Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
Trump did win
That’s why i put option 3 up there. So followers of Trumpinsanity could fly their flag while the adults debate whether Trump is delusional or running a con.
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The bigger question is

Does Biden (or anyone else) actually believe Biden won the election ?

I believe surveys say that 73% of Americans believe biden lost.
What you believe matters not. You're in my opinion a first class kook. And that not only do I believe, I can prove it by listing every post you've made.
With all LEGAL votes counted he won in a landslide.
utter bull crud!

fabricated out of thin air....bloviated trump air!

a bona fide lie! :eek:
With so much evidence to back your asinine claim up! IMPRESSIVE! Moronic leftist Anti American dolt.
The evidence is in the certified election results from all states and voted on by the Electoral College. Biden beat Trump 306-232. All the efforts to overturn the election results have failed bigly. I’m sure Trump appreciates all the free PAC money you rubes keep giving him though.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
This seriously is a tough one. My guess is that he is one of those people who can talk themselves into believing virtually anything, right on the spot. So if that's the case, he may actually believe it on a conscious level, at least.

I'm looking forward to the psychological studies that are no doubt on the way, examining these last five years.

IOW, pseudo psycology....You're just looking for people that say things you agree with....There are plenty of leftist out there that will violate their oaths to make a name, or get themselves in some article.


So you think it's funny Mac? I think you are a coward.
I think I don't care about your opinion of me.

Sure ya do....Otherwise you wouldn't have replied.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Does it really matter what Trump believes?

All that really matters is that a significant majority of Americans believe that Biden won.

In fact, probably the most dangerous situation is the current one, where at least 50 million people believed the election was a fraud and a sham.

The complete dismissive nature of the MSM has only worked to heighten that belief. Had there been a completely open and honest discussion about it from the beginning, including looking into certain aspects and claims and actually doing some investigating, there wouldn't be 50 million Americans believing the republic is dead and preparing themselves to fight a Civil War.

Transparency could have stopped all of this bullshit, but I wonder why there has been no transparency or even curiosity, don't you?
I’ve yet to see a real charge unexplained.
Why is that?
Because everything brought up by the wackos is junk. Then they repeat the junk after it is dismissed with facts. Like voter rolls matching ballot counts. It’s insane.

How about signature audits...Were they ever done? No...

The voter roles are a mess....And now we know why liberals always fought cleaning them up.
You can dispute all you want, doesn't change fact, and rational, honest people see what went down here.
With all LEGAL votes counted he won in a landslide.
utter bull crud!

fabricated out of thin air....bloviated trump air!

a bona fide lie! :eek:
With so much evidence to back your asinine claim up! IMPRESSIVE! Moronic leftist Anti American dolt.
The evidence is in the certified election results from all states and voted on by the Electoral College. Biden beat Trump 306-232. All the efforts to overturn the election results have failed bigly. I’m sure Trump appreciates all the free PAC money you rubes keep giving him though.
Another TDS inflicted clown who didn't care how bad the leftists cheated to "win" the election.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
That's a good question. It would be illogical for him to believe he actually won but whoever said he was logical. If he believes he won then he must believe that there was a massive conspiracy among the 7 million people that voted against him and that would be just about impossible with an electoral college.

Do you even understand our system?
If you mean the electoral college, the answer is yes.
I went with "No, he knows he lost". It probably was sometime around 1959 back when I was 5 years old that I last used excuse I lost because the other person cheated. I had two older brothers. That's so long ago I can't remember if I actually believed whether I was cheated or not. I'm guessing probably knew I wasn't cheated. .
The STEAL was done in plain sight. There is no reason for the power structure to hide.

In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order. Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |
The Globalists have ruled the US for decades, picking many of our Presidents, controlling the media, supporting their puppets. They are the ones who put Biden where he is because Biden is a corrupt SWAMP PUPPETT and will do as he is told.
A lot of people are talking about the steal, the vote switching in Dominion voting machines, the phony ballots counted, etc. However, when it comes to presenting convincing evidence. What you find is false statements, perceived opportunities for election fraud, innuendo, and just out right lies.

A conspiracy to steal a US presidential election might make a good novel or even a good movie but it is pure fantasy. Our system of electing a president makes the steal just about impossible.
We know that Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and are fucked up in the mind but are there any of the idiots that actually think that Biden got more legitimate votes than Trump? In the face of the overwhelming evidence of mail in ballot fraud, unverified ballots, shutting down the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming hour later magically having more votes for Biden, different rules for different voting demographics and preventing Republicans from observing the counting process?

Because if they do then they are absolutely crazy. But of course we always we knew that, didn't we?
With all LEGAL votes counted he won in a landslide.
utter bull crud!

fabricated out of thin air....bloviated trump air!

a bona fide lie! :eek:
With so much evidence to back your asinine claim up! IMPRESSIVE! Moronic leftist Anti American dolt.
The evidence is in the certified election results from all states and voted on by the Electoral College. Biden beat Trump 306-232. All the efforts to overturn the election results have failed bigly. I’m sure Trump appreciates all the free PAC money you rubes keep giving him though.
Another TDS inflicted clown who didn't care how bad the leftists cheated to "win" the election.
only if by "TDS inflicted clown" you actually mean a normal person who hasn't drank the Trump cult Kool-aide, and "cheating" you mean voted according to the laws of the state I reside in. None of the courts have found any merit in Trump's claims of fraud or cheating despite all the Trumpublican wailing and gnashing of teeth. I lost count of all the lawsuits that have been thrown out. IIRC he is something like 1-56. The reality is Trump lost. There wasn't any fraud or cheating except repug voter suppression efforts which failed this time around. So suck it up and fly your truck flags at half mast. You lost, Trump lost, the cult lost, the Trumpublicans lost.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
That's a good question. It would be illogical for him to believe he actually won but whoever said he was logical. If he believes he won then he must believe that there was a massive conspiracy among the 7 million people that voted against him and that would be just about impossible with an electoral college.

Do you even understand our system?
If you mean the electoral college, the answer is yes.

We know that Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and are fucked up in the mind but are there any of the idiots that actually think that Biden got more legitimate votes than Trump? In the face of the overwhelming evidence of mail in ballot fraud, unverified ballots, shutting down the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming hour later magically having more votes for Biden, different rules for different voting demographics and preventing Republicans from observing the counting process?

Because if they do then they are absolutely crazy. But of course we always we knew that, didn't we?
Yeah, and the New York Times in 1947 printed and early edition claiming Dewey won the presidency. Then the tide changed as the vote from the Midwest and Western states started coming in that went heavily for Truman . In the current election, it was the mail in ballots which were favored by democrats but not republicans that were the last to be counted and they swung the election from Trump to Biden.
We know that Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and are fucked up in the mind but are there any of the idiots that actually think that Biden got more legitimate votes than Trump? In the face of the overwhelming evidence of mail in ballot fraud, unverified ballots, shutting down the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming hour later magically having more votes for Biden, different rules for different voting demographics and preventing Republicans from observing the counting process?

Because if they do then they are absolutely crazy. But of course we always we knew that, didn't we?
Yeah, and the New York Times in 1947 printed and early edition claiming Dewey won the presidency. Then the tide changed as the vote from the Midwest and Western states started coming in that went heavily for Truman . In the current election, it was the mail in ballots which were favored by democrats but not republicans that were the last to be counted and they swung the election from Trump to Biden.

Mathematically impossible

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