POLL: Does the size and role of government exist on a continuum?

Does the Size, Cost, Depth and Authority of governments exist on a continuum?

  • 2. No, we are either the USA or we are Venezuela

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Someone already pointed this out, but the 'continuum' only goes in one direction. Mac cheers every step towards authoritarianism. He squawks about free speech, but in the end, he is content to watch the US slide further away from the citizens. The binary question of 'are we Venezuela' is pathetic. Watching the government grab more and more power is leading to the only possible conclusion. History has shown this story many times, but the left thinks it can't happen to us. I'd say after watching the democrat debates that we are well on our way there. Ten years, and Venezuela was done.
Uhh you dodged everything by not responding to a thing I said and instead diverting to attacks on my character. Oldest trick in the book and completely transparent. You fail
There's nothing to dodge....You responded to my rather abbreviated list of how your "cooperation" has fucked us all up the ass, by basically saying that we all have to just bend over and lube up because our betters know better.

You're a goddamn bootlicking serf.....Exactly the kind of supplicating little peasant that Jefferson warned about.
That’s not at all what I said. You clearly misunderstood or are intentionally ignoring and distorting my statement. Weak
Productive bipartisanship can be found in most administrations until Obama took over and the republicans vowed to make him a one term president. That’s when the absolute obstructionism jumped to a new level. It’s only snowballed on both sides since then. Dems are doing no better as the opposition party to Trump. These people should all be embarrassed with how they conduct themselves.
I have no clue how old you are but you are dreaming about how nicey nice politics were before Obama. Conservative people of color were called Uncle Toms ever since I can recall by Democrats.

Politics and business is all about greed of money and power. Democrats in politics on a whole have had the dirtier of the lot IMO. Can't say all of them but I can say most I've met.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
That is being done on both ends plus there are those who do desire to take the country down and divvy her up or take her over.

I think there are a lot of reasons for the uncivilized behavior. Corruption has a lot to do with that. It is literally a flood of evil but if more of the people were standing in 'the right place' that would not be the case. That comes down to more than should be discussed in this thread though.
I never said it was one sided... it takes two to tango and there’s a lot of dancing going on
That's what every fucking bully says. As if his victims were somehow responsible for getting a beating.
Huh? What are you talking about?
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.
Trump is just giving Dims a helping of what they've been dishing out since the Johnson administration. The main difference is that what Trump says about Dims is true.
Hey there’s progress... at least you’re admitting that Trump is acting like the dems and using similar despicable tactics to play the political games. Baby steps.
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Uhh you dodged everything by not responding to a thing I said and instead diverting to attacks on my character. Oldest trick in the book and completely transparent. You fail
There's nothing to dodge....You responded to my rather abbreviated list of how your "cooperation" has fucked us all up the ass, by basically saying that we all have to just bend over and lube up because our betters know better.

You're a goddamn bootlicking serf.....Exactly the kind of supplicating little peasant that Jefferson warned about.
That’s not at all what I said. You clearly misunderstood or are intentionally ignoring and distorting my statement. Weak
I misunderstood nothing....You're a water boy for The State.

Now go get to your shine station, peasant.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.
Trump is just giving Dims a helping of what they've been dishing out since the Johnson administration. The main difference is that what Trump says about Dims is true.
Hey there’s progress... at least you’re admitting that Trump is acting like the dems and using similar despicable tactics to play the political games. Baby steps.
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Yes of course it is a continuum in reality. In partisan politics it is an all or nothing slippery slope game. Our politics has devolved into demonizing, stereotyping, and fear mongering. A fair, honest, objective debate is few and far between. Drama is what drives ratings and emotions and that’s what the media and our leaders play off of. We need a disrupter who can find success using good old fashioned character and integrity and intellect. Something to change the tides because we are neck deep in some really ugly crap and sinking fast
Politics has always been about demonizing, stereotyping and fearmongering....The political discourse when Murica started was far more coarse than it is today.

Get a grip.
I don’t find that excuse acceptable. Political battles have always been fought but there was also a common sense of service and respect and collaboration that was involved with governing... now it’s two sides where the others are the enemy. It’s dangerous and counter productive
Just exactly when was that? I am pretty certain it hasn't been that away during my life time.

You either have an authoritarian state or you do not....Varying degrees of relative authoritarian control are irrelevant.....You either have cancer or you do not.

Capitalism is an economic model, not a political one....Socialism is both political and economic.....Black markets (nearly pure capitalism) exist organically outside any form of authoritarian gubmint control.....In fact, such authoritarian tyranny is the root of them being "black" markets.
What can we call portions they are calling capitalism a cancer when laws are skewed to enrich those who are already rich? Like Obama Care, taxpayer funds given to large corporations, taxpayer money spent to develop pharmaceuticals and technologies that is then given to corporations that charge our own citizens excessive costs to use or enjoy that can be purchased in other countries for little to nothing?

Well it's not Capitalism. Capitalism, is when you use your capital.... hence capitalism.... to offer goods and services to the public, in voluntary exchange.

Let me give you an example. A bar tender, decided to make a product to help people hunt. He built the product himself. He traveled around in his old pickup truck, trying to sell them to stores. He was laughed at, shown the door time after time. After a while he started getting some sales. He hired people to make more of them. Now they are sold everywhere, and Phil Robertson is a multimillionaire for selling a Duck Caller.

That is capitalism. Robertson is wealthy not because of some law. There was no law "make duck callers profitable". He became wealthy because he was selling a product that people found valuable.

Now when you point to laws that enrich the already rich, that's like Elon Musk. Solarcity never made a profit, and Tesla has rarely had a profit, and last year lost a Billion dollars.

Yet if you ever see Elon Musk, he's living the high life. How that possible? The answer is socialism. The government has subsidized Elon Musk's companies for years. Solar panel subsidies, subsidies for green-cars, subsidies for green energy grants.... and the list goes on.

That isn't Capitalism. Capitalism is not that you go use government to steal other people's capital, and use it to enrich yourself. That's socialism.

Now as a special side note, let me focus on the complaint about using tax money for research.

I personally would not have government funding any research anywhere, ever.

However, one thing you need to grasp.... people on the left, appear to want to play this game where they can having things both ways.... that they can fund research, but refuse to have anyone profit from it.

This is not a realistic outcome. Nothing happens in this world, if no one can profit from it. Sorry to burst the bubble, but that's the reality.

The only way to have research done, and not have someone profit from it, is to simply lock all the discoveries from that research in a vault somewhere, and have no one use it. And if you do that... then why spend that money on research at all? Either use it to build a road instead, or cut taxes and let the public keep their own money. Why do research just to file it in a safe somewhere, so no one can profit from it?

Because that's the only alternative. If you want someone to use that research to make a product or service the people can use.... no one is going to spend BILLIONS of dollars to use that research to make a drug, only to sell it for 5¢, and make no profit from it.

Would YOU..... YOU yourself... spend a million dollars of your own money, to end up...... just without a million dollars because you are not allowed to make a profit? No. Be honest, you wouldn't. If you wouldn't, who would?

Now if you want to cut research spending, I'm all for it. Let's cut research spending.

