POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
Politics today sees everything in terms of extremes. Everything to the Left is pictured as the Far Left. Everything to the Right is the Far Right. I've participate in a couple of local groups with both conservatives and liberals and have participated in several local political initiatives. and I've found that the Left and Right are far broader than their opposition believes. The internet brings out the extremist in people.
Truth be known Trump supporters and liberals have a lot in common....but they have been taught that Trump is bad....establishment good....its sad....
Trump has been a democrat, independent, and a republican. His loyalties lie with whoever he can make use of at that time.
That’s apparent to some of us, but somehow many don’t see it.
When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.
Drama queen thread again............I voted and said to fuck with you because you are a fraud again........

Sounds about normal..........You are a FRAUD.

Terrified........LOL............Do you work for CNN now...........LMAO............

Nice job the DNC is doing right now..........Draconian on rules for Covid.....so bad their own people turned on them............then they went oh shit.........lets play the racism card and burn down the country again......every 2 years..........say their peaceful as Police officers are murdered.......Doxxing of Police families so rioters can harass and possibly kill their families............allowing businesses to be destroyed and ordering the police to stand down.............

Feds try to stop it........they judge shop the 9th Circus Court for a temp stay.

We aren't the problem.............YOU ARE.......show us how we are the boogey men here.....

Well fuck it..........watch this .........

Entitled assholes exactly like you are definitely the fucking problem.
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm not searching through all your posts.

Then shut the fuck up, tard.
I'm convinced they're serious. They really do believe this stuff.

One day, maybe soon, talk radio and the rest of the alternate universe will have a lot to answer for.

I would think that after all these decades of being told the same lies over and over without any of it actually happening, they would finally wise up to see they are being lied to.

When Clinton raised taxes on the rich, the right screamed it would cause a worse recession than what bush the first left and destroy the economy. They said Clinton was a communist. What industry did the government seize ownership during those years? None. In fact, Clinton joined the privatization and deregulation crowd. Electricity and energy was privatized and deregulated. He deregulated the communications industry even more. He deregulated the banks even more. The list goes on.

Yet he was a communist. LOL.

Same with Obama. They all said he would make the bush boy's recession worse. They said his tax increase in the rich would destroy business and our economy. They said he was a communist, a muslim, from Kenya. We all remember the death panels they screamed about. When one ebola patient was brought to America for treatment they all screamed that Obama was trying to kill us all. LOL.

Every presidential election season whoever gets the democratic nomination, is automatically the most liberal in our nation or a communist.

Yet no democratic politician has ever brought communism to America. Very few democratic politicians are liberals anymore.

After all these years of being lied to I would think those lazy people would get tired of it. I am wrong. They love it. They want more lies. They want more division based on those lies. They have been convinced that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy.

Yet at the same time they scream they are the only ones who love freedom, liberty and our constitution. They claim they are the only patriots as they wave a confederate flag of traitors to our nation. They scream about freedom and liberty because they don't want to wear a mask but have no problem with trump creating is own secret military police then unleashing them on our people. To kidnap people off the streets. To beat innocent people and break their hands. To shoot rubber bullets to fracture a man's skull. That's no problem. Yet ask them to wear a mask, they come unglued.

They live in their very warped fantasy world.
Decades of talk radio have only calcified their opinions and thought processes, and now we have the internet to make it even worse.

When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.

And if you show them how they are demonstrably wrong, they'll just default to the "fake news" thing, totally believing that too.

I don't know. I ran out of adjectives a couple of years ago.
Whenever a lefty starts babbling about talk radio, intelligent people stop listening.

And, no, we don't believe we will become communist the minute Biden is inaugurated. However, we do know that the Biden administration will make changes so that a Republican administration will never be elected again, and it's also possible that a Republican Senate and Congress will never be elected again. Biden will flood this country with illegals. This country will then become a single party state and head down the road to totalitarianism.
But you voted "Yes" to the poll, that asked if Trump was the only thing standing between us and communism.

It appears you've changed your tune.

So which was the lie, the vote or that last post?

