Poll: Hillary losing to everybody

Poll: Hillary Clinton Losing to Everybody - Breitbart

ROFLMAO....oh yeah this is gonna be more fun to watch than 2008 was.

Holy Lying Bat Crap......You mean breitfart picked a RePug to win....like that never happens.

Only fools and ConJobs believe brietfart, and you must be both.
President Romney must be so pleased! Idiot Pub dupes...lol

The only people who believed Mitt Witt was going to win read brainfart and watched faux snooze.
What's particularly revealing about the Fox News poll is that the people polled feel Trump is about as dishonest as Hillary Clinton, with both of them being voted the most dishonest of all the candidates, and yet he garnered the most support from Republicans, and she garnered the most support from Democrats.

What does that tell you about rubes and their total lack of a desire to live in reality?
No it's not.. Mitt was liberals choice, more specifically the liberal medias choice as they pushed him above all others. It's possible because you are a dumb american that you don't have much of a memory past 2 months but Mitt Romney's main issue as a candidate was that his own base really really really really did not want him.

But yer a Dim, so defend defend defend/attack attack attack!!


That is exactly right. The media with help from the republicrat establishment pukes destroyed each candidate as they rose in the polls because they wanted Romney.

The GOPukes wanted a "moderate" and the libs wanted someone easy to beat. As soon as Romney was the last man standing, the long knives came out and the media finally went after him.

If people would have stuck by Herman Cain like the sick fuck democrooks stick to their sociopaths regardless of their scandals, we would have the first black president in the WH rather than a faggot meat muppet of questionable ancestry and zero competence.

No, "the polls" don't show that. Fox News polls show that.
Poll: Hillary Clinton Losing to Everybody - Breitbart

ROFLMAO....oh yeah this is gonna be more fun to watch than 2008 was.

You missed a small detail...

"according to a new Fox News poll."

What did every other poll say? Actually she is winning almost every other poll....

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So that is only Rubio and Carson to worry about... You are welcome to run Carson, I think Democrats really fear Carson... And we have said Rubio is the only possible guy and this is while the kid gloves are on... Rem Clinton has been taking cannon shots from the start and has them all licked, Rubio has still to get the treatment...

Look at the dates of the polls, most of them are ancient in poll terms
In fact, the previous Fox poll (before this one) also was an outlier, finding Trump ahead. So the "ancient polls" argument doesn't fly, because the next-to-last Fox was ancient, and an outlier nonetheless.
Poll: Hillary Clinton Losing to Everybody - Breitbart

ROFLMAO....oh yeah this is gonna be more fun to watch than 2008 was.

You missed a small detail...

"according to a new Fox News poll."

What did every other poll say? Actually she is winning almost every other poll....

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So that is only Rubio and Carson to worry about... You are welcome to run Carson, I think Democrats really fear Carson... And we have said Rubio is the only possible guy and this is while the kid gloves are on... Rem Clinton has been taking cannon shots from the start and has them all licked, Rubio has still to get the treatment...

Look at the dates of the polls, most of them are ancient in poll terms
In fact, the previous Fox poll (before this one) also was an outlier, finding Trump ahead. So the "ancient polls" argument doesn't fly, because the next-to-last Fox was ancient, and an outlier nonetheless.

Just post a current poll....dumb ass. Sheesh
Poll: Hillary Clinton Losing to Everybody - Breitbart

ROFLMAO....oh yeah this is gonna be more fun to watch than 2008 was.

You missed a small detail...

"according to a new Fox News poll."

What did every other poll say? Actually she is winning almost every other poll....

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So that is only Rubio and Carson to worry about... You are welcome to run Carson, I think Democrats really fear Carson... And we have said Rubio is the only possible guy and this is while the kid gloves are on... Rem Clinton has been taking cannon shots from the start and has them all licked, Rubio has still to get the treatment...

Look at the dates of the polls, most of them are ancient in poll terms
In fact, the previous Fox poll (before this one) also was an outlier, finding Trump ahead. So the "ancient polls" argument doesn't fly, because the next-to-last Fox was ancient, and an outlier nonetheless.

Just post a current poll....dumb ass. Sheesh

more current than the one from 5 days ago that's been posted more times than you have IQ points? ?

sheesh .....
The left can laugh all they want, but Hillary is in severe trouble. It is not about the poll perse, but about the direction of ALL the polls. Do you lefties understand at all, that if Americans thought she had done a good job as SOS, her poll numbers would have gone through the roof with all of the crapola going on?!?!?!

Really lefties, I know you won't believe it, will just say I am a RW so I must be exaggerating, but if this continues, you will start to see the media proclaim that some mildly blue states are now considered purple. You guys/gals are listening far to much to paid posters on here, and think it is in the bag! Use your own mind and ask yourself, "not how BAD someone is on the Repub side," because you Dems think all repubs are bad. (you are NOT independents) But rather, besides Hillary being a woman, what would compel voters to cast their vote for her! What has she done that was highly successful? What can she point to and tell everyone, "elect me and you will get more of this!" And then, if she did say that, if you read the polls about her perceived honesty, how many people will believe her?