But if you, like the vast majority of the left-wing, wants to have research spending, then you can't complain it was used by people to make a profit. You can't have it both ways.
I want a very tight leash put on large corporations and entities that are nothing more than bullies.

You don't have to tell me how to make it as I already did that several times over and it was literally stolen from myself and my husband by extremely very illegal means because they believed that we were a threat and because we don't sell out and I don't need to take payoffs in this country (well its not suppose to work that away as we do have laws if they are enforced but they haven't been). We made our million several times over and we invested back into something else. Neither of us had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we started out.

In my early 20's. I was literally scrapping by on food stamps and a measly welfare check back in the early 80's and no one wanted to give me a job at things I knew about and how to do. I would not have had to be subjected to welfare and food stamps to care for and feed my small children if the state of California would have done their job gathering together child support I was entitled to. Not only that the initial judge order alimony too. I got neither for over ten years only only a few months worth after that while the ex was under the thumb of the court. He died owing me a pretty tidy sum which he never paid. (not a full story but that's the jist of it) I bid a government contract back then because I saw an advertisement for bids and knew it was something I could do. It ultimately ended up I was blacklisted because I refused to be sexually harassed. Over the years we did a lot of things in our own business enterprises that we built or started with our own money no matter how little or great it was. Now take your analogy and shove it.

People did research in private firms and as individuals before. And still do as a matter of fact. Since poverty hit us by way of crooks I've done a hell of a lot of it myself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop. In order to justify themselves they like you they need to work for someone else or get someone else's money to make a living by rook or crook. When technology is released that the government paid for if the people in our country is not benefited from that research in the way of lowest cost medicines or new technology the tax payers don't need to fund it. The peoples research investment has giant bloated beastly abominations called pharmaceutical companies that are destroying thousands of children's health in this country with their human experimentation. And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either. I have no degrees and walked in junior high after a few days in the 8th grade. I did do a very short stint at the local college later but did not care for the professors there and their business proposal to have me be a madame while they encouraged young'ns to whore for them. I did though faithfully study all my business books and later I also taught myself how to do various tasks that made some fairly decent money over the years,

Those regulations you talk about in the next post you make will and are most definitely applied to the small business enterprises. I know this for a fact. Hell my husband's equipment that the only ones who ran or were subjected to were us; that was Rod's older equipment that he'd paid for previously and worked pretty to hard to keep nice that we were using at the mine operation that I was fined by OSHA several times. The last time the bastards crawled over the gate while the whole thing was shut down but they were a little late because it was already decided at that point that the bank needed to cover up the fraud they committed and they'd also help cover up the fact that my equipment which they loaned money on was designed to fail from the factory so I was already basically out of business. I didn't even fall under the laws OSHA was sicked on me for. Talk about a whole lot of desperate SOB's not wanting someone else to be able to make a living if that person didn't play their corrupt games. If a neighbor goes out and butchers another neighbors cow for them without spending a small fortune on licensing that poor soul will be crucified too. Hell I could possibly raise some chickens and sell them but I wouldn't be able to butcher and freeze them for someone else without going through shitloads of licensing.

Now take your analogy and shove it.

No, I won't. You are responding with blind emotionalism, very few facts, and it sounds like bitterness and hate.
Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said.

What does anything in my post, have to do with you being bitter that you didn't get the court ordered alimony from your dead ex-husband?

When you want to come on here, and rationally discuss the topic, I'll be more than happy to discuss it with a rational person, that isn't spitting emotionalism at me. So in the mean time.... you can take your screech session, and "shove it" yourself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop.

As I said before, I'm in favor of ending all government support for research. All of it. I think is wrong, and even immoral to take money from the poor, and give it to ivy league tenured professors who spend barely 2o hours in the class room.

But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom. Even in the unlikely event that they devote an equal amount of time to grading and class preparation, their workload is still only 36 to 45 percent of that of non-academic professionals.​

That is sickening, and it is not capitalism. These people get most of their pay from the government, from gov-research grants, gov-education supports, and of course students who pay tons of money in the form of government backed student loans.

All three sources of money are government, government, and government. That is not capitalism. Period.

And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

Listen you pathetic bit of human trash... do not.... DO NOT put words in my mouth that I did not say, you worthless pile of poop.
If you do not have the moral decency or mental capability to read what I have written, and respond without making up crap I didn't say, THEN GET OFF THE FORUM YOU DISGUSTING SNOT PILE. You are clearly not an adult that any decent human being should waste their time talking to.
First warning from me.

Fair enough?

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either.

First, I wasn't trying to impress you. Moreover, based on your disgusting responses, clearly you are not a person worth impressing.

However, the point was, people can succeed in this country, without having all of the benefits of the wealthy. I do not have a Ph.D like my father does. That does not mean that I am stuck flipping whoppers at Burger King until I die. You are the solution to your problems. I was the solution to my problems. I quit the low paying job, and got a higher paying job.

This isn't socialist China where you are designated a rice field to tend, and you are born poor... live poor... and die poor in the rice field.

American is the ultimate choose your own adventure book. If you don't want to work some place, then you choose to work someplace else.

The immigrant who became a drone firm boss

You can be a Mexican immigrant (legal), and setup your own international company, before you even have your green card yet. He didn't even have his work visa just yet, and was making drones at home. He started selling those drones. Soon he was hiring people to build the drones. Now he's a multi-millionaire.

That's American. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you. No one is trapped. Not here.
Talk about worthless. Caught in your own bs and you must not like it very well.

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No, I pointed out that you had to make up crap.... and were therefore a scum sucking jerk. I pointed that out to you, that you were trash, and everyone on here.

Look... either be decent person, or I'll call you out for being the steaming slimy pile of dog crap that you are.

If you don't want to be dog crap, you have the power to stop acting like dog crap.

What does either of those links, have to do with anything? I posted a link that directly, and clearly, validated my statements.

You posted...... nothing. That was utterly stupid.
Just exactly when was that? I am pretty certain it hasn't been that away during my life time.
I want a very tight leash put on large corporations and entities that are nothing more than bullies.

You don't have to tell me how to make it as I already did that several times over and it was literally stolen from myself and my husband by extremely very illegal means because they believed that we were a threat and because we don't sell out and I don't need to take payoffs in this country (well its not suppose to work that away as we do have laws if they are enforced but they haven't been). We made our million several times over and we invested back into something else. Neither of us had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we started out.

In my early 20's. I was literally scrapping by on food stamps and a measly welfare check back in the early 80's and no one wanted to give me a job at things I knew about and how to do. I would not have had to be subjected to welfare and food stamps to care for and feed my small children if the state of California would have done their job gathering together child support I was entitled to. Not only that the initial judge order alimony too. I got neither for over ten years only only a few months worth after that while the ex was under the thumb of the court. He died owing me a pretty tidy sum which he never paid. (not a full story but that's the jist of it) I bid a government contract back then because I saw an advertisement for bids and knew it was something I could do. It ultimately ended up I was blacklisted because I refused to be sexually harassed. Over the years we did a lot of things in our own business enterprises that we built or started with our own money no matter how little or great it was. Now take your analogy and shove it.

