POLL: Trump's America, 2025

What would America look like in 2025 after another Trump term?

  • 1. I don't care. I know my taxes would be lower, my gun rights would be intact, and we'd...

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • 2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering.

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • 3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 4. I don't want to answer. I just want to bitch about Mac. Again.

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • 5. Pineapple cheesecake bars. Yum.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
Meanwhile the GOP will be anxious to look to the future and see that catering solely to white men is not a winning, long-term strategy.

Pure ignorance.


that is a bit unfair...

GOP primary base is shrinking, they are loosing Women, College educated, Young... GOP has Old, Non College, Religious and Farmers, all shrinking... Conservatives are supposed to be making a play for Middle Class and Democrats Working Class traditionally... Trump went for the Blue collar workers with promises and dreams, they have not been delivered on.
Trump has used his personality to keep them together but there is leaking. Trump is just not delivering for a lot of these people.

It isn't unfair at all. I responded to a post stating that the GOP was catering only to white men. That is patently false. The media is controlling the narrative in this country and they are very left-leaning. The young and naive have always been Democrats. Women are being sold lies by the left-wing media. College educated are indoctrinated and that is very difficult to overcome. Religious folks are declining in this country, which will ultimately be our downfall.
Interesting that you accuse me of ignorance and then basically say that the GOP has failed to recruit the young and naive, women, and the College educated.

The failure stems from years of indoctrination that is hard to overcome. In the case of the young, they have always been naive...it is the nature of life. I find it hilarious and somewhat sad that educated adults don't quite understand that there is something wrong that they are siding with 16-18 year olds on nearly every political issue.
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As to your link, nobody denies that racism was predominate years ago in America. I might add it was the Democratic Party. Regardless, the fact it existed then doesn't mean this man's great grandchild can't succeed today. That is utterly laughable as their are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against.
We agree that racism was predominate years ago in America and the Dixiecrats supported it. What did the GOP do about it?

We agree that there are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against. How were implemented or supported by the GOP?
So you feel that Trump will be able to provide some healing?
Providing healing is not the job of the POTUS, so no.
Trump's policies will facilitate prosperity, which will further infuriate the hands-out base of the democrat party.
The only healing for the liberals will come from #walkaway.
So you feel that Trump will be able to provide some healing?
Providing healing is not the job of the POTUS, so no.
Trump's policies will facilitate prosperity, which will further infuriate the hands-out base of the democrat party.
The only healing for the liberals will come from #walkaway.
That is a great point. The left doesn't want healing. They need identity and grievance politics like cocaine.
I think the amount of 'healing' is completely up to the left. They are already talking about not accepting election results, and they never really accepted the last election's results. Their antics have been quite destructive. They need to chill the heck out and try to win races with ideas and policies instead of the bizarre hissy fits of the last 4 years.
The failure stems from years of indoctrination that is hard to overcome.
Let me paraphrase: The GOP has been unable to make a viable case that they support groups other than white males.

That isn't paraphrasing, that is misquoting. I guess you can't help yourself. Your side is so accustomed to doing so with Trump, it just comes natural now.

It is not that the GOP hasn't been able to make a viable case. They have made a viable case. Everyone gets the same treatment from a policy standpoint. How is that for equal? The problem is the Democrats don't want equal, they want special treatment for certain groups. Therein lies the issue.
It's Freedom vs government rule. The worthless leftist traitors not only want government rule - they need it. They simply don't have the common sense to think and do for themselves. These braindead communists will always divide this country - no matter if Trump wins or not.
What freedoms do you think tRump is giving you?
Politicians don't give you freedom dumbass. They take it.
So... None, then?

Good to know.
The failure stems from years of indoctrination that is hard to overcome.
Let me paraphrase: The GOP has been unable to make a viable case that they support groups other than white males.
That isn't paraphrasing, that is misquoting. I guess you can't help yourself. Your side is so accustomed to doing so with Trump, it just comes natural now.

It is not that the GOP hasn't been able to make a viable case. They have made a viable case. Everyone gets the same treatment from a policy standpoint. How is that for equal? The problem is the Democrats don't want equal, they want special treatment for certain groups. Therein lies the issue.
I'm not sure I'd agree the GOP's case is 'viable' if they can't convince a majority of people to adopt it. Let me try to paraphrase again: Sure your family has been screwed over for 200 years but we promise to stop, just don't expect any apology or compensation for your loss.
As to your link, nobody denies that racism was predominate years ago in America. I might add it was the Democratic Party. Regardless, the fact it existed then doesn't mean this man's great grandchild can't succeed today. That is utterly laughable as their are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against.
We agree that racism was predominate years ago in America and the Dixiecrats supported it. What did the GOP do about it?

