Poll: More Americans than ever see media as enemy of Trump

Do you think media is destroying Trump

  • yes

  • no

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It is odd all of you who think you are smart keep forgetting who is in the WH.

it's odd that you think anyone has forgotten the disaster clowns like you put in the white house.
He is there because no one forgot what Obama did.

he's there because of gullible rubes like you
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
It is odd all of you who think you are smart keep forgetting who is in the WH.

it's odd that you think anyone has forgotten the disaster clowns like you put in the white house.
He is there because no one forgot what Obama did.

he's there because of gullible rubes like you
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
Thanks for admitting Obama was a traitor. Do you gets points off for for saying stupid things?
it's odd that you think anyone has forgotten the disaster clowns like you put in the white house.
He is there because no one forgot what Obama did.

he's there because of gullible rubes like you
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
Thanks for admitting Obama was a traitor. Do you gets points off for for saying stupid things?

thanks for showing the reading comprehension skills of an olive.

It is odd all of you who think you are smart keep forgetting who is in the WH.

Which has nothing to do with the intelligence of the voter... most of them voted against the clown.

The voters got it right. The system got it wrong. Why we are still using a dumb system devised by slave-rapists is the real question.
Why you are still here is a question too.
He is there because no one forgot what Obama did.

he's there because of gullible rubes like you
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
Thanks for admitting Obama was a traitor. Do you gets points off for for saying stupid things?

thanks for showing the reading comprehension skills of an olive.

Right up there with your understanding of politics, huh?
he's there because of gullible rubes like you
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
Thanks for admitting Obama was a traitor. Do you gets points off for for saying stupid things?

thanks for showing the reading comprehension skills of an olive.

Right up there with your understanding of politics, huh?

strangely, the critique of the mental equivalent of a door knob doesn't have much sting

go figure, huh?
More Americans than ever before think the media is trying to derail President Trump’s agenda, according to a new Rasmussen poll.
Poll: More Americans Than Ever See Media as Enemy of Trump

Too bad Trump haters can't figure that all out though.

Lets add our own poll
"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:57
"The press [is] the only tocsin of a nation. [When it] is completely silenced... all means of a general effort [are] taken away." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, Nov 29, 1802. (*) ME 10:341

"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823. ME 15:491

"The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816. ME 14:384

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

Jefferson would have fought you and the present President tooth and nail. You and the President are traitors to everything that this nation stands for.
Ratmuffin... he's credible.

It's actually the media's JOB to challenge Trump.
I don't often agree with ya Joe, but yeah, you are correct. It's nice the media is FINALLY doing their job.

Too bad they haven't done it the last fifty odd year.

But you know what I find suspicious? It is like they and Trump are in cahoots to distract America. There are far more pressing issues than whatever loathsome nature he might pose to some.

Obama was just as loathsome, and at least conservative media actually spent some time on other issues during his tenure.

There is a lot of shit going on that I think the corporate media is purposefully using this Trump character as a distraction to keep the public preoccupied so they don't notice.
No he is there because Obama was a traitor and a liar. Call Trump a liar but not a traitor.

no, he's a traitor too, and he's in office because of rubes like you
Thanks for admitting Obama was a traitor. Do you gets points off for for saying stupid things?

thanks for showing the reading comprehension skills of an olive.

Right up there with your understanding of politics, huh?

strangely, the critique of the mental equivalent of a door knob doesn't have much sting

go figure, huh?
Again, on the same level with your arguments.
Ratmuffin... he's credible.

It's actually the media's JOB to challenge Trump.

If only they had done their job and challenged Obama...


Do you have any idea what a “cuckold” is?

The media did their job with Obama. The difference being that Obama didn’t collude with Russians to get elected.

Name one vote Russia cast in favor of Trump.

If Trump would have had the same foreign support that Clinton had, he would have a Super Majority in the WH and won 45 states. Russia was just another actor of many who had a horse in the race in regards to who they wanted to win. To think otherwise is avoiding the facts, Hillary was the global sweetheart who most certainly would have overseen Americas lost Exceptionalism all while the global socialists cheers and partied on the U.S taxpayers dime,
I don't think the media destroys, saves or makes anyone. The media report on the actions of newsmakers. Newsmakers create and destroy themselves by dint of their own words and deeds.

Sorry, I disagree profusely. Well I don't disagree with the premise that that is what the media SHOULD be, but we all know they aren't. To varying degrees.

