Poll: Impeach Donald Trump?

Impeach Donald Trump?

  • I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a democrat and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican and no, I won't pressue my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

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Play-by-play, seven snowflakes chose "I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching".

Now is your chance to remove the snowflake label. Let us know how you plan to go forward, and tell us why you're doing it Unless one or more are successful, your decision provides another reason why you're mere snowflakes.
Exactly what's he done 3 weeks into his presidency that merits impeaching?

Granted, I think Obama should have been impeached and tried for treason when he traded 5 high-level enemies of the state for a traitor.
Or a dozen other things he did...agreed. But that doesn't let Trump off the hook either.

Off WHAT hook? If you cannot state, unequivocally, what he has done which reaches the level of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, what do you have?

As for Obama: It's called giving aid and comfort to the enemy."

"AID AND COMFORT. The constitution of the United States, art. 8, s. 3, declares, that adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, shall be treason. These words, as they are to be understood in the constitution, have not received a full judicial construction. They import, however, help, support, assistance, countenance, encouragement. The word aid, which occurs in the Stat. West. 1, c. 14, is explained by Lord Coke (2 just. 182) as comprehending all persons counselling, abetting, plotting, assenting, consenting, and encouraging to do the act, (and he adds, what is not applicable to the Crime to treason,) who are not present when the act is done, See, also, 1 Burn's Justice, 5, 6; 4 Bl. Com. 37, 38."

Aid and Comfort

"But now we know that is not true. Bowe Bergdahl served our enemies with honor and distinction."

Starnes: Obama Traded Five Taliban Terrorists for an American Deserter

'Taliban Dream Team': Who are the 5 prisoners traded for Bergdahl's freedom?

It's all cut and dried.
What did the Courtmartial convict Bergdahl for?
Conservative here and I don't care about Trumps impeachment either way... Just let me know when Pence is sworn in.

According to the US Constitution, "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" justify impeachment, although the exact definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is often the subject of debate. Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable. How Does the Impeachment Process Work?

I'd say a POTUS who habitually ignores most or all other members of the executive branch on a regular basis, acting ignorantly or unilaterally in harmful ways against their advice would be an abuse of the powers of his Office. Refusing full daily briefings or not being able to read even mildly lengthy daily intelligence reports might be a finding of insufficient mental capacity in Office as well. Didn't Trump say he'd refuse any briefing unless it was one page with a cap of only 9 bullet points?
huh? in english!

you must be a Trump voter...hence the reason you don't understand english [English] when you see it.

How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.

Meh, I Obamer couldn't get impeached then President Trump has zero chance

How about accepting bribes from foreign governments? That's a pretty steep one.
What bribes?

We can start with the Russian government handing him the presidency. And we can move on to the sale of Rosneft to what very well could be a Trump-owned company.

How Russia sold its oil jewel: without saying who bought it

LOL....how did Russia hand Trump the presidency?

Hillary rigged her own primary, then rigged the debates, and won the popular vote largely due to Sanctuary Cities.

Russia did a lousy job "handing the presidency to Trump." then.

There's at least as much evidence of Trump's collusion with the Russian government as there is evidence Clinton was impeachable.

As you should recall...former President Clinton was impeached.
This is supposed to be a thread about King Trump ignoring crucial briefings and advice from his own staff & need for impeachment.

Looks like that argument is failing as a reason to impeach Trump to me..
It's hard for it to fail when it hasn't even come before the House. It is a reason to impeach him though if they determine that's exactly what he's doing. Abuse of power is right at the top of the list. Wantonly ignoring key intelligence and acting in defiant-ignorance of it is abuse of power that a King would do upon his whims. In this case, an insane King.

As you know...it was petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who ignored the advice of all his military advisors to leave 10,000 to 20,000 troops in Iraq. Doing so, they said, would leave a vacuum in Iraq which would be filled. President Obama refused and...created a vacuum in Iraq which was quickly filled with ISIS. Later to be filled with Russia as well. We now know how well that worked out. Then there is Syria.... Hundreds of thousands dead and millions of refugees. How's that working out?
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the militaovermthe substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.

Agree with everything you're saying, but clearly he has to many conflicts of interest to ever be POTUS. He's trying to run this country like a business where he is the owner and makes all the decisions and he s been running over Congress's constitutional authority in the process.

When he tweeted the Nordstrom hit over Ivanka losing her contact with them, that really was the last straw for me.

Its clear he was never qualified to be POTUS, he's not going to change, and the longer he's in office the more collateral damage he does to the Republican Party. Whether they'll catch onto that before it's too late, is anyone's guess.