People did research in private firms and as individuals before. And still do as a matter of fact. Since poverty hit us by way of crooks I've done a hell of a lot of it myself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop. In order to justify themselves they like you they need to work for someone else or get someone else's money to make a living by rook or crook. When technology is released that the government paid for if the people in our country is not benefited from that research in the way of lowest cost medicines or new technology the tax payers don't need to fund it. The peoples research investment has giant bloated beastly abominations called pharmaceutical companies that are destroying thousands of children's health in this country with their human experimentation. And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either. I have no degrees and walked in junior high after a few days in the 8th grade. I did do a very short stint at the local college later but did not care for the professors there and their business proposal to have me be a madame while they encouraged young'ns to whore for them. I did though faithfully study all my business books and later I also taught myself how to do various tasks that made some fairly decent money over the years,

Those regulations you talk about in the next post you make will and are most definitely applied to the small business enterprises. I know this for a fact. Hell my husband's equipment that the only ones who ran or were subjected to were us; that was Rod's older equipment that he'd paid for previously and worked pretty to hard to keep nice that we were using at the mine operation that I was fined by OSHA several times. The last time the bastards crawled over the gate while the whole thing was shut down but they were a little late because it was already decided at that point that the bank needed to cover up the fraud they committed and they'd also help cover up the fact that my equipment which they loaned money on was designed to fail from the factory so I was already basically out of business. I didn't even fall under the laws OSHA was sicked on me for. Talk about a whole lot of desperate SOB's not wanting someone else to be able to make a living if that person didn't play their corrupt games. If a neighbor goes out and butchers another neighbors cow for them without spending a small fortune on licensing that poor soul will be crucified too. Hell I could possibly raise some chickens and sell them but I wouldn't be able to butcher and freeze them for someone else without going through shitloads of licensing.
Productive bipartisanship can be found in most administrations until Obama took over and the republicans vowed to make him a one term president. That’s when the absolute obstructionism jumped to a new level. It’s only snowballed on both sides since then. Dems are doing no better as the opposition party to Trump. These people should all be embarrassed with how they conduct themselves.
I have no clue how old you are but you are dreaming about how nicey nice politics were before Obama. Conservative people of color were called Uncle Toms ever since I can recall by Democrats.

Politics and business is all about greed of money and power. Democrats in politics on a whole have had the dirtier of the lot IMO. Can't say all of them but I can say most I've met.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.

This started before Trump, whom I didn't vote for.

In fact, Trump is the result of how Democrats were treating people. You actually had Joe Biden saying Mitt Romney, who by every measure was a upstanding and decent person, was going to "put ya'll back in chains".

He said that.
It's a fact.

How can you even cry about Trump, when you people have been abusive and obnoxious for decades now?
YOU did this. YOU elected Trump. YOU people, by the ridiculous way you treated people on the right wing.... got the right-wing so fed up, and hating you so much, that we finally said enough of you guys just abusing us. We'll vote for whoever will hit back at the left-wing. That's why Trump was elected.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

See this?

Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 10.42.27 PM.png

Trump is willing to take the rocks the left wing has been throwing at right-wingers, and throw them right back in the faces of the left.

This tweet alone, has me considering voting for Trump in 2020. You guys have been so abusive, and so evil, and immoral for so long... I'm willing to vote for Trump, as long as he keeps slapping you people all over the place. I want it. I love it. I enjoy watching you people freak out now. I enjoy you coming on here going "I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain." I love it when you say that. I hope all left-wing democrats say that over and over, as Trump smacks you people around every day.

I hope he keeps pissing you people off. I brings me great joy.

Whether I decide to, or not to vote for Trump in 2020, I hope he wins, just say I can see you people who have been abusive to Conservatives and Christians for so long, can scream in terror all over again.

I love it. Love every second. Go crazy you worthless trash, known as left-wingers. Your tears are my joy! :D
Politics has always been about demonizing, stereotyping and fearmongering....The political discourse when Murica started was far more coarse than it is today.

Get a grip.
I don’t find that excuse acceptable. Political battles have always been fought but there was also a common sense of service and respect and collaboration that was involved with governing... now it’s two sides where the others are the enemy. It’s dangerous and counter productive
Just exactly when was that? I am pretty certain it hasn't been that away during my life time.
What can we call portions they are calling capitalism a cancer when laws are skewed to enrich those who are already rich? Like Obama Care, taxpayer funds given to large corporations, taxpayer money spent to develop pharmaceuticals and technologies that is then given to corporations that charge our own citizens excessive costs to use or enjoy that can be purchased in other countries for little to nothing?

Well it's not Capitalism. Capitalism, is when you use your capital.... hence capitalism.... to offer goods and services to the public, in voluntary exchange.

Let me give you an example. A bar tender, decided to make a product to help people hunt. He built the product himself. He traveled around in his old pickup truck, trying to sell them to stores. He was laughed at, shown the door time after time. After a while he started getting some sales. He hired people to make more of them. Now they are sold everywhere, and Phil Robertson is a multimillionaire for selling a Duck Caller.

That is capitalism. Robertson is wealthy not because of some law. There was no law "make duck callers profitable". He became wealthy because he was selling a product that people found valuable.

Now when you point to laws that enrich the already rich, that's like Elon Musk. Solarcity never made a profit, and Tesla has rarely had a profit, and last year lost a Billion dollars.

Yet if you ever see Elon Musk, he's living the high life. How that possible? The answer is socialism. The government has subsidized Elon Musk's companies for years. Solar panel subsidies, subsidies for green-cars, subsidies for green energy grants.... and the list goes on.

That isn't Capitalism. Capitalism is not that you go use government to steal other people's capital, and use it to enrich yourself. That's socialism.

Now as a special side note, let me focus on the complaint about using tax money for research.

I personally would not have government funding any research anywhere, ever.

However, one thing you need to grasp.... people on the left, appear to want to play this game where they can having things both ways.... that they can fund research, but refuse to have anyone profit from it.

This is not a realistic outcome. Nothing happens in this world, if no one can profit from it. Sorry to burst the bubble, but that's the reality.

The only way to have research done, and not have someone profit from it, is to simply lock all the discoveries from that research in a vault somewhere, and have no one use it. And if you do that... then why spend that money on research at all? Either use it to build a road instead, or cut taxes and let the public keep their own money. Why do research just to file it in a safe somewhere, so no one can profit from it?

Because that's the only alternative. If you want someone to use that research to make a product or service the people can use.... no one is going to spend BILLIONS of dollars to use that research to make a drug, only to sell it for 5¢, and make no profit from it.

Would YOU..... YOU yourself... spend a million dollars of your own money, to end up...... just without a million dollars because you are not allowed to make a profit? No. Be honest, you wouldn't. If you wouldn't, who would?

Now if you want to cut research spending, I'm all for it. Let's cut research spending.

But if you, like the vast majority of the left-wing, wants to have research spending, then you can't complain it was used by people to make a profit. You can't have it both ways.
I want a very tight leash put on large corporations and entities that are nothing more than bullies.

You don't have to tell me how to make it as I already did that several times over and it was literally stolen from myself and my husband by extremely very illegal means because they believed that we were a threat and because we don't sell out and I don't need to take payoffs in this country (well its not suppose to work that away as we do have laws if they are enforced but they haven't been). We made our million several times over and we invested back into something else. Neither of us had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we started out.