Oh, who cares. You're just a Trumpster.
No, I haven't, moron. If Biden gets elected, we will be going down the road to a totalitarian state. It just isn't going to happen overnight. When the country moves to the left, it never moves back. There is no political pendulum. There's a political ratchet. It's one way.
I know, you guys are paralyzed within your binary thinking patterns.

What a lousy way to go through life. You miss out on so much.
I'm not paralyzed at all by recognizing reality.

Can you name a single country that has ever repealed socialized medicine?

Can you name a single Dim social program that has ever been repealed?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
Is Germany communist? Is Canada communist? Is Australia communist?

Serious questions. I can't tell with you paranoids.
Give them time. Have any of them ever repealed any socialist programs?
I’d rather we eliminate the military budget. That is far more dangerous and does nothing for 99% of Americans. While we’re at it, let’s impose term limits on Congress and limit campaign funding to public sources.
Ask the people of Taiwan and Hong Kong if have a military has any benefits.
Why? They have nothing to do with us.
How fucking stupid are you? Taiwan has a miltary and Hong Kong doesn't. Where would you rather live?
I’d rather live in a nation that has a government that doesn’t take our money and give it to the 1%.

Regarding our massive military, we could defund it 75% for ten years and still outspend the rest of the world.
Our government doesn't do that, moron.

Yeah, we could defund it, but we provide military protection for most of the countries of the world. I can think of many things we don't need to fund, like all our military bases in Wester Europe, but the Dims insist on funding them.
Oh Jesus you are terribly uninformed. Cons generally are. Remember O bailing out Wall Street? I know you hate O. Well dumb Don is doing the same thing, but you’re blind to it.

We should pass a law that states the military can only defend the homeland. No overseas bases or military and intelligence involvement of any kind.

I can't agree more.

I would add we need a law to prevent any private business from being bailed out again. Add to that all businesses must have a "back up" fund so that if something happens, we don't have to bail them out.

The government isn't supposed to be bailing out private business.

That didn't happen until the reagan years. Before reagan changed us over to conservative economics we didn't have to bail out companies every decade or so.

But then we weren't stuck in conservative economics before reagan.
When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.
Drama queen thread again............I voted and said to fuck with you because you are a fraud again........

Sounds about normal..........You are a FRAUD.

Terrified........LOL............Do you work for CNN now...........LMAO............

Nice job the DNC is doing right now..........Draconian on rules for Covid.....so bad their own people turned on them............then they went oh shit.........lets play the racism card and burn down the country again......every 2 years..........say their peaceful as Police officers are murdered.......Doxxing of Police families so rioters can harass and possibly kill their families............allowing businesses to be destroyed and ordering the police to stand down.............

Feds try to stop it........they judge shop the 9th Circus Court for a temp stay.

We aren't the problem.............YOU ARE.......show us how we are the boogey men here.....

Well fuck it..........watch this .........

Entitled assholes exactly like you are definitely the fucking problem.

Your rights don't superceed mine....
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm not searching through all your posts.

Then shut the fuck up, tard.
I'm convinced they're serious. They really do believe this stuff.

One day, maybe soon, talk radio and the rest of the alternate universe will have a lot to answer for.

I would think that after all these decades of being told the same lies over and over without any of it actually happening, they would finally wise up to see they are being lied to.

When Clinton raised taxes on the rich, the right screamed it would cause a worse recession than what bush the first left and destroy the economy. They said Clinton was a communist. What industry did the government seize ownership during those years? None. In fact, Clinton joined the privatization and deregulation crowd. Electricity and energy was privatized and deregulated. He deregulated the communications industry even more. He deregulated the banks even more. The list goes on.

Yet he was a communist. LOL.

Same with Obama. They all said he would make the bush boy's recession worse. They said his tax increase in the rich would destroy business and our economy. They said he was a communist, a muslim, from Kenya. We all remember the death panels they screamed about. When one ebola patient was brought to America for treatment they all screamed that Obama was trying to kill us all. LOL.

Every presidential election season whoever gets the democratic nomination, is automatically the most liberal in our nation or a communist.

Yet no democratic politician has ever brought communism to America. Very few democratic politicians are liberals anymore.

After all these years of being lied to I would think those lazy people would get tired of it. I am wrong. They love it. They want more lies. They want more division based on those lies. They have been convinced that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy.

