Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 90.3%

  • Total voters
These NYC police union thugs remind me of the movie, Serpico, which was based on real-life NYC police corruption.

Frank Serpico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Police Are Still Out of Control - Frank Serpico - POLITICO Magazine

Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?

Notice the leftwing moron that is pro-union who wants to break one up because they dare to defy someone who has similar ideological motivations as them?

Aaahhh, that tolerant liberal approach to free speech: "Silence! I keel you!"

After you people blamed the demonstrations for getting the cops killed NOW you want to play the free speech card?

lol, how unsurprising is that?
It must be terribly hard for NaziCons to swallow a white mayor standing up for black justice.

It must be terribly hard for LeftistMorons to swallow a white Democrat mayor being dissed by his largely-minority police force . . . oh, wait. Leftists are bigots, so it's actually pretty easy for you to tell them uppity "little brown brothers" to sit down, shut up, and accept the wisdom of their white betters, right? Where the fuck do those peons get off, thinking they get to express opinions outside of what 'Massa' told them to have?
Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?

Notice the rapid shift of Conservatives to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it becomes clear that the Mayor betrayed his own police force, and that supporting the police in the face of such a betrayal is simply the right thing to do, and the American thing to do.

All fixed.
Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?

Notice the rapid shift of Conservatives to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it becomes clear that the Mayor betrayed his own police force.

All fixed.

He didn't. You're an idiot.
They need to go on strike until the Communist Mayor de Blasio resigns. It should take less than a week. They just get started immediately. Time is of the essence.

Mayor de Blasio was democratically ELECTED - the police union thugs were not.
Pretty sure union bosses (aka representatives) are elected by the workers they represent.

Just think about how stupid that statement is with regard to the election of a mayor.
you said Democratically elected.....if the union "thugs" were elected by the rank and file....they were Democratically elected....and by the way Lakota....using the phrase...."Union Thugs" makes you sound like those right wingers you like to call "NaziCons".....you never had me fooled....i always pegged you for a hypocrite....
no comment on what i said Chief?....
Chief, him big no spikka de English.
Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?

Notice the rapid shift of Conservatives to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it becomes clear that the Mayor betrayed his own police force.

All fixed.

He didn't. You're an idiot.
De Blasio did, indeed, betray his own police force... implicitly, to be sure, but quite clearly; meanwhile... thank you for your feedback.
Remember Scott Walker's battle with the public unions?

Remember how often we were told they should be outlawed?

Now you do. Now you remember. NOW, you RWnuts remember.
Notice the stampede of the RWnuts to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it suited their agenda in some other regard?

Notice the rapid shift of Conservatives to the other side of the labor/management issue the minute it becomes clear that the Mayor betrayed his own police force.

All fixed.

He didn't. You're an idiot.
De Blasio did, indeed, betray his own police force... implicitly, to be sure, but quite clearly; meanwhile... thank you for your feedback.

You're free to be wrong about as much as wish, as often as you wish.
Remember Scott Walker's battle with the public unions?

Remember how often we were told they should be outlawed?

Now you do. Now you remember. NOW, you RWnuts remember.
Doesn't matter.

That was then.

This is now.


The earlier battle was not over matters of life and death.

And the Betrayal by persons of High Office did not result in the assassination of two police officers.

Apples and oranges.

Nice try at deflection and distraction, though.


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