In my early 20's. I was literally scrapping by on food stamps and a measly welfare check back in the early 80's and no one wanted to give me a job at things I knew about and how to do. I would not have had to be subjected to welfare and food stamps to care for and feed my small children if the state of California would have done their job gathering together child support I was entitled to. Not only that the initial judge order alimony too. I got neither for over ten years only only a few months worth after that while the ex was under the thumb of the court. He died owing me a pretty tidy sum which he never paid. (not a full story but that's the jist of it) I bid a government contract back then because I saw an advertisement for bids and knew it was something I could do. It ultimately ended up I was blacklisted because I refused to be sexually harassed. Over the years we did a lot of things in our own business enterprises that we built or started with our own money no matter how little or great it was. Now take your analogy and shove it.

People did research in private firms and as individuals before. And still do as a matter of fact. Since poverty hit us by way of crooks I've done a hell of a lot of it myself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop. In order to justify themselves they like you they need to work for someone else or get someone else's money to make a living by rook or crook. When technology is released that the government paid for if the people in our country is not benefited from that research in the way of lowest cost medicines or new technology the tax payers don't need to fund it. The peoples research investment has giant bloated beastly abominations called pharmaceutical companies that are destroying thousands of children's health in this country with their human experimentation. And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either. I have no degrees and walked in junior high after a few days in the 8th grade. I did do a very short stint at the local college later but did not care for the professors there and their business proposal to have me be a madame while they encouraged young'ns to whore for them. I did though faithfully study all my business books and later I also taught myself how to do various tasks that made some fairly decent money over the years,

Those regulations you talk about in the next post you make will and are most definitely applied to the small business enterprises. I know this for a fact. Hell my husband's equipment that the only ones who ran or were subjected to were us; that was Rod's older equipment that he'd paid for previously and worked pretty to hard to keep nice that we were using at the mine operation that I was fined by OSHA several times. The last time the bastards crawled over the gate while the whole thing was shut down but they were a little late because it was already decided at that point that the bank needed to cover up the fraud they committed and they'd also help cover up the fact that my equipment which they loaned money on was designed to fail from the factory so I was already basically out of business. I didn't even fall under the laws OSHA was sicked on me for. Talk about a whole lot of desperate SOB's not wanting someone else to be able to make a living if that person didn't play their corrupt games. If a neighbor goes out and butchers another neighbors cow for them without spending a small fortune on licensing that poor soul will be crucified too. Hell I could possibly raise some chickens and sell them but I wouldn't be able to butcher and freeze them for someone else without going through shitloads of licensing.

Now take your analogy and shove it.

No, I won't. You are responding with blind emotionalism, very few facts, and it sounds like bitterness and hate.
Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said.

What does anything in my post, have to do with you being bitter that you didn't get the court ordered alimony from your dead ex-husband?

When you want to come on here, and rationally discuss the topic, I'll be more than happy to discuss it with a rational person, that isn't spitting emotionalism at me. So in the mean time.... you can take your screech session, and "shove it" yourself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop.

As I said before, I'm in favor of ending all government support for research. All of it. I think is wrong, and even immoral to take money from the poor, and give it to ivy league tenured professors who spend barely 2o hours in the class room.

But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom. Even in the unlikely event that they devote an equal amount of time to grading and class preparation, their workload is still only 36 to 45 percent of that of non-academic professionals.​

That is sickening, and it is not capitalism. These people get most of their pay from the government, from gov-research grants, gov-education supports, and of course students who pay tons of money in the form of government backed student loans.

All three sources of money are government, government, and government. That is not capitalism. Period.

And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

Listen you pathetic bit of human trash... do not.... DO NOT put words in my mouth that I did not say, you worthless pile of poop.
If you do not have the moral decency or mental capability to read what I have written, and respond without making up crap I didn't say, THEN GET OFF THE FORUM YOU DISGUSTING SNOT PILE. You are clearly not an adult that any decent human being should waste their time talking to.
First warning from me.

Fair enough?

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either.

First, I wasn't trying to impress you. Moreover, based on your disgusting responses, clearly you are not a person worth impressing.

However, the point was, people can succeed in this country, without having all of the benefits of the wealthy. I do not have a Ph.D like my father does. That does not mean that I am stuck flipping whoppers at Burger King until I die. You are the solution to your problems. I was the solution to my problems. I quit the low paying job, and got a higher paying job.

This isn't socialist China where you are designated a rice field to tend, and you are born poor... live poor... and die poor in the rice field.

American is the ultimate choose your own adventure book. If you don't want to work some place, then you choose to work someplace else.

The immigrant who became a drone firm boss

You can be a Mexican immigrant (legal), and setup your own international company, before you even have your green card yet. He didn't even have his work visa just yet, and was making drones at home. He started selling those drones. Soon he was hiring people to build the drones. Now he's a multi-millionaire.

That's American. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you. No one is trapped. Not here.
Talk about worthless. Caught in your own bs and you must not like it very well.

Search Results for Query: vaccines | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Search Results for Query: investment | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I pointed out that you had to make up crap.... and were therefore a scum sucking jerk. I pointed that out to you, that you were trash, and everyone on here.

Look... either be decent person, or I'll call you out for being the steaming slimy pile of dog crap that you are.

If you don't want to be dog crap, you have the power to stop acting like dog crap.

What does either of those links, have to do with anything? I posted a link that directly, and clearly, validated my statements.

You posted...... nothing. That was utterly stupid.
I'm sure it was to you. Fakes like you out themselves all the time.

Blather on ....... someone will eventually cover you up.
"So I'm a Christian... Like hard core conservative Christian....."
I don’t find that excuse acceptable. Political battles have always been fought but there was also a common sense of service and respect and collaboration that was involved with governing... now it’s two sides where the others are the enemy. It’s dangerous and counter productive
Just exactly when was that? I am pretty certain it hasn't been that away during my life time.
Well it's not Capitalism. Capitalism, is when you use your capital.... hence capitalism.... to offer goods and services to the public, in voluntary exchange.

Let me give you an example. A bar tender, decided to make a product to help people hunt. He built the product himself. He traveled around in his old pickup truck, trying to sell them to stores. He was laughed at, shown the door time after time. After a while he started getting some sales. He hired people to make more of them. Now they are sold everywhere, and Phil Robertson is a multimillionaire for selling a Duck Caller.

That is capitalism. Robertson is wealthy not because of some law. There was no law "make duck callers profitable". He became wealthy because he was selling a product that people found valuable.

Now when you point to laws that enrich the already rich, that's like Elon Musk. Solarcity never made a profit, and Tesla has rarely had a profit, and last year lost a Billion dollars.

Yet if you ever see Elon Musk, he's living the high life. How that possible? The answer is socialism. The government has subsidized Elon Musk's companies for years. Solar panel subsidies, subsidies for green-cars, subsidies for green energy grants.... and the list goes on.

That isn't Capitalism. Capitalism is not that you go use government to steal other people's capital, and use it to enrich yourself. That's socialism.

Now as a special side note, let me focus on the complaint about using tax money for research.

