Poll: Impeach Donald Trump?

Impeach Donald Trump?

  • I am a democrat & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent & yes I'll pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a democrat and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am a republican and no, I won't pressue my Congressperson to begin impeaching

  • I am an independent and no, I won't pressure my Congressperson to begin impeaching

Results are only viewable after voting.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.

i'm in the i don't know category... pence is a religious zealot... but at least he appears sane
Exactly what's he done 3 weeks into his presidency that merits impeaching?

Granted, I think Obama should have been impeached and tried for treason when he traded 5 high-level enemies of the state for a traitor.
there is no bullshit rating so I made one This post is BS
I agree, your post was total bullshit.
if you didn't have bull shit you'd have nothing

Nothing would better than your piddle.

You lost.

Suck on it.

really, idiota? is that what you whining winnguts did for 8 years?

be quiet, loon
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the militaovermthe substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.

Agree with everything you're saying, but clearly he has to many conflicts of interest to ever be POTUS. He's trying to run this country like a business where he is the owner and makes all the decisions and he s been running over Congress's constitutional authority in the process.

When he tweeted the Nordstrom hit over Ivanka losing her contact with them, that really was the last straw for me.

Its clear he was never qualified to be POTUS, he's not going to change, and the longer he's in office the more collateral damage he does to the Republican Party. Whether they'll catch onto that before it's too late, is anyone's guess.
Agree with everything you're saying, but clearly he has to many conflicts of interest to ever be POTUS. He's trying to run this country like a business where he is the owner and makes all the decisions and he s been running over Congress's constitutional authority in the process.

When he tweeted the Nordstrom hit over Ivanka losing her contact with them, that really was the last straw for me.

Its clear he was never qualified to be POTUS, he's not going to change, and the longer he's in office the more irrefutable damage he does to the Republican Party. Whether they'll catch onto that before it's too late, is anyone's guess.

Spot on. Thank you. :clap2:He's also been running over (ignoring) his own staff in the executive branch. I think there's the key to nailing him on abuse of power. It's one thing to squabble power with the judicial or legislature but when you thump your own branch and it's co-administration, you're acting like a tyrant.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
As Republicans control both the House and the Senate, he isn't going to get impeached. Even if the Dimocrats controlled the House and the Senate, Pence would be the successor, not some looney Dimocrat and Pence is further right-wing than Trump.
As Republicans control both the House and the Senate, he isn't going to get impeached. Even if the Dimocrats controlled the House and the Senate, Pence would be the successor, not some looney Dimocrat and Pence is further right-wing than Trump.
That depends on how long they want damage to be done to the GOP label. Trump's insane Kingship has only begun to get warmed up...
Exactly what's he done 3 weeks into his presidency that merits impeaching?

Granted, I think Obama should have been impeached and tried for treason when he traded 5 high-level enemies of the state for a traitor.
there is no bullshit rating so I made one This post is BS
I agree, your post was total bullshit.
if you didn't have bull shit you'd have nothing

Nothing would better than your piddle.

You lost.

Suck on it.

really, idiota? is that what you whining winnguts did for 8 years?

be quiet, loon

Oh, the GOP sucked on it alright.

For two years anyway.

Then they got the house and weakened the senate.

The only reason I care about any of this is the SCOTUS.

Trump is a Dump.

And both parties are loaded with morons.
What would be the charges, you don't like him?

Well....I mean....after all.....

Maxine Waters wants to.

Maxine is so demented she doesn't know the difference between Crimea and Korea.

She'll be the first petrified congresswoman.

Followed by Pelosi.

Palousey is also demented, doesn't even know who the president is, Waters facial expression was priceless when Palousey said she couldn't think of a thing she could work with president Bush on.
What would be the charges, you don't like him?

Well....I mean....after all.....

Maxine Waters wants to.

Maxine is so demented she doesn't know the difference between Crimea and Korea.

She'll be the first petrified congresswoman.

Followed by Pelosi.

Palousey is also demented, doesn't even know who the president is, Waters facial expression was priceless when Palousey said she couldn't think of a thing she could work with president Bush on.

Yes...Nancy has always been a treasure.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
As Republicans control both the House and the Senate, he isn't going to get impeached. Even if the Dimocrats controlled the House and the Senate, Pence would be the successor, not some looney Dimocrat and Pence is further right-wing than Trump.

when they wrote the articles of impeachment for nixon, it was bi-partisan... oh right, the GOP no longer puts the welfare of the country over partisanship.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
As Republicans control both the House and the Senate, he isn't going to get impeached. Even if the Dimocrats controlled the House and the Senate, Pence would be the successor, not some looney Dimocrat and Pence is further right-wing than Trump.

when they wrote the articles of impeachment for nixon, it was bi-partisan... oh right, the GOP no longer puts the welfare of the country over partisanship.

You are correct.

Of course, neither is the left.

Our government pretty much sucks.
You are correct.

Of course, neither is the left.

Our government pretty much sucks.
Well if people are going to take to the streets in mobs, at least they could put their money where their mouth is and hold up signs that say "Impeach Trump!" But they don't. So you have to wonder how angry they really are. Especially since 4 people voted above that they don't want Trump impeached...who are democrats. But maybe they're some of the swath of dems that defected away from the LGBT party and voted Trump?
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.

Another poster asked if I would state a "crime" that would warrant impeachment. That crime would be patently ignoring the other vital Offices of government in forming a strategy to govern. That amounts to tyrannical rule. Which is a thing not allowed via the deepest spirit of the underlying theme of the entire Constitution itself: a conclusion which I believe the USSC would support if the movement to impeach was challenged.

Trump has advertised a skimming-off of cooperation with our CIA, FBI, many Senators, his own immediate cabinet, judges up and down the board and even generals in the military. He refuses the substance of daily briefings.... I'd offer Yemen recently as a "case in point" of his manifesto-to-ignore.

We did not elect a King. We elected a President. They are two very different things. A King does not have to co-rule. A President does.. That is for the ultimate good of the Union. If you don't believe me, give King Donald a little more time. Then you'll understand.
As Republicans control both the House and the Senate, he isn't going to get impeached. Even if the Dimocrats controlled the House and the Senate, Pence would be the successor, not some looney Dimocrat and Pence is further right-wing than Trump.

when they wrote the articles of impeachment for nixon, it was bi-partisan... oh right, the GOP no longer puts the welfare of the country over partisanship.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?
not mentally competent for the most important job in America

In your opinion, and that isn't an impeachable crime. At most you could convince congress to ask that Pence step in.
How many of you would favor impeaching Donald Trump? If you are in favor, use that crowd-power to petition your representatives to begin proceedings to impeach Trump. This goes for dem and republican voters who are beginning to worry that Trump is not mentally suited for POTUS.


If you're going to respond here, please vote in the poll.


If you are saying "yes" to impeachment, how about you list the crime he is guilty of that warrants impeachment?

How about accepting bribes from foreign governments? That's a pretty steep one.

And of course you have proof of this, right?

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