Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.

It possible he is both, disconnected from realty and knowing he's a loser, but no narcissist will ever admit it - which suggests some form of schizophrenia.

He has pretty much put democracy in America on the ropes by his constant BIG LIE that our elections are rigged, which fool some of the people all of the time. Of course many of trump supporters on the USMB are opposed to democracy, for what reason and without any substitute does not support rational thinking.
Even braggo (former Democrat govenor of illinois) said the elections are rigged
That’s pretty bad when even a dem is saying that.:iyfyus.jpg:
Personally I think like most things it is a mixture of both. Trump has managed to convince himself that he is persecuted and everyone is against him. So he thinks anything which could be deemed suspect is actually engineered to be against him....
Hmmmm...Actually, he just throws tantrums until everyone is tired of the whining.

Real-estate developer Donald Trump embraced the idea that he’s a “whiner” during a Tuesday morning CNN interview.
“New Day” host Chris Cuomo asked the Republican presidential candidate about a recent Rich Lowry column in National Review that described Trump as “the most fabulous whiner in all of American politics.”
Trump agreed but clarified that he whines to win.
“I think he’s probably right. I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine because I want to win. And I’m not happy if I’m not winning. And I am a whiner. And I’m a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win,” he said. “And I’m going to win for the country and I’m going to make our country great again.”
The bigger question is

Does Biden (or anyone else) actually believe Biden won the election ?

I believe surveys say that 73% of Americans believe biden lost.
Everyone knows the election was stolen. The left just thinks their bullshit is believed ( it’s not).

I agree. Trump was 700,000 votes ahead of Biden in one State and lost?? Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits out there. Signed by the watchers who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. No one signs a false affidavit. That's a perjury charge right there.

Not to mention all the problems with Dominion machines. Hell one of them took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch. One fraudulent election.

This election was stolen and its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and only someone with blinders on can't see it.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.
I know it's not a disconnect with reality, because he planned for the loss ahead of the election...he knew with internal polling he was going to lose, months ahead of time...

That's why he took steps to cheat.

- USPS slowdown, removal of mail boxes in big democratic leaning cities, removal of fast mail processing machines in city USPS hubs....etc.

- brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers to vote in person... (his plan to have the election called on election night, claim he won, before the absentee ballots were counted began months ahead of the election, because he knew he was going to lose)

-brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers absentee voting was crooked, a fraud, bad things are going to happen in Philadelphia, rigged etc, before the first vote, was even cast....

- Trump sent his campaign to PA and MI to meet with their republican state legislatures BEFORE the election process started, telling them or trying to convince them to reject the vote of their citizens and send a Trump slate of Electors....this was reported a month or two before the election... trumpers said it was fake news, but it was factual...

- the October surprise dump on Hunter by the NYPOST from Rudi and Bannon, as a last ditch effort to win.

And who knows what other crooked things the press and we, never spotted?

ALL of those type of things were things Trump planned and did ahead of time, because going as they were, he knew he was going to lose, and continuing with those schemes as election day progressed and the days afterward proves he knows he lost....

he's not dellusional...

he created a dellusion, for his followers... so they would help him in his quest, to steal the election, from the voters and from the winner, Biden.
Votes were FABRICATED for Joe Blo. That means they are fraudulent.....no one actually made those votes for Joe Blo

In the swing states, all 5 used Dominion Machines, the servers were in foreign countries (WHY ????)

Forensic audits show nearly 70 % ERROR RATE. WHY ???
Because the Kool Aid is particularly flavourful this season.
Trump got the most votes of any incumbent president in US history.

Yet Biden, who didn't campaign and stayed in his basement and molested little girls, gets over 80 million votes. His campaign rallies were dozens, Trumps were tens of thousands.

Yea, sure, Biden won. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe even one day you'll believe it.

Motivation pushed the voting force participation rate up.

Just imagine if we have the 80-90+ percent participation that other countries have.

If we had the voter turn out of Australia, Biden would have gotten almost 100 million votes.
I don't think he really believes he won, but I also don't think he knows how dangerous his claims could be.
This. Exactly.

Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had, and he is incapable of understanding the consequences of his puerile behavior. All he cares about is what he can gain for himself.
I still want to know how Trump got more popular votes then Obama, when liberals abort a half a million Democrat voters a year since the 1970s
Trump was challenged by Joe Biden - why do you insist on bringing up Obama? Do you realize that over the course of four (4) years, a few million NEW voters are eligible to vote? You continually reveal your stupidity by relentlessly posting this question.

If you want an answer it's rather simple (I hope you can comprehend this); the 2020 election was a referendum (repudiation) to remove trump from office and motivated more people to vote. Trump also motivated his base which increased the number of votes he received.
I post it because it's true a half a million potential liberal voters die each year and a half a million white supremacists republicans get born a year so again where did all these new votes come from?

Many of the new voters were people who never bothered to vote before, but saw how important it was to kick that orange fool out of the white house.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.

Once again we are not a democracy, if we where gay marriage would still be illegal, the mob of california took up a vote and said No.

That debate is dumb and circular. Democratic Republic is the best way to describe our political system.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.
I know it's not a disconnect with reality, because he planned for the loss ahead of the election...he knew with internal polling he was going to lose, months ahead of time...

That's why he took steps to cheat.

- USPS slowdown, removal of mail boxes in big democratic leaning cities, removal of fast mail processing machines in city USPS hubs....etc.

- brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers to vote in person... (his plan to have the election called on election night, claim he won, before the absentee ballots were counted began months ahead of the election, because he knew he was going to lose)

-brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers absentee voting was crooked, a fraud, bad things are going to happen in Philadelphia, rigged etc, before the first vote, was even cast....

- Trump sent his campaign to PA and MI to meet with their republican state legislatures BEFORE the election process started, telling them or trying to convince them to reject the vote of their citizens and send a Trump slate of Electors....this was reported a month or two before the election... trumpers said it was fake news, but it was factual...

- the October surprise dump on Hunter by the NYPOST from Rudi and Bannon, as a last ditch effort to win.

And who knows what other crooked things the press and we, never spotted?

ALL of those type of things were things Trump planned and did ahead of time, because going as they were, he knew he was going to lose, and continuing with those schemes as election day progressed and the days afterward proves he knows he lost....

he's not dellusional...

he created a dellusion, for his followers... so they would help him in his quest, to steal the election, from the voters and from the winner, Biden.
A uncle joe rally

Dumb question and poll. The real question is flipped to whether Chinacrats really believe they legitimately won.

I'd say maybe 12% really believe yes to this. The rest know better but just don't care. They have no morality or decency. They feel that so long as they get the desired result, all is well and good.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.

Once again we are not a democracy, if we where gay marriage would still be illegal, the mob of california took up a vote and said No.

That debate is dumb and circular. Democratic Republic is the best way to describe our political system.
Constitutional republic
I'm looking forward to the psychological studies that are no doubt on the way, examining these last five years.

Just read Mary Trumps book. She's a clinical psychiatrist who's observed and interacted Donald Trump from up close.

I'm halfway through it - GREAT read and highly insightful as to the squirming brain of The World's Most Dangerous Man.
Trump is the dumbest president we have ever had, and he is incapable of understanding the consequences of his puerile behavior. All he cares about is what he can gain for himself.

By denying he lost, Trump has managed to raise over $250 million.

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