POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
U.S. public schools doctrine:
Comply with our leftist teachings or you will be drugged.

He is refferring to how teachers would have an issue with a student and then diagnos them with add to get them on ridilin. Yes this did happen for quite a while This was not a comply with leftist teaching thing it was a make any noise and you are a problem child thing. The teacher would suggest it, the hysterical parent would listen then find a doctor to concur.

Teachers don’t diagnose or prescribe medication.
Read the whole thing, histerical parent finds right doctor.
STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).

If you would answer my questions honestly I could expose your racism too but you never answer questions.

What do you do when you come across a person who isn’t bothered by liberals yelling “racist”?

What do I do when I encounter an idiot? I laugh and mock


So, you keep the mirrors covered up at home, like sitting shiva for the demise of any self-awareness you might ever have had?

No I look at myself and I laugh and mock myself. ...I'm no hypocrite who has double standards.

I'm no closet racist ..,,.

Hypocritical democrat racism is out in the open. Some are still trying to keep other stuff in the closet, “bachelor.”
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U.S. public schools doctrine:
Comply with our leftist teachings or you will be drugged.

He is refferring to how teachers would have an issue with a student and then diagnos them with add to get them on ridilin. Yes this did happen for quite a while This was not a comply with leftist teaching thing it was a make any noise and you are a problem child thing. The teacher would suggest it, the hysterical parent would listen then find a doctor to concur.

Teachers don’t diagnose or prescribe medication.
Read the whole thing, histerical parent finds right doctor.

Then it’s a matter between the parents and their doctor, not the teacher.
U.S. public schools doctrine:
Comply with our leftist teachings or you will be drugged.

He is refferring to how teachers would have an issue with a student and then diagnos them with add to get them on ridilin. Yes this did happen for quite a while This was not a comply with leftist teaching thing it was a make any noise and you are a problem child thing. The teacher would suggest it, the hysterical parent would listen then find a doctor to concur.

Teachers don’t diagnose or prescribe medication.
Read the whole thing, histerical parent finds right doctor.

Girls are taught to be boys...and boys are drugged for being boys.
I have a bigger problem talking to people who won't listen and think they know everything.

I love trying to calmly explain to a con why they are stupid or racist and they can't even shut their mouth and listen to the fact. Next thing you know they are screaming Obama's a muslim, fast and furious, benghazi, lock her up.

What do I do when I encounter an idiot? I laugh and mock

But then I shake my head because you idiots won the election.

We’re you a stupid racist idiot who couldn’t shut your mouth when you were a Republican?

Sealybobo wrote-
I'm a Republican now

“I am declaring it here and now. I believe we are overpopulated and I believe Republican policies of personal responsibility are designed to deal with that problem.

So when poor people breed I'm not going to ask Republicans to feed them for free so they can keep having more. I'm going to ask the poor people to stop breeding.

If you can't afford private school don't have kids. If you don't have insurance don't have kids. If you don't have a job or husband don't have kids. We got too many now.

If you can afford to have kids have as many as you want.”
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I have never pulled the lever for the GOP. EVER!

What if you didn’t need free shit? Would you go Republican?

No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

Same reason Warren Buffet wants the rich to pay higher taxes.

Hell, even Trump said if he was POTUS billionaires would pay more. That was just another lie.

President Trump on Christine Blasey Ford, his relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and more

The 2020 race for the White House is just barely under way, but the latest CNBC Millionaire Survey shows some troubling signs for the incumbent President Donald Trump, including an energized base of wealthy Democrats and unsteady support from wealthy Republicans.

Just 34 percent of America’s millionaires say they would vote to re-elect President Trump if the election were held today. Among Republicans, Trump has lost more than one-third of wealthy voters, with only 62 percent of Republican millionaires saying they would vote for the president if the election were held today.

In the survey, 39.9 percent of the 750 respondents identify as Republicans, 32.4 percent are Independents, and 25.7 percent are Democrats.

What issue will be the most important to you as a voter in the 2020 Presidential election?

The issues that matter most to millionaire voters in the next election vary greatly by party. High on the list: 18 percent of Republican millionaires say taxes and government spending is what they’ll consider most when they think about choosing a president in 2020. That is followed by immigration reform (17 percent) and the economy (16 percent).