I personally would not have government funding any research anywhere, ever.

However, one thing you need to grasp.... people on the left, appear to want to play this game where they can having things both ways.... that they can fund research, but refuse to have anyone profit from it.

This is not a realistic outcome. Nothing happens in this world, if no one can profit from it. Sorry to burst the bubble, but that's the reality.

The only way to have research done, and not have someone profit from it, is to simply lock all the discoveries from that research in a vault somewhere, and have no one use it. And if you do that... then why spend that money on research at all? Either use it to build a road instead, or cut taxes and let the public keep their own money. Why do research just to file it in a safe somewhere, so no one can profit from it?

Because that's the only alternative. If you want someone to use that research to make a product or service the people can use.... no one is going to spend BILLIONS of dollars to use that research to make a drug, only to sell it for 5¢, and make no profit from it.

Would YOU..... YOU yourself... spend a million dollars of your own money, to end up...... just without a million dollars because you are not allowed to make a profit? No. Be honest, you wouldn't. If you wouldn't, who would?

Now if you want to cut research spending, I'm all for it. Let's cut research spending.

But if you, like the vast majority of the left-wing, wants to have research spending, then you can't complain it was used by people to make a profit. You can't have it both ways.
I want a very tight leash put on large corporations and entities that are nothing more than bullies.

You don't have to tell me how to make it as I already did that several times over and it was literally stolen from myself and my husband by extremely very illegal means because they believed that we were a threat and because we don't sell out and I don't need to take payoffs in this country (well its not suppose to work that away as we do have laws if they are enforced but they haven't been). We made our million several times over and we invested back into something else. Neither of us had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we started out.

In my early 20's. I was literally scrapping by on food stamps and a measly welfare check back in the early 80's and no one wanted to give me a job at things I knew about and how to do. I would not have had to be subjected to welfare and food stamps to care for and feed my small children if the state of California would have done their job gathering together child support I was entitled to. Not only that the initial judge order alimony too. I got neither for over ten years only only a few months worth after that while the ex was under the thumb of the court. He died owing me a pretty tidy sum which he never paid. (not a full story but that's the jist of it) I bid a government contract back then because I saw an advertisement for bids and knew it was something I could do. It ultimately ended up I was blacklisted because I refused to be sexually harassed. Over the years we did a lot of things in our own business enterprises that we built or started with our own money no matter how little or great it was. Now take your analogy and shove it.

People did research in private firms and as individuals before. And still do as a matter of fact. Since poverty hit us by way of crooks I've done a hell of a lot of it myself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop. In order to justify themselves they like you they need to work for someone else or get someone else's money to make a living by rook or crook. When technology is released that the government paid for if the people in our country is not benefited from that research in the way of lowest cost medicines or new technology the tax payers don't need to fund it. The peoples research investment has giant bloated beastly abominations called pharmaceutical companies that are destroying thousands of children's health in this country with their human experimentation. And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either. I have no degrees and walked in junior high after a few days in the 8th grade. I did do a very short stint at the local college later but did not care for the professors there and their business proposal to have me be a madame while they encouraged young'ns to whore for them. I did though faithfully study all my business books and later I also taught myself how to do various tasks that made some fairly decent money over the years,

Those regulations you talk about in the next post you make will and are most definitely applied to the small business enterprises. I know this for a fact. Hell my husband's equipment that the only ones who ran or were subjected to were us; that was Rod's older equipment that he'd paid for previously and worked pretty to hard to keep nice that we were using at the mine operation that I was fined by OSHA several times. The last time the bastards crawled over the gate while the whole thing was shut down but they were a little late because it was already decided at that point that the bank needed to cover up the fraud they committed and they'd also help cover up the fact that my equipment which they loaned money on was designed to fail from the factory so I was already basically out of business. I didn't even fall under the laws OSHA was sicked on me for. Talk about a whole lot of desperate SOB's not wanting someone else to be able to make a living if that person didn't play their corrupt games. If a neighbor goes out and butchers another neighbors cow for them without spending a small fortune on licensing that poor soul will be crucified too. Hell I could possibly raise some chickens and sell them but I wouldn't be able to butcher and freeze them for someone else without going through shitloads of licensing.

Now take your analogy and shove it.

No, I won't. You are responding with blind emotionalism, very few facts, and it sounds like bitterness and hate.
Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said.

What does anything in my post, have to do with you being bitter that you didn't get the court ordered alimony from your dead ex-husband?

When you want to come on here, and rationally discuss the topic, I'll be more than happy to discuss it with a rational person, that isn't spitting emotionalism at me. So in the mean time.... you can take your screech session, and "shove it" yourself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop.

As I said before, I'm in favor of ending all government support for research. All of it. I think is wrong, and even immoral to take money from the poor, and give it to ivy league tenured professors who spend barely 2o hours in the class room.

But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom. Even in the unlikely event that they devote an equal amount of time to grading and class preparation, their workload is still only 36 to 45 percent of that of non-academic professionals.​

That is sickening, and it is not capitalism. These people get most of their pay from the government, from gov-research grants, gov-education supports, and of course students who pay tons of money in the form of government backed student loans.

All three sources of money are government, government, and government. That is not capitalism. Period.

And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

Listen you pathetic bit of human trash... do not.... DO NOT put words in my mouth that I did not say, you worthless pile of poop.
If you do not have the moral decency or mental capability to read what I have written, and respond without making up crap I didn't say, THEN GET OFF THE FORUM YOU DISGUSTING SNOT PILE. You are clearly not an adult that any decent human being should waste their time talking to.
First warning from me.

Fair enough?

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either.

First, I wasn't trying to impress you. Moreover, based on your disgusting responses, clearly you are not a person worth impressing.

However, the point was, people can succeed in this country, without having all of the benefits of the wealthy. I do not have a Ph.D like my father does. That does not mean that I am stuck flipping whoppers at Burger King until I die. You are the solution to your problems. I was the solution to my problems. I quit the low paying job, and got a higher paying job.

This isn't socialist China where you are designated a rice field to tend, and you are born poor... live poor... and die poor in the rice field.

American is the ultimate choose your own adventure book. If you don't want to work some place, then you choose to work someplace else.

The immigrant who became a drone firm boss

You can be a Mexican immigrant (legal), and setup your own international company, before you even have your green card yet. He didn't even have his work visa just yet, and was making drones at home. He started selling those drones. Soon he was hiring people to build the drones. Now he's a multi-millionaire.

That's American. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you. No one is trapped. Not here.
Talk about worthless. Caught in your own bs and you must not like it very well.

Search Results for Query: vaccines | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Search Results for Query: investment | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I pointed out that you had to make up crap.... and were therefore a scum sucking jerk. I pointed that out to you, that you were trash, and everyone on here.

Look... either be decent person, or I'll call you out for being the steaming slimy pile of dog crap that you are.

If you don't want to be dog crap, you have the power to stop acting like dog crap.

What does either of those links, have to do with anything? I posted a link that directly, and clearly, validated my statements.

You posted...... nothing. That was utterly stupid.
I'm sure it was to you. Fakes like you out themselves all the time.

Blather on ....... someone will eventually cover you up.
"So I'm a Christian... Like hard core conservative Christian....."