Yet at the same time they scream they are the only ones who love freedom, liberty and our constitution. They claim they are the only patriots as they wave a confederate flag of traitors to our nation. They scream about freedom and liberty because they don't want to wear a mask but have no problem with trump creating is own secret military police then unleashing them on our people. To kidnap people off the streets. To beat innocent people and break their hands. To shoot rubber bullets to fracture a man's skull. That's no problem. Yet ask them to wear a mask, they come unglued.

They live in their very warped fantasy world.
Decades of talk radio have only calcified their opinions and thought processes, and now we have the internet to make it even worse.

When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.

And if you show them how they are demonstrably wrong, they'll just default to the "fake news" thing, totally believing that too.

I don't know. I ran out of adjectives a couple of years ago.
Whenever a lefty starts babbling about talk radio, intelligent people stop listening.

And, no, we don't believe we will become communist the minute Biden is inaugurated. However, we do know that the Biden administration will make changes so that a Republican administration will never be elected again, and it's also possible that a Republican Senate and Congress will never be elected again. Biden will flood this country with illegals. This country will then become a single party state and head down the road to totalitarianism.
But you voted "Yes" to the poll, that asked if Trump was the only thing standing between us and communism.

It appears you've changed your tune.

So which was the lie, the vote or that last post?

Oh, who cares. You're just a Trumpster.
No, I haven't, moron. If Biden gets elected, we will be going down the road to a totalitarian state. It just isn't going to happen overnight. When the country moves to the left, it never moves back. There is no political pendulum. There's a political ratchet. It's one way.
I know, you guys are paralyzed within your binary thinking patterns.

What a lousy way to go through life. You miss out on so much.
I'm not paralyzed at all by recognizing reality.

Can you name a single country that has ever repealed socialized medicine?

Can you name a single Dim social program that has ever been repealed?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
Is Germany communist? Is Canada communist? Is Australia communist?

Serious questions. I can't tell with you paranoids.
Give them time. Have any of them ever repealed any socialist programs?
I’d rather we eliminate the military budget. That is far more dangerous and does nothing for 99% of Americans. While we’re at it, let’s impose term limits on Congress and limit campaign funding to public sources.
Ask the people of Taiwan and Hong Kong if have a military has any benefits.
Why? They have nothing to do with us.
How fucking stupid are you? Taiwan has a miltary and Hong Kong doesn't. Where would you rather live?
I’d rather live in a nation that has a government that doesn’t take our money and give it to the 1%.

Regarding our massive military, we could defund it 75% for ten years and still outspend the rest of the world.
Our government doesn't do that, moron.

Yeah, we could defund it, but we provide military protection for most of the countries of the world. I can think of many things we don't need to fund, like all our military bases in Wester Europe, but the Dims insist on funding them.
Oh Jesus you are terribly uninformed. Cons generally are. Remember O bailing out Wall Street? I know you hate O. Well dumb Don is doing the same thing, but you’re blind to it.

We should pass a law that states the military can only defend the homeland. No overseas bases or military and intelligence involvement of any kind.

I can't agree more.

I would add we need a law to prevent any private business from being bailed out again. Add to that all businesses must have a "back up" fund so that if something happens, we don't have to bail them out.

The government isn't supposed to be bailing out private business.

That didn't happen until the reagan years. Before reagan changed us over to conservative economics we didn't have to bail out companies every decade or so.

But then we weren't stuck in conservative economics before reagan.
Government isn't supposed to be telling busineses that they can't open and server their customers. What could be more preposterous than a COVID hysteria monger blaming this problem on business?
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm not searching through all your posts.

Then shut the fuck up, tard.
I'm convinced they're serious. They really do believe this stuff.

One day, maybe soon, talk radio and the rest of the alternate universe will have a lot to answer for.

I would think that after all these decades of being told the same lies over and over without any of it actually happening, they would finally wise up to see they are being lied to.

When Clinton raised taxes on the rich, the right screamed it would cause a worse recession than what bush the first left and destroy the economy. They said Clinton was a communist. What industry did the government seize ownership during those years? None. In fact, Clinton joined the privatization and deregulation crowd. Electricity and energy was privatized and deregulated. He deregulated the communications industry even more. He deregulated the banks even more. The list goes on.