I get tired of reading bravado from lefties who say that this is in the bag for Hilly, and I don't care if you are accurate you start the night with 230 electoral votes. It WAS the Republicans election to lose in 2012, and the establishment put up Romney because he WAS establishment. They lost!

The establishment also put up Bob Dole, John Mcshame, and GW who could not even win the popular vote against a nut like Gore! Then he runs against Kerry, and Lurch had more personality than he did, and it was still a struggle.

No, this time you are going to get Trump, Carson, or Cruz. It is the GOPs race to win again, I am 100% sure that if they pull a convention trick and get Jeb or Kasich nominated, they will lose again..........and force the creation of a new party.
It will not be Trump, Carson, or Cruz, because more than 3 out of 4 are opposed to them.
where will the crybaby RW's turn when Trump gets blown out of the water and doesn't get the nomination?

independent voters will vote for Clinton and no Republican in sight ..
where will the crybaby RW's turn when Trump gets blown out of the water and doesn't get the nomination?
Trump has grabbed himself by the balls. He can't jump any further up the polls, and he can't be elected with the support he now has.
:lol: Only in your weak mind.
Hey, I'm not the one who thought she was inevitable. I always thought her sleaze would invariably bring her down.[/QUOTE]

Not in the democrook party.

There is no amount of scum that can make bed wetters abandon their cults of personality.

Hell, there are still socialist asswipes out there who believe hitler was right and that the holocaust is a myth, and many more insipid moonbats running around this country that believe stalin was a great leader. When I label them "weapons grade stupid" I truly mean it because the parasites are a threat to the gene pool.

Look at Ted Kennedy...

Drives off a bridge into a cold lake with a woman (not his wife BTW) in the back seat and left her for dead. He stumbles home, goes to sleep and calls his lawyer when he wakes up, before calling the police.

Democrooks continued to support him after that. So there is no degree of filth a pinko political whore can wallow in that will make a moonbat think twice before casting a vote for them


Moonbats can't even think once.

Realistically Dem have a slight advantage at the moment.

The GOP will go to the polls and will be looking for a winner. I don't think the present front two will be seen as that... They are great in the primaries for the converted like the righties on this board but for general public they are a real turn off.
Between Trump and Carson they have not managed a true statement on polifact. That is pretty amazing.. Hillary is competing with Bush for the most truthful candidate on Poltifact.
Now our Rigthies here will start on that poltifact is bias. This is of course crap. Poltifact is very well respected by normal people on both sides.

Saying that I think Trump is saying what he knows the crowd want to hear... It is actually quite funny... He probably knows what he is doing and will walk back during a general if needed. So I say Rubio v Trump at the end.... Carson is just way too much a joke, you really have to question how he became a such a well respected doctor (and I am not disputing that) while having such little real world knowledge (especially outside Amercia)...
In the RCP averages, Clinton is leading everyone but Carson and Rubio.

Conservatives went Full Retard over the polls in 2012, so a huge grain of salt should be taken whenever conservatives talk about polls.
In the RCP averages, Clinton is leading everyone but Carson and Rubio.

Conservatives went Full Retard over the polls in 2012, so a huge grain of salt should be taken whenever conservatives talk about polls.
hey harper, i've got a question for you (off topic).
why don't they, instead of building the pipeline, or shipping canadian oil to the orient, just build a refinery near the source ?
:lol: Only in your weak mind.
Hey, I'm not the one who thought she was inevitable. I always thought her sleaze would invariably bring her down.

Not in the democrook party.

There is no amount of scum that can make bed wetters abandon their cults of personality.

Hell, there are still socialist asswipes out there who believe hitler was right and that the holocaust is a myth, and many more insipid moonbats running around this country that believe stalin was a great leader. When I label them "weapons grade stupid" I truly mean it because the parasites are a threat to the gene pool.

Look at Ted Kennedy...

Drives off a bridge into a cold lake with a woman (not his wife BTW) in the back seat and left her for dead. He stumbles home, goes to sleep and calls his lawyer when he wakes up, before calling the police.

Democrooks continued to support him after that. So there is no degree of filth a pinko political whore can wallow in that will make a moonbat think twice before casting a vote for them


Moonbats can't even think once.

the democrook party from democook county (chicago)
that's what you losers said about Romney. *shrug*

No it's not.. Mitt was liberals choice, more specifically the liberal medias choice as they pushed him above all others. It's possible because you are a dumb american that you don't have much of a memory past 2 months but Mitt Romney's main issue as a candidate was that his own base really really really really did not want him.

But yer a Dim, so defend defend defend/attack attack attack!!
Actually, McCain wasn't our guy either.....but he won the nomination somehow.

I figure it this way.....if you love Islam....vote for Hillary.

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