Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.
I know it's not a disconnect with reality, because he planned for the loss ahead of the election...he knew with internal polling he was going to lose, months ahead of time...

That's why he took steps to cheat.

- USPS slowdown, removal of mail boxes in big democratic leaning cities, removal of fast mail processing machines in city USPS hubs....etc.

- brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers to vote in person... (his plan to have the election called on election night, claim he won, before the absentee ballots were counted began months ahead of the election, because he knew he was going to lose)

-brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers absentee voting was crooked, a fraud, bad things are going to happen in Philadelphia, rigged etc, before the first vote, was even cast....

- Trump sent his campaign to PA and MI to meet with their republican state legislatures BEFORE the election process started, telling them or trying to convince them to reject the vote of their citizens and send a Trump slate of Electors....this was reported a month or two before the election... trumpers said it was fake news, but it was factual...

- the October surprise dump on Hunter by the NYPOST from Rudi and Bannon, as a last ditch effort to win.

And who knows what other crooked things the press and we, never spotted?

ALL of those type of things were things Trump planned and did ahead of time, because going as they were, he knew he was going to lose, and continuing with those schemes as election day progressed and the days afterward proves he knows he lost....

he's not dellusional...

he created a dellusion, for his followers... so they would help him in his quest, to steal the election, from the voters and from the winner, Biden.
A uncle joe rally

View attachment 429836

So you are one of those idiots who thinks a large screaming group means you should be president. If that were true, then the election would have been between Paul McCartney and Elton John.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.
I know it's not a disconnect with reality, because he planned for the loss ahead of the election...he knew with internal polling he was going to lose, months ahead of time...

That's why he took steps to cheat.

- USPS slowdown, removal of mail boxes in big democratic leaning cities, removal of fast mail processing machines in city USPS hubs....etc.

- brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers to vote in person... (his plan to have the election called on election night, claim he won, before the absentee ballots were counted began months ahead of the election, because he knew he was going to lose)

-brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers absentee voting was crooked, a fraud, bad things are going to happen in Philadelphia, rigged etc, before the first vote, was even cast....

- Trump sent his campaign to PA and MI to meet with their republican state legislatures BEFORE the election process started, telling them or trying to convince them to reject the vote of their citizens and send a Trump slate of Electors....this was reported a month or two before the election... trumpers said it was fake news, but it was factual...

- the October surprise dump on Hunter by the NYPOST from Rudi and Bannon, as a last ditch effort to win.

And who knows what other crooked things the press and we, never spotted?

ALL of those type of things were things Trump planned and did ahead of time, because going as they were, he knew he was going to lose, and continuing with those schemes as election day progressed and the days afterward proves he knows he lost....

he's not dellusional...

he created a dellusion, for his followers... so they would help him in his quest, to steal the election, from the voters and from the winner, Biden.
A uncle joe rally

View attachment 429836

So you are one of those idiots who thinks a large screaming group means you should be president. If that were true, then the election would have been between Paul McCartney and Elton John.
So you saying those screaming idiots where not rioting or looting?
Constitutional republic
Have you ever met a dictionary? Ever?

b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
Have you ever took a civics course in school ever?


Once again the mob in california voted no to gay marriage, it took our constitutional republic to say yes to gay marriage the way it should be.
So you are one of those idiots who thinks a large screaming group means you should be president. If that were true, then the election would have been between Paul McCartney and Elton John.

One reason for the electoral college, instead of a direct voting system is that the founding fathers didn't trust the people to chose their leaders. They left the selection of the president and senators to the state legislatures. Not the people.

They feared a popular charlatans election.

We clearly see the Left has no problem with the stolen election and no problem laughing at you for being upset.

Question becomes: Is that all ya got? Are you powerless to do anything about it?
So you are one of those idiots who thinks a large screaming group means you should be president. If that were true, then the election would have been between Paul McCartney and Elton John.

One reason for the electoral college, instead of a direct voting system is that the founding fathers didn't trust the people to chose their leaders. They left the selection of the president and senators to the state legislatures. Not the people.

They feared a popular charlatans election.

And yet the LEFT is trying to remove the electoral college system

If you believe that, you also have to believer that votes were fabricated for Trump.
That would mean you have to believe the Right is as corrupt as the Left.

That's a ludicrous notion to be honest.

If you look at the number of votes that down ballot republicans got, they would have also had to benefit from fabricated votes, since they too got more votes than in the previous election.

We clearly see the Left has no problem with the stolen election and no problem laughing at you for being upset.

Question becomes: Is that all ya got? Are you powerless to do anything about it?

Not true. We have no problem laughing at you for lots of other reasons too.
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had, and he is incapable of understanding the consequences of his puerile behavior. All he cares about is what he can gain for himself.

By denying he lost, Trump has managed to raise over $250 million.

By claiming to be China's friend, the Bidens made 1.5 BILLION (that we know of)

Did you have a valid point ?
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had, and he is incapable of understanding the consequences of his puerile behavior. All he cares about is what he can gain for himself.

By denying he lost, Trump has managed to raise over $250 million.
A modern day P.T. Barnum soaking the rubes.
The rubes paying for others who do what they want and may be neighbors. We get it.
They feared a popular charlatans election.

And yet the LEFT is trying to remove the electoral college system


Trump was able to use the EC to be elected as an unpopular charlatan. Which is even worse.

If you think an "unpopular (your opinion but it's wrong) "charlatan is bad........

Wait'll you see the damage a HATED, SENILE CHILE SNIFFING PEDOPHILE named Joe blo will do.

Hint: You ain't seen nothing yet....bu bu bu baby !!!
Forensic audits show nearly 70 % ERROR RATE. WHY ???

You can't have a voting machine with a 70% error rate. Even a random number generated vote produces only a 50% error rate.


The Left says........


You've been conned. They publish an error rate far beyond what is physically even possible, and you eat it up.

Didn't you question how a machine with a 68% error rate could be certified when the requirement is 0.0001%

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