Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
Whether you like it or not...Biden won...with over 80 million legal votes
Done deal. Get over. Go cry in the corner
Denying reality makes it easier for them to avoid the fact that they were fooled by a buffoon.
trump has fooled so many people for so long...everyone just takes it for granted now. These people just seem to gravitate to a man that they consider some kind of messiah....and yet he is as immoral a character that ever run for public office. A man that, in an attempt to name a book of the Bible calls it "Two" Corinthians can only hope the right wing and evangelicals miss the ignorance he has displayed. But I say rather than miss it, they spin it away along side of their moral barometer.
Whether you like it or not...Biden won...with over 80 million legal votes
Done deal. Get over. Go cry in the corner
Denying reality makes it easier for them to avoid the fact that they were fooled by a buffoon.
trump has fooled so many people for so long...everyone just takes it for granted now. These people just seem to gravitate to a man that they consider some kind of messiah....and yet he is as immoral a character that ever run for public office. A man that, in an attempt to name a book of the Bible calls it "Two" Corinthians can only hope the right wing and evangelicals miss the ignorance he has displayed. But I say rather than miss it, they spin it away along side of their moral barometer.
I say it all the time: Psychologists will be studying this period and those people for a lonnnnng time.
Wrong again! (Doesn't it get tiresome....even for you?). Projection is the Democrats' stock-in-trade. If you want to know what Dimwitted Democrats are up to, just pay attention to what they are accusing the GOP of doing. You'll never be wrong that way.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. xiden really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR xiden knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
He knows he lost but Trump believes he can rig the outcome the way he wants it just like he's done his whole life. For him rules have always been for suckers.
He knows he lost, but xiden knows the election was rigged. just like his treasonist political life. For him rules have always been for suckers.
I still want to know how Trump got more popular votes then Obama, when liberals abort a half a million Democrat voters a year since the 1970s
Trump was challenged by Joe Biden - why do you insist on bringing up Obama? Do you realize that over the course of four (4) years, a few million NEW voters are eligible to vote? You continually reveal your stupidity by relentlessly posting this question.

I digress, if you want an answer it's rather simple (I hope you can comprehend this); the 2020 election was a referendum (repudiation) to remove trump from office and motivated more people to vote. Trump also motivated his base which increased the number of votes he received.
I digress, if you want an answer it's rather simple (I hope you can comprehend this); the 2020 election was a referendum to introduce fraudulent dominion voting machines, hooked to the internet to screw the AMERICAn people
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.

It possible he is both, disconnected from realty and knowing he's a loser, but no narcissist will ever admit it - which suggests some form of schizophrenia.

He has pretty much put democracy in America on the ropes by his constant BIG LIE that our elections are rigged, which fool some of the people all of the time. Of course many of trump supporters on the USMB are opposed to democracy, for what reason and without any substitute does not support rational thinking.
xiden has pretty much put democracy in America on the ropes by his constant BIG LIE that our elections were'nt rigged, by the demonRATs, and dominion voting machines, which fool some of the people all of the time. Of course many of xiden supporters on the USMB are for communism, for what reason and without any substitute does not support rational thinking.
Who knows. But one could ask the same question of Hillary and Democrats after the 2016 election. Did she and they really believe Russia and Putin cost her the election and that Trump colluded with them? Much like the Trump question I don't know which is more disturbing that they actually believed it or they didn't but continued to push that to use a popular term today conspiracy theroy in order to explain away a loss they couldn't accept and to delegitimize and undermine a sitting President.

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