Poll: Most Democrats Seldom Or Never Attend Church...

Wrong as usual.

No, it's right on the nose.

The reason the left has a special hatred for Christianity is that the religion promotes the concept of liberty, that man is answerable ultimately to God. This offends the authoritarian nature of the left, which promotes the idea that man always must submit to the state.

The left, unlike the right, acknowledge only one authority over the state: the rule of law.

The left hold the rulers of the state to be the law. The constitution is only what the SCOTUS feels it is at any given time. Obama can declare law by fiat, etc.

You have to ask? Telling.



So supporting the right to NOT have a religion also offends you?

I'm sure that it's the concept of thought that you object to.
Science will always be in conflict with dogmatic religions that believe they are infallible.

How the fuck does religion conflict with science??

It seems progressives can never answer simple questions...

Not a bible or religion scholar, but I'll take a stab at your question. Remember...opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one, and they stink.

I don't know enough about ALL religions to say that they are ALL in conflict with science. I can only speak for Christianity. It depends on what denomination one belongs to. Some Christians believe that the bible and science coincide. I believe this.

The world was created in 6 days? Yes. 6 God days. Maybe that doesn't necessarily mean 6 days as mortals understand days. It could be 600 million years.

But there are some Christians who say, "It was created in 6 days! End of story!" Or..."How do we know that the world isn't flat?" (yes, I've heard this). Or there are the people riding dinosaurs during biblical times.

When someone says that religion conflicts with science, from a Christian standpoint, this may be part of what they are referring to. And one can get kind of jaded after trying to convince someone that the earth is round, after 30 minutes of arguing.

Make sense?

No one ever EVER thought the world was flat.....

It's a total myth Christians thought the world was flat - civilizations knew the earth was round before the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras proved that 6-7 BC..

The "flat earth" myth started with a novel written after Columbus came to the new world called "A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.".

That is where the whole "the Christians believe the Earth is flat" nonsense began...

As far as time - 6 days could mean 6 billion years......
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Hey everybody! Not to worry! No one wants us to have a Religious Test for Citizens. :eusa_shhh:

nice strawman.

A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

I find that interesting....because if they were real Christians.... they'd listen to what their savior actually had to say. But they don't. They judge people for all kinds of real and imagined sins. They support a society in which the rich determine the fate of the rest of the country.

Christ is probably pissed that you are the ones representing his word. That's why I am a liberal. It's not because I am a deadbeat welfare bum who wants government to take care of my needs, as so many have accused me and a lot of my brethren of.

Intolerance and judgmental-ism have no place in Christianity. Greed and exploitation have no place in Christianity. Blaming our weakest for our ills and demonizing them have no place in Christianity.

You are Chinos.... Christians in name only.
I really do believe this is more important than most like to think. I truly believe the further you move away from God,the more lost you become. I think Church is important.

Church may be important to Christians, but not to those who are not.

And the notion that only ‘church goers’ are devote or ‘proper Christians’ is presumptive and inane; indeed, the core doctrine of Protestantism is a man alone with his bible and god.

good thing no one asserted that, huh?

oh, and it's devout, not devote.

you're welcome

So supporting the right to NOT have a religion also offends you?

I'm sure that it's the concept of thought that you object to.

Nah, it’s Glocks I object to – nasty, plastic things – it figures you own one; I defend my rights and life with an American-made 1911.
How the fuck does religion conflict with science??

It seems progressives can never answer simple questions...

Not a bible or religion scholar, but I'll take a stab at your question. Remember...opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one, and they stink.

I don't know enough about ALL religions to say that they are ALL in conflict with science. I can only speak for Christianity. It depends on what denomination one belongs to. Some Christians believe that the bible and science coincide. I believe this.

The world was created in 6 days? Yes. 6 God days. Maybe that doesn't necessarily mean 6 days as mortals understand days. It could be 600 million years.

But there are some Christians who say, "It was created in 6 days! End of story!" Or..."How do we know that the world isn't flat?" (yes, I've heard this). Or there are the people riding dinosaurs during biblical times.

