POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.

Those complaints about the Fascist Nazis in Germany was written in 1932.
What difference does that make?

Fascism was all the rage during the depression. Joe Kennedy, Lindbergh to name a few who supported it.
FDR supported it until Hitler invaded Poland.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.

Those complaints about the Fascist Nazis in Germany was written in 1932.
What difference does that make?

Fascism was all the rage during the depression. Joe Kennedy, Lindbergh to name a few who supported it.
FDR supported it until Hitler invaded Poland.

Correct they all supported Hitlers' Fascism until ........
Defund the police. CHOP zone. Blacks being mowed down in Chicago and other inner cities. Destroying statues. Stopping Conservative speakers.

This is the world according to Democrats.

Vote Trump to restore law and order.
Trump is in charge now and we have chaos. How is reelecting him going to change anything?
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Right now Trump is the only thing standing between Liberty and the friggin country making major headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole.
trump is making this country into a fascist shithole.
Hell yes he is!

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Right now Trump is the only thing standing between Liberty and the friggin country making major headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole.
trump is making this country into a fascist shithole.

That asshole Biden is preaching filthy ass Socialism in order to get you stupid uneducated welfare queen Moon Bats to vote for him.
Trump is preaching filthy ass racism to get you stupid white racist scum to vote for him.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
Watch the youtube documentary "Agenda: Grinding Down Of America" and then come back here and tell my concerns are unfounded.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
Right now Trump is the only thing standing between Liberty and the friggin country making major headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole.
trump is making this country into a fascist shithole.

That asshole Biden is preaching filthy ass Socialism in order to get you stupid uneducated welfare queen Moon Bats to vote for him.
Trump is preaching filthy ass racism to get you stupid white racist scum to vote for him.
ROTFLMAO! Given your piss poor attempts to sound intelligent all the while touting your own brand of racism? I doubt that you are changing hearts and minds. You are not helping " the cause" at all.

Hope this helps!!
Right now Trump is the only thing standing between Liberty and the friggin country making major headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole.
trump is making this country into a fascist shithole.

That asshole Biden is preaching filthy ass Socialism in order to get you stupid uneducated welfare queen Moon Bats to vote for him.
why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare cheap college and training? Thanks GOP
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
That is probably true about the Communists but socialists did not do that. And nobody wants communism in the United States. It's funny, English speaking countries are the only ones that don't know the difference between socialism and communism, democracy. foreign countries have all had socialist and communist parties that were pretty popular. And every country in the morning world is socialist today but the English-speaking ones don't know it. Except screwed over America of course... Thanks GOP and silly dupes. By which I mean living wage health Care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich for crying out loud LOL
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
of course there is a huge difference in that the Nazis were rightists who Loved capitalism and aristocrats and hated minorities. Their socialist like policies for workers were based on a war economy and confiscation of Jewish assets. Communists of course kill off all the rich capitalists and aristocrats.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
of course there is a huge difference in that the Nazis were rightists who Loved capitalism and aristocrats and hated minorities. Their socialist like policies for workers were based on a war economy and confiscation of Jewish assets. Communists of course kill off all the rich capitalists and aristocrats.
LOL! The commies just like Nazis killed off any that posed a threat to their totalitarian rule. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry and I will never acquiesce to it like millions of those like myself. What are ya gonna do? Kill millions that will not get onboard? That is what commie leaders did just like Hitler, dupe.
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

They are stalinists. Anarchy, and anarchists, by definition, don't organize.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
of course there is a huge difference in that the Nazis were rightists who Loved capitalism and aristocrats and hated minorities. Their socialist like policies for workers were based on a war economy and confiscation of Jewish assets. Communists of course kill off all the rich capitalists and aristocrats.

Bullshit. All, ALL, collective government systems are leftwing. Right wing is no government, leftwing is total government.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
franctard, communists joined the Nazi party. They were referred to as "Beefsteak Nazis" brown on the outside, red on the inside. There isnt a **** hairs difference between the two. Its totalitarianism where the state is supreme and cannot have it's authority questioned. Once again, I kick that commie ass of yours with facts.
of course there is a huge difference in that the Nazis were rightists who Loved capitalism and aristocrats and hated minorities. Their socialist like policies for workers were based on a war economy and confiscation of Jewish assets. Communists of course kill off all the rich capitalists and aristocrats.

Bullshit. All, ALL, collective government systems are leftwing. Right wing is no government, leftwing is total government.
Right now Trump is the only thing standing between Liberty and the friggin country making major headway towards becoming a Socialist shithole.
trump is making this country into a fascist shithole.