For 54 percent of Democrat millionaires and 28 percent of Independents, “voting President Trump out of office” is their number one issue. For now, who they want to replace him with is a question with no clear answer.

We’re you a stupid racist idiot who couldn’t shut your mouth when you were a Republican?

Sealybobo wrote-
I'm a Republican now

“I am declaring it here and now. I believe we are overpopulated and I believe Republican policies of personal responsibility are designed to deal with that problem.

So when poor people breed I'm not going to ask Republicans to feed them for free so they can keep having more. I'm going to ask the poor people to stop breeding.

If you can't afford private school don't have kids. If you don't have insurance don't have kids. If you don't have a job or husband don't have kids. We got too many now.

If you can afford to have kids have as many as you want.”
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I have never pulled the lever for the GOP. EVER!

What if you didn’t need free shit? Would you go Republican?

No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

Same reason Warren Buffet wants the rich to pay higher taxes.

Hell, even Trump said if he was POTUS billionaires would pay more. That was just another lie.

President Trump on Christine Blasey Ford, his relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and more

The 2020 race for the White House is just barely under way, but the latest CNBC Millionaire Survey shows some troubling signs for the incumbent President Donald Trump, including an energized base of wealthy Democrats and unsteady support from wealthy Republicans.

Just 34 percent of America’s millionaires say they would vote to re-elect President Trump if the election were held today. Among Republicans, Trump has lost more than one-third of wealthy voters, with only 62 percent of Republican millionaires saying they would vote for the president if the election were held today.

In the survey, 39.9 percent of the 750 respondents identify as Republicans, 32.4 percent are Independents, and 25.7 percent are Democrats.

What issue will be the most important to you as a voter in the 2020 Presidential election?

The issues that matter most to millionaire voters in the next election vary greatly by party. High on the list: 18 percent of Republican millionaires say taxes and government spending is what they’ll consider most when they think about choosing a president in 2020. That is followed by immigration reform (17 percent) and the economy (16 percent).

For 54 percent of Democrat millionaires and 28 percent of Independents, “voting President Trump out of office” is their number one issue. For now, who they want to replace him with is a question with no clear answer.

With that all said, I’m certain you donated your Trump given $3k tax break to homeless folks in Detroit...right?
Doesn’t Warren Buffett have enough wealth to single handedly end poverty in America...has he?
Don’t the Hollywood wackos have enough wealth to end homelessness in all of Mexifornia...have they?
(Do yourself a favor and pretend you didn’t see this post.)
Selfish, hypocritical democrats try to kid themselves that passively accepting tax increases somehow equates to charitable giving or a life of service.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male
The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

White men have woke up to see a train coming down on the tracks and about to wipe out the nation ... white men are angry enough to stop it

Very good thing for the white men waking up
You can’t stop it. Diversity is already happening.

Nothing you white boys can do if the ceo says hire more women and minorities.

You idiots don’t understand these companies want to have a good public image. It doesn’t look good when the executives are all white.

My brother stopped being vp of hr and a woman took over. He stayed on to train her and help her. He didn’t want the vps job anymore. Too much work and pressure. Anyways, one year in another company stole her because they wanted a woman vp. They pay her double what she made at the other place. She also gave my brother a raise and stole him too but he doesn’t make what she makes.

But 9 out of her peers are white men.

“You can’t stop it”

There’s your answer in a nutshell.

Wrong dead wrong

A few white men stopped this diversity of the majority The founders

A few white men can STOP and control the majority of the unwise

History shows these universal laws

These universal laws can't be STOPPED!!
If you can’t hold it together because your horse lost a race you really are a puss.
I don’t think that’s why so many Republicans commit suicide. I think it’s because they have no education and without education in this country, you really have no future.
Look at all those rich people trying to get their kids into college. And Republicans think college is bad for America
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
Half the Democrats were against gay marriage and they convinced the other half that civil rights are a good thing.

RePublicans are white. I believe Republicans are not only against gay marriage, but I suspect many Republicans wouldn’t mind if something “happened“ to gay people.

You know what I mean?

No really, you KNOW what I mean.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
Half the Democrats were against gay marriage and they convinced the other half that civil rights are a good thing.

