Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 90.3%

  • Total voters
Mayor de Blasio was democratically ELECTED - the police union thugs were not.
Pretty sure union bosses (aka representatives) are elected by the workers they represent.

Just think about how stupid that statement is with regard to the election of a mayor.
you said Democratically elected.....if the union "thugs" were elected by the rank and file....they were Democratically elected....and by the way Lakota....using the phrase...."Union Thugs" makes you sound like those right wingers you like to call "NaziCons".....you never had me fooled....i always pegged you for a hypocrite....
no comment on what i said Chief?....

Duh, they weren't elected by the citizen voters of New York City. They are "insiders" protecting their own turf.
Duh....you said Democratically elected which they were.....next time learn what the words mean that you use before you use them.....now want to comment on what else i said?.....i notice you stopped right there.....here let me say it again......using the phrase...."Union Thugs" makes you sound like those right wingers you like to call "NaziCons"....care to comment?....or am i right in assuming you are one of those "NaziLibs"....
I have no issues with what the NYPD did, even though they looked like a bunch of children.
Just honest, hard-working Americans, who put their lives and their families' futures on the line every day to an extent unknown to you and I, invoking their God-given and Constitutional right to protest their implicit betrayal by their civilian leadership. It wasn't a child-like act. It was the forceful, mature act of grown men and women with a legitimate beef. They are to be applauded for not taking-out their frustration on the City by resorting to Blue Flu or some-such work-impeding tactic. Good for them.

They made their displeasure known in the most effective possible way - sufficient to catch the attention of the entire country and the world at-large... far beyond the boundaries of their city.

A masterful public relations coup.
At least they didn't loot and burn their town down. Like those other mature protesters.
Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?
so no comment on Lakota doing the same thing suddenly calling Union leaders...."Thugs"?.....is that not the right winger thing to do?....just askin.....
Sooo, are hypocrite NaziCons now FOR unions after they were AGAINST them? Interesting...

Or, are they only FOR those unions that fit their NaziCon agenda?
1. what is a 'NaziCon'?

2. are there any hereabouts? and, if 'yes', whom?

3. in what way are they being hypocritical?

4. is it not possible to support a Union in some matters and to not support a Union in others?

The world is not black-and-white, but full of grey.

If I agree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue A, then I would probably support you with respect to issue A.

If I disagree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue B, then I would probably not support you with respect to issue B.

Does this diversity of support make me a hypocrite?


It means that I am doling-out my support to you selectively.. discriminately... intelligently... on an issue-by-issue basis... not as a blanket measure.

The way most grown-ups do things.

The way the Real World works.
...At least they didn't loot and burn their town down. Like those other mature protesters.
Sooo, are hypocrite NaziCons now FOR unions after they were AGAINST them? Interesting...

Or, are they only FOR those unions that fit their NaziCon agenda?
1. what is a 'NaziCon'?

2. are there any hereabouts? and, if 'yes', whom?

3. in what way are they being hypocritical?

4. is it not possible to support a Union in some matters and to not support a Union in others?

The world is not black-and-white, but full of grey.

If I agree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue A, then I would probably support you with respect to issue A.

If I disagree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue B, then I would probably support you with respect to issue B.

Does this diversity of support make me a hypocrite?


It means that I am doling-out my support to you selectively.. discriminately... intelligently... on an issue-by-issue basis... not as a blanket measure.

The way most grown-ups do things.

The way the Real World works.

For your reading pleasure:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
Sooo, are hypocrite NaziCons now FOR unions after they were AGAINST them? Interesting...

Or, are they only FOR those unions that fit their NaziCon agenda?
1. what is a 'NaziCon'?

2. are there any hereabouts? and, if 'yes', whom?

3. in what way are they being hypocritical?

4. is it not possible to support a Union in some matters and to not support a Union in others?

The world is not black-and-white, but full of grey.

If I agree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue A, then I would probably support you with respect to issue A.

