POLL: Trump vs. Putin

How will the Putin/Trump meeting go?

  • Putin will put Trump on the defensive and play him like a toy fiddle.

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Trump will rise to the occasion and be brilliant.

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • It will essentially be a draw.

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Mango. Obviously.

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
What I don't see is a driving force that can bring this current culture down. Obviously something could rise up, I just can't see it.

When a culture is being split from within, into angry & competing grievance groups/micro-cultures at virtually level, yikes - something pretty powerful would need to happen.
IT is a complicated bundle of threads that you have to trace and follow like a snarled up ball of a dozen different spools of yarn but all from the same ream. In the US, the various churches and the fraternal ties of their associated colleges have been the predominate form of social leadership. The premiere group were 'Seven Sisters' of Anglican denominational spin offs that have run this country since colonial days.

Those days are coming to an end as the Seven Sisters are demographically committing suicide. They will most likely be replaced by the Roman Catholic church and its catholic brethren, the various Eastern Orthodox churches aligned with evangelical and Pentecostal allies.

This displacement of the Episcopalian church and its associate denominations with a rival catholic set is a huge change for this country, but the demographic dynamics are set in stone now and will not abate, leading to unavoidable change in our nations cultural leadership as a result.

We are seeing the cultural turn over already as the Establishment media is forfeiting much of its credibility in a vain effort to delegitimise a duly elected President. The Episcopal elite do not approve but they will find that they can do nothing about it and that will be the porcelain edge that shatters the crystal web of dominance the WASP elites have used to direct this nation culturally for centuries.

And we will see better times return to this nation afterwards.
naw , they all made way for the President . 'dickco markovic' of 'montenegro' even shined the Presidents extra pair of shoes Freewill .
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Putin will praise him incessantly and Trump will spill out all our secret nuclear capabilities in response.
Putin has over 20 years experience in International diplomacy. He speaks fluent German, English as well as Russian. He also speaks some French and Arabic languages. He is a trained lawyer with a doctorate in economics, a workaholic, and a student of history including US history. He is regarded as a shrewd political tactician and the strongest leader Russia has had since Stalin. He also has a net worth of at least 40 billion dollars and may be the richest man in the world which is quite an accomplishment for a boy born into poverty. To say he outclasses Trump is an understatement.

It is easy to be a billionaire when no one enforces the laws against you when you engage in insider trading, or even simple theft.

Patriots' Robert Kraft: Vladimir Putin stole my Super Bowl ring
In Mother Russia, stealing Super Bowl rings is sign of a good president.

Back in 2005 Patriots owner Robert Kraft was in Russia when a funny thing happened: Russian president Vladimir Putin stole his $25,000 Super Bowl XXXIX ring. Actually for the past eight years, Kraft had let everyone believe he gave the ring to Putin as a gift, but the truth came out this week: Putin stole it -- or took it without asking if 'stole' is too strong of a word for you.

"I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring,'" Kraft said at an event this week, via the New York Post. "I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."

Kraft might have helped America dodge World War III because instead of going after the ring, Kraft let Putin keep it -- at the insistence of the White House. Yes, someone at the White House called Kraft and insisted he let Putin keep the ring.

"It would really be in the best interest of US-Soviet relations if you meant to give the ring as a present," Kraft said he was told on the White House call. "I really didn't [want to]. I had an emotional tie to the ring, it has my name on it. I don't want to see it on eBay. There was a pause on the other end of the line, and the voice repeated, 'It would really be in the best interest if you meant to give the ring as a present.'"

Like any true Patriot, Kraft did what was best for his country and in this case that meant pretending that the Russian president didn't steal his Super Bowl ring.
Gawd danged George W Bush covering for his Russian mafia pals.
Interesting story. Although it seems unlike, I believe it. Putin is one of a kind, a really odd duck. He's smart, methodical, hates the US, and considers himself a true patriot who is ready for a new cold war.
"President Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe. Questions were asked about why the CIA & FBI had to ask the DNC 13 times for their SERVER, and were rejected, still don't have it. Fake News said 17 intel agencies when actually 4 (had to apologize). Why did Obama do NOTHING when he had info before election?

I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I've already given my opinion. We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!

Sanctions were not discussed at my meeting with President Putin. Nothing will be done until the Ukrainian & Syrian problems are solved!" - Mr Trump

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