POLL: Trump's America, 2025

What would America look like in 2025 after another Trump term?

  • 1. I don't care. I know my taxes would be lower, my gun rights would be intact, and we'd...

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • 2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering.

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • 3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 4. I don't want to answer. I just want to bitch about Mac. Again.

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • 5. Pineapple cheesecake bars. Yum.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
You don't reward children for their misbehavior
I'm not going to be coerced by a bunch of leftists terrorists, it time past time to put these son's a bitched down they start rioting shoot to kill.

Hey, dummy, it's because you've been "shooting to kill" that we have the rioting and the demonstrations to start with.

It's entirely possible that Trump could win again in November. That makes me wonder what our increasing divisions (primarily race & wealth) would look like when he left office in January 2025.

But this poll isn't about predictions. This is about what you want to see (regarding those divisions) America look like in January 2025.

To expand on the poll questions:
  1. I don't care. I'd have my taxes lowered, my gun rights intact, and we'd have a very conservative Supreme Court in place to control abortion, immigration, and other issues. PLUS, there would probably be a lot more violence from the Left in response, which would help us in the 2024 elections.
  2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering. I hope that by that time, enough people will have been marginalized, and demographics will have continued to change enough, that the American people are finally able to say "enough is enough" to this ugliness.
  3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess. Between the selfish, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism, and the PC - Identity Politics - Cancel Culture bullshit that is keeping people away from the Democrats, some reasonable voices will finally find significant traction.

Please feel free to go into detail. Your vote will not be visible.
Your poll is a ridiculous parody
You don't reward children for their misbehavior
I'm not going to be coerced by a bunch of leftists terrorists, it time past time to put these son's a bitched down they start rioting shoot to kill.

Hey, dummy, it's because you've been "shooting to kill" that we have the rioting and the demonstrations to start with.

View attachment 383037
Yeah that stupid meme is making it's rounds on Facebook and Twitter.
"you" is a foolish remark, insinuating that white people today are all in part guilty that someone killed MLK - and that is a perfect example of what is wrong with the black culrure, and how liberals fan the flames
It isn't unfair at all. I responded to a post stating that the GOP was catering only to white men. That is patently false. The media is controlling the narrative in this country and they are very left-leaning. The young and naive have always been Democrats. Women are being sold lies by the left-wing media. College educated are indoctrinated and that is very difficult to overcome. Religious folks are declining in this country, which will ultimately be our downfall.

In short, if people are educated and give up bronze age superstitions, you guys can't get your way anymore.

Here's the problem with GOP politics... If you take out all the race and religion BULLSHIT, and ONLY ran on your economic platform, who the fuck would vote for you?

Not the 40% at the bottom who have less than 1% of the wealth and need government programs to survive. probably not the middle 20% who only control 4% of the wealth. The next to top 20% control 8% of the wealth, but they have no real interest in the Rich Getting Richer while everyone else gets poorer.

So, yeah, MAYBE the top 20% have an interest voting for the Goons of Plutocracy.

The reality- the GOP only exists because it plays on the racial, sexual and religious fears of white people. And this works because it's easier to kick down than to punch up, if you are an angry person. Trump is just the last, toxic form of this misdirected anger. Hate the gays, hate the minorities, hate the uppity feminist... don't hate the rich whose greed is causing most of your misery.

From an economic standpoint, anyone that actually works for a living should vote for GOP, or at least against the Democrats. Democrats are always doing these comparisons between the top and the bottom as if there is a finite amount of wealth that can be had. Guess what, ANYONE can make it in the US. The fact that Bezo's is multitude's wealthier than me doesn't bother me one bit and in fact motivates me. To much of the left, it is all about envy, which is no surprise being so anti-religion and all.

From a social perspective, if you hate religion, as you clearly do, support criminal behavior and lawlessness, do not care about US sovereignty and are in favor of about every perversion known to man, then the Democratic Party should get your vote.

