POLL: Qanon: Do you follow it?

Do you follow and agree with Qanon?

  • 1. Yes

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • 2. No

    Votes: 38 70.4%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about Mac again.

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • 4. Caramel Apple

    Votes: 8 14.8%

  • Total voters
The difference/problem is that social media multiplies it by a factor of about a zillion
And here you are giving an organization pretty much nobody has heard of, free advertising.
This thread gets a multiplyer rating of 150.
It's a lie that "pretty much nobody has heard of" it.

But thanks for trying.
Another response to me with no condemnation of Antifa.

Why is it impossible for you to condemn Antifa or BLM

So why do you condemn President Trump

We condemn President Trump because he's a liar, and a proven criminal who crashed the economy, completely mismanged the pandemic response resulting in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying needlessly. An estimate 200,000 more of them will die by February 1st.

You want leftists to condemn violence, while your President is telling lawless right wing thugs to "stand back and stand by". He won't even utter the words "right wing terrorist". They're just "sick individuals". Trump has not only refused to condemn right wing terrorists, he is openly encouraging them.

The left has condemned the violence, looting and property damage in the riots, however neither BLM nor anti-fa is responsible for the violence. Nearly all of those arrested are RIGHT WING anarchists seeking to start a second civil war or a race war. You and Trump keep trying to claim the left is responsible.

For years, you condemned "taking a knee" and demanded the NFL players who did it be fired. For 40 years the Republican Party has undermined civil rights for minorities, including the right to vote. When you refused to acknowledge or accept the peacefull protests to address the legitimate grievances and inequality for years and years, people lose patience and riot.

But the fight for justice and equal rights will go on.
Your vote will not be displayed publicly, so please feel free to be honest.

And up front, let's agree to the FACT that Qanon is NOT just about pedophilia. It includes cannibalism, Satanism, bin Laden, famous people, conspiracies, coverups, the SEALS, and much more.

No games. If you want to pretend (like Trump) that you don't know what it is, YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET. LOOK IT UP. Just tell me if you follow it, at least in part.
Mac, I looked it up. I found a searchable archive of Q's posts.

Cannibalism - 0 results :shock:
Satanism - 0 results :shock:

Looks like the Democrats and the fake news media are lying to us again. I'm shocked. Absolutely SHOCKED!

Ah, you "looked it up".

Got it.
Yes I looked it up. Why didn't you look it up before you started a thread on the subject?

The difference/problem is that social media multiplies it by a factor of about a zillion
And here you are giving an organization pretty much nobody has heard of, free advertising.
This thread gets a multiplyer rating of 150.

So "nobody" watched the Presidential and vice-presidential debates where discussions of Q-anon were featured prominently. When the President is amplifying their message. I live in Canada and we have an entire Q-anon faction posting this garbage on our little town's FaceBook Page. This morning one of them accused me of supporting pedophilia.
It's a political cult. It's nothing new, it's a very old kind of thing that went out when secret societies fell into disrepute.
Even if that were true ...

It is irrelevant.

What is relevant ....

What is New about this ....

Is the Lett's opposition to it .... and the Left's push to normalize pedophilia.

Never in the history of this Great Nation have we seen such an abomination.
And you still haven't. The very idea is ludicrous. There is no more defenseless and loathed individual in western society than a pedophile. There is not a one of them that is under the impression that anyone wants to make what they do acceptable. There are cases where large numbers of people knew it was going on and did nothing about it. Churches, scouts, sports and youth groups are pedophile paradise where they hide behind a mask of conservative respectability to dupe parents into letting them have their children.
Your vote will not be displayed publicly, so please feel free to be honest.

And up front, let's agree to the FACT that Qanon is NOT just about pedophilia. It includes cannibalism, Satanism, bin Laden, famous people, conspiracies, coverups, the SEALS, and much more.

No games. If you want to pretend (like Trump) that you don't know what it is, YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET. LOOK IT UP. Just tell me if you follow it, at least in part.
Mac, I looked it up. I found a searchable archive of Q's posts.

Cannibalism - 0 results :shock:
Satanism - 0 results :shock:

Looks like the Democrats and the fake news media are lying to us again. I'm shocked. Absolutely SHOCKED!

Ah, you "looked it up".

Got it.
Yes I looked it up. Why didn't you look it up before you started a thread on the subject?

Just curious. It's been a fascinating thread so far, and I appreciate your (anticipated) reactions.
Several years ago, when I realized that Comey, Clapper and Brennan were complete anti-American traitorous scumbags and wondered why some Special Agents at say, the FBI didn't perpetuate workplace violence on their corrupt leadership. My brother pointed out that I should look up Q Anon as they purported to be the few remaining "Good guys" at the intel agencies.

Some days I think they're legit, most days I think they're a LARP
Your vote will not be displayed publicly, so please feel free to be honest.

And up front, let's agree to the FACT that Qanon is NOT just about pedophilia. It includes cannibalism, Satanism, bin Laden, famous people, conspiracies, coverups, the SEALS, and much more.

No games. If you want to pretend (like Trump) that you don't know what it is, YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET. LOOK IT UP. Just tell me if you follow it, at least in part.

I was curious in the beginning so I paid attention. As time went on though a curious thing happened. Nothing.
Another response to me with no condemnation of Antifa.

Why is it impossible for you to condemn Antifa or BLM

So why do you condemn President Trump

We condemn President Trump because he's a liar, and a proven criminal who crashed the economy, completely mismanged the pandemic response resulting in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying needlessly. An estimate 200,000 more of them will die by February 1st.

You want leftists to condemn violence, while your President is telling lawless right wing thugs to "stand back and stand by". He won't even utter the words "right wing terrorist". They're just "sick individuals". Trump has not only refused to condemn right wing terrorists, he is openly encouraging them.

The left has condemned the violence, looting and property damage in the riots, however neither BLM nor anti-fa is responsible for the violence. Nearly all of those arrested are RIGHT WING anarchists seeking to start a second civil war or a race war. You and Trump keep trying to claim the left is responsible.

For years, you condemned "taking a knee" and demanded the NFL players who did it be fired. For 40 years the Republican Party has undermined civil rights for minorities, including the right to vote. When you refused to acknowledge or accept the peacefull protests to address the legitimate grievances and inequality for years and years, people lose patience and riot.

But the fight for justice and equal rights will go on.
LMAO @ the psycho shit you Leftist believe.
So "nobody" watched the Presidential and vice-presidential debates where discussions of Q-anon were featured prominently. When the President is amplifying their message. I live in Canada and we have an entire Q-anon faction posting this garbage on our little town's FaceBook Page. This morning one of them accused me of supporting pedophilia.
There's a shocker ......
No games. If you want to pretend (like Trump) that you don't know what it is, YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET. LOOK IT UP. Just tell me if you follow it, at least in part.
Why the hell should I do that........I don't give a damn if people are using a Star Trek term for some Social Media BS........I don't care about LABELING........Which is what you are doing now.

The CIA used this tactic along time ago..........anyone finding shit they are doing is LABELED a Conspiracy Theory nut......to be trashed ............

This is no different......Just like WOKENESS........LMAO.........which Moron came up with that Label.....LOL
No games. If you want to pretend (like Trump) that you don't know what it is, YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET. LOOK IT UP. Just tell me if you follow it, at least in part.
Why the hell should I do that........I don't give a damn if people are using a Star Trek term for some Social Media BS........I don't care about LABELING........Which is what you are doing now.

The CIA used this tactic along time ago..........anyone finding shit they are doing is LABELED a Conspiracy Theory nut......to be trashed ............

This is no different......Just like WOKENESS........LMAO.........which Moron came up with that Label.....LOL
Excellent. As I would have expected.
Never heard of it till the media and internet lefties started making a big deal out it I know nothing about it don't follow it don't care about it never have never will.
Because they probably created it out of thin air......LIKE WOKENESS......

It's all about Psychology labels..........and using it to attack people.
Same as the Tin Foil Hat awards.........Conspiracy nuts......they just change the names............the game is the same.
And you still haven't. The very idea is ludicrous. There is no more defenseless and loathed individual in western society than a pedophile. There is not a one of them that is under the impression that anyone wants to make what they do acceptable. There are cases where large numbers of people knew it was going on and did nothing about it. Churches, scouts, sports and youth groups are pedophile paradise where they hide behind a mask of conservative respectability to dupe parents into letting them have their children.
See comment #106

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