When someone says that religion conflicts with science, from a Christian standpoint, this may be part of what they are referring to. And one can get kind of jaded after trying to convince someone that the earth is round, after 30 minutes of arguing.

Make sense?

No one ever EVER thought the world was flat.....

It's a total myth Christians thought the world was flat - civilizations knew the earth was round before the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras proved that 6-7 BC..

The "flat earth" myth started with a novel written after Columbus came to the new world called "A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.".

That is where the whole "the Christians believe the Earth is flat" nonsense began...

As far as time - 6 days could mean 6 billion years......

No, it's not a "myth". I've had the discussion with a living, breathing person, about whether or not the world was flat. I wish it were a myth....but it isn't. It's one of my coworkers. The one who tells me that I'm going to hell.

We actually get along great. We just don't agree on the most fundamental things.
How the fuck does religion conflict with science??

It seems progressives can never answer simple questions...

well, it doesn't have to. but if one is a fundamentalist extremist, the two really can't be reconciled. scientists know the earth isn't 6000 years old.. and they know dinosaurs walked the earth and NOT when man did.

however, if you read A Brief History of Time, it seems pretty clear that the big bang can readily be reconciled with a sane view of the bible.

The problem with the bible is its translation... Is it 6000 or 6 billion??

Also, I'm into string theory so the big bang to me is about as insane as the theory of a God that created the universe when broken down into mathematics..

I suppose my point is that I'm a Christan and I believe in God but when you look at string theory its about as awesome as God.

Theoretical physics is pretty wild...
I really do believe this is more important than most like to think. I truly believe the further you move away from God,the more lost you become. I think Church is important.

Not going to church does not negate a belief in a supreme being.
Democrats can brush this off, all they want, but it is VERY telling.

Democrat politicians have a god-complex, and democrat voters think their politician's are god.
How the fuck does religion conflict with science??

It seems progressives can never answer simple questions...

well, it doesn't have to. but if one is a fundamentalist extremist, the two really can't be reconciled. scientists know the earth isn't 6000 years old.. and they know dinosaurs walked the earth and NOT when man did.

however, if you read A Brief History of Time, it seems pretty clear that the big bang can readily be reconciled with a sane view of the bible.

The problem with the bible is its translation... Is it 6000 or 6 billion??

Also, I'm into string theory so the big bang to me is about as insane as the theory of a God that created the universe when broken down into mathematics..

I suppose my point is that I'm a Christan and I believe in God but when you look at string theory its about as awesome as God.

Theoretical physics is pretty wild...

So we CAN have a civil discussion. String theory? Not familiar, but will read about it.

Theoretical physics? Tell us about it. There's no rule that says that we all have to call each other "stooooopid!".


It is scary to share the planet with people who believe this bullshit.
Wrong as usual.

No, it's right on the nose.

The reason the left has a special hatred for Christianity is that the religion promotes the concept of liberty, that man is answerable ultimately to God. This offends the authoritarian nature of the left, which promotes the idea that man always must submit to the state.

The left, unlike the right, acknowledge only one authority over the state: the rule of law.

The left hold the rulers of the state to be the law. The constitution is only what the SCOTUS feels it is at any given time. Obama can declare law by fiat, etc.

You have to ask? Telling.



So supporting the right to NOT have a religion also offends you?

I'm sure that it's the concept of thought that you object to.

It is funny that you include liberty and God in the same sentence.
It’s interesting the way the OP seems to illustrate a ‘Father Knows Best’ America: 100 percent Christian, everyone in Church.
How the fuck does religion conflict with science??

It seems progressives can never answer simple questions...

well, it doesn't have to. but if one is a fundamentalist extremist, the two really can't be reconciled. scientists know the earth isn't 6000 years old.. and they know dinosaurs walked the earth and NOT when man did.

however, if you read A Brief History of Time, it seems pretty clear that the big bang can readily be reconciled with a sane view of the bible.

