Poll: should the Democrats use their new majority to be about dealmaking or be about ballbreaking?

state your answer and why!

dealmaking. Putting people in jail is fun, but would the world have been that different if Nixon went to jail in 1983 after a decade of trials?

Also, having to make deals will slow down government. Our system needs tweaked not reworked.
Democrats can walk and chew gum.

They like diversity.

They can do both.

Do what's good for Americans.

And stop criminals abusing the system.

The Trumpanzees brag about how big the Orange Turd's balls are, they'll make a YUGE splash when Mueller stomps on them...
truth is while I'd love them to get together know no matter how bi partisan dems are repubs will always shit on them ,,,,So treat repubs exactly how they'd treat us
state your answer and why!
They will start their walk to power by starting 66 investigation into Trump and the Repubs, and spend about half a billion dollars in doing so. The after a year of sniping their wheels, starting running for Office in the 2020 elections. Laws will be passed to be killed off in the Senate. (I hope) The Border problem will never be looked at or fixed. The Mexico will attack Calif, and NM. Mexico will seup new borders and Congress will complain.
state your answer and why!
They will start their walk to power by starting 66 investigation into Trump and the Repubs, and spend about half a billion dollars in doing so. The after a year of sniping their wheels, starting running for Office in the 2020 elections. Laws will be passed to be killed off in the Senate. (I hope) The Border problem will never be looked at or fixed. The Mexico will attack Calif, and NM. Mexico will seup new borders and Congress will complain.
So you mean you expect them to behave like Republicans?

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