Yet he was a communist. LOL.

Same with Obama. They all said he would make the bush boy's recession worse. They said his tax increase in the rich would destroy business and our economy. They said he was a communist, a muslim, from Kenya. We all remember the death panels they screamed about. When one ebola patient was brought to America for treatment they all screamed that Obama was trying to kill us all. LOL.

Every presidential election season whoever gets the democratic nomination, is automatically the most liberal in our nation or a communist.

Yet no democratic politician has ever brought communism to America. Very few democratic politicians are liberals anymore.

After all these years of being lied to I would think those lazy people would get tired of it. I am wrong. They love it. They want more lies. They want more division based on those lies. They have been convinced that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy.

Yet at the same time they scream they are the only ones who love freedom, liberty and our constitution. They claim they are the only patriots as they wave a confederate flag of traitors to our nation. They scream about freedom and liberty because they don't want to wear a mask but have no problem with trump creating is own secret military police then unleashing them on our people. To kidnap people off the streets. To beat innocent people and break their hands. To shoot rubber bullets to fracture a man's skull. That's no problem. Yet ask them to wear a mask, they come unglued.

They live in their very warped fantasy world.
Decades of talk radio have only calcified their opinions and thought processes, and now we have the internet to make it even worse.

When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.

And if you show them how they are demonstrably wrong, they'll just default to the "fake news" thing, totally believing that too.

I don't know. I ran out of adjectives a couple of years ago.
Whenever a lefty starts babbling about talk radio, intelligent people stop listening.

And, no, we don't believe we will become communist the minute Biden is inaugurated. However, we do know that the Biden administration will make changes so that a Republican administration will never be elected again, and it's also possible that a Republican Senate and Congress will never be elected again. Biden will flood this country with illegals. This country will then become a single party state and head down the road to totalitarianism.
But you voted "Yes" to the poll, that asked if Trump was the only thing standing between us and communism.

It appears you've changed your tune.

So which was the lie, the vote or that last post?

Oh, who cares. You're just a Trumpster.
No, I haven't, moron. If Biden gets elected, we will be going down the road to a totalitarian state. It just isn't going to happen overnight. When the country moves to the left, it never moves back. There is no political pendulum. There's a political ratchet. It's one way.
I know, you guys are paralyzed within your binary thinking patterns.

What a lousy way to go through life. You miss out on so much.
I'm not paralyzed at all by recognizing reality.

Can you name a single country that has ever repealed socialized medicine?

Can you name a single Dim social program that has ever been repealed?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
Is Germany communist? Is Canada communist? Is Australia communist?

Serious questions. I can't tell with you paranoids.
Give them time. Have any of them ever repealed any socialist programs?
I’d rather we eliminate the military budget. That is far more dangerous and does nothing for 99% of Americans. While we’re at it, let’s impose term limits on Congress and limit campaign funding to public sources.
Ask the people of Taiwan and Hong Kong if have a military has any benefits.
Why? They have nothing to do with us.
How fucking stupid are you? Taiwan has a miltary and Hong Kong doesn't. Where would you rather live?
I’d rather live in a nation that has a government that doesn’t take our money and give it to the 1%.

Regarding our massive military, we could defund it 75% for ten years and still outspend the rest of the world.
Our government doesn't do that, moron.

Yeah, we could defund it, but we provide military protection for most of the countries of the world. I can think of many things we don't need to fund, like all our military bases in Wester Europe, but the Dims insist on funding them.
Oh Jesus you are terribly uninformed. Cons generally are. Remember O bailing out Wall Street? I know you hate O. Well dumb Don is doing the same thing, but you’re blind to it.

We should pass a law that states the military can only defend the homeland. No overseas bases or military and intelligence involvement of any kind.
I can't agree more.

I would add we need a law to prevent any private business from being bailed out again. Add to that all businesses must have a "back up" fund so that if something happens, we don't have to bail them out.

The government isn't supposed to be bailing out private business.

That didn't happen until the reagan years. Before reagan changed us over to conservative economics we didn't have to bail out companies every decade or so.

