POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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Anything else?
Canada is living off of its neighbor. Venezuela's neighbors are broke.
Okay, never mind. We can play this game all day, but I already know the answer.
Make your point then.
I have a job I have to deal with.
Sure, I'll say it yet again:

1. The Right doesn't realize that the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and it's their own fault. Just as the Left has diluted the term "racism" into nothing. Or anything.

2. Economic systems exist on a continuum. There are clear economic differences between Cuba and Canada, for example, and for some reason the Right won't admit it.
I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Canada is living off of its neighbor. Venezuela's neighbors are broke.
Okay, never mind. We can play this game all day, but I already know the answer.
Make your point then.
I have a job I have to deal with.
Sure, I'll say it yet again:

1. The Right doesn't realize that the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and it's their own fault. Just as the Left has diluted the term "racism" into nothing. Or anything.

2. Economic systems exist on a continuum. There are clear economic differences between Cuba and Canada, for example, and for some reason the Right won't admit it.
I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Social Democracy is a fraud.
It's just Progressives trying to make Socialism sound less threatening.
This is just as true for a socialist system of production as it is for a capitalist one. There is no distinction as you had previously suggested.

The difference is in how the value is determined for the whole and also for each part. In a socialist system it is not left to the whims of the market. It is determined by socially necessary labor time.

I didn't make any distinction other than the social side is people while the capital side is money.

It doesn't matter how you want to value anything ... Value isn't recognized until the sell.
How closely your investments are to the sell ... The closer you are to actual value.

It doesn't matter if you are socialist or a capitalist if you sell yourself short.
The market doesn't care what arbitrary value you want to assign to anything other than the sell and actual value ... :thup:

In a capitalist system value isn't determined until the sale due to market forces. But in a socialist system, the value is known before the sale. Market factors don't come into play. There is no selling yourself short, unless maybe you produce something with no use value.
Okay, never mind. We can play this game all day, but I already know the answer.
Make your point then.
I have a job I have to deal with.
Sure, I'll say it yet again:

1. The Right doesn't realize that the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and it's their own fault. Just as the Left has diluted the term "racism" into nothing. Or anything.

2. Economic systems exist on a continuum. There are clear economic differences between Cuba and Canada, for example, and for some reason the Right won't admit it.
I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Social Democracy is a fraud.
It's just Progressives trying to make Socialism sound less threatening.
Well, there ya go, that's my point.
Make your point then.
I have a job I have to deal with.
Sure, I'll say it yet again:

1. The Right doesn't realize that the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and it's their own fault. Just as the Left has diluted the term "racism" into nothing. Or anything.

2. Economic systems exist on a continuum. There are clear economic differences between Cuba and Canada, for example, and for some reason the Right won't admit it.
I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Social Democracy is a fraud.
It's just Progressives trying to make Socialism sound less threatening.
Well, there ya go, that's my point.
My understanding was you were blaming the right for this.
DEMOCRATS are trying to render Socialism Harmless.
I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right.

Socialism = Government owns means of production
Modern US Democratic Socialism = Righting social inequities by moving from capitalism to social control of production.
Sure, I'll say it yet again:

1. The Right doesn't realize that the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and it's their own fault. Just as the Left has diluted the term "racism" into nothing. Or anything.

2. Economic systems exist on a continuum. There are clear economic differences between Cuba and Canada, for example, and for some reason the Right won't admit it.
I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Social Democracy is a fraud.
It's just Progressives trying to make Socialism sound less threatening.
Well, there ya go, that's my point.
My understanding was you were blaming the right for this.
DEMOCRATS are trying to render Socialism Harmless.
I'm just saying the Right doesn't understand that they have so over-used the word that it now isn't scaring people. Just like the Left did with "racism". Once again, the two ends are similar in their behaviors.

Equating real socialism with democratic socialism is like equating conservatism with strict libertarianism. It's simplistic and shallow and just not accurate, but I guess that's the nature of partisan politics.
In a capitalist system value isn't determined until the sale due to market forces. But in a socialist system, the value is known before the sale. Market factors don't come into play. There is no selling yourself short, unless maybe you produce something with no use value.

Value is never known before the sell ... In any system.

Value can be speculated in any number of systems ...
But until you receive payment for goods or services, whether it be sell, trade or barter ...
It is only worth the combination of investments it represents.

