Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
Everyone knows Trump won huge....

Trump got 3 million fewer votes against Hillary
Trump got 8 million fewer votes against Biden.

What is your definition of won huge?

It certainly has nothing to do with how many votes you get OUTSIDE of the US Supreme Court.
The bigger question is

Does Biden (or anyone else) actually believe Biden won the election ?

I believe surveys say that 73% of Americans believe biden lost.
Everyone knows the election was stolen. The left just thinks their bullshit is believed ( it’s not).

Neither Biden nor Harris will EVER be legitimate President or vice President.
(This will be interesting) how does Trump want to overthrow our system of government?

By suspending the constitution in order to remain in power.
He is trolling you

There is no constitutional way Trump can stay in power. The electoral college has spoken. 306 to 232. And all under 3 USC 5, which means even congress can't object to the votes, they can only count them.
I still want to know how Trump got more popular votes then Obama, when liberals abort a half a million Democrat voters a year since the 1970s

He cheated. DUH.
I never thought of that, plausible.

I mean common on man how could the hated Trump get more popular votes then the beloved Obama?

DUH, simple math, the population continued to grow. From 2008 to 2017 the 18 and over grew by 16 million + voters; and we can add more 18 and over to this number by the general election, and still more by the the critical vote on Jan 5, 2021.
Link please , and if you use the census they count illegals.

That's another problem, but not one which upsets the apple cart. The BIG LIE is that millions of illegal aliens vote, and that lie is absurd. If the Senate really believed election fraud and illegal votes were a serious problem The Congress would appropriate dollars to examine every county / parish clerks office and their voter registration records.

Solution for General Election. Have every ballot have a small square where the voter places a thumb print, and have ever voter registration card have the same little square for comparison.
Everyone knows Trump won huge....

Trump got 3 million fewer votes against Hillary
Trump got 8 million fewer votes against Biden.

What is your definition of won huge?

It certainly has nothing to do with how many votes you get OUTSIDE of the US Supreme Court.
The hated Trump got 14 million more votes then the beloved Obama...
Made it honest for ya ......

Trump got 3 million fewer votes against Hillary's stolen votes
Trump got 8 million fewer votes against Biden's stolen votes

You need to explain. If Trump got more votes in 2020 than in 2016, who did Biden steal them from?
(This will be interesting) how does Trump want to overthrow our system of government?

By suspending the constitution in order to remain in power.
He is trolling you

There is no constitutional way Trump can stay in power. The electoral college has spoken. 306 to 232. And all under 3 USC 5, which means even congress can't object to the votes, they can only count them.
Of course so why are you upset with Trump's troll posts ?
I still want to know how Trump got more popular votes then Obama, when liberals abort a half a million Democrat voters a year since the 1970s

He cheated. DUH.
I never thought of that, plausible.

I mean common on man how could the hated Trump get more popular votes then the beloved Obama?

DUH, simple math, the population continued to grow. From 2008 to 2017 the 18 and over grew by 16 million + voters; and we can add more 18 and over to this number by the general election, and still more by the the critical vote on Jan 5, 2021.
Link please , and if you use the census they count illegals.

That's another problem, but not one which upsets the apple cart. The BIG LIE is that millions of illegal aliens vote, and that lie is absurd. If the Senate really believed election fraud and illegal votes were a serious problem The Congress would appropriate dollars to examine every county / parish clerks office and their voter registration records.

Solution for General Election. Have every ballot have a small square where the voter places a thumb print, and have ever voter registration card have the same little square for comparison.
So you want voter ID , could you please tell the rest it's a good idea
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Biden does not believe he won. Neither do you. :biggrin:
Everyone knows Trump won huge....

Trump got 3 million fewer votes against Hillary
Trump got 8 million fewer votes against Biden.

What is your definition of won huge?

It certainly has nothing to do with how many votes you get OUTSIDE of the US Supreme Court.
You are wrong...Trump got more votes than Hillary did this year and more votes than Obama...Joe got more votes than Obama too so if you believe that is possible you are an idiot.....
Trump got the most votes of any incumbent president in US history.

Yet Biden, who didn't campaign and stayed in his basement and molested little girls, gets over 80 million votes. His campaign rallies were dozens, Trumps were tens of thousands.

Yea, sure, Biden won. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe even one day you'll believe it.
(This will be interesting) how does Trump want to overthrow our system of government?

There is no constitutional way Trump can stay in power. The electoral college has spoken. 306 to 232. And all under 3 USC 5, which means even congress can't object to the votes, they can only count them.
Of course so why are you upset with Trump's troll posts ?

Because that was the answer to how Trump wants to overthrow our system of government.
Made it honest for ya ......

Trump got 3 million fewer votes against Hillary's stolen votes
Trump got 8 million fewer votes against Biden's stolen votes

You need to explain. If Trump got more votes in 2020 than in 2016, who did Biden steal them from?

I hope you're not actually as dense as you are acting :omg:

Votes were FABRICATED for Joe Blo. That means they are fraudulent.....no one actually made those votes for Joe Blo

In the swing states, all 5 used Dominion Machines, the servers were in foreign countries (WHY ????)

Forensic audits show nearly 70 % ERROR RATE. WHY ???
The bigger question is

Does Biden (or anyone else) actually believe Biden won the election ?

I believe surveys say that 73% of Americans believe biden lost.

You're stretching there, aren't you, Boo Boo? I believe that survey said a large amount of people believe there were irregularities in the election. That survey didn't differentiate on who was responsible for the irregularities, or who actually won the election. Trump, and his supporter's more than 50 silly law suits which were all laughed out of court, are certainly irregularities that added to the totals in that poll you mention.

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