But then we weren't stuck in conservative economics before reagan.
Yea, too big to fail. That should never be the case but unfortunately it is. We are becoming more and more a corporatocracy. Amazon, Walmart, and Target account for over half of all on line sales and they are all growing.

In the US our government is a representative democracy and our economic system is regulated capitalism, the best combination in world until a time crisis. When national disasters such as wars, plagues, or natural disasters strike a nation, unity of purpose is essential. Distention, protests, and a lot of personal freedoms have to be curtailed which can be very difficult in a nation that embraces democracy. And when economic disaster hits, big businesses gains in market share as the smaller ones fail. Demand for government assistance tends to favor big business because they have more political leverage. I believe this is our Achilles Heel, how the nation reacts to disasters.
What planet do you live? Trump already destroyed this country. Trump has said and done enough to sink an aircraft carrier without any hole under the ship.

Last week he retweeted Woolery that ALL about Covid-19 are all lies, deaths and infections are all lies, CDC, media, democrats are all lies. Who in the right mind will say something that stupid? Trump.
You just did it...you just changed the finger pointing and then ask "who in there right mind" would do what you just did? I guess "TDS" is a real thing
That is your best childish defense TDS.

TDS is Trump Denial Sympathizers.
or Trump Deranged Sympathizers
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm not searching through all your posts.

Then shut the fuck up, tard.
I'm convinced they're serious. They really do believe this stuff.

One day, maybe soon, talk radio and the rest of the alternate universe will have a lot to answer for.

I would think that after all these decades of being told the same lies over and over without any of it actually happening, they would finally wise up to see they are being lied to.

When Clinton raised taxes on the rich, the right screamed it would cause a worse recession than what bush the first left and destroy the economy. They said Clinton was a communist. What industry did the government seize ownership during those years? None. In fact, Clinton joined the privatization and deregulation crowd. Electricity and energy was privatized and deregulated. He deregulated the communications industry even more. He deregulated the banks even more. The list goes on.

Yet he was a communist. LOL.

Same with Obama. They all said he would make the bush boy's recession worse. They said his tax increase in the rich would destroy business and our economy. They said he was a communist, a muslim, from Kenya. We all remember the death panels they screamed about. When one ebola patient was brought to America for treatment they all screamed that Obama was trying to kill us all. LOL.

Every presidential election season whoever gets the democratic nomination, is automatically the most liberal in our nation or a communist.

Yet no democratic politician has ever brought communism to America. Very few democratic politicians are liberals anymore.

After all these years of being lied to I would think those lazy people would get tired of it. I am wrong. They love it. They want more lies. They want more division based on those lies. They have been convinced that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy.

Yet at the same time they scream they are the only ones who love freedom, liberty and our constitution. They claim they are the only patriots as they wave a confederate flag of traitors to our nation. They scream about freedom and liberty because they don't want to wear a mask but have no problem with trump creating is own secret military police then unleashing them on our people. To kidnap people off the streets. To beat innocent people and break their hands. To shoot rubber bullets to fracture a man's skull. That's no problem. Yet ask them to wear a mask, they come unglued.

They live in their very warped fantasy world.
Decades of talk radio have only calcified their opinions and thought processes, and now we have the internet to make it even worse.

When I talk with clients who are Trumpsters, you can see in their eyes that they're absolutely terrified. They really do think that if Biden wins we LITERALLY become a full-on communist country. There's no talking them down.

And if you show them how they are demonstrably wrong, they'll just default to the "fake news" thing, totally believing that too.

I don't know. I ran out of adjectives a couple of years ago.

It's why I've been saying it's a waste of time to try to communicate with them. It's a waste of time to give them honest facts.

You can post link after link of honest facts. They are just too down right lazy to click and read it. They don't want to read it. They don't want truth.

So I stopped trying to communicate with most of them.

It's a waste of time.

EXACTLY. They read it but they refuse to acknowledge the truth. Especially when we threw real facts and exact link. They lie a lot defending a lousy president. A lot of times I wonder where these people are coming from. Then if and when you asked them to prove it. They ran away.
In the communist world, everybody gets their money and livelihood from the government, I am sure that would never happen here. So, just relax. Your stimulus money, unemployment allowance, and eviction moratorium are all on their way.

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