..... what?
Cover me up with what? What does any of that have to do with anything?

You made up stuff I didn't say in the previous post, and I called you out.

But now you have nothing to say, but to point out other posts, that have nothing to do with the topic?

Have you lost your mind or something? If I had known you were not evil, but just a mental patient of some kind, I would have been nicer. If you really are on lithium or something for schizophrenia, then I apologize.
Just exactly when was that? I am pretty certain it hasn't been that away during my life time.
I want a very tight leash put on large corporations and entities that are nothing more than bullies.

You don't have to tell me how to make it as I already did that several times over and it was literally stolen from myself and my husband by extremely very illegal means because they believed that we were a threat and because we don't sell out and I don't need to take payoffs in this country (well its not suppose to work that away as we do have laws if they are enforced but they haven't been). We made our million several times over and we invested back into something else. Neither of us had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we started out.

In my early 20's. I was literally scrapping by on food stamps and a measly welfare check back in the early 80's and no one wanted to give me a job at things I knew about and how to do. I would not have had to be subjected to welfare and food stamps to care for and feed my small children if the state of California would have done their job gathering together child support I was entitled to. Not only that the initial judge order alimony too. I got neither for over ten years only only a few months worth after that while the ex was under the thumb of the court. He died owing me a pretty tidy sum which he never paid. (not a full story but that's the jist of it) I bid a government contract back then because I saw an advertisement for bids and knew it was something I could do. It ultimately ended up I was blacklisted because I refused to be sexually harassed. Over the years we did a lot of things in our own business enterprises that we built or started with our own money no matter how little or great it was. Now take your analogy and shove it.

People did research in private firms and as individuals before. And still do as a matter of fact. Since poverty hit us by way of crooks I've done a hell of a lot of it myself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop. In order to justify themselves they like you they need to work for someone else or get someone else's money to make a living by rook or crook. When technology is released that the government paid for if the people in our country is not benefited from that research in the way of lowest cost medicines or new technology the tax payers don't need to fund it. The peoples research investment has giant bloated beastly abominations called pharmaceutical companies that are destroying thousands of children's health in this country with their human experimentation. And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either. I have no degrees and walked in junior high after a few days in the 8th grade. I did do a very short stint at the local college later but did not care for the professors there and their business proposal to have me be a madame while they encouraged young'ns to whore for them. I did though faithfully study all my business books and later I also taught myself how to do various tasks that made some fairly decent money over the years,

Those regulations you talk about in the next post you make will and are most definitely applied to the small business enterprises. I know this for a fact. Hell my husband's equipment that the only ones who ran or were subjected to were us; that was Rod's older equipment that he'd paid for previously and worked pretty to hard to keep nice that we were using at the mine operation that I was fined by OSHA several times. The last time the bastards crawled over the gate while the whole thing was shut down but they were a little late because it was already decided at that point that the bank needed to cover up the fraud they committed and they'd also help cover up the fact that my equipment which they loaned money on was designed to fail from the factory so I was already basically out of business. I didn't even fall under the laws OSHA was sicked on me for. Talk about a whole lot of desperate SOB's not wanting someone else to be able to make a living if that person didn't play their corrupt games. If a neighbor goes out and butchers another neighbors cow for them without spending a small fortune on licensing that poor soul will be crucified too. Hell I could possibly raise some chickens and sell them but I wouldn't be able to butcher and freeze them for someone else without going through shitloads of licensing.

Now take your analogy and shove it.

No, I won't. You are responding with blind emotionalism, very few facts, and it sounds like bitterness and hate.
Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said.

What does anything in my post, have to do with you being bitter that you didn't get the court ordered alimony from your dead ex-husband?

When you want to come on here, and rationally discuss the topic, I'll be more than happy to discuss it with a rational person, that isn't spitting emotionalism at me. So in the mean time.... you can take your screech session, and "shove it" yourself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop.

As I said before, I'm in favor of ending all government support for research. All of it. I think is wrong, and even immoral to take money from the poor, and give it to ivy league tenured professors who spend barely 2o hours in the class room.

But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom. Even in the unlikely event that they devote an equal amount of time to grading and class preparation, their workload is still only 36 to 45 percent of that of non-academic professionals.​

That is sickening, and it is not capitalism. These people get most of their pay from the government, from gov-research grants, gov-education supports, and of course students who pay tons of money in the form of government backed student loans.

All three sources of money are government, government, and government. That is not capitalism. Period.

And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

Listen you pathetic bit of human trash... do not.... DO NOT put words in my mouth that I did not say, you worthless pile of poop.
If you do not have the moral decency or mental capability to read what I have written, and respond without making up crap I didn't say, THEN GET OFF THE FORUM YOU DISGUSTING SNOT PILE. You are clearly not an adult that any decent human being should waste their time talking to.
First warning from me.

Fair enough?

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either.

First, I wasn't trying to impress you. Moreover, based on your disgusting responses, clearly you are not a person worth impressing.

However, the point was, people can succeed in this country, without having all of the benefits of the wealthy. I do not have a Ph.D like my father does. That does not mean that I am stuck flipping whoppers at Burger King until I die. You are the solution to your problems. I was the solution to my problems. I quit the low paying job, and got a higher paying job.

This isn't socialist China where you are designated a rice field to tend, and you are born poor... live poor... and die poor in the rice field.

American is the ultimate choose your own adventure book. If you don't want to work some place, then you choose to work someplace else.

The immigrant who became a drone firm boss

You can be a Mexican immigrant (legal), and setup your own international company, before you even have your green card yet. He didn't even have his work visa just yet, and was making drones at home. He started selling those drones. Soon he was hiring people to build the drones. Now he's a multi-millionaire.

That's American. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you. No one is trapped. Not here.
Talk about worthless. Caught in your own bs and you must not like it very well.

Search Results for Query: vaccines | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Search Results for Query: investment | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I pointed out that you had to make up crap.... and were therefore a scum sucking jerk. I pointed that out to you, that you were trash, and everyone on here.

Look... either be decent person, or I'll call you out for being the steaming slimy pile of dog crap that you are.

If you don't want to be dog crap, you have the power to stop acting like dog crap.

What does either of those links, have to do with anything? I posted a link that directly, and clearly, validated my statements.

You posted...... nothing. That was utterly stupid.
I'm sure it was to you. Fakes like you out themselves all the time.

Blather on ....... someone will eventually cover you up.
"So I'm a Christian... Like hard core conservative Christian....."

..... what?
Cover me up with what? What does any of that have to do with anything?

You made up stuff I didn't say in the previous post, and I called you out.

But now you have nothing to say, but to point out other posts, that have nothing to do with the topic?

Have you lost your mind or something? If I had known you were not evil, but just mental patient of some kind, I would have been nicer. If you really are on lithium or something for schizophrenia, then I apologize.
I posted your previous posts. They all get saved ya' know. Most people in the states will understand that last post even if you don't. Like I said "Fakes like you out themselves all the time".
Now take your analogy and shove it.

No, I won't. You are responding with blind emotionalism, very few facts, and it sounds like bitterness and hate.
Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said.

What does anything in my post, have to do with you being bitter that you didn't get the court ordered alimony from your dead ex-husband?

