POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
There you go again, racist democrat.
...you are going to vote for Trump in 2020 ...

...but you endorse Trump full throatedly.

Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"
Half the Democrats were against gay marriage and they convinced the other half that civil rights are a good thing.

RePublicans are white. I believe Republicans are not only against gay marriage, but I suspect many Republicans wouldn’t mind if something “happened“ to gay people.

You know what I mean?

No really, you KNOW what I mean.

I suspect democrats wouldn't mind if "something" happened to white people. It's beyond suspicion. It's incontrovertible fact. They're blatant about their genocidal fantasies and completely unashamed.
That makes no sense. The majority of Democrats are white. They’re just the white people that Republicans despise.

Like gays and atheists and liberals and scientists and so on.

Heaven's Gate, Jonestown, the Democrat Party...most American suicide cults are comprised of white people so what's you're point?
Oops. You made a mistake. Democrats have all kinds of members. Republicans are nearly all white. If anybody was the white party, it’s the GOP.
...you are going to vote for Trump in 2020 ...

...but you endorse Trump full throatedly.

Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Actually, if you take a look at the entirety of the USMB, it’s Democrats that most of the time are the ones posting the links and proving their positions. It’s Republicans who just make stuff up. But then again, look at their leader, trump. The guy has got to be the biggest liar on the planet.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"

This post should be copied and pasted over and over and over again. This depicts today filthy Left perfectly. GOOD JOB!
...you are going to vote for Trump in 2020 ...

...but you endorse Trump full throatedly.

Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.
Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Actually, if you take a look at the entirety of the USMB, it’s Democrats that most of the time are the ones posting the links and proving their positions. ....

Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Actually, if you take a look at the entirety of the USMB, it’s Democrats that most of the time are the ones posting the links and proving their positions. It’s Republicans who just make stuff up. But then again, look at their leader, trump. The guy has got to be the biggest liar on the planet.
We are even starting to master the art of dealing with constant liars and people who don't accept facts but instead accept alternative facts simply because they suit them.

Trump wouldn't care if the media lied if it lied for him. He only dislikes it because it's not favorable to him. And it shouldn't be. The press is our last line of defense.

Truth Sandwich: 1. Start with the truth. The first frame gets the advantage. 2. Indicate the lie. Avoid amplifying the specific language if possible. 3. Return to the truth. Always repeat truths more than lies.

So I'm trying to get these Republicans to say their bullshit so I can put it in a truth sandwich. Earlier this week I got them to admit that they believe the only reason blacks make up less than 1% of the CEO's in corporate America is because they aren't smart enough. No racism at play they say. No bias at all. Busted! Now why should any black vote for a racist party that thinks they are not smart enough to be leaders of business?
Ask an adult to help you read this:

I have never said who I have voted for, or who I am going to vote for in the future, you brainless POS. Everything you post here is lies and assumptions. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your hypocrisy and immorality.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Actually, if you take a look at the entirety of the USMB, it’s Democrats that most of the time are the ones posting the links and proving their positions. ....


This was from 2013. They all lie but Republicans lie more. Now go ahead and bash the source because you don't like the information contained within

PolitiFact rated Republican claims to be "false" or "pants on fire" three times more often than it rated Democratic claims that way this year, according to a new study. So: Does the GOP lie more? Is PolitiFact biased? Or do GOP liars — like fact-checking "dream" Michele Bachmann — get more attention?

A majority of Democratic claims were rated true; a majority of Republican claims were rated false. CMPA points out that PolitiFact found more Republican lies even in May — though there are three agency scandals facing the Obama administration: over the IRS targeting conservative groups, over the State Department's talking points about Benghazi, and over the Justice Department's investigation into leakers. This month, 60 percent of Republican claims have been rated as lies, while 29 percent of Democratic claims have been.
Proof you are a troll who doesnt particulate normally here


Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.
No it's not racist to say racist things. You have to mean them. You have to believe you are superior to that race. I don't.

I don't lie. I can only guess what you think because you never say anything. You're just a troll who can only tell others they are wrong. You never answer any questions. So I can only guess about you dennis.

I bang hot young women. So what? I'm on a message board you idiot! Did I ever say that I just walk up and grab women's pussies? But you voted for Donald Trump who did admit that. If he was kidding then so was I. We cool?

I don't live like a greedy selfish person. I'm no republican. I don't want to cut social programs that help the poor but you do. I don't want them to cut teachers pensions and do away with your unions so you can be fired at any time and so you never get a raise again in your life.

In fact you should be fired for even discussing your pay with people you work with. That's between you and your employer. Telling other people what you make could get you fired or you might never get another raise ever again.

Anyways, I love it that you get mad that I have to fill in the blanks because you never answer a fucking question. I have zero respect for you and I don't give a fuck what you or your wierdo buddies here think of me. Whenever I see you doing what you do to other people here I usually side with them even if I don't agree with them. Why? Because you are a loser. LOL Never side with a loser.

Are you working this weekend? I'm not. Can't wait for the lake to thaw out so I can start boating again. I told you I banged belarus on Wednesday? Yea I told you. She'll be 26 next month. Time to trade down. God that's sexist. You're such a man unkotare. Not.
Rich Democrats aren't even as greedy as you.

I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break.