You are too far gone to help. My only hope is that those on the fence will see just how disingenuous and destructive the Democratic Party's platform really is.
You don't reward children for their misbehavior
I'm not going to be coerced by a bunch of leftists terrorists, it time past time to put these son's a bitched down they start rioting shoot to kill.

Hey, dummy, it's because you've been "shooting to kill" that we have the rioting and the demonstrations to start with.

View attachment 383037
Hey imbicle, you don’t get to ignore the law, attack police, and murder people with impunity because of the color of your skin.
Yeah that stupid meme is making it's rounds on Facebook and Twitter.
"you" is a foolish remark, insinuating that white people today are all in part guilty that someone killed MLK - and that is a perfect example of what is wrong with the black culrure, and how liberals fan the flames

Actually, it's kind of apt. Change happened in the 1960's not so much because Dr. King advocated passive resistance as the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening to burn everything down. And, yes, they all got killed, but white people at that time had the good sense to make enough changes to calm people down.

We actually are kind of guilty of what is going wrong.

The reason why cops are so abusive to the black community is because we've asked them to be. We've told them to get a handle on "Crime" without fixing any of the underlying causes - Poverty, Racism, Mental Illness, Addiction, and of course, the fact that it is way too easy for any fool to get his hands on a gun.

So when we see horrific stuff like George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, we all tsk, tsk, but it's not like we are going to fix any of the other problems.
Yeah that stupid meme is making it's rounds on Facebook and Twitter.
"you" is a foolish remark, insinuating that white people today are all in part guilty that someone killed MLK - and that is a perfect example of what is wrong with the black culrure, and how liberals fan the flames

Actually, it's kind of apt. Change happened in the 1960's not so much because Dr. King advocated passive resistance as the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening to burn everything down. And, yes, they all got killed, but white people at that time had the good sense to make enough changes to calm people down.

We actually are kind of guilty of what is going wrong.

The reason why cops are so abusive to the black community is because we've asked them to be. We've told them to get a handle on "Crime" without fixing any of the underlying causes - Poverty, Racism, Mental Illness, Addiction, and of course, the fact that it is way too easy for any fool to get his hands on a gun.

So when we see horrific stuff like George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, we all tsk, tsk, but it's not like we are going to fix any of the other problems.
Wow - that is amazingly stupid.
I mean... amazingly.
The irony, hypocrisy and just downright limited ability to process reality from you is just incredible.
Yeah that stupid meme is making it's rounds on Facebook and Twitter.
"you" is a foolish remark, insinuating that white people today are all in part guilty that someone killed MLK - and that is a perfect example of what is wrong with the black culrure, and how liberals fan the flames

Actually, it's kind of apt. Change happened in the 1960's not so much because Dr. King advocated passive resistance as the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening to burn everything down. And, yes, they all got killed, but white people at that time had the good sense to make enough changes to calm people down.

We actually are kind of guilty of what is going wrong.

The reason why cops are so abusive to the black community is because we've asked them to be. We've told them to get a handle on "Crime" without fixing any of the underlying causes - Poverty, Racism, Mental Illness, Addiction, and of course, the fact that it is way too easy for any fool to get his hands on a gun.

So when we see horrific stuff like George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, we all tsk, tsk, but it's not like we are going to fix any of the other problems.

You left out the part about personal responsibility. That is the first step, but Democrats have always hated that idea.

BTW, racism is not nearly as large of a problem in this country as you guilt ridden white Democrats have been told and poverty, mental illness, addiction and guns are not limited to minorities.
From an economic standpoint, anyone that actually works for a living should vote for GOP, or at least against the Democrats. Democrats are always doing these comparisons between the top and the bottom as if there is a finite amount of wealth that can be had. Guess what, ANYONE can make it in the US.

Actually, America has less economic mobility than the "Socialist" Europeans.


The fact that Bezo's is multitude's wealthier than me doesn't bother me one bit and in fact motivates me. To much of the left, it is all about envy, which is no surprise being so anti-religion and all.

