Poll: Impeach Donald Trump?

Impeach Donald Trump?

  • I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a democrat and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican and no, I won't pressue my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

Results are only viewable after voting.
On what charges, Sil? Disliking him with a passion isn't an impeachable offense.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
He is just totally out of control.
The highest probability of his being impeached is for something financial.
Not butt hurt. Just aware. Learn the difference. I voted Hillary up ticket and GOP down ticket across the board. I'm right in the middle pal. And you need us or next we'll be posting the 'butt hurt salve" for your party.

Though the picture of Trump on a can of stuff you rub on your ass does seem strangely appropriate... :lmao: Was thinking of investing in a company that produces TP with Trump's likeness inked onto each square..
Many of we who voted did not do so for either of the two-party dictatorship.
Not butt hurt. Just aware. Learn the difference. I voted Hillary up ticket and GOP down ticket across the board. I'm right in the middle pal. And you need us or next we'll be posting the 'butt hurt salve" for your party.

Though the picture of Trump on a can of stuff you rub on your ass does seem strangely appropriate... :lmao: Was thinking of investing in a company that produces TP with Trump's likeness inked onto each square..

With the current mood of the country, you should make a lot of money with that investment.

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