You give the Democrats way too much credit but of course you do, you're a partisan shill. The way I see it, the Democrat party are slaves to popular culture and popular culture is shaped and crafted by the entertainment industry. For example, at least half of the Dems in DC were against gay marriage until it became trendy not to be. Now they have all jumped on this "trans" bandwagon, encouraging mentally ill people to undergo gruesome genital surgical procedures that cannot be undone.

Those are just two of the most egregious examples of how the left is hurting society. Nothing is more threatening to a leftist social justice warrior than an intact family unit comprised of a married man and woman who take their kids to church on weekends (especially if they're white). The left wants more single mothers, wants mom to break the shackles of the "patriarchy" and "find herself" by engaging in lots of loveless sex with multiple partners. If she gets pregnant, no big deal just get an abortion or three and if she later comes to regret it, just blame uptight conservatives for making her feel that way. "Abortion is beautiful honey, nothing to be ashamed about. Shout that abortion, girl!" The left thinks it's hilarious that young white dudes who grow up in their bizarro world are struggling and suffering. They gloat when these men commit suicide or get addicted to pain killers. "That will teach you to vote against your best interests"

This post should be copied and pasted over and over and over again. This depicts today filthy Left perfectly. GOOD JOB!

All I said was rich Democrats aren't as greedy as you guys. I know they are motivated by compassion because so am I. I make a lot of money still I don't want to raise taxes on the poor so I can get a tax break. What's wrong with what I said? And their reply was utter nonsense.

Yes, Democrats were against gay marriage until they realized most of their constituents realized it was wrong and came around. Has gay marriage ruined society? Not last time I checked. Has a tranny molested a girl in a bathroom since you guys started talking about it in 2016? All you tough dads can't even spot the tranny.

Do you remember when Republicans were for jobs American's wouldn't do, NAFTA and buying cheap shit from China so Walmart could pass on the savings to consumers? I do.

Remember when it was the Republicans who freed the slaves? That was hundreds of years ago. Parties change.

Anyways, politicians are not supposed to be leaders. They don't decide for us what they think is right and wrong. They run on a platform. They tell us what their positions are. If their constituents don't approve of gay marriage then they better do what their constituents tell them they want or else they aren't reprenting them.

Politicians aren't supposed to be leaders. They take a poll and see what their constituents want and hopefully they do what their constituents want, not some lobbyist.
Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
Actually, if you take a look at the entirety of the USMB, it’s Democrats that most of the time are the ones posting the links and proving their positions. ....


.....go ahead and bash the source because you don't like the information contained within


Only someone who knows the source is biased feels the need for such a disclaimer.
Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.
No it's not racist to say racist things. You have to mean them. ....


You couldn’t make this shit up. What a shameless, unrepentant, transparent racist douche. “Oh no, I don’t mean it!” Please.
Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.

I don't lie. ...


It’s all you ever do, low-life.
Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.

I don't live like a greedy selfish person. ....

_ bullshit. You have spent hundreds and hundreds of posts here essentially boasting of living a selfish greedy life. You are a shallow classless non-person.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows
women who may be depressed are welcome to a full body massage with happy ending to help overcome it!
Because YOU are a liar and a racist? Yeah, that makes so much sense...
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.

...I banged belarus on Wednesday? ....

And there you have it. Now this clown will claim that he’s not sexist. You could not objectify a woman more than this. “Bang” is a term no one but 13-year-old boys use when they are imagining something that they’re just not doing. Not even referring to a person by name or any kind of individual characteristics, just by a nationality, could not be more disrespectful and dehumanizing. What a lowlife son of a bitch. Those are the words of a nasty little boy, Not a man.
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.

I don't live like a greedy selfish person. ....

_ bullshit. You have spent hundreds and hundreds of posts here essentially boasting of living a selfish greedy life. You are a shallow classless non-person.
I’m going bowling with my 20 something buddy from the dog park. His girlfriend he picked up at the dog park and my Belarusian babe. I love it when my poker buddies playing charity poker at the bowling alley see me walk in with two beautiful girls in their 20s.
You are unkotare and I’ve proven it over and over

You have never proven anything but your own lack of character. Typical democrat.
You know what they say. School you once, shame on you. School you 100 times and you don't participate in normal conversations with any of us, shame on us for even replying back to your sorry ass.

You're wrong is not a reply. You're a racist is not a reply.

It's not racist to wonder why you are fascinated with asian mens feet.

It’s racist to employ racial epithets - ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and to repeat racist insults and generalizations.

It is dishonest to lie and attempt to misrepresent others.

It is sexist to talk about women like an adolescent boy intimidated by women trying to cover (or avoid his true orientation) by talking about them like pieces of meat.

It is morally bankrupt to live like a greedy, selfish child.

All of the above are all you are about - and nothing more.

...I banged belarus on Wednesday? ....

And there you have it. Now this clown will claim that he’s not sexist. You could not objectify a woman more than this. “Bang” is a term no one but 13-year-old boys use when they are imagining something that they’re just not doing. Not even referring to a person by name or any kind of individual characteristics, just by a nationality, could not be more disrespectful and dehumanizing. What a lowlife son of a bitch. Those are the words of a nasty little boy, Not a man.
You want me to say her name?

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