appears to be so personal for you - having someone point out his childish behaviors is like having someone point out yours, so you naturally get defensive.

Or some combination therein, of course. I think that explains much of this.
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The True intentions of the Constitution have been perverted.............The Founders gave the Federal Gov't enumerated power for a reason. They knew from History that giving it too much power would lead to a corrupt gov't enriching itself over the will of the people. Voting in laws for their own benefit over the people they were supposed to be representing.

Now we have them passing laws and regs to benefit their buddies and own pocket..........Corrupt to the core..........History repeating itself..........yet again...........imagine that.

I voted to bitch about the poll..............because the Op is a fraud................playing his little stuck up game of nuetrality and so called adult in the room bs................just a normal day for him.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.

This might be hard for you to accept Mac, but asking if we are Venezuela is just as dumb as dreaming about being Germany or Canada. If you can swallow corruption and taking power from citizens, then I don't know what to tell you. Your continuum won't fix that.
The True intentions of the Constitution have been perverted.............The Founders gave the Federal Gov't enumerated power for a reason. They knew from History that giving it too much power would lead to a corrupt gov't enriching itself over the will of the people. Voting in laws for their own benefit over the people they were supposed to be representing.

Now we have them passing laws and regs to benefit their buddies and own pocket..........Corrupt to the core..........History repeating itself..........yet again...........imagine that.

I voted to bitch about the poll..............because the Op is a fraud................playing his little stuck up game of nuetrality and so called adult in the room bs................just a normal day for him.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.

This might be hard for you to accept Mac, but asking if we are Venezuela is just as dumb as dreaming about being Germany or Canada. If you can swallow corruption and taking power from citizens, then I don't know what to tell you. Your continuum won't fix that.
I'm not the one who constantly brings up Venezuela when socialist democracy is mentioned. That's a Trumpster thing.

Why do they do that?
I just did...............I support the constitution and limited gov't..........you wanker............and I know you don't.

We screwed up perverting the General Welfare clause..................and now have a bunch of wankers lining their own pockets because they can spend taxpayer money on any dang thing they want..............joining the millionaires club of corruption in office.

Clear it up for you. I believe in the Constitution and not the perversion of it.
That appears to be a "no".

Although you do say "limited", which is a subjective term.

Well, who knows, you guys just don't have the balls to provide a straight answer.
I've read through this thread, and it appears to me that you've gotten some pretty good answers, but any answer you don't like, you just dismiss.
I'm getting responses, not answers.

The question could not be more clear, but some folks here clearly don't want to begin their response with a clear answer.

If you want a yes or no answer, don't ask a bullshit question.

That's not my fault.
Now you're equivocating to further shadow your dismissal of answers.
I guess expecting a "yes" or "no" answer to a "yes" or "no" question is a bit too complicated.

Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the size, scope and role of government exists on a continuum?

That's a "yes" or "no" question right there. Please don't equivocate.
Hey there’s progress... at least you’re admitting that Trump is acting like the dems and using similar despicable tactics to play the political games. Baby steps.
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
Nope, never said I am. In fact, here's the second line of my sig for you: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Wanna try again?
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
The difference is that we can both point to objective statements that we’ve actually made. Posts that are both complimentary and critical of both sides. You can not do the same
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
The difference is that we can both point to objective statements that we’ve actually made. Posts that are both complimentary and critical of both sides. You can not do the same
Here's something I've noticed:

When a winger is told they don't criticize their tribe, they say "yes I do" and give an example of when they said their tribe wasn't crazed ENOUGH.

In that way, they figure they're objective.

Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
Nope, never said I am. In fact, here's the second line of my sig for you: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Wanna try again?
You're constantly attacking forum members for being too "extreme." Now you deny that you're a "centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter?"
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
The difference is that we can both point to objective statements that we’ve actually made. Posts that are both complimentary and critical of both sides. You can not do the same
Mac can. You can't.
You're constantly attacking forum members for being too "extreme." Now you deny that you're a "centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter?"
Interesting that you put the word "extreme" in quotes. The search function works fine, please provide an example.

And in that OP, I list my positions on the issues. So thanks for pointing that out.
After the display the Dims put on this week, you calling Trump's behavior "childish", "wrong", "unusual" or "embarrassing" is the ultimate in chutzpah. You only seem to notice the things Trump does and are totally oblivious to what your Komrades do.

