Poll - more money for Israel and Ukraine?

Should we borrow more money to give it to Israel and/or Ukraine?

  • No, not one cent for either

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Just Israel, not Ukraine

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Just Ukraine, not Israel

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • borrow more and give to both Israel and Ukraine

    Votes: 7 38.9%

  • Total voters
Should we borrow more money to give it to Ukraine and Israel?
More recently, Mr. McCarthy has said he doesn’t want to cut spending on defense, Medicare or Social Security — or raise taxes. Those constraints mean cuts to the rest of the budget would have to be brutal.

What You’d Have to Cut if You Take those Options Off the Table​

Three scenarios for balancing the budget in 10 years without raising taxes.​

What do you want to cut?
More recently, Mr. McCarthy has said he doesn’t want to cut spending on defense, Medicare or Social Security — or raise taxes. Those constraints mean cuts to the rest of the budget would have to be brutal.

What You’d Have to Cut if You Take those Options Off the Table​

Three scenarios for balancing the budget in 10 years without raising taxes.​

What do you want to cut?
What do you want to cut?
foreign aide
Should we borrow more money to give it to Ukraine and Israel?

You should have included another choice in you poll.

I would have voted for "Neither, unless it's paid for.".

foreign aide
I'll be honest. I would cut foreign aid too. But I would give Israel and Ukraine help right now. I just would stop giving countries like Israel $3 billion dollars a year indefinitely.

The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022

I don't recall how much we started giving in the 1970's but it has become an annual thing where we give Israel billions every year and now it's probably $4 billion with what just happened.

BUT, globalists could make an argument that we need to fund Israel to keep the middle east in line? These are things above our pay grade you know that right?

What I would do is tell every country we give money to that sorry but what we give every year is being cut in half. Deal with it. Don't like it, we can stop giving you anything then.
More recently, Mr. McCarthy has said he doesn’t want to cut spending on defense, Medicare or Social Security — or raise taxes. Those constraints mean cuts to the rest of the budget would have to be brutal.

What You’d Have to Cut if You Take those Options Off the Table​

Three scenarios for balancing the budget in 10 years without raising taxes.​

What do you want to cut?

How about we start with medicade and chips, Maobamacare was supposed to make those programs obsolete. Then stop supporting criminal aliens that are invading our country.

How about we start with medicade and chips, Maobamacare was supposed to make those programs obsolete. Then stop supporting criminal aliens that are invading our country.

Like I said, we need to go after illegal employers. That will solve a lot of our problems.

No Obamacare was not suppose to make medicaid and CHIPS obsolete.

What I don't like is that Walmart pays so low that their employees are the biggest recipients of CHIPS and SNAPS.

Walmart employees should unionize, demand healthcare then they won't need Obamacare. Want to get rid of welfare? Make corporations pay more.
Like I said, we need to go after illegal employers. That will solve a lot of our problems.

No Obamacare was not suppose to make medicaid and CHIPS obsolete.

What I don't like is that Walmart pays so low that their employees are the biggest recipients of CHIPS and SNAPS.

Walmart employees should unionize, demand healthcare then they won't need Obamacare. Want to get rid of welfare? Make corporations pay more.
Around here, walmart is paying 18 bucks an hour to stock shelves
Like I said, we need to go after illegal employers. That will solve a lot of our problems.

No Obamacare was not suppose to make medicaid and CHIPS obsolete.

What I don't like is that Walmart pays so low that their employees are the biggest recipients of CHIPS and SNAPS.

Walmart employees should unionize, demand healthcare then they won't need Obamacare. Want to get rid of welfare? Make corporations pay more.

You need new talking points, Walmart has increased their compensation considerably and their prices show it. They're charging more for their house brand soda than Kroger, I never thought I'd see that. Also maobamacare was suppose to insure everyone in the country, after all, it's the law. So medicade and chips should be obsolete.

You need new talking points, Walmart has increased their compensation considerably and their prices show it. They're charging more for their house brand soda than Kroger, I never thought I'd see that. Also maobamacare was suppose to insure everyone in the country, after all, it's the law. So medicade and chips should be obsolete.

I never saw the savings at Walmart. My dad is a coupon clipper and he says their prices suck. At least the things he buys. It might be different for you. Like maybe Walmart sells really cheap condoms made in China. You buy those? LOL. I wouldn't if I were you. Not if you live in a red state and don't want to have a kid.
I never saw the savings at Walmart. My dad is a coupon clipper and he says their prices suck. At least the things he buys. It might be different for you. Like maybe Walmart sells really cheap condoms made in China. You buy those? LOL. I wouldn't if I were you. Not if you live in a red state and don't want to have a kid.

Nope, don't buy'em, been with the same woman since 76, kids at this point in our lives is not an issue. So you can count that as just another swing and miss.

foreign aide
Foreign aid is one percent of the budget. Your propagandists have you bleeving it is much more.

It is worth every penny we spend. We get exponential returns on our investment. It earns us goodwill from nations which provide us raw materials.

China is going full bore trying to turn other countries against us.

Don't be fucking stupid.
Foreign aid is one percent of the budget. Your propagandists have you bleeving it is much more.

It is worth every penny we spend. We get exponential returns on our investment. It earns us goodwill from nations which provide us raw materials.

China is going full bore trying to turn other countries against us.

Don't be fucking stupid.
It is worth every penny we spend. It earns us goodwill from nations which provide us raw materials.
your opinion.

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