Poll: Impeach Donald Trump?

Impeach Donald Trump?

  • I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a democrat and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican and no, I won't pressue my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's just so weird to see 5 democrats not wanting Trump removed from Office...? Anyone?
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?

How about accepting bribes from foreign governments? That's a pretty steep one.
It´s not steep if it´s not true.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?
I'm sure whoever made up the bullshit list for Obama's impeachment will get right on that.
I am so sick and tired of the people who think impeachment is no different than a traffic ticket.

Hear this, tards of all flavors. Hear this loud and clear.


It's not something to be fucking trifled with, or entertained, just because your ass got kicked in the last election.
I am so sick and tired of the people who think impeachment is no different than a traffic ticket.

Hear this, tards of all flavors. Hear this loud and clear.


It's not something to be fucking trifled with, or entertained, just because your ass got kicked in the last election.

You know, I've gotta agree with you on this one. We should wait until he actually does something impeachable before screaming about kicking him out. And, after watching his first few weeks in action, with the way he keeps thinking he can skirt the laws, it should be sometime in the next couple of years.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?
I'm sure whoever made up the bullshit list for Obama's impeachment will get right on that.

Over 8 years, how far did that get?

If the Dems win a majority in 2018, after 2 years of TRUMP IS HITLER RABBLERABBLERABBLE the progressive base will demand it.
Lol. He won't be impeached.
5 years from now the snowflakes will still be calling for his impeachment.

Remember the hilarity of the pseudocons calling for Obama's impeachment non stop for years on end, and then denying they ever did? Man, that was priceless! :lol:

Did someone say impeach? Here's a sampling from 2009 through 2016. Enjoy the karma, baby.

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama
Lol. He won't be impeached.
5 years from now the snowflakes will still be calling for his impeachment.

Remember the hilarity of the pseudocons calling for Obama's impeachment non stop for years on end, and then denying they ever did? Man, that was priceless! :lol:

Did someone say impeach? Here's a sampling from 2009 through 2016. Enjoy the karma, baby.

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Have you got a quote of me calling for his impeachment?
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
Mine should have ended with yet.

Do you have some information worth impeaching? Like did he bang an intern in the white house?
You almost gotta laugh. It must have taken lefties the better part of a week to consult with fellow radicals and cobble together the wording of the poll and the President hasn't even been in office for a month. The left wing crazies and anarchists need to seek professional help and the moderately angry left wing crazies need to take a deep breath and consider that the Republican President won the election and he has a Republican majority in the Senate and House. Hillary has a better chance of being indicted so the radical left might want to consider that political reality instead of wallowing in fantasies.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
Don't you think pence is doing all the heavy lifting and trump is the front man or face of the operation?
You almost gotta laugh. It must have taken lefties the better part of a week to consult with fellow radicals and cobble together the wording of the poll and the President hasn't even been in office for a month. The left wing crazies and anarchists need to seek professional help and the moderately angry left wing crazies need to take a deep breath and consider that the Republican President won the election and he has a Republican majority in the Senate and House. Hillary has a better chance of being indicted so the radical left might want to consider that political reality instead of wallowing in fantasies.
Actually the Republicans have to watch there asses. Fight trump and suffer defeat. Go along with trump and maybe suffer defeat for it. You guys have your fingers crossed hoping Twitler doesn't become a pain in your ass. I hear Republicans are having tough town halls.

And I'm also hearing trump supporters having second thoughts. They don't like how he's starting off. 4 years not that far away let alone midterms. Us liberals will be showing up 2018 bigly.

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