We agree that there are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against. How were implemented or supported by the GOP?

So we agree there are programs that give minorities a leg up. For the sake of argument, let's say the Democrats implemented ALL of these programs. Now the questions is, why are we still making excuses with these programs in place? I can tell you why. There will never be enough special treatment to satisfy the left because personal responsibility is not part of their platform. Reparations are now on the table. Even if we gave reparations there would be another thing and then another thing because, just like with children, eventually an adult has to put their foot down. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats, not so much. In addition, their failures are always somebody else's fault. Case in point, the Democratic mayors are blaming Trump for the disorder in their cities. Why aren't Republican run cities having the same problem? Isn't Trump their President too? You don't think there are BLM folks in Republican run cities? Do they not get the same news as everybody else? What is the excuse...there has to be one, there always is.
It's Freedom vs government rule. The worthless leftist traitors not only want government rule - they need it. They simply don't have the common sense to think and do for themselves. These braindead communists will always divide this country - no matter if Trump wins or not.
What freedoms do you think tRump is giving you?
Private healthcare options, the right to protect yourselves and your families, religious expression, free speech, the American Dream where any person can make themselves into whatever they want instead of just a government dependent. After listing all that, it is obvious that is the freedom offered in the traditional view of America and American Life, which the left abhors and wishes to replace by heavy handed government dominance. Trump is offering people a chance to live their own lives, and not be subjects of power hungry people like Pelosi and Schiff.
Wow have you got that backwards.
As to your link, nobody denies that racism was predominate years ago in America. I might add it was the Democratic Party. Regardless, the fact it existed then doesn't mean this man's great grandchild can't succeed today. That is utterly laughable as their are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against.
We agree that racism was predominate years ago in America and the Dixiecrats supported it. What did the GOP do about it?

We agree that there are numerous programs that actually give minorities a leg up vs being discriminated against. How were implemented or supported by the GOP?

So we agree there are programs that give minorities a leg up. For the sake of argument, let's say the Democrats implemented ALL of these programs. Now the questions is, why are we still making excuses with these programs in place? I can tell you why. There will never be enough special treatment to satisfy the left because personal responsibility is not part of their platform. Reparations are now on the table. Even if we gave reparations there would be another thing and then another thing because, just like with children, eventually an adult has to put their foot down. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats, not so much. In addition, their failures are always somebody else's fault. Case in point, the Democratic mayors are blaming Trump for the disorder in their cities. Why aren't Republican run cities having the same problem? Isn't Trump their President too? You don't think there are BLM folks in Republican run cities? Do they not get the same news as everybody else? What is the excuse...there has to be one, there always is.
I'm not sure who is making excuses and for what? Reparations have always been on the table (they were first proposed by the GOP) and many of the (Dem) programs to add Blacks are really just non-cash, reparations. As for 'never enough', you're right. Give Blacks financial help and then they turn around and protest getting shot by police. Some people are just never satisfied I guess.
Since you were afraid to ask what would things look like if Biden won I will bring it up.
I asked a specific question.

If you're afraid to answer it, if you want change the subject, that's on you.

I wish those who are afraid to answer clear questions wouldn't try to derail the thread. You could just start a similar thread.
Funny you seem to be the one that is afraid of the US not changing to your view
It's entirely possible that Trump could win again in November. That makes me wonder what our increasing divisions (primarily race & wealth) would look like when he left office in January 2025.

But this poll isn't about predictions. This is about what you want to see (regarding those divisions) America look like in January 2025.

To expand on the poll questions:
  1. I don't care. I'd have my taxes lowered, my gun rights intact, and we'd have a very conservative Supreme Court in place to control abortion, immigration, and other issues. PLUS, there would probably be a lot more violence from the Left in response, which would help us in the 2024 elections.
  2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering. I hope that by that time, enough people will have been marginalized, and demographics will have continued to change enough, that the American people are finally able to say "enough is enough" to this ugliness.
  3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess. Between the selfish, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism, and the PC - Identity Politics - Cancel Culture bullshit that is keeping people away from the Democrats, some reasonable voices will finally find significant traction.

Please feel free to go into detail. Your vote will not be visible.
He is running for our destruction for his own benefit; Joy Reid on Trump: ‘America has no king, America needs no king’
Since you were afraid to ask what would things look like if Biden won I will bring it up.
I asked a specific question.