RePublicans are white. I believe Republicans are not only against gay marriage, but I suspect many Republicans wouldn’t mind if something “happened“ to gay people.

You know what I mean?

No really, you KNOW what I mean.

I suspect democrats wouldn't mind if "something" happened to white people. It's beyond suspicion. It's incontrovertible fact. They're blatant about their genocidal fantasies and completely unashamed.
The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

They were the good old days for everyone.
I loved those days. Poor men could find work that would pay a living wage. Enough money to buy a home and raise a family. Women didn’t have to work. Every man could provide for his family. Poor people were like Archie bunker or my grandparents

My grandfather was able to start a restaurant with very little money to start.

They got good interest on their savings. Healthcare was affordable. Labor laws, social security, Medicare, pensions, union job protections and wages. Low cost of living. The rich paid their fair share.
And medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Ah, how I miss the good old days.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
Half the Democrats were against gay marriage and they convinced the other half that civil rights are a good thing.

RePublicans are white. I believe Republicans are not only against gay marriage, but I suspect many Republicans wouldn’t mind if something “happened“ to gay people.

You know what I mean?

No really, you KNOW what I mean.

I suspect democrats wouldn't mind if "something" happened to white people. It's beyond suspicion. It's incontrovertible fact. They're blatant about their genocidal fantasies and completely unashamed.
That makes no sense. The majority of Democrats are white. They’re just the white people that Republicans despise.

Like gays and atheists and liberals and scientists and so on.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
Half the Democrats were against gay marriage and they convinced the other half that civil rights are a good thing.

RePublicans are white. I believe Republicans are not only against gay marriage, but I suspect many Republicans wouldn’t mind if something “happened“ to gay people.

You know what I mean?

No really, you KNOW what I mean.

I suspect democrats wouldn't mind if "something" happened to white people. It's beyond suspicion. It's incontrovertible fact. They're blatant about their genocidal fantasies and completely unashamed.
That makes no sense. The majority of Democrats are white. They’re just the white people that Republicans despise.

Like gays and atheists and liberals and scientists and so on.

Heaven's Gate, Jonestown, the Democrat Party...most American suicide cults are comprised of white people so what's you're point?
We’re you a stupid racist idiot who couldn’t shut your mouth when you were a Republican?

Sealybobo wrote-
I'm a Republican now

“I am declaring it here and now. I believe we are overpopulated and I believe Republican policies of personal responsibility are designed to deal with that problem.

So when poor people breed I'm not going to ask Republicans to feed them for free so they can keep having more. I'm going to ask the poor people to stop breeding.

If you can't afford private school don't have kids. If you don't have insurance don't have kids. If you don't have a job or husband don't have kids. We got too many now.

If you can afford to have kids have as many as you want.”
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I have never pulled the lever for the GOP. EVER!

What if you didn’t need free shit? Would you go Republican?

No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. ...

Typical hypocrite democrat lie. Everyone knows by now that you are nothing but a self-obsessed, greedy little shit-talking child.

Enthusiasm about taking other people’s money is not compassion. I’m not surprised you don’t understand it.
I have never pulled the lever for the GOP. EVER!

What if you didn’t need free shit? Would you go Republican?

No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. ...

Typical hypocrite democrat lie. Everyone knows by now that you are nothing but a self-obsessed, greedy little shit-talking child.

Enthusiasm about taking other people’s money is not compassion. I’m not surprised you don’t understand it.
So you are now going to tell me what's in my heart you fuck? I'm sorry but you can't empathize because you got that greedy conservative gene in you. Even though you are a teacher who cons hate, you are still one of them.

How about you and the pension you are going to get? Do you think you deserve one? Republicans don't. You stupid fuck.

Just shut up Dennis the Menace.
What if you didn’t need free shit? Would you go Republican?

No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. ...

Typical hypocrite democrat lie. Everyone knows by now that you are nothing but a self-obsessed, greedy little shit-talking child.

Enthusiasm about taking other people’s money is not compassion. I’m not surprised you don’t understand it.
So you are now going to tell me what's in my heart ...?.