In Toronto, we have different news outlets, this was more prevalent when I was growing up, before the internet age even. If a guy was accused of a crime, they would put his mug shot on the front page on the Toronto Sun, they were right leaning, "cops can do no wrong" newspaper. To a fault, in some cases we've now learned. In fact, I happened to have learned they either were willing, or unwillingly colluding with them in a very dishonest and serious manner in at least one case. That;s neither here nor there.

Anyways, anytime I read their paper, the way they worded the perp, the details, I would assume the sob was guilty.

Another paper, was The Toronto Star. Left leaning, liberal. They would have the same case details but no mug shot, no definitive details, they stuck to the "allegations", not basically. "they got their man".

My mother, bless her heart; made sure I had exposure to both papers and I read them both voraciously.

As it were, yes indeed, the media can make or break a man. I urge you to really study the history of Pravda, the efforts of Goebbels and yes, even Western publications which were in cahoots with the government for National Security purposes during much darker times. The media can make or break a man.

Think of the movie Trading Places, a classic with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd. So true....you can be anythng based on circumstances.

The Toronto Sun is a “liberal” paper and the Star is “right wing”? Now I know you’re not a Canadian.
The media did their job with Obama. The difference being that Obama didn’t collude with Russians to get elected.
Pew Research Center studied the first 60 days of Trump’s presidency and found that 62 percent of mainstream (more on that later) coverage of the administration reached “negative assessments.”

That compares with 20 percent negative coverage during Barack Obama’s first two months, and 28 percent during Bill Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s first two months.

Donald Trump is right! Coverage of his administration is much more negative than other presidents.

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive
I don't think the media destroys, saves or makes anyone. The media report on the actions of newsmakers. Newsmakers create and destroy themselves by dint of their own words and deeds.

When you realize whose really in power and how controlled the media is. One would see just how the media is told what to report and what NOT to report......research it enough its not hard to see, find, nor learn.

View attachment 184934

Yes, he's an intelligent guy and better informed than I am. However, I'd love to know the odds so I could lay a wager that Assange is working with the Russians.

I'm pretty sure that's not correct. If you now his history and when he was recruited, when he was caught and charged, he is an agent for our own Intelligence services.

A Modified limited hangout was created to lure in other would be leakers and folks looking for crumbs of the truth.

Did you know that once you agree to release something to Wikileaks, they supposedly have legal copyright claim to it, or so I have heard. It's a pretty good bet, Cryptome is too.
What is Going On with Wikileaks? Assange MIA, MacFadyen Dead and the CIA Honeypot Trying to Tank the Clinton Campaign? What Gives?
What is Going On with Wikileaks? Assange MIA, MacFadyen Dead and the CIA Honeypot Trying to Tank the Clinton Campaign? What Gives?

Can you imagine Assange having a representative taking anyone to court for releasing leaked info anywhere else that they supposedly bought rights too? And living in an Embassy sure would beat prison. I'm not talking for rape charges either, I'm talking about the original charges.

I'm sure Glen Greenwald and Snowden know, if they aren't modified hangouts for the other side themselves. :21:


Anyway, IMO, this is how the Deep State controls leakers in the age of the internet and hackers.

Shhhh. . . . . it's a secret. Well, except for those of us who know. Unless this is misinform too?

i can actually see the spittle on their monitors.

it's pretty amazing

trump gets negative coverage because he's a grade a fuck up who has less business being president than bripat does cutting his own meat.
He gets negative coverage because the fake media is infested with sleazy lying snowflakes like you who hate everyone who disagrees with your anti-American globalist socialist agenda.
i can actually see the spittle on their monitors.

it's pretty amazing

trump gets negative coverage because he's a grade a fuck up who has less business being president than bripat does cutting his own meat.
He gets negative coverage because the fake media is infested with sleazy lying snowflakes like you who hate everyone who disagrees with your anti-American globalist socialist agenda.

Trump gets negative coverage because he lies and makes bad policy decisions. He knows nothing about what he’s talking about - see lie to Trudeau, and he lies, and lies and lies.
The right-wingers attack "the media" even though it only reports what trump actually has said and done, and what his policies actually are, which are entirely under his control. The right-wingers want trump's antics to either remain unreported or be sugar-coated for the public. For example: trump's appointments and nominations have included individuals who have a past record of comments that indicate that they are ideologues who cannot necessarily be counted on to do their intended jobs on behalf of all Americans. "The media" does its job for the American people when it reports to the public about the past conduct of these nominees before they can be seated into their proposed positions and do harm to the country.

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