If you're afraid to answer it, if you want change the subject, that's on you.

I wish those who are afraid to answer clear questions wouldn't try to derail the thread. You could just start a similar thread.
Funny you seem to be the one that is afraid of the US not changing to your view
The country is changing whether I like it or not. The question will be how we manage the change.

If you don't want to answer the question, don't answer the question.
It's entirely possible that Trump could win again in November. That makes me wonder what our increasing divisions (primarily race & wealth) would look like when he left office in January 2025.

But this poll isn't about predictions. This is about what you want to see (regarding those divisions) America look like in January 2025.

To expand on the poll questions:
  1. I don't care. I'd have my taxes lowered, my gun rights intact, and we'd have a very conservative Supreme Court in place to control abortion, immigration, and other issues. PLUS, there would probably be a lot more violence from the Left in response, which would help us in the 2024 elections.
  2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering. I hope that by that time, enough people will have been marginalized, and demographics will have continued to change enough, that the American people are finally able to say "enough is enough" to this ugliness.
  3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess. Between the selfish, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism, and the PC - Identity Politics - Cancel Culture bullshit that is keeping people away from the Democrats, some reasonable voices will finally find significant traction.

Please feel free to go into detail. Your vote will not be visible.
You don't reward children for their misbehavior
I'm not going to be coerced by a bunch of leftists terrorists, it time past time to put these son's a bitched down they start rioting shoot to kill.
It's entirely possible that Trump could win again in November. That makes me wonder what our increasing divisions (primarily race & wealth) would look like when he left office in January 2025.

But this poll isn't about predictions. This is about what you want to see (regarding those divisions) America look like in January 2025.

To expand on the poll questions:
  1. I don't care. I'd have my taxes lowered, my gun rights intact, and we'd have a very conservative Supreme Court in place to control abortion, immigration, and other issues. PLUS, there would probably be a lot more violence from the Left in response, which would help us in the 2024 elections.
  2. America would be even more divided and angry, with even more people suffering. I hope that by that time, enough people will have been marginalized, and demographics will have continued to change enough, that the American people are finally able to say "enough is enough" to this ugliness.
  3. The divisions may get so bad that we'll see a strong move towards the middle of this mess. Between the selfish, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism, and the PC - Identity Politics - Cancel Culture bullshit that is keeping people away from the Democrats, some reasonable voices will finally find significant traction.

Please feel free to go into detail. Your vote will not be visible.
He is running for our destruction for his own benefit; Joy Reid on Trump: ‘America has no king, America needs no king’
horse shit you dumb son of a bitch you leftists will be held accountable for your terrorist actions
America will.be better for at least 30 years keeping 2 left wing lunatic supreme court judges off the bench.
These programs that were supposedly made to "aid us blacks" benefitted whites more. Whites have benefitted more from Affirmative action and whites have always been the majority of welfare and other federal assistance.

As for 4 more years of trump, that will destroy this country. Other countries have controlled this pandemic but we can't. And if you think trump is capable of rebuilding an economy he didn't create in the first place, you might want to think differently. There were 2 pandemics during Obama but the economy continued to grow. So think about that as you keep telling yourselves how trump will rebuild the economy once we get rid of COVID19.
It isn't unfair at all. I responded to a post stating that the GOP was catering only to white men. That is patently false. The media is controlling the narrative in this country and they are very left-leaning. The young and naive have always been Democrats. Women are being sold lies by the left-wing media. College educated are indoctrinated and that is very difficult to overcome. Religious folks are declining in this country, which will ultimately be our downfall.

In short, if people are educated and give up bronze age superstitions, you guys can't get your way anymore.

Here's the problem with GOP politics... If you take out all the race and religion BULLSHIT, and ONLY ran on your economic platform, who the fuck would vote for you?

Not the 40% at the bottom who have less than 1% of the wealth and need government programs to survive. probably not the middle 20% who only control 4% of the wealth. The next to top 20% control 8% of the wealth, but they have no real interest in the Rich Getting Richer while everyone else gets poorer.

So, yeah, MAYBE the top 20% have an interest voting for the Goons of Plutocracy.

The reality- the GOP only exists because it plays on the racial, sexual and religious fears of white people. And this works because it's easier to kick down than to punch up, if you are an angry person. Trump is just the last, toxic form of this misdirected anger. Hate the gays, hate the minorities, hate the uppity feminist... don't hate the rich whose greed is causing most of your misery.
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