Poll on where Board Members stand for or against Abortion (yup, it's a well chosen title)

Poll: where do you stand on government regulation of abortion

  • No abortion: the unborn always has precedence over mother

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Unlimited abortion: woman's choice

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for crimes, birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • No abortion after 20 weeks except for crimes, birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Come on, people, where do you stand on this issue?

Pharmaceutical development is making this a fairly clear choice before 12 weeks. Most of us will have no idea who is and isn't taking the pill that replaces the 'wise or elderly woman of the woods' in story or actual life. Go to Dante, VA, if you want meet one.

Where do you stand on the issue?

I poll first: No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for birth defects, life/health of mom 1 vote(s) 100.0%

The rest of the pollees' votes are protected from view.
Controversial even for the pro choice community, but I'm ok with complete legalization of abortion. Women will get them anyways.
Mine is -

No Abortion - but Dr. and/or fathers decision if both lives are in danger. I don't think the unborn child should always take precedence...too many differing situations.....
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.
Poorly worded title. Nobody is "for abortion". The question is about the government's regulation of it.
I cannot answer your poll because none of the options apply to me.

I am male so I would not force my opinion on the abortion issue. Personally I don't see how anyone can justify it as a means of birth control, but it is legal in this country so I leave it alone. I would be very upset if my wife, girlfriend, or children wanted an abortion. But I don't force my beliefs on others.
Everyone has an opinion on what is best for society.
If we didn't (force) I prefer either lobby or strongly fight for... our belief on what's best nothing would happen.

I'm tired of hearing about people forcing beliefs on others....

This is not ISIS
Everyone has an opinion on what is best for society.
If we didn't (force) I prefer either lobby or strongly fight for... our belief on what's best nothing would happen.

I'm tired of hearing about people forcing beliefs on others....

This is not ISIS
Not having a vagina I am not qualified to decide what any woman should do with her own.

Let them make the decision and live with the consequences. Either way I will support whatever decision they make.
Everyone has an opinion on what is best for society.
If we didn't (force) I prefer either lobby or strongly fight for... our belief on what's best nothing would happen.

I'm tired of hearing about people forcing beliefs on others....

This is not ISIS

I know I went WAY outside the lines there.... I just hate people saying that stuff.
Take a stand! It doesn't mean you are forcing your beliefs.
If I say you should not abort your baby, and I work my tail off to try to reverse Roe v. Wade, AND say it's because of my Christian principles, people will twist it to say I'm FORCING my religion on them... sick of it!
Not having a vagina I am not qualified to decide what any woman should do with her own.

Let them make the decision and live with the consequences. Either way I will support whatever decision they make.

Even if it were YOUR son or daughter in there....?
Not having a vagina I am not qualified to decide what any woman should do with her own.

Let them make the decision and live with the consequences. Either way I will support whatever decision they make.

Even if it were YOUR son or daughter in there....?

Yes, and on one occasion it was.

My spouse made the decision and I supported her decision and still do to this day.
Liberals and conservatives and libertarians and atheists and believers, religious values that inform us of where we stand are every bit as protected constitutionally as anyone's values and ethics. That's how the constitution works.
If you can't figure out 1) you are pregnant and 2) you don't want to be pregnant in 3 months, you are an idiot, but I would stretch it to 4 months and give them 16 weeks.
Reproduction is the woman's issue. We guys have very little to do with the process other than a short and rather pleasurable experience.

So we need to butt the fuck out and let the gals decide.
Reproduction is the woman's issue. We guys have very little to do with the process other than a short and rather pleasurable experience.

So we need to butt the fuck out and let the gals decide.

So only firefighters should be able to decide which fires they fight?

In a free society you have the right to have an opinion and a voice on things that don't impact you, or only impact you in an indirect way.
That's sad.... it really is... that's a human life and you are the father. That little human being is part you.
It's being talked about like a fingernail to be cut off....
Reproduction is the woman's issue. We guys have very little to do with the process other than a short and rather pleasurable experience.

So we need to butt the fuck out and let the gals decide.

So only firefighters should be able to decide which fires they fight?

In a free society you have the right to have an opinion and a voice on things that don't impact you, or only impact you in an indirect way.
False logic. You werent even close in equivalency. Babies are not fires.

False equivalence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A common way for this fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result. False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors."

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