You might have a point, but you are missing it. The DESIGN of the Religion of Naked Dude on a Stick is to get people to accept economic injustice on the promise of a happy afterlife. Jesus himself said the rich are all going to hell while the poor are going to heaven. (It probably helps if you don't actually read the Big Book of Bronze Age Lies). The idea is to keep the poor from demanding better... that was always the design.

Of course, I don't "envy" the rich. I have no desire to be like them. I couldn't imagine living in a mansion. I do actually think those who DO the work should enjoy more of the fruits of their labors than those who merely "invested".

From a social perspective, if you hate religion, as you clearly do, support criminal behavior and lawlessness, do not care about US sovereignty and are in favor of about every perversion known to man, then the Democratic Party should get your vote.

Again, you are kind of proving my point... What effect on your life does it have that two gay dudes are having the butt-sex? Or that some Mexican is coming here to do a shitty job you'd never stoop to doing? It doesn't.

As for crime,crime is the result of all the other problems we haven't solved.... poverty, racism, addiction, and of course, the fact that it is way too easy to get a gun in this country. The Europeans have kind of solved those problems (or never had them to start with because they didn't enslave people of color to do the dirty work)

You are too far gone to help. My only hope is that those on the fence will see just how disingenuous and destructive the Democratic Party's platform really is.

Meh, guy, I used to vote Republican... Then I realized that the social issues I used to get upset about were there to fool me.

RIDDLE ME THIS, BATMAN!!! Why is it abortion never gets banned, but the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts? Because the abortion issue was never about "Saving the babies". It was about getting stupid religious people upset so they vote against their own economic interests. The absolute last thing they would want is to actually ban abortion, have it fail miserably and then never be brought up again.
Wow - that is amazingly stupid.
I mean... amazingly.
The irony, hypocrisy and just downright limited ability to process reality from you is just incredible.

Well, you go off and enjoy your racism, son... The rest of us will get about fixing the country.
Dude - you are simply lost.
Out to lunch.
You have blinders on, your winger attitude is downright difficult to comprehend that you can sit there and write coherent, well structured sentences... yet what you write is so fallacious.
You left out the part about personal responsibility. That is the first step, but Democrats have always hated that idea.

CHeck your privilege.

BTW, racism is not nearly as large of a problem in this country as you guilt ridden white Democrats have been told and poverty, mental illness, addiction and guns are not limited to minorities.

That's partially true. The difference is, those other problems become amplified if you don't have white privilege.

I was having a discussion with my racist as shit brother, who blurted out these young black kids break the law because they don't have fathers and don't respect authority. I pointed out to him that despite the way we grew up, including Catholic Schools, HE still managed to get in a lot of trouble in his late teens. And mostly, his family bailed him out. Yes, he's a solid citizen NOW, but that was because of white privilege.

The poor black lady who lied about her address to get her kid into a less dangerous school got five years in prison, the rich white lady who bribed a university to get her underachieving daughter into better college got 11 days.

Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain got rehab for their addiction problems, poor black folks get prison.

I could go on and on... but you get the idea. Or maybe you don't because you are in denial.
Dude - you are simply lost.
Out to lunch.
You have blinders on, your winger attitude is downright difficult to comprehend that you can sit there and write coherent, well structured sentences... yet what you write is so fallacious.

No, I'm just not in denial like you are...

You look around at a country in flames and you try to pretend nothing is wrong.

I'm the guy looking for ways to put out the fires.
Since you were afraid to ask what would things look like if Biden won I will bring it up.
I asked a specific question.

If you're afraid to answer it, if you want change the subject, that's on you.

I wish those who are afraid to answer clear questions wouldn't try to derail the thread. You could just start a similar thread.
Funny you seem to be the one that is afraid of the US not changing to your view
The country is changing whether I like it or not. The question will be how we manage the change.

