Poll Shows 96% Of Trump Supporters Would Vote For Him Again;Just 85% Of Clinton Supporters Feel Same

No wonder only 85% of Hillary voters say they would vote for her again - It seems like new Clinton Corruption is exposed every day. The fact just revealed that she hired the woman who worked for Jailbird Blago, who is - like the Clinton Administration - under multiple criminal investigations should come as no surprise to anyone. This top Clinton Foundation fund raiser's resignation is just another near-daily reveal of more shit the Clintons were involved in.
They polled people who voted . There's a HUGE well of people who didn't vote , but now regret it .

You mean the lazy & irresponsible? You figure that would boost these results for your Hillary?
New Poll Shows 96% Of Trump Supporters Would Vote For Him Again; Just 85% Of Clinton Supporters Feel The Same


Let me let you in on a little secret....

It's not working!!

You know why? Because the same poorly informed low class whiteys voters will vote for this dude again.
He has not fulfill most of his promises for the first 100 days, no taxreturns, his businesses are making money bc of his authority, sued and paid for fraud, pussy grabbing animal, pathological liar, we are in the BRINK of war -------NONE of those mater to stupid Americans. NONE.
Remember 96% means less than 63 millions that voted for him. With his massive massive rallies you would expect a record breaking voters at 90 millions at least but pathetically and anemically only 63 millions.
If election will be held today -------- Trump will be in a dumpster.

Dude, why do you blame white people for have a small unit? You could blame the blacks, who are bigger yet, but that doesn't "fit" the narrative huh?

Are you serious? High percentage of this dude supporters are whites. You can even see it who are in his rallies almost solid whites that it hurts my eyes.

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