Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
As a far left democrat who thinks the election fraud idea was foolish, I think the capital takeover was great and should become an annual event.
Congress is neither democrat nor republican, but totally corrupt and out of control.
It needs to be reigned in or destroyed.

Examples of corrupt congress goes way back to the Spanish American War, but all wars were wrong and illegal since the War of 1812.
Then there are illegal laws like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, 3 strikes, etc.
And all the lying, like WMD in Iraq, anti communist propaganda, anti Islamic propaganda, illegal economic sanctions, etc.
Congress is about the biggest bunch of criminals all in one place.
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.
Bull shit. Democrats plants were everywhere and there's video proof of it. That's why you're hiding over 1,000 more hours of video.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
What murder? A criminal insurgent was shot attacking the seat of our government.
An UN ARMED AMERICAN CITIZEN was SHOT DEAD, and the KILLER is in HIDING. Why is that? Who shot her?

If it's so DESERVED, then why hide the murderer?

You're out to lunch.
What murderer? A capitol police officers did his/her duty.
An election was stolen. Patriots protested. End of story.
Not quite... there's still all the evidence and video that this was an inside job. It was planed by the Pelosi and the deep state within the FBI and other letter agencies. There's over 1,000 hours of video they refuse to release, along with the name of Ashli Babbett's murderer. What are they hiding? Sounds just like the election. There's no more corrupt pack of human filth on the planet than the democrat party of trash.
Totally agree that the FBI helped plan and coordinate the attack.
I haven't seen any proof that Pelosi was involved.
But you're not going to answer that way in the poll?
I’m not a Republican. I don’t necessarily support the GOP. I have no use for Donald J Trump. Therefore I could not vote that I’m a GOP supporter.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.

I believe it was the throat, perfect shot.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
What murder? A criminal insurgent was shot attacking the seat of our government.
An UN ARMED AMERICAN CITIZEN was SHOT DEAD, and the KILLER is in HIDING. Why is that? Who shot her?

If it's so DESERVED, then why hide the murderer?

You're out to lunch.
What murderer? A capitol police officers did his/her duty.
What capitol police officer? What's his name? Why does he need to hide?

So in your world, some government sap can knock your ass off with a bullet in the neck and no one will ever know who did it? That's OK with you?
"violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21"
You mean insurrection.
Insurrection? When was there an insurrection?
January the sixth, 2021.

Have you been under a rock? We all watched it live on tv.

Insurrection means to defeat the existing executive branch by destroying them with violence.
There was essentially no violence except what little the police allowed in order to cater to the demonstrators a little.
So then there was no insurrection by any stretch of the imagination.
Congress could have stood their ground any time they wanted.
But they deliberately played this up as if they were not really in total control.
But you're not going to answer that way in the poll?
I’m not a Republican. I don’t necessarily support the GOP. I have no use for Donald J Trump. Therefore I could not vote that I’m a GOP supporter.

Oh, that's too bad, I guess the OP could have made a more encompassing poll and just said "conservatives" I'd chalk you up to a yes.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
Agreed. At about 6' from the target anyone competent to use a pistol should have been able to put one in her shoulder instead of her heart.
At the very least that was manslaughter.

I believe it was the throat, perfect shot.
You're one sick mother fucker. Hope you catch lead in the throat and your killer is never named.
If you are willing to do the time for the crime. If crimes are being committed, arrests should be made. Not complicated.

I am anti-Trump and very left wing, but I saw no crimes.
Breaking someone's else's window for no reason is destructive and a crime.
But if you break a window over something more important, like a fire or a political fraud, then it is not a crime, especially if it is actually your window.
I condemn opportunistic asshole Dems who likened it to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Pure Dem propaganda while ignoring their months long multi city riots where looting, burning, attacks on police were almost nightly. Talk about the mother of all double standards.

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