Poll on what to do about Antifa taking over Seattle

How should Antifa be handled?

  • The police in Seattle should remove them

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Trump should send in troops to remove them

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Just let them take over as much of Seattle as they want and ignore them

    Votes: 36 43.9%

  • Total voters
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.
Borders you say?....What the fuck have the Pantifa goons just done, if not carved out their own allegedly sovereign borders within the nation?....That's fucking invasion not protest.

I have every understanding of how war works....Pantifa has essentially declared war and decided to carve out a portion of our nation under force of arms....A full regular military response is completely within Trump's power to threat these goons as domestic enemy combatants, and put them down like the commie dogs that they are.
And his plans are to do just that:

President Trump told Fox News' Harris Faulkner in an exclusive interview Thursday that his administration is "not going to let Seattle be occupied by anarchists."

"If there were more toughness, you wouldn't have the kind of devastation that you had in Minneapolis and in Seattle. I mean, let's see what's going on in Seattle," Trump told Faulkner. "I will tell you if they don't straighten that situation out, we're going to straighten it out."

Well we have this to look forward to I reckon.

One death is all they need and the media will be in hog heaven!
At some point, we have to say F**k the media!
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

He can, however; erect a border around this new country and strictly enforce immigration to the United States.
What planet did you wake up on this morning?
The one in which the real world takes note of the fact that the President of the United States is the head of the federal government and not authorized to interfere with the internal governance of said states. Unless of course, you are all for eliminating the Sovereignty of each state and putting everything under the rule of the President.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.
Borders you say?....What the fuck have the Pantifa goons just done, if not carved out their own allegedly sovereign borders within the nation?....That's fucking invasion not protest.

I have every understanding of how war works....Pantifa has essentially declared war and decided to carve out a portion of our nation under force of arms....A full regular military response is completely within Trump's power to threat these goons as domestic enemy combatants, and put them down like the commie dogs that they are.
And his plans are to do just that:

President Trump told Fox News' Harris Faulkner in an exclusive interview Thursday that his administration is "not going to let Seattle be occupied by anarchists."

"If there were more toughness, you wouldn't have the kind of devastation that you had in Minneapolis and in Seattle. I mean, let's see what's going on in Seattle," Trump told Faulkner. "I will tell you if they don't straighten that situation out, we're going to straighten it out."

Well we have this to look forward to I reckon.

One death is all they need and the media will be in hog heaven!
At some point, we have to say F**k the media!
My solution solves the problem without firing a shot.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

He can, however; erect a border around this new country and strictly enforce immigration to the United States.
What planet did you wake up on this morning?
The one in which the real world takes note of the fact that the President of the United States is the head of the federal government and not authorized to interfere with the internal governance of said states. Unless of course, you are all for eliminating the Sovereignty of each state and putting everything under the rule of the President.
The courts will only allow this when the DNC controls the White House.

Now all we care about is state rights.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

He can, however; erect a border around this new country and strictly enforce immigration to the United States.
What planet did you wake up on this morning?
The one in which the real world takes note of the fact that the President of the United States is the head of the federal government and not authorized to interfere with the internal governance of said states. Unless of course, you are all for eliminating the Sovereignty of each state and putting everything under the rule of the President.
He absolutely has the right to defend any ground on US soil. Any.
There are Americans living in that area that are not wanting this. And as so demands the protection of the government from invaders both foreign and domestic.
Of course this should be handled by the local police/autorities but they refuse to do their jobs. And even support them. Called them patriots. If the local government refuses to do their job and protect their citizens the President MUST intervene and do so himself. That is his job as Commander in Chief
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.
There's nothing remotely peaceful about an occupation under force of arms, asshole.
no weapons being used.
find facts before shooting off your mouth.
Could you please state where you are getting this information about Seattle? have heard nothing about it. also what are people who actually live there saying?
no weapons being used.
find facts before shooting off your mouth.


armed 2.png
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

No one is questioning Seattle PD"s ability to clear the area....

So it's on Seattle
I say let them stew in their own juices. If people wish to be rescued from the area by all means do so.

Otherwise, place cameras all around, fly drones overhead, and watch a progressive nightmare unfold in real time.
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.
There's nothing remotely peaceful about an occupation under force of arms, asshole.
no weapons being used.
find facts before shooting off your mouth.
The rural areas have not begun to do these things yet. Have the same attitude if/when they do. What we have currently is the Stalin's attempting a coup on the Lenin's. This is a blue on blue. you Progs need to take this into more purple and red areas to test your abilities. Think of what you can do at a theme park like Disney World. Parts of Orange County, Lake County, Osceola County and the same. that surround it. The world is your Oyster. The politicians are bending over for you.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

He can, however; erect a border around this new country and strictly enforce immigration to the United States.
What planet did you wake up on this morning?
The one in which the real world takes note of the fact that the President of the United States is the head of the federal government and not authorized to interfere with the internal governance of said states. Unless of course, you are all for eliminating the Sovereignty of each state and putting everything under the rule of the President.

You understand that Congress passed the Insurrection Act giving the President broad authority over such things.
I say let them stew in their own juices. If people wish to be rescued from the area by all means do so.

Otherwise, place cameras all around, fly drones overhead, and watch a progressive nightmare unfold in real time.

I see a great opportunity for PPV here.
Send in the drones with cameras and we can watch in real time as this fledgling nation collapses due to piss poor management.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.
What do you suggest when the 'STATE' is neglecting their duty to their constituents?
Even being complicit to this event. Seems you haven't thought that far ahead, huh?
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.

Horse Shit. If one American citizen is harmed or complains or istrapped in there and the locals do nothing to help
he is well within his authority to send in troops.

Ike sent 11,000 paratroopers to Little Rock just to enroll 4 Jabonis in Public School. Trump would be well within his authority
to send in Federal Forces.

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