You have made your personal feelings and lack of character very clear many times on this forum. Don’t whine and bitch about it now when you want to try to paint a different picture than the very clear photograph you’ve been spreading around for a long time. Everyone knows you are what you are a greasy greedy selfish little fuck who tells bullshit stories and expects people to believe them. Tell us more about your boat why don’t you? Tell some more about how much money you claim to make? Tell us some more about how you value money more than people. Tell us more about how you judge your own personal worth through objects. Tell us more about how you objectify women in your little imagination. Tell us more about how you have built your entire life on the principle of greed, personal greed. Voting for someone else to raise someone else’s taxes is not charity and it is not service to others, you hypocritical shallow empty piece of crap.
Last edited:
No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. ...

Typical hypocrite democrat lie. Everyone knows by now that you are nothing but a self-obsessed, greedy little shit-talking child.

Enthusiasm about taking other people’s money is not compassion. I’m not surprised you don’t understand it.
So you are now going to tell me what's in my heart ...?.

You have made your personal feelings and lack of character very clear many times on this forum. Don’t whine and bitch about it now when you want to try to paint a different picture than the very clear photograph you’ve been spreading around for a long time. Everyone knows you are what you are a greasy greedy selfish little fuck who tells bullshit stories and expect people to believe them. Tell us more about your boat why don’t you? Tell some more about how much money you claim to make? Tell us some more about how you value money more than people. Tell us more about her own you judge your own personal worth through objects. Tell us more about how you object if I women in your little imagination. Tell us more about how you have built your entire life on the Prince a bowl of greed, personal greed. Voting for someone else to raise someone else’s taxes is not charity and it is not service to others, you hypocritical shallow empty piece of crap.

Everyone? So now you speak for other people? What a hoot. Anyone who agrees with you is a loser or greedy rich person

So you don't believe I have a boat or make what I say I make? Thanks. Proof you are envious of my life. My life is so good you don't even believe it's true. Funny thing is I thought about telling you this morning I had sex with Belarus last night but it's getting old. So thanks for admitting that still sticks in your craw.

I value money more than you yes. If I were given a button and told to push it and that would kill you and give me $10K I'd push it. Even $1000. Maybe not $1000. That's too little and it would bother me. But $5K I'm pushing that button.

But you value money more than you do poor sick people. They should die your political phylosophy says if they can't afford the medicine. Isn't that true?

I think it's funny I side with black people here and you call me the racist. When we aren't in bizarro world it's usually the whites like you telling blacks they suck who are considered the racists but republicans can spin anything I guess. I guess because I think it's wrong that less than 1% of fortune 500 CEO's are black, that makes me the racist right? Go ahead and explain that loser.

I have to save more money. If I make $13,000 more taxable income than I did last year I'll be taxed at a higher bracket. And so far it looks like I'm going to make more than I did last year. How about you? So Trump has MAGA for me but not you.
No. Even if I was rich and didn't need medicare and social security I would remember where I came from and I would worry about the rest of you schmucks.

Just like a lot of liberal hollywood millionaires. They don't have that greedy gene
Hahaha...that’s funny shit. Sure you would.
“Hollywood millionaires” are LefTarded for one reason...their livelihood is dependent upon taxpayer dollars and population. They’re no different than public educators and most other government employees...No beaners = less population = less welfare dollars = fewer movie tickets bought.
Funny that would would think they’re motivated by compassion. Come on man, don’t dumb yourself down.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. ...

Typical hypocrite democrat lie. Everyone knows by now that you are nothing but a self-obsessed, greedy little shit-talking child.

Enthusiasm about taking other people’s money is not compassion. I’m not surprised you don’t understand it.
So you are now going to tell me what's in my heart ...?.

You have made your personal feelings and lack of character very clear many times on this forum. Don’t whine and bitch about it now when you want to try to paint a different picture than the very clear photograph you’ve been spreading around for a long time. Everyone knows you are what you are a greasy greedy selfish little fuck who tells bullshit stories and expects people to believe them. Tell us more about your boat why don’t you? Tell some more about how much money you claim to make? Tell us some more about how you value money more than people. Tell us more about how you judge your own personal worth through objects. Tell us more about how you objectify women in your little imagination. Tell us more about how you have built your entire life on the principle of greed, personal greed. Voting for someone else to raise someone else’s taxes is not charity and it is not service to others, you hypocritical shallow empty piece of crap.
Impuretrash and damaged eagle are the most racist people here. No wonder they hit WINNER on your comment.

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