Poll: Impeach Donald Trump?

Impeach Donald Trump?

  • I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a democrat and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican and no, I won't pressue my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

Results are only viewable after voting.
According to the US Constitution, "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" justify impeachment, although the exact definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is often the subject of debate. Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable. How Does the Impeachment Process Work?

I'd say a POTUS who habitually ignores most or all other members of the executive branch on a regular basis, acting ignorantly or unilaterally in harmful ways against their advice would be an abuse of the powers of his Office. Refusing full daily briefings or not being able to read even mildly lengthy daily intelligence reports might be a finding of insufficient mental capacity in Office as well. Didn't Trump say he'd refuse any briefing unless it was one page with a cap of only 9 bullet points?
I'd say a POTUS who habitually ignores most or all other members of the executive branch on a regular basis, acting ignorantly or unilaterally in harmful ways against their advice would be an abuse of the powers of his Office
That's Obama in a nut shell...
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump?t is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.

Trump hasn't done anything that arguably is within the context of the impeachment clause of the Constitution.

I don't approve of him or his actions, but he hasn't done anything falls within the impeachment clause.

Impeach him for what? Actually doing what he promised to do so far?
Promise as you may, but once you are POTUS, you have to follow the rules for the chief of the Executive Branch. Thoroughly reading intelligence reports, no matter the length, and then coming to a decision opposing the CIA & FBI and cabinet members and generals is one thing. Refusing to read those reports and instead just "off the cuff" making terribly important and terribly wrong/ consequential decisions is another thing. For instance, his non-briefed unilateral decisions to interact with allied leaders and insult them over the phone or in person is HARMFUL TO THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. Had he taken advice or even bothered to be briefed by the other parts of the executive branch, he never would have done what he did.

He is a spoiled child sitting on a throne. King Trump. Flick him off. Now.
Trump hasn't done anything that arguably is within the context of the impeachment clause of the Constitution.

I don't approve of him or his actions, but he hasn't done anything falls within the impeachment clause.

That's odd...Syriusly...a lifelong UBER FAR FAR FAR left democrat wants to keep Trump in Office. Doesn't think he's all that bad...yet.

Have you told your pals at "Indivisible!!" meetings about your feelings Syriusly? What are you up to?..
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?
not mentally competent for the most important job in America
According to the US Constitution, "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" justify impeachment, although the exact definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is often the subject of debate. Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable. How Does the Impeachment Process Work?

I'd say a POTUS who habitually ignores most or all other members of the executive branch on a regular basis, acting ignorantly or unilaterally in harmful ways against their advice would be an abuse of the powers of his Office. Refusing full daily briefings or not being able to read even mildly lengthy daily intelligence reports might be a finding of insufficient mental capacity in Office as well. Didn't Trump say he'd refuse any briefing unless it was one page with a cap of only 9 bullet points?
huh? in english!
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?
not mentally competent for the most important job in America
you talking about the judges who politicized our country? you're correct.
The problem with impeachment is the need for Republican votes in the House and Senate. Republicans would have to realize that Trump may become an even bigger threat to their party and the future of the Republicans. So far I think it's wait and see. Hope they don't wait too long.
According to the US Constitution, "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" justify impeachment, although the exact definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is often the subject of debate. Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable. How Does the Impeachment Process Work?

I'd say a POTUS who habitually ignores most or all other members of the executive branch on a regular basis, acting ignorantly or unilaterally in harmful ways against their advice would be an abuse of the powers of his Office. Refusing full daily briefings or not being able to read even mildly lengthy daily intelligence reports might be a finding of insufficient mental capacity in Office as well. Didn't Trump say he'd refuse any briefing unless it was one page with a cap of only 9 bullet points?
huh? in english!

you must be a Trump voter...hence the reason you don't understand english when you see it.
The problem with impeachment is the need for Republican votes in the House and Senate. Republicans would have to realize that Trump may become an even bigger threat to their party and the future of the Republicans. So far I think it's wait and see. Hope they don't wait too long.

Exactly what's he done 3 weeks into his presidency that merits impeaching?

Granted, I think Obama should have been impeached and tried for treason when he traded 5 high-level enemies of the state for a traitor.
there is no bullshit rating so I made one This post is BS
The problem with impeachment is the need for Republican votes in the House and Senate. Republicans would have to realize that Trump may become an even bigger threat to their party and the future of the Republicans. So far I think it's wait and see. Hope they don't wait too long.
ewwwwwwwww the suspense.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?

How about accepting bribes from foreign governments? That's a pretty steep one.

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