If you don't want to answer the question, don't answer the question.
You were not really seriously asking a question, you were just in for a little Trump bashing to help the dementia party and their candidate.
Actually, America has less economic mobility than the "Socialist" Europeans.

We have more economic mobility for those that want it and are willing to work for it. BTW, just because some dude spews some liberal pro-European anti-US mumbo jumbo on Wikipedia doesn't make it true. He is simply pulling the wool over your eyes, which is really easy to do with left-wingers. There is a reason people immigrate to this country. It is because of unprecedented economic opportunity. You know this deep down, but are too stubborn to admit fault with your liberal ideas. Like many who have turned from God, you worship your ideology(liberalism). Just as I become defensive when someone denounces God, Liberals become very defensive when any portion of their liberal ideals are challenged. I get the outrage, but it still doesn't negate the fact your ideology is destroying the US.

You might have a point, but you are missing it. The DESIGN of the Religion of Naked Dude on a Stick is to get people to accept economic injustice on the promise of a happy afterlife. Jesus himself said the rich are all going to hell while the poor are going to heaven. (It probably helps if you don't actually read the Big Book of Bronze Age Lies). The idea is to keep the poor from demanding better... that was always the design.

Of course, I don't "envy" the rich. I have no desire to be like them. I couldn't imagine living in a mansion. I do actually think those who DO the work should enjoy more of the fruits of their labors than those who merely "invested".

You do not understand the bible. Jesus never said (all) rich people are going to hell. The predominate theme is that you can't serve 2 masters. Clearly, you can be wealthy and still be a Christian. The bible does warn that being lazy is a recipe for poverty(Proverbs). Maybe you should read up on some of that.

Again, you are kind of proving my point... What effect on your life does it have that two gay dudes are having the butt-sex? Or that some Mexican is coming here to do a shitty job you'd never stoop to doing? It doesn't.

As for crime,crime is the result of all the other problems we haven't solved.... poverty, racism, addiction, and of course, the fact that it is way too easy to get a gun in this country. The Europeans have kind of solved those problems (or never had them to start with because they didn't enslave people of color to do the dirty work)

Two guys having sex doesn't directly affect my life. It is, however, damaging to the social fabric of our country. The family unit is disrupted and we all know what damage that can cause.

Move to Europe. All you liberals love it so much. You would be surprised to find it isn't all your masters have made it out to be, particularly the socialized medicine nirvana the left continues to push.

Meh, guy, I used to vote Republican... Then I realized that the social issues I used to get upset about were there to fool me.

RIDDLE ME THIS, BATMAN!!! Why is it abortion never gets banned, but the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts? Because the abortion issue was never about "Saving the babies". It was about getting stupid religious people upset so they vote against their own economic interests. The absolute last thing they would want is to actually ban abortion, have it fail miserably and then never be brought up again.

Do brainwashed liberals fall for the continued drum beat of racism in this country? That is a ploy by the Democratic Party to get votes. They have to continue feeding the beast to make sure they lock up the votes. It has worked on you. You seem to have more white guilt than anyone should have to bear. It is almost as if you have some demons deep down you are trying to excise by voting for the crazy left. Voting for them, takes away some of your guilt. I don't have that problem because I don't have any demons to excise regarding race. I know for an absolute fact that I don't judge people based on gender or race. My conscious is clear.

BTW, the entire rich tax cut thing is so bogus. The super rich(Democrats) have teams of CPAs to offset most income. The working "rich", of which I evidently am, pay more than their fair share and have many IRS restrictions that keep them from getting further ahead.

CHeck your privilege.

Don't give me that crap. I didn't get to where I am for being white. That is insulting. I worked many hours when I was younger. When others were leaving the office at 5:00 as if they were hourly workers punching a clock, I was there until I finished my work for the day, many times late into the night. I am salaried but have certain responsibilities. If it takes more than 8 hours to meet those responsibilities, so be it. I accepted the job and the pay that goes along with it and understand what needs to be done. If I don't like it, I can quit and find another job. If my employer isn't satisfied with my work, they can let me go. That is the real world in the US.