That's why no one takes your tirades about Trump seriously.
Look in a mirror man! Have you ever been as critical of Trump as you are of the dems? At least Mac can call it both ways. You’re the last person to talk about objectivity!! Ha
In their minds, they ARE objective.

Think about THAT for a minute.
And so do you.

Think about THAT for a minute.
The difference is that we can both point to objective statements that we’ve actually made. Posts that are both complimentary and critical of both sides. You can not do the same
Mac can. You can't.
Of course I can... can you?
You're constantly attacking forum members for being too "extreme." Now you deny that you're a "centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter?"
Interesting that you put the word "extreme" in quotes. The search function works fine, please provide an example.

And in that OP, I list my positions on the issues. So thanks for pointing that out.
Careful, you start challenging Bri with logic and asking for him to provide proof to back up god claims your just asking for childish insult rants and a diversion from the topic. Let’s see if he can actually step it up this time.
The True intentions of the Constitution have been perverted.............The Founders gave the Federal Gov't enumerated power for a reason. They knew from History that giving it too much power would lead to a corrupt gov't enriching itself over the will of the people. Voting in laws for their own benefit over the people they were supposed to be representing.

Now we have them passing laws and regs to benefit their buddies and own pocket..........Corrupt to the core..........History repeating itself..........yet again...........imagine that.

I voted to bitch about the poll..............because the Op is a fraud................playing his little stuck up game of nuetrality and so called adult in the room bs................just a normal day for him.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.

This might be hard for you to accept Mac, but asking if we are Venezuela is just as dumb as dreaming about being Germany or Canada. If you can swallow corruption and taking power from citizens, then I don't know what to tell you. Your continuum won't fix that.
I'm not the one who constantly brings up Venezuela when socialist democracy is mentioned. That's a Trumpster thing.

Why do they do that?

We've had this conversation before. The constant mention of communism and various failed communist states is a simple reaction to each slide further left on your continuum. I believe it is rational to oppose such shifts and commend people who do. To give you credit, you have mocked the word police and the constant race bashing, but in the end, we have a party that is banning words, straws, ect. They have fixed a primary and applaud the different legal rules for the ruling class. They are calling for the complete government control of our health, and the government takeover of energy. They have no problem taking things away from people and increasing government power in every conceivable way. I think people would be crazy not to bring up all the failed attempts at this sort of ideology.
The True intentions of the Constitution have been perverted.............The Founders gave the Federal Gov't enumerated power for a reason. They knew from History that giving it too much power would lead to a corrupt gov't enriching itself over the will of the people. Voting in laws for their own benefit over the people they were supposed to be representing.

Now we have them passing laws and regs to benefit their buddies and own pocket..........Corrupt to the core..........History repeating itself..........yet again...........imagine that.

I voted to bitch about the poll..............because the Op is a fraud................playing his little stuck up game of nuetrality and so called adult in the room bs................just a normal day for him.
I'm not neutral. I'm not impartial. I'm not unbiased.

Please answer the question. It's a really really simple question.

This might be hard for you to accept Mac, but asking if we are Venezuela is just as dumb as dreaming about being Germany or Canada. If you can swallow corruption and taking power from citizens, then I don't know what to tell you. Your continuum won't fix that.
I'm not the one who constantly brings up Venezuela when socialist democracy is mentioned. That's a Trumpster thing.

Why do they do that?

We've had this conversation before. The constant mention of communism and various failed communist states is a simple reaction to each slide further left on your continuum. I believe it is rational to oppose such shifts and commend people who do. To give you credit, you have mocked the word police and the constant race bashing, but in the end, we have a party that is banning words, straws, ect. They have fixed a primary and applaud the different legal rules for the ruling class. They are calling for the complete government control of our health, and the government takeover of energy. They have no problem taking things away from people and increasing government power in every conceivable way. I think people would be crazy not to bring up all the failed attempts at this sort of ideology.
So you agree that the size and role of government exists along a continuum.

Why don't you just say so without complaining and pontificating?

You guys appear to be terrified that I'm asking a trick question. Maybe you wouldn't be so paranoid if you had more faith in your positions.
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