When you want to come on here, and rationally discuss the topic, I'll be more than happy to discuss it with a rational person, that isn't spitting emotionalism at me. So in the mean time.... you can take your screech session, and "shove it" yourself.

As taxpayers the people are spending near a trillion dollars a year for grants to colleges. It could be more I got tired of adding them all up one night when I took the time to look and see what was spent in the way of federal grant money. The greed doesn't stop.

As I said before, I'm in favor of ending all government support for research. All of it. I think is wrong, and even immoral to take money from the poor, and give it to ivy league tenured professors who spend barely 2o hours in the class room.

But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom. Even in the unlikely event that they devote an equal amount of time to grading and class preparation, their workload is still only 36 to 45 percent of that of non-academic professionals.​

That is sickening, and it is not capitalism. These people get most of their pay from the government, from gov-research grants, gov-education supports, and of course students who pay tons of money in the form of government backed student loans.

All three sources of money are government, government, and government. That is not capitalism. Period.

And ignorant people who haven't a clue like yourself saying that should be forced on them whether their parents want to subject their children to these things or not.

Listen you pathetic bit of human trash... do not.... DO NOT put words in my mouth that I did not say, you worthless pile of poop.
If you do not have the moral decency or mental capability to read what I have written, and respond without making up crap I didn't say, THEN GET OFF THE FORUM YOU DISGUSTING SNOT PILE. You are clearly not an adult that any decent human being should waste their time talking to.
First warning from me.

Fair enough?

You can call me a lefty as I am not impressed with your story about not having any education either.

First, I wasn't trying to impress you. Moreover, based on your disgusting responses, clearly you are not a person worth impressing.

However, the point was, people can succeed in this country, without having all of the benefits of the wealthy. I do not have a Ph.D like my father does. That does not mean that I am stuck flipping whoppers at Burger King until I die. You are the solution to your problems. I was the solution to my problems. I quit the low paying job, and got a higher paying job.

This isn't socialist China where you are designated a rice field to tend, and you are born poor... live poor... and die poor in the rice field.

American is the ultimate choose your own adventure book. If you don't want to work some place, then you choose to work someplace else.

The immigrant who became a drone firm boss

You can be a Mexican immigrant (legal), and setup your own international company, before you even have your green card yet. He didn't even have his work visa just yet, and was making drones at home. He started selling those drones. Soon he was hiring people to build the drones. Now he's a multi-millionaire.

That's American. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you. No one is trapped. Not here.
Talk about worthless. Caught in your own bs and you must not like it very well.

Search Results for Query: vaccines | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Search Results for Query: investment | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I pointed out that you had to make up crap.... and were therefore a scum sucking jerk. I pointed that out to you, that you were trash, and everyone on here.

Look... either be decent person, or I'll call you out for being the steaming slimy pile of dog crap that you are.

If you don't want to be dog crap, you have the power to stop acting like dog crap.

What does either of those links, have to do with anything? I posted a link that directly, and clearly, validated my statements.

You posted...... nothing. That was utterly stupid.
I'm sure it was to you. Fakes like you out themselves all the time.

Blather on ....... someone will eventually cover you up.
"So I'm a Christian... Like hard core conservative Christian....."

..... what?
Cover me up with what? What does any of that have to do with anything?

You made up stuff I didn't say in the previous post, and I called you out.

But now you have nothing to say, but to point out other posts, that have nothing to do with the topic?

Have you lost your mind or something? If I had known you were not evil, but just mental patient of some kind, I would have been nicer. If you really are on lithium or something for schizophrenia, then I apologize.
I posted your previous posts. They all get saved ya' know. Most people in the states will understand that last post even if you don't. Like I said "Fakes like you out themselves all the time".

I stand by the previous posts. I stand by every single one of them. One post, does not contradict the other.

When you are decent person, I reply to you decently.

When you are flaming pile of slimy dog poop... I point that out to you.

You really are mental patient, aren't you? You are posting this stuff like it makes a point, when you have made no point whatsoever.

When you take your lithium, do you feel you have made some grand arguement by posting this here? *pats head* It's ok. I know you are doing your best. It's tough for people with your... condition.
Uhh you dodged everything by not responding to a thing I said and instead diverting to attacks on my character. Oldest trick in the book and completely transparent. You fail
There's nothing to dodge....You responded to my rather abbreviated list of how your "cooperation" has fucked us all up the ass, by basically saying that we all have to just bend over and lube up because our betters know better.

You're a goddamn bootlicking serf.....Exactly the kind of supplicating little peasant that Jefferson warned about.
That’s not at all what I said. You clearly misunderstood or are intentionally ignoring and distorting my statement. Weak
I misunderstood nothing....You're a water boy for The State.

Now go get to your shine station, peasant.
The fact that you inaccurately regurgitate what you think is said proves that you misunderstood
Productive bipartisanship can be found in most administrations until Obama took over and the republicans vowed to make him a one term president. That’s when the absolute obstructionism jumped to a new level. It’s only snowballed on both sides since then. Dems are doing no better as the opposition party to Trump. These people should all be embarrassed with how they conduct themselves.
I have no clue how old you are but you are dreaming about how nicey nice politics were before Obama. Conservative people of color were called Uncle Toms ever since I can recall by Democrats.

Politics and business is all about greed of money and power. Democrats in politics on a whole have had the dirtier of the lot IMO. Can't say all of them but I can say most I've met.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.
Trump is just giving Dims a helping of what they've been dishing out since the Johnson administration. The main difference is that what Trump says about Dims is true.
I know. It's okay when my side does it.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.
Trump is just giving Dims a helping of what they've been dishing out since the Johnson administration. The main difference is that what Trump says about Dims is true.
Hey there’s progress... at least you’re admitting that Trump is acting like the dems and using similar despicable tactics to play the political games. Baby steps.
So you are admitting that Dim tactics are despicable?

Trump isn't using Dim tactics. He tells the truth about them. They lie about him.
Of course. Dems and reps play wholy disposable partisan games. Trump is taking them to a whole new level.
Trump isn't 1/10th as bad as your average Democrat. You have just never been on the receiving end of such treatment, so you believe it's extraordinary.
Sometimes you guys celebrate his embarrassing, childish behavior and say that "we love him because he's not PC! Keep doing it!"

Then other times you guys pretend that there is nothing wrong with, or unusual about, his behaviors whatsoever. It's just fake news.

There is simply no credibility here. You have sold your soul to a buffoon, and you're having to cover your tracks. It just doesn't work.
Productive bipartisanship can be found in most administrations until Obama took over and the republicans vowed to make him a one term president. That’s when the absolute obstructionism jumped to a new level. It’s only snowballed on both sides since then. Dems are doing no better as the opposition party to Trump. These people should all be embarrassed with how they conduct themselves.
I have no clue how old you are but you are dreaming about how nicey nice politics were before Obama. Conservative people of color were called Uncle Toms ever since I can recall by Democrats.

Politics and business is all about greed of money and power. Democrats in politics on a whole have had the dirtier of the lot IMO. Can't say all of them but I can say most I've met.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.

This started before Trump, whom I didn't vote for.