There is no guarantee you will even recoup all the investment you put into the product ... That's what determines loss (ask Amtrak).

You can pretend something is worth whatever you want to pretend it to be ...
But until someone is willing to pay you something for it ... It isn't worth anything ... It is a product of cost (investment) alone.

No matter what you say ... A value of a rock still isn't a dollar until someone is willing to give you a dollar for it ... :thup:

If you want to make all that dollar, then pick up the rock, take it to market, advertise it and sell it.
But you will still be competing against someone who will pay someone else a dollar to pick up 10 rocks, they will then take to market, advertise and sell for 9 dollars (better deal).

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Value is never known before the sell ... In any system.
I'm speaking theoretically, I don't think it has ever been done in practice, but yes you can know the value before the sell in a socialist system. The value would be equal to the socially necessary labor time needed to produce the product.

How is it that out of all these people who feel they are able to speak on the defining qualities of socialism, none have the slightest understanding of Marx, the most prominent figure in socialist theory.
I'm speaking theoretically, I don't think it has ever been done in practice, but yes you can know the value before the sell in a socialist system. The value would be equal to the socially necessary labor time needed to produce the product.

How is it that out of all these people who feel they are able to speak on the defining qualities of socialism, none have the slightest understanding of Marx, the most prominent figure in socialist theory.

Go ahead and think you know the value of something before it is sold ...
I bet I could sell it for less and/or more.

You can know everything there is to know about socialism ...
But ... Try to trade it for a chicken at the grocery store and tell me what your speculated value is worth ... :thup:

I think you're only paying attention to part of what has been said, or you don't understand the context some try to convey.
Cuba is a Communist country, which cannot be compared to Canada. Canada is not a pure Socialist country, however they have flaws like any Socialist country. One of them is with their health care system, which to my understanding is inadequate for their needs. They can't handle a mass of refugees plugged into their system.
Well, it could certainly be that I don't understand the context.

I never hear the distinction between socialism and social democracy from the Right. There is a clear difference, but they're constantly conflated. So I'm not sure if these people don't understand the difference, or don't want to.
Social Democracy is a fraud.
It's just Progressives trying to make Socialism sound less threatening.
Well, there ya go, that's my point.
My understanding was you were blaming the right for this.
DEMOCRATS are trying to render Socialism Harmless.
I'm just saying the Right doesn't understand that they have so over-used the word that it now isn't scaring people. Just like the Left did with "racism". Once again, the two ends are similar in their behaviors.

Equating real socialism with democratic socialism is like equating conservatism with strict libertarianism. It's simplistic and shallow and just not accurate, but I guess that's the nature of partisan politics.
Let me remind you.......very little is discussed in the political discourse unless the media first brings it up.
This is by design.
When 9 years ago Obama tried to act like he wasn't a socialist.....now the Democrats are embracing it.
I still think it's an absolute loser for them.
It's not our fault that we constantly have to defend ourselves from these scam-artists on the left.
Move away from the fear of collectivist, redistributive policy and we now see markets flourish, jobs created and the economy booming.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?
When more Americans realize what Democrats are and what they want to turn the United States into is VENEZUELA more Democrats will begin to walk out on the new Democratic Socialist Party.

Pointing out that Liberals are Socialists isn't meant to 'SCARE' anyone ... It's meant to EDUCATE them.
Like our super low unemployment rate and lowest minority unemployment rate ever.

So you are saying we should ignore the no less than six recessions I've seen in my lifetime because, hey, Trump hasn't driven us into a recession yet? Is this your argument?

Because it's kind of retarded, even for you.
Nope my argument is capitalism = jobs.

There is no disputing it.
Nope my argument is capitalism = jobs.

There is no disputing it.

That's actually kind of a stupid argument.

The absolute best business in the world is the one that requires no employees. It's all profits!!! Employees are an expense. It's why they end up being the first thing cut when a recession breaks out.

You just aren't all that smart, are you?
Nope my argument is capitalism = jobs.

There is no disputing it.

That's actually kind of a stupid argument.

The absolute best business in the world is the one that requires no employees. It's all profits!!! Employees are an expense. It's why they end up being the first thing cut when a recession breaks out.

You just aren't all that smart, are you?
Capitalism is the economic engine of job creation. The only business requiring no employees is capital itself.

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