The problem with the bible is its translation... Is it 6000 or 6 billion??

Also, I'm into string theory so the big bang to me is about as insane as the theory of a God that created the universe when broken down into mathematics..

I suppose my point is that I'm a Christan and I believe in God but when you look at string theory its about as awesome as God.

Theoretical physics is pretty wild...

Really, that's interesting that you should mention that.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Landscape-String-Illusion-Intelligent/dp/0316013331/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2]Amazon.com: The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design (9780316013338): Leonard Susskind: Books[/ame]

Have fun.
Not a bible or religion scholar, but I'll take a stab at your question. Remember...opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one, and they stink.

I don't know enough about ALL religions to say that they are ALL in conflict with science. I can only speak for Christianity. It depends on what denomination one belongs to. Some Christians believe that the bible and science coincide. I believe this.

The world was created in 6 days? Yes. 6 God days. Maybe that doesn't necessarily mean 6 days as mortals understand days. It could be 600 million years.

But there are some Christians who say, "It was created in 6 days! End of story!" Or..."How do we know that the world isn't flat?" (yes, I've heard this). Or there are the people riding dinosaurs during biblical times.

When someone says that religion conflicts with science, from a Christian standpoint, this may be part of what they are referring to. And one can get kind of jaded after trying to convince someone that the earth is round, after 30 minutes of arguing.

Make sense?

No one ever EVER thought the world was flat.....

It's a total myth Christians thought the world was flat - civilizations knew the earth was round before the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras proved that 6-7 BC..

The "flat earth" myth started with a novel written after Columbus came to the new world called "A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.".

That is where the whole "the Christians believe the Earth is flat" nonsense began...

As far as time - 6 days could mean 6 billion years......

No, it's not a "myth". I've had the discussion with a living, breathing person, about whether or not the world was flat. I wish it were a myth....but it isn't. It's one of my coworkers. The one who tells me that I'm going to hell.

We actually get along great. We just don't agree on the most fundamental things.


It's common knowledge it's a myth...

You obviously know nothing about history.....

It was common knowledge by the 2nd century that the earth was round...

In theory the Egyptians knew the Earth was round...

This is all fact...

I can clearly see you have never read a history book EVER...

Pythagoras theorized it and Eratosthenes proved it..

As a matter of fact Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth within 23 miles and this is 500 years before Jesus was born..
Last edited:
Wrong as usual.

No, it's right on the nose.

The reason the left has a special hatred for Christianity is that the religion promotes the concept of liberty, that man is answerable ultimately to God. This offends the authoritarian nature of the left, which promotes the idea that man always must submit to the state.

The left hold the rulers of the state to be the law. The constitution is only what the SCOTUS feels it is at any given time. Obama can declare law by fiat, etc.



So supporting the right to NOT have a religion also offends you?

I'm sure that it's the concept of thought that you object to.

It is funny that you include liberty and God in the same sentence.

yeah, what kind of religious whack job would do that? :lol:

they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript
No one ever EVER thought the world was flat.....

It's a total myth Christians thought the world was flat - civilizations knew the earth was round before the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras proved that 6-7 BC..

The "flat earth" myth started with a novel written after Columbus came to the new world called "A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.".

That is where the whole "the Christians believe the Earth is flat" nonsense began...

As far as time - 6 days could mean 6 billion years......

No, it's not a "myth". I've had the discussion with a living, breathing person, about whether or not the world was flat. I wish it were a myth....but it isn't. It's one of my coworkers. The one who tells me that I'm going to hell.

We actually get along great. We just don't agree on the most fundamental things.


It's common knowledge it's a myth...

You obviously know nothing about history.....

It was common knowledge by the 2nd century that the earth was round...

In theory the Egyptians knew the Earth was round...

This is all fact...

I can clearly see you have never read a history book EVER...

Pythagoras theorized it and Eratosthenes proved it..

and there were probably 50 people in 15th century europe that had heard of either one

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