In fact, Trump is the result of how Democrats were treating people. You actually had Joe Biden saying Mitt Romney, who by every measure was a upstanding and decent person, was going to "put ya'll back in chains".

He said that.
Did Joe Biden Say Republicans Would 'Put Y'All Back in Chains'?
It's a fact.

How can you even cry about Trump, when you people have been abusive and obnoxious for decades now?
YOU did this. YOU elected Trump. YOU people, by the ridiculous way you treated people on the right wing.... got the right-wing so fed up, and hating you so much, that we finally said enough of you guys just abusing us. We'll vote for whoever will hit back at the left-wing. That's why Trump was elected.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

See this?

View attachment 279366

Trump is willing to take the rocks the left wing has been throwing at right-wingers, and throw them right back in the faces of the left.

This tweet alone, has me considering voting for Trump in 2020. You guys have been so abusive, and so evil, and immoral for so long... I'm willing to vote for Trump, as long as he keeps slapping you people all over the place. I want it. I love it. I enjoy watching you people freak out now. I enjoy you coming on here going "I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain." I love it when you say that. I hope all left-wing democrats say that over and over, as Trump smacks you people around every day.

I hope he keeps pissing you people off. I brings me great joy.

Whether I decide to, or not to vote for Trump in 2020, I hope he wins, just say I can see you people who have been abusive to Conservatives and Christians for so long, can scream in terror all over again.

I love it. Love every second. Go crazy you worthless trash, known as left-wingers. Your tears are my joy! :D

Obviously you don't know my politics.

But that's quite a diatribe there.

And please see post 136, the one right above this one.
Someone already pointed this out, but the 'continuum' only goes in one direction. Mac cheers every step towards authoritarianism. He squawks about free speech, but in the end, he is content to watch the US slide further away from the citizens. The binary question of 'are we Venezuela' is pathetic. Watching the government grab more and more power is leading to the only possible conclusion. History has shown this story many times, but the left thinks it can't happen to us. I'd say after watching the democrat debates that we are well on our way there. Ten years, and Venezuela was done.
And once again, a winger completely fabricates my "opinions" out of thin air, with zero (0) quotes to back them up.

Now that you've gotten that out of your system - the size and role of government really does exist exist on a continuum, does it not? You did say "watching the government grab more and more power", didn't you? That's a continuum - more and less, along a spectrum.

A straight, honest answer would be nice. You can say "yes". Your head won't explode from being honest, I swear.
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I have no clue how old you are but you are dreaming about how nicey nice politics were before Obama. Conservative people of color were called Uncle Toms ever since I can recall by Democrats.

Politics and business is all about greed of money and power. Democrats in politics on a whole have had the dirtier of the lot IMO. Can't say all of them but I can say most I've met.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.

This started before Trump, whom I didn't vote for.

In fact, Trump is the result of how Democrats were treating people. You actually had Joe Biden saying Mitt Romney, who by every measure was a upstanding and decent person, was going to "put ya'll back in chains".

He said that.
Did Joe Biden Say Republicans Would 'Put Y'All Back in Chains'?
It's a fact.

How can you even cry about Trump, when you people have been abusive and obnoxious for decades now?
YOU did this. YOU elected Trump. YOU people, by the ridiculous way you treated people on the right wing.... got the right-wing so fed up, and hating you so much, that we finally said enough of you guys just abusing us. We'll vote for whoever will hit back at the left-wing. That's why Trump was elected.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

See this?

View attachment 279366

Trump is willing to take the rocks the left wing has been throwing at right-wingers, and throw them right back in the faces of the left.

This tweet alone, has me considering voting for Trump in 2020. You guys have been so abusive, and so evil, and immoral for so long... I'm willing to vote for Trump, as long as he keeps slapping you people all over the place. I want it. I love it. I enjoy watching you people freak out now. I enjoy you coming on here going "I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain." I love it when you say that. I hope all left-wing democrats say that over and over, as Trump smacks you people around every day.

I hope he keeps pissing you people off. I brings me great joy.

Whether I decide to, or not to vote for Trump in 2020, I hope he wins, just say I can see you people who have been abusive to Conservatives and Christians for so long, can scream in terror all over again.

I love it. Love every second. Go crazy you worthless trash, known as left-wingers. Your tears are my joy! :D

Obviously you don't know my politics.

But that's quite a diatribe there.

And please see post 136, the one right above this one.

His personal behavior is completely irrelevant compared to the fact of whether he is or isn't making America great again.

He is dragging America towards more Americanism, the exact thing you as not an America were afraid of.

A soy boy could have never made it happen with the vicious left around. It took a man with balls. In a way those personality flaws are what enabled Trump to defeat the devil. Americans saw right away that he is the one who would get shit done.
There has always been an ugly faction of wingnuts in our politics but that was the fringe. We once valued being civilized towards our opposition and the majority governed that way. I fear those days are gone and everything has turned into a dishonest marketing campaign.
Democrats are entirely to blame for that.
So you can say something like that, without irony, with this man-child in the White House. Astonishing.

I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain.

This started before Trump, whom I didn't vote for.

In fact, Trump is the result of how Democrats were treating people. You actually had Joe Biden saying Mitt Romney, who by every measure was a upstanding and decent person, was going to "put ya'll back in chains".

He said that.
Did Joe Biden Say Republicans Would 'Put Y'All Back in Chains'?
It's a fact.

How can you even cry about Trump, when you people have been abusive and obnoxious for decades now?
YOU did this. YOU elected Trump. YOU people, by the ridiculous way you treated people on the right wing.... got the right-wing so fed up, and hating you so much, that we finally said enough of you guys just abusing us. We'll vote for whoever will hit back at the left-wing. That's why Trump was elected.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

See this?

View attachment 279366

Trump is willing to take the rocks the left wing has been throwing at right-wingers, and throw them right back in the faces of the left.

This tweet alone, has me considering voting for Trump in 2020. You guys have been so abusive, and so evil, and immoral for so long... I'm willing to vote for Trump, as long as he keeps slapping you people all over the place. I want it. I love it. I enjoy watching you people freak out now. I enjoy you coming on here going "I'm out of words here. That's happening more and more as this republic circles the drain." I love it when you say that. I hope all left-wing democrats say that over and over, as Trump smacks you people around every day.

I hope he keeps pissing you people off. I brings me great joy.

Whether I decide to, or not to vote for Trump in 2020, I hope he wins, just say I can see you people who have been abusive to Conservatives and Christians for so long, can scream in terror all over again.

I love it. Love every second. Go crazy you worthless trash, known as left-wingers. Your tears are my joy! :D

Obviously you don't know my politics.

But that's quite a diatribe there.

And please see post 136, the one right above this one.

His personal behavior is completely irrelevant compared to the fact of whether he is or isn't making America great again.

He is dragging America towards more Americanism, the exact thing you as not an America were afraid of.

A soy boy could have never made it happen with the vicious left around. It took a man with balls. In a way those personality flaws are what enabled Trump to defeat the devil.

Of course behaviors are important. Of course temperament is important.

That's the way adults USED to feel, anyway. And that's what we taught our children.

You've dropped your standards so far that you don't remember that.

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