POLL: Trump vs. Putin

How will the Putin/Trump meeting go?

  • Putin will put Trump on the defensive and play him like a toy fiddle.

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Trump will rise to the occasion and be brilliant.

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • It will essentially be a draw.

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Mango. Obviously.

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
What the photos of the G20 summit showed me is that Trump is actually a big guy. Putin looked small next to him.
What the photos of the G20 summit showed me is that Trump is actually a big guy. Putin looked small next to him.

I thinkin there's been a foreign policy change,and Putin will notice it.

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I just hope Putin doesn't return the reset button, the unused reset button.
Putin will praise him incessantly and Trump will spill out all our secret nuclear capabilities in response.
I don't think there's any doubt Putin will immediately try to get under his skin one way or the other. I saw a report yesterday on the various ways he's fucked with our people, from having a dog there when he knew Susan Rice doesn't like them, to making John Kerry wait for three hours. I'm sure there are stories about that during the Bush administration as well. He could certainly appeal to Trump's vanity, holy crap, and/or read a laundry list of Trump's quotes or history.

The article I linked is pretty scary.

Putin will play to his ego.

We've elected the most narcissistic man on earth. The way to get what you want from him is to tell him how great he is.
Agreed. Still better than Hillary, but agreed.
Well, here we go: Former head of the KGB, master manipulator Putin and President Donald Trump will meet face to face. What is your expectation?

How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker ‘Sociopathic Narcissist’ Trump
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no matter how the actual meeting goes i just want to remind you lefty Trump haters that TRUMP has got all of you guys and girls either by the short hairs or by yer tiny little 'balls' . :afro:
Trump will dominate the media. They'll have breathless, fake news coverage 24/7!! Meanwhile he is right where he belongs, center stage, under the lights, the star of the show.

He tweets, the Fake News Sheets!!! He plays these fools like a piano while they scratch their heads and wonder what the tune is.

The actual meeting is, like the entire phony "Russia" narrative, a giant nothing burger.
What the photos of the G20 summit showed me is that Trump is actually a big guy. Putin looked small next to him.
----------------------- course TRUMP is a big guy , 71 or more i think and he moved pretty good a few years ago when this was filmed . And yeah , i know its a wrasseling and rigged video and i am no wrasseling fan but TRUMP is no widdle skinny effete mrobama or 'justin trudeau' Freewill . --- ---
off topic perhaps but i like hearing and seeing reports on the news by the 'zeroic' media journaists that are annoyed because President Trump is attacking or pointing at them as Fake News on 'foreign soil' . Off Topic comment perhaps but still funny , as if THEY , American media deserve to be treated in a Special manner while on foreign soil .
If we were voting between Putin and Obama, I would put Putin as the better of the two. Putin, after all, isn't a traitor.

This isn't a discussion of the ****** Obama or the dyke Hillary Clinton.
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Trump will rise to the occasion and be brilliant.

And so he did.

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