I was having a discussion with my racist as shit brother, who blurted out these young black kids break the law because they don't have fathers and don't respect authority.

That isn't a racist statement. That is a factual statement. Statiscally speaking kids growing up in a fatherless househould are more likely to turn to crime and drugs. Black kids are more likely to be in that situation, ergo, more black kids turn to crime and drugs. That is not a racist statement. Just facts you don't like. The question is how do we fix it. Well, common sense should tell us that maybe getting back to family values and having father's in the home would be a good start. The left doesn't like hearing this solution because this would mean requiring some personal responsibility, though it is clearly the most viable and certainly a good starting place.

The poor black lady who lied about her address to get her kid into a less dangerous school got five years in prison, the rich white lady who bribed a university to get her underachieving daughter into better college got 11 days.

Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain got rehab for their addiction problems, poor black folks get prison.

I could go on and on... but you get the idea. Or maybe you don't because you are in denial.

Yeah, I get the idea. Maybe you don't. Cindy McCain, Lori Laughlin and Rush Limbaugh range from very wealthy to ultra wealthy. Did that every cross your mind? I kind of doubt it because everything is seen through the lens of racism with leftists. Right or wrong, wealth does afford certain advantages in life. That can be said in ANY country in the world. I can assure you that Lebron James, Oprah Winfrey or Jay-Z wouldn't have the same legal issues as you and me. It isn't a white privilege thing. That is a complete con-job by the Democrats.
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It's entirely possible that Trump could win again in November. That makes me wonder what our increasing divisions (primarily race & wealth) would look like when he left office in January 2025.

But this poll isn't about predictions. This is about what you want to see (regarding those divisions) America look like in January 2025.

To expand on the poll questions:
  1. I don't care. I'd have my taxes lowered, my gun rights intact, and we'd have a very conservative Supreme Court in place to control abortion, immigration, and other issues. PLUS, there would probably be a lot more violence from the Left in response, which would help us in the 2024 elections.
  2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering. I hope that by that time, enough people will have been marginalized, and demographics will have continued to change enough, that the American people are finally able to say "enough is enough" to this ugliness.
  3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess. Between the selfish, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism, and the PC - Identity Politics - Cancel Culture bullshit that is keeping people away from the Democrats, some reasonable voices will finally find significant traction.

Please feel free to go into detail. Your vote will not be visible.
Your poll is a ridiculous parody
Why is that, exactly?
Since you were afraid to ask what would things look like if Biden won I will bring it up.
I asked a specific question.

If you're afraid to answer it, if you want change the subject, that's on you.

I wish those who are afraid to answer clear questions wouldn't try to derail the thread. You could just start a similar thread.
Funny you seem to be the one that is afraid of the US not changing to your view
The country is changing whether I like it or not. The question will be how we manage the change.

If you don't want to answer the question, don't answer the question.
You were not really seriously asking a question, you were just in for a little Trump bashing to help the dementia party and their candidate.
And yet several have voted for the first option, and have supported those words with their own.

So you're just wrong. You have been conditioned to be defensive and paranoid, and you're providing an example of that.

I do hope you voted for #4! I was even accurate with THAT one.
Since you were afraid to ask what would things look like if Biden won I will bring it up.
I asked a specific question.

If you're afraid to answer it, if you want change the subject, that's on you.

I wish those who are afraid to answer clear questions wouldn't try to derail the thread. You could just start a similar thread.
Funny you seem to be the one that is afraid of the US not changing to your view
The country is changing whether I like it or not. The question will be how we manage the change.

If you don't want to answer the question, don't answer the question.
You were not really seriously asking a question, you were just in for a little Trump bashing to help the dementia party and their candidate.
And yet several have voted for the first option, and have supported those words with their own.

So you're just wrong. You have been conditioned to be defensive and paranoid, and you're providing an example of that.