That asshole Biden is preaching filthy ass Socialism in order to get you stupid uneducated welfare queen Moon Bats to vote for him.
Trump is preaching filthy ass racism to get you stupid white racist scum to vote for him.
ROTFLMAO! Given your piss poor attempts to sound intelligent all the while touting your own brand of racism? I doubt that you are changing hearts and minds. You are not helping " the cause" at all.

Hope this helps!!
What a white person like you thinks about what I have to say means nothing.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
You fucking MORON!
Hitler's party was called THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
'WORKERS PARTY' sure has a SOCIALIST ring to it.
You fucking DUMMY
Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I guess you think they're a Democratic Republic.

So the best you can do is run with a word, instead of reality. This is the thought process of a child.

Meanwhile, you adore a brash, narcissistic, arrogant, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promised to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Certainly rings a bell. Unless you're a Trumpster.
That is the lamest argument in the book. Nazis said they were socialists, and if you look at their party platform it's as socialist as AOC and Bernie's agenda.

The Nazis said a lot of things, mostly lies about a phantom enemy, before Hitler took power by emergency decree. Then they outlawed all other parties including the Socialist.
So? Your rheory that a socialist wouldn't persecute another socialist isn't born out by historical fact. Your argument is based on a bogus premise.

Nope you're wrong again. It's no theory. The Nazis weren't Socialist, they were Socialist hating Fascist.
It's utter bullshit.

I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit… The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it… National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order.
- Adolph Hitler -
But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one.

- Adolph Hitler -
After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.

- Adolph Hitler -
The Revolution we have made is not a national revolution, but a National-Socialist Revolution. We would even underline this last word, "Socialist."

- Adolph Hitler -
I am a socialist, and a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once an ordinary workingman… But your kind of socialism is nothing but Marxism.

- Adolph Hitler -
All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.
- Adolph Hitler -
Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.
- Adolph Hitler -

The principal articles of Hitler's political faith may be briefly summarized as follows:

1. His violent racial nationalism, which springs from his conviction that the Aryan stocks in general, and the Germans in particular, are a chosen people in whose victorious survival the divine purposes are bound up.

2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. He condemns the Socialism of Marx as a poisonous teaching which by its humanitarianism, its internationalism, and its pacifism—all legacies of the unnatural an unwholesome democracy of the French Revolution—operates to undermine the clean ideal of Aryan (that is, German) overlordship.

3. His violent hatred of the Jews as the racial enemies of all Aryans, the subtle corrupters of pure Aryan states. These parasites, says Hitler, have made Marxian Socialism, which they invented, the principal tool by which they insinuate themselves into healthy, pure blooded, racial states in order to debase simultaneously the national ideals and the national blood. Destroyers of Aryan civilizations, they remain impotent to create a civilization of their own.

4. His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.

5. His contempt for the intelligence of the ordinary man and for a democracy based on faith in his development to higher levels.

6. His contempt for parliamentary institutions as the organs of such a democracy, which substitutes for the decision of a competent leader the majority vote of the incompetent. A parliament, moreover, says Hitler, is the natural field of operations for the Jewish Socialist enemy.

7. His insistence on the power of personality and on the entire concentration of authority in the hands of one leader (up to now, himself).

8. His economic nationalism, with its distrust of international capital and its preference for small, locally controlled business organizations. Hitler fears the banks and all newfangled ideas for controlling credit. He objects to stock companies and stresses the value of personal ownership. In short, he believes in the ruthless subordination of economic interests and economic leaders to racial and national considerations.

9. His insistence that Germany must acquire more land in Europe as a vital requirement for national expansion and progress (after the present corruption of the national blood and the national ideals has been stopped).

10. His insistence that France is the archenemy. France, he urges, must be broken before Germany can undertake to conquer land from Russia (the only possible source)

This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.
You failed to prove he wasn't a socialist. All your complaints about him are beside the point. He said he was a socialist, and he implemented socialist policies, like 5 year plans.
dictatorships are not socialist because socialism is government by the community which implies some kind of democracy. That's why people thought Russia was socialist for a while the USSR until it became obvious that the council's or Soviets of citizens had no power.

Hitler had to defeat the Socialist party and the Communist party in Germany. Non-english speakers know the difference between socialism and communism. Democracy. The idea that Hitler was a socialist is pure garbage propaganda from that stupid book.
That's Socialist propaganda. Socialism is government control of the economy. After the government takes over the economy, the result is always totalitarian.

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