If I disagree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue B, then I would probably support you with respect to issue B.

Does this diversity of support make me a hypocrite?


It means that I am doling-out my support to you selectively.. discriminately... intelligently... on an issue-by-issue basis... not as a blanket measure.

The way most grown-ups do things.

The way the Real World works.

For your reading pleasure:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
Ah, so you equate Republicans with Nazis... you equate Conservatives with Nazis... got it... thank you.

You are facing bigger personal problems than the mere political state of the country, I fear.

They need to go on strike until the Communist Mayor de Blasio resigns. It would probably take less than a week. They should get started immediately. Time is of the essence.
police should not be allowed to strike....same with Fire and Rescue people......

They generally aren't.
Sooo, are hypocrite NaziCons now FOR unions after they were AGAINST them? Interesting...

Or, are they only FOR those unions that fit their NaziCon agenda?
1. what is a 'NaziCon'?

2. are there any hereabouts? and, if 'yes', whom?

3. in what way are they being hypocritical?

4. is it not possible to support a Union in some matters and to not support a Union in others?

The world is not black-and-white, but full of grey.

If I agree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue A, then I would probably support you with respect to issue A.

If I disagree with what you are saying or doing in connection with issue B, then I would probably not support you with respect to issue B.

Does this diversity of support make me a hypocrite?


It means that I am doling-out my support to you selectively.. discriminately... intelligently... on an issue-by-issue basis... not as a blanket measure.

The way most grown-ups do things.

The way the Real World works.
what is a 'NaziCon'?
a NaziCon is ANYONE who Lakota doesnt agree with.....
I have no issues with what the NYPD did, even though they looked like a bunch of children.
Just honest, hard-working Americans, who put their lives and their families' futures on the line every day to an extent unknown to you and I, invoking their God-given and Constitutional right to protest their implicit betrayal by their civilian leadership. It wasn't a child-like act. It was the forceful, mature act of grown men and women with a legitimate beef. They are to be applauded for not taking-out their frustration on the City by resorting to Blue Flu or some-such work-impeding tactic. Good for them.

They made their displeasure known in the most effective possible way - sufficient to catch the attention of the entire country and the world at-large... far beyond the boundaries of their city.

A masterful public relations coup.
At least they didn't loot and burn their town down. Like those other mature protesters.
Don't get me started on those people. The "peaceful protestor" who tried to burn the QT down should be placed in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds.

The de Blasio family. I can understand why the Mayor wants to protect his son from police union thugs.

I wonder how he explains that to the cops that pick his son up from school and take him home or wherever he wants to go.
It is so hilarious to watch NaziCons defend union thugs!
its hilarious to watch you act like your a sane liberal....when you are no better than those you bad mouth....

That's an interesting observation - since you are one of those I "bad mouth"...
when i asked you to prove i am a nazi....how come even though i asked 3-4 times....you had no proof to offer?.....and yet i can prove you are the hypercritical dick everyone here says you are....this thread is one such proof...
Mayor de Blasio was democratically ELECTED - the police union thugs were not.
Pretty sure union bosses (aka representatives) are elected by the workers they represent.

Just think about how stupid that statement is with regard to the election of a mayor.
you said Democratically elected.....if the union "thugs" were elected by the rank and file....they were Democratically elected....and by the way Lakota....using the phrase...."Union Thugs" makes you sound like those right wingers you like to call "NaziCons".....you never had me fooled....i always pegged you for a hypocrite....
no comment on what i said Chief?....

Duh, they weren't elected by the citizen voters of New York City. They are "insiders" protecting their own turf.

I thought cops were citizens.
Disrespectful or the simple exercising of their 1st Amendment right to free speech?

Well, try that shit with your boss and see what happens.

If my boss told everyone that I could not be trusted to do my job, I would show him the same lack of respect that he showed me.
Vote with your feet then. I'd fire your ass in heartbeat.

I'd sue you and own your business.

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