I do hope you voted for #4! I was even accurate with THAT one.
Just can’t bring yourself to admit that you only posted it to bash Trump can you?
I love how you think you can understand me, shows you are so scared.
We have more economic mobility for those that want it and are willing to work for it. BTW, just because some dude spews some liberal pro-European anti-US mumbo jumbo on Wikipedia doesn't make it true. He is simply pulling the wool over your eyes, which is really easy to do with left-wingers.

Here's an article from Forbes that says the same thing.

There is a reason people immigrate to this country. It is because of unprecedented economic opportunity.

They aren't coming here from Western Europe, they are coming from dirt poor third world countries, and you freak the fuck out when they move into your Trailer Park.

You know this deep down, but are too stubborn to admit fault with your liberal ideas. Like many who have turned from God, you worship your ideology(liberalism).

What I know deep down is what I say... and it has nothing to do with your imaginary sky fairy. The economy gets better for the working class when Democrats are in charge, it gets worse when Republicans are in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Just as I become defensive when someone denounces God, Liberals become very defensive when any portion of their liberal ideals are challenged. I get the outrage, but it still doesn't negate the fact your ideology is destroying the US.

Really? Because honestly, I had it pretty good when Obama left. Things were actually pretty good when Clinton left, but I used to be one of you Wingnuts who screamed, "But he had sex with an intern!!!" Well, Bush-43 didn't have sex with interns, but he brought us wars, recessions and failed responses to disasters.

You do not understand the bible. Jesus never said (all) rich people are going to hell. The predominate theme is that you can't serve 2 masters. Clearly, you can be wealthy and still be a Christian. The bible does warn that being lazy is a recipe for poverty(Proverbs). Maybe you should read up on some of that.

I'm missing the part where Jesus called for tax cuts for rich people. Of course, most working people aren't lazy. Heck, most people on welfare have jobs, just not jobs that pay very well.

Two guys having sex doesn't directly affect my life. It is, however, damaging to the social fabric of our country. The family unit is disrupted and we all know what damage that can cause.

Bullshit. I know white trash straight couples who have the parenting skills of feral wolves. I know gay couples who are great parents... this is crap, based on your homophobia.

Move to Europe. All you liberals love it so much. You would be surprised to find it isn't all your masters have made it out to be, particularly the socialized medicine nirvana the left continues to push.

Says Cleetus who probably doesn't even have a passport.

Do brainwashed liberals fall for the continued drum beat of racism in this country? That is a ploy by the Democratic Party to get votes. They have to continue feeding the beast to make sure they lock up the votes. It has worked on you. You seem to have more white guilt than anyone should have to bear. It is almost as if you have some demons deep down you are trying to excise by voting for the crazy left. Voting for them, takes away some of your guilt. I don't have that problem because I don't have any demons to excise regarding race. I know for an absolute fact that I don't judge people based on gender or race. My conscious is clear.

You don't have a fucking conscience. Also, you are missing who used race to get votes. It was NIXON who employed the Southern Strategy to pick up all those Southern voters who left the Democratic Party after they kicked Geo. Wallace out. It was Ronnie Raygun who talked about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks". It was Geo. Bush who told people that "Willie Horton" was coming to get them all!!!!

To his Credit, Dubya tried to reach out to minorities, but man, you rednecks were having none of that shit.

BTW, the entire rich tax cut thing is so bogus. The super rich(Democrats) have teams of CPAs to offset most income. The working "rich", of which I evidently am, pay more than their fair share and have many IRS restrictions that keep them from getting further ahead.

You missed my point on tax cuts.. The Super Rich (Republicans) got most of the Benefits of the Bush and Trump Tax giveaways... but abortion never, ever gets banned... why do you think that is?

Don't give me that crap. I didn't get to where I am for being white.

Again, man, check your privilege... Being white means you were more likely to be selected for a job. It means your boss, who was probably white, was more likely to favor you with opportunities.

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