Kindly share with us why you believe having a president who had accomplished NOTHING in the private sector, Clinton or, for President Obama, nothing in public life, is a good thing. Maybe I'm wrong but I've always chosen as a mentor someone who was very successful. Has it worked out well for you choosing failures...losers?
The public schools should be temporarily closed until we can get them fixed. What a mess they must be to produce such human stupidity.
What are you planning to do to fix them?
Replace teachers and administrators
What is wrong with our teachers, if anything they are overworked and underpaid

Not at all. Here is what is wrong with teachers today.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?
The public schools should be temporarily closed until we can get them fixed. What a mess they must be to produce such human stupidity.
What are you planning to do to fix them?
Replace teachers and administrators
What is wrong with our teachers, if anything they are overworked and underpaid

Not at all. Here is what is wrong with teachers today.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

Another quote taken out of context. You righties are good at that bullshyte

Kindly share with us why you believe having a president who had accomplished NOTHING in the private sector, Clinton or, for President Obama, nothing in public life, is a good thing. Maybe I'm wrong but I've always chosen as a mentor someone who was very successful. Has it worked out well for you choosing failures...losers?

Many people would argue that for quite some time Hitler was successful. So was Stalin, Caligula & Jack the Ripper. That doesn't mean their qualifications for success make them mentally fit for the sophisticated, diplomatically-sensitive seat as the most powerful leader in the world. Trump got rich by being born that way and stepping on necks at the slightest provocation; for kicking men and women in the groin all the way further up the ladder. That doesn't qualify him for being fit mentally for POTUS.

And finally, it's helpful on a man's character to see the degree of forgiveness in his ex-wives. And we could perhaps get a glimpse at their retrospect on the head of their household when they were with him; except he has them both bound and under a gag order not to speak a peep about what he was like as the leader of their world. It's the same reason we'll never see his tax returns....though for fuck's sake Anonymous....what the hell are you doing? Playing video games?
You almost gotta laugh. It must have taken lefties the better part of a week to consult with fellow radicals and cobble together the wording of the poll and the President hasn't even been in office for a month. The left wing crazies and anarchists need to seek professional help and the moderately angry left wing crazies need to take a deep breath and consider that the Republican President won the election and he has a Republican majority in the Senate and House. Hillary has a better chance of being indicted so the radical left might want to consider that political reality instead of wallowing in fantasies.
What did I tell you yesterday?

Congressional Republicans Who Want To Keep Their Jobs Probably Won’t Oppose Trump | The Huffington Post
Play-by-play, seven snowflakes chose "I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching".

Now is your chance to remove the snowflake label. Let us know how you plan to go forward, and tell us why you're doing it Unless one or more are successful, your decision provides another reason why you're mere snowflakes.

Thanks for proving yourselves snowflakes. Not that we needed confirmation. Let's be honest, you're just too hateful and sensitive to exhibit rational behavior.
Demonicrat impeachment proceedings to begin because Hillary "won" the popular vote.

The OP put it another way, which is "Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment." (I KNOW, CRAZY RIGHT?) "That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern."

We need evidence of OP. Prove you're more than just a butt-hurt liberal.
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You almost gotta laugh. It must have taken lefties the better part of a week to consult with fellow radicals and cobble together the wording of the poll and the President hasn't even been in office for a month. The left wing crazies and anarchists need to seek professional help and the moderately angry left wing crazies need to take a deep breath and consider that the Republican President won the election and he has a Republican majority in the Senate and House. Hillary has a better chance of being indicted so the radical left might want to consider that political reality instead of wallowing in fantasies.

If you’re waiting for Republicans to oppose Twitler’s policies, you could be waiting a long time. Twitler's policies are popular among the GOP base which means Republican lawmakers who speak out against him could end up damaging their own chances in next year’s primaries. Republicans need to stick with what’s popular with the base. And right now, the base still likes Twitler and his policies.

Even though most Americans disapprove of the job Twitler is doing, an average of 89% of Republicans approve.

Many of Twitler's actions in the first three weeks of his presidency have been controversial among the U.S. population but not among Republicans. According to a HuffPost 88% of Republicans approve of the executive order barring muslims, More than 80% support building a wall, 87% support repealing Obamacare and 2/3rds favor replacing free trade with tariffs.

In perhaps the biggest red flag for vulnerable lawmakers 52% of Twitler voters say they’d side with the president over Republicans in Congress with only 15 percent saying they’d side with congressional Republicans.

If public opinion among Republicans shifts against Twitler, the situation for congressional Republicans will change. But as long as base Republicans support the president, there’s no real incentive for GOP lawmakers to challenge him on anything.

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