POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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You are a fool and have no idea what you are talking about. Trump may very well go down in history as one of our best Presidents.....once we have enough distance in time for him to be critiqued accurately.

He'll likely be impeached. Then end up in prison. You support criminals and corruption, this is where you end up, whether there's a D or R next to your name.
From your post to GODs ear
But all his little kiss asses in the senate won't let that happen A complete disregard for country in favor of their political health
One wonders what exactly a person such as Trump really wants, really thinks he can achieve? He is very close to the end of life. What are his motivations now?


it ALWAYS been about money.
And when they say it's not about money ,,it's about money We have a lifetime crook in our WH now and nothing is beyond him scheming for more
And every other president did not like money?
Since Nixon ,,not to the point of spitting on emoluments clause and not afraid to prove it by showing their taxes
So you would impeach for THAT, but not for attacking the wrong country and killing and wounding thousands of Americans??

in name only.

Says the man not respecting the election.

he was 'elected' all right. i never denied that, although i prefer the term 'installed' because it is far more fitting a description.


respecting a pussy grabbing dotard, who bends over for anybody that gives him praise, to the point of becoming a traitor to his own country, is a whole other matter, cartoon boy.

Like I said, says the man not respecting the election.

Even if he was as bad as you hysterical loons say he was,

you would still be worse for the country, with your refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

And of course, nearly all of your complaints are insane delusions.

lol... trying to CONvince yerself again, cartoon boy? just cause you say it, doesn't make it fact & projection is something donny has also taught you well.

carry on, freakazoid.... carry on.
That was a stupid post-clean it up!


in name only.

Says the man not respecting the election.

he was 'elected' all right. i never denied that, although i prefer the term 'installed' because it is far more fitting a description.


respecting a pussy grabbing dotard, who bends over for anybody that gives him praise, to the point of becoming a traitor to his own country, is a whole other matter, cartoon boy.

Like I said, says the man not respecting the election.

Even if he was as bad as you hysterical loons say he was,

you would still be worse for the country, with your refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

And of course, nearly all of your complaints are insane delusions.

lol... trying to CONvince yerself again, cartoon boy? just cause you say it, doesn't make it fact & projection is something donny has also taught you well.

carry on, freakazoid.... carry on.

Let's deal with your first "point" and see who is projecting.

"Pussy Grabber" stated with the assumption that it was a sexual assault.

He was an old successful man, telling much younger men, about how women treat rich and famous men.

He stated that women "let" you do that.

Your insanity, is more layered than an onion.

1. "let" is consent.

2. He did not personally say he did it.

3. He is an older man and a well known braggart, bragging to younger men about sex.. Taking him literally on that, is insane. Literally insane.

The vast majority of the complaints you hysterical lefties have about Trump are like that. Complete shit built on foundations of crazy.

ANd you are destroying the concept of peaceful transfer of power.

If you make peaceful change impossible, what are asking for?

wow. just wow. wipe the cheeto dust off your lips. donny has always thought he could do what he wanted, when & how whether it was with women, conning, or america's institutions.

you are certifiable & that's one hell of a broken record skipping ad nauseum inside that cray cray head of yours. lol... here - let this sink in.

Trump records 'strongly corroborate' sex assault claims, accuser says
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One wonders what exactly a person such as Trump really wants, really thinks he can achieve? He is very close to the end of life. What are his motivations now?


it ALWAYS been about money.
And when they say it's not about money ,,it's about money We have a lifetime crook in our WH now and nothing is beyond him scheming for more
And every other president did not like money?

who has been sued & lost against fraud? who has lost suits because they don't pay their bills? who tried suing & lost an eminent domain case against an old woman so they can increase their c-a-s-i-n-o parking lot so there would be more m-o-n-e-y in their pocket?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa........... try finding any body else even close to that, other than donny from queens.
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Says the man not respecting the election.

he was 'elected' all right. i never denied that, although i prefer the term 'installed' because it is far more fitting a description.


respecting a pussy grabbing dotard, who bends over for anybody that gives him praise, to the point of becoming a traitor to his own country, is a whole other matter, cartoon boy.

Like I said, says the man not respecting the election.

Even if he was as bad as you hysterical loons say he was,

you would still be worse for the country, with your refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

And of course, nearly all of your complaints are insane delusions.

lol... trying to CONvince yerself again, cartoon boy? just cause you say it, doesn't make it fact & projection is something donny has also taught you well.

carry on, freakazoid.... carry on.
That was a stupid post-clean it up!

But all his little kiss asses in the senate won't let that happen A complete disregard for country in favor of their political health

not unless it's laid out plain & simple thru open hearings - they are being scheduled right now for perhaps mid nov. if it's so blatant with some real good witness', then public outcry combined with undeniable proof just might make them do it. a crap load of (R) senators' seats are up this time for re election & it might be a matter of being on the right side of history.
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he was 'elected' all right. i never denied that, although i prefer the term 'installed' because it is far more fitting a description.


respecting a pussy grabbing dotard, who bends over for anybody that gives him praise, to the point of becoming a traitor to his own country, is a whole other matter, cartoon boy.

Like I said, says the man not respecting the election.

Even if he was as bad as you hysterical loons say he was,

you would still be worse for the country, with your refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

And of course, nearly all of your complaints are insane delusions.

lol... trying to CONvince yerself again, cartoon boy? just cause you say it, doesn't make it fact & projection is something donny has also taught you well.

carry on, freakazoid.... carry on.
That was a stupid post-clean it up!



One wonders what exactly a person such as Trump really wants, really thinks he can achieve? He is very close to the end of life. What are his motivations now?


it ALWAYS been about money.
And when they say it's not about money ,,it's about money We have a lifetime crook in our WH now and nothing is beyond him scheming for more
And every other president did not like money?

who has been sued & lost against fraud? who has lost suits because they don't pay their bills? who tried suing & lost an eminent domain case against an old woman so they can increase their c-a-s-i-n-o parking lot so there would be more m-o-n-e-y in their pocket?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa........... try finding any body else even close to that, other than donny from queens.
One wonders what exactly a person such as Trump really wants, really thinks he can achieve? He is very close to the end of life. What are his motivations now?


it ALWAYS been about money.
And when they say it's not about money ,,it's about money We have a lifetime crook in our WH now and nothing is beyond him scheming for more
And every other president did not like money?

who has been sued & lost against fraud? who has lost suits because they don't pay their bills? who tried suing & lost an eminent domain case against an old woman so they can increase their c-a-s-i-n-o parking lot so there would be more m-o-n-e-y in their pocket?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa........... try finding any body else even close to that, other than donny from queens.

The new sheriff in town,, Putin,, and it cost him nothing Thank you President Dump
Putin is still better than the best democrat the democommiecrats can spit out.
tip this typsy

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Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll
A Pew Research poll released yesterday says that most Americans rank former President Barack Obama as the best president of their lifetimes.
The new sheriff in town,, Putin,, and it cost him nothing Thank you President Dump
Putin is still better than the best democrat the democommiecrats can spit out.
tip this typsy

About this website


Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll
A Pew Research poll released yesterday says that most Americans rank former President Barack Obama as the best president of their lifetimes.

To say otherwise is a hate crime.
I have no problem with third world people whose culture is similar to ours.
---------------------------------- yep , somali muslims probably fit you to a ' T ' Andy .

You should be able to be friendly to anyone. If you can't, that reflects badly on you, not the Muslim.

That said, I do think we should discourage those that have completely opposing cultures.

I feel real bad for people who come here with a completely opposing culture.
---------------------------------------- if a person WANTS to be friendly eh ,

Most of them are friendly Pismoe. The percentage of these new comers being violent are very low.
I am scared of white dude doing all these massacres than these new comers.
Just because they don’t dress like you and different religions doesn’t mean they did not assimilate.
---------------------------------------------------------------- and even if they are friendly one of the problems is that they VOTE . Therefore they subvert the WILL of Americans . Who ever would think that 'third worlders ' imported into Minnesota from 'somalia' would advocate for ' sharia law' in the USA Charwin .---------------------- and besides that , 340 million in the USA is too many people , imo , no matter who they are Charwin .

As long as they are US citizens they are allowed to vote too Pismoe.

Like I told you before. You are so scared of these minorities. That you probably look outside from your windows if you see any minorities. You shut your window. If there’s none. You quickly run to your car Pismoe.

At the grocery you wait for a white cashier Pismoe. This means they won Pismoe.
Don’t worry Pismoe these Muslims doesn’t play bingo ( I think ) at retirement center or home care Pismoe. PISMOE.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

It requires eternal vigilance and requires both sides to recognize the threats.

Right now the Left refuses to see the threats among them.

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