Poll shows that most Americans - including independent voters - think Biden cares less about the middle class than previous presidents

Believe it or not, there are people out there like that. A late friend of mine went to get gas last summer when prices hit the $5.00 mark. She commented about it to the woman getting gasoline next to her. She replied "I don't care if gasoline hits $10.00 a gallon, as long as Trump is out of office!"
hey ray, the one thing that nutjob doesn't understand is that she will no longer eat or have a home.
what if it were made in a non union shop for cheaper?

You still haven't answered my question. Does the consumer pay more for products out of a company with a union shop following a pay increase?
If it was made cheaper in the US then there would be no need for a tariff would there?

And tell me how often a pay raise in any business results in the same increase as a tariff?

The Canadian Lumber tariff was 24% can you show me US product that had an overnight 24% increase in price because of a raise given to union workers?
The Canadian Lumber tariff was 24% can you show me US product that had an overnight 24% increase in price because of a raise given to union workers?

You need to show the prices went up 24%. You put the supposed tariff price. Show the product went up the same amount
Believe it or not, there are people out there like that. A late friend of mine went to get gas last summer when prices hit the $5.00 mark. She commented about it to the woman getting gasoline next to her. She replied "I don't care if gasoline hits $10.00 a gallon, as long as Trump is out of office!"
I know….I’m in Washington DC and surrounded by leftists. Part of the problem here is that they are mostly inflation-protected government workers, so they don’t care. They are exempt from the consequences of their vote.
You need to show the prices went up 24%. You put the supposed tariff price. Show the product went up the same amount

As a result, U.S. lumber importers are already backing off of Canadian soft lumber, driving up prices 22 percent
hey ray, the one thing that nutjob doesn't understand is that she will no longer eat or have a home.

If they really cared about that it wouldn't be a problem, Personal hatred is worth it to them, and I also hope the people suffering the most are Biden voters.

My father and I get together with my cousin about once a month. We're all political junkies, so of course the subject came up. My cousin and I are both hard right-wingers and my father switched parties when GW was President.

After some debate, I told my father "Pop, you always looked out for us. Now at 91 you're getting rid of money so the nursing home won't get it and me and my sister appreciate that. But what you don't realize is because you and millions like you supported Biden, me and my sister lost tens of thousands of dollars in our IRAs. You can't vote out of emotion, you have to vote what's best for your family and country!"

My father just stared out into space for several seconds and didn't respond. I just hope he remembers what I told him when he votes.

As a result, U.S. lumber importers are already backing off of Canadian soft lumber, driving up prices 22 percent

Maybe you should learn this stuff on your own I don't feel like covering an Econ 101 class for you
I do, perhaps your lack of education is hurting this discussion since you don't know what is actually happening. Just saying.

Jobs left this country because of salaries. The price added by the tariff offsets it. PERIOD. Econo 101.
I do, perhaps your lack of education is hurting this discussion since you don't know what is actually happening. Just saying.

Jobs left this country because of salaries. The price added by the tariff offsets it. PERIOD. Econo 101.
Tariffs raise consumer prices they always have and always will.

Tariffs do not save jobs

Tariffs kill jobs. To be more precise, tariffs kill jobs and raise prices for consumers
Tariffs raise consumer prices they always have and always will.

Tariffs do not save jobs

Tariffs kill jobs. To be more precise, tariffs kill jobs and raise prices for consumers
salary increases cause increase in prices. They balance each other.
salary increases cause increase in prices. They balance each other.
No they don't.

I have yet to see a salary raise increase prices to the same degree as a tariff does.

I already showed you how the Canadian lumber tariffs increased prices by 22% instantly you have yet to show me where a raises in any one company has done the same thing. And you won't be able to because not every producer of a product will raise salaries at the same time by the same amount.
Mr. Biden is an excellent example of "white privilege," as defined by Ms. Hillary.

Only in America could a mediocre individual like Mr. Biden become President.

Of course, he does not understand the financial suffering of ordinary Americans.

For example, he just visited Los Angeles, and it was reported that he condescended to visit a fast food restaurant where he tipped $40. He does not understand that being overly generous with tips only reminds ordinary folks how well off he is. He is totally clueless